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There do seem to be a lot of ‘disclosure type’ events going on right now…


September 28, 2010

There do seem to be a lot of ‘disclosure type’ events going on right now…

This article seems to be more data along the lines of Stewart Swerdlow’s revelation regarding the new visitors in the vicinity of the Kyper Belt and the info from one of our whistle blowers that substantiated this as well.

Although no clear cut picture is forthcoming… something seems to be afoot. I do know that Richard Hoagland seemed convinced recently when we talked that a disclosure event was imminent this September. Considering there are only a few days left in the month things may be heating up…

We did spot some ufos while visiting Sedona… just high level fly-byes… nothing unusual but nevertheless, they were there in the skies above us.

Disclosure Event Press Conference on CNN:


September 27,2010

Disclosure Event Press Conference on CNN :

There was brief report from U.S. military witnesses on CNN today...Click Here to watch! This report was part of a Press Conference organized by Robert Salas per my blog post of September 19th below and reposted here for convenience:

Press Conference – hosted by Robert Salas and Robert Hastings

I encourage you to spread the word regarding an upcoming UFO-Nukes Connection Press Conference scheduled for September 27th at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.

According to the press release, “Former military men say UFOs have monitored and sometimes tampered with our nuclear weapons.”

Hosted by Robert Hastings and Robert Salas

I interviewed Robert Salas before the inception of Project Camelot and found him to be an excellent witness and truth teller about his experiences with the shut down of minutemen missles back in the 60s. Highly recommended.
Go to: www.ufohastings.com

Los Angeles Event: Michael Tellinger & Kerry Cassidy at The Granada Forum


September 26, 2010

Los Angeles Event : Michael Tellinger & Kerry Cassidy at The Granada Forum

I am now back in LA from Sedona. We had a successful event there with a very tuned-in crowd. Nice to see the level of awareness but than, of course, it’s Sedona 🙂

Michael Tellinger and I are speaking again at the Granada Forum this Thursday… Sept 30th:

11110 Victory Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91606
7:30 PM
Tickets $10 at the door

Recent Article by Tim Rifat on British HAARP in Cyprus


September 19, 2010

Recent Article by Tim Rifat on British Haarp in Cyprus

The following was sent to me by a longtime Camelot supporter. This is an excellent article by Tim Rifat, a talented researcher and magician.


Photo of Cyprus array – undisclosed source:


Upcoming book by Rich Dolan and Bryce Zabel : Life after Contact…

Rich Dolan is an old friend and his upcoming book seems to dovetail with the growing movement in the direction of Disclosure. Judging from his previous work, this will no doubt be a careful and considered overview of the whole dilemma involved in understanding what the world after disclosure of the ET presence would look like…

Click here to purchase this ground breaking book in advance.

Press Conference – hosted by Robert Salas and Robert Hastings

I encourage you to spread the word regarding an upcoming UFO-Nukes Connection Press Conference scheduled for September 27th at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.

According to the press release, “Former military men say UFOs have monitored and sometimes 
tampered with our nuclear weapons.”

Hosted by Robert Hastings and Robert Salas

I interviewed Robert Salas before the inception of Project Camelot and found him to be an excellent witness and truth teller about his experiences with the shut down of minutemen missles back in the 60s. Highly recommended.

I will be traveling to Sedona next week and speaking along with Michael Tellinger at the Sedona Creative Life Center


September 18, 2010

I will be traveling to Sedona next week and speaking along with Michael Tellinger at the Sedona Creative Life Center… Click here to register in advance.

Meanwhile, during my recent radio show with Rebecca jernigan and Dr. John Waterman we discussed the programs underway for creating Humanity 2.0 and the secret space program. This was prompted in part by recent information coming to me via downloads about what I would call Angelic Humans vs. Robotic Superman. There is an objective to the secrecy on this planet and hidden genetic engineering going on and the inclusion of robotics to create a sort of ‘superman’.

Simultaneously, there is a chance to enhance ones own powers by raising ones vibration through meditation and clearing of karmic debt that will ultimately result in full awareness or enlightenment and a return to our roots as Angelic Humans.

CLICK HERE to register to receive my Newsletter


BP Oil Spill and the Triple Threat


September 8, 2010

BP Oil Spill and the Triple Threat


This video is excellent information regarding the real purpose behind the BP Oil spill and what’s really going on in the gulf. I have “seen” the Stargate Complex (Atlantean ruins) mentioned in this video and posted that on my blog back when it first happened. These are Atlantean ruins being purposely covered by the oil. The blood pentagram, leyline and nano bot organism are all accurate.

According to a source this nano organism is thriving on the oil and morphing into a more complex intelligent organism in record time.

Solar Roadways


September 7, 2010

Solar Roadways

A great idea… at least until we have flying cars.


***Solar Roadways is currently a top contender for the $200M GE Ecomagination contest. Please vote for them at http://www.solarroadways.com/vote.shtml , and help turn this prototype into reality!***
The Solar Roadways project is working to pave roads with solar panels that you can drive on. Co-founder Scott Brusaw has made some major steps forward since our first visit back in 2007, so we visited him again earlier this year for an exclusive update on the project, including the first ever video recorded of the Solar Roadways prototype! For more information visit http://www.solarroadways.com

Thank you to Serena for sending this idea along to Camelot.

Link on my August 27th blog item was not working


September 5, 2010

Several people wrote that the link on my August 27th blog item was not working regarding the recent Chinese ufo info… so here it is again… click here for the link.

Wilma Subra – Environmental Crusader Investigates Effects of the BP Oil Spill


September 3, 2010

Wilma Subra – Environmental Crusader Investigates Effects of the BP Oil Spill

This video is an excellent report on Wilma Subra and her investigation into the BP Oil Spill, health effects and environmental impact of this ongoing toxic spill. Sent to me by a Camelot supporter who wrote “…She is not unlike Erin Brokovich in her legal pursuit of companies whose pollution damages people and the environment.”

Well said.

Camelot Kerry Cassidy Live in Sedona


Kerry Cassidy : Live in Sedona – On the trail of the Anunnaki| MP3 | MP4

Back in September 2010 I spoke in Sedona, Arizona with Michael Tellinger. Each of us spoke for around 2 hours. This presentation outlines the work of Project Camelot and the direction I feel things are going including my take on the real agenda of the Illuminati and the alternative: Angelic Humans or Robotic Superman? We decide which trajectory we want to become our future.

Kerry Cassidy
November 2010