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Wikileaks Documents – questions remain


November 9, 2010

Wikileaks Documents – questions remain


Livestream Conference on Nov 11

On November 11, 2010 I will be joining the Alienshift conference over Livestream from 10am PST to noon. Please go here to listen.

Alienshift Peace Conference: 9AM-10AM PST VIP Guest, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan, Live Stream VIA SKYPE Video: Global Peace discussion with Saeed David Farman Founder of New Hope for Humanity

10AM -12 PM PST Round table discussion of Sentient ones on current affairs and Global Peace:

Speakers: Saeed David Farman (Moderator), Kerry Cassidy, DR, Bill Deagle MD, John Jay Harper, Laura Eisenhower, Jay Weidner, Neil Gaur & Brad Johnson.

Missile launched off the Calif Coast north of Catalina & Fulford warns re possible nuke on San Andreas fault could trigger EQ


November 9, 2010 – Update

Missle launched off the Calif Coast north of Catalina & Fulford warns re possible nuke on San Andreas fault could trigger EQ

We heard about the missile being launched yesterday afternoon… What is really going on is anyone’s guess. The Navyis not talking except to act like they haven’t a clue. Vandenburg airforce base is nearby and they launch satellites into orbit periodically from there I hear. Here’s a video of the missle.

And in a not necessarily unrelated event Benjamin Fulford announces that a nuke is set up to trigger the San Andreas fault somewhere near Southern Calfiornia. Click here for his announcement.

This morning I saw 4 WWI planes that look like this flying north along the coast north of Zuma. Not sure if they are in a time warp or related to the missle launch. We also saw a large military helicopter troop carrier headed south along the coast. But that is not so unusual these days.

The trouble is, that wild announcements have been made by many parties and in the past, nothing happened, or at least nothing of the magnitufe predicted. It remains to be seen if this is an idle threat or a reality of some kind.

Personally I do not see this happening at this time. At some point the San Andreas will go off in the Southern California area (where i live)… I have “seen” it. I just don’t get that it’s right now.

As far as the missle is concerned, I haven’t heard anything yet that reveals what is going on there. Feel free to contact me if you think you know what’s up with that or any of the above.

email: kerry@projectcamelotportal.com

***from an undisclosed source I got the following message:

So first there is the Fulford thing, then a PULSE goes THROUGH THE ENTIRE PLANETcausing 3.5 tremors WORLD-WIDE. About a week ago a NUKE EXPLODED in an underground silo in INDIA. OBAMA shows up in INDIA with a bunch of WAR SHIPS, then someone fires a MISSiILE [..north of Catalina…]. THEN, they launch an X-37 shuttle out of Area 51 and another space shuttle out of LUKE AFB in AZ. All about the same time!

I call some INSIDER TYPES and they lose their mind …about how there is a LEAK and this needs to be CONTAINED and all this info CANNOT BE LET OUT!!

(Some details removed to protect the source)


Corexit: Open Letter re the Gulf – help needed!


November 7, 2010

Corexit : Open Letter re the Gulf – help needed!



Here’s the live link of the statement by Lord Blackheath….

I don’t see what the problem is… tell them to send it over to Obama. The Americans need it much worse than the British!

The following amazing story was sent to us by one of our amazing volunteers – it sounds mad but may actually be real!


November 6, 2010

The following amazing story was sent to us by one of our amazing volunteers. It sounds mad but may actually be real!

Did someone just try to buy the British government?

Link to the blog of Charlie (Charles Stross) click here

Regardless whether it’s true or not, this sentence from Lord Blackheath is really wonderful:

…”But I remember that at about the same time as those transfers were being made the noble Lord, Lord Myners [former Labour Treasury Minister], was indulging in his game of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic of the British banking community.”



November 5, 2010

The show was great with Barbara Lamb… I encourage you to listen!

CAMELOT RADIO SHOW TODAY WITH BARBARA LAMB STARTS AT 12 NOON PACIFIC TIME!!…Because our radio network is in Europe and they changed their clocks!! Sorry for the confusion. Next week, our show resumes at 11am. My Guest is Barbara Lamb — psychotherapist re Abductions.

Alternate Realities & Possible Futures


November 4, 2010

Alternate Realities & Possible Futures

For those of you who have the interest, I recommend Courtney Brown’s video remote viewing experiiment on future probabilities. The future is not pre-determined but the timelines vary We live in multiple realities.

Current Releases

Today’s Release – Kerry Live in Sedona – Tomorrow – Graham Hancock video interview… more to come!

Hopi: New Constitution threatens their way of life


November 2, 2010

Hopi: New Constitution threatens their way of life

Your help is needed. Please go to the following link to support the Hopi and protect their way of life. Seethis blog post by Miriam Delicado outlining what is at stake.

New Reality Transmission

I received the folllowing from a Source. I encourage you to go to this site, and click on Learn more… follow the line of reasoning. This is where we are going if we choose…


On 11-11, 2010, one million people across the globe will mentally project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species… a new reality. The very real physics that connect human consciousness with molecular structure will be harnessed en masse during the largest scale simultaneous manifestation transmission in recorded history. Together we can visualize a better world to live in for ourselves and our children. Join us in a group meditation for the betterment of mankind.

This is a most awesome project that so many of us came to the planet right now to do…holding a specific vision for 11 minutes. Seems pretty simple but is extremely powerful! Even if you cannot do this everyday, any time you can help is immensely helpful. If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about or maybe participate in, click on the link below and click on the LEARN MORE button. Mark your calendars for 11/11/10 at 11:11 pm EST.
Much gratitude, love and light………From a Source

New Reality Transmission

Methane Hydrate & BP?


October 31, 2010

Methane Hydrate & BP?

From an unnamed source:

“BP is METHANE HYDRATE MINING in the Gulf of Mexico. Methane Hydrate is explosive. Methane Hydrate Crystals can resemble smoking lava rocks…if they land on anything, they can burn…extremely flammable. bp is mining the Gulf of Mexico sea floor. During mining they strip the floor and create dead zones to all sea life, coral life. Methane also sucks the oxygen out of the water…perhaps reason for all of the fish kills washing ashore. Large Methane measures can also sink boats/ships. bp is not only doing their methane hydrate mining in the Gulf of Mexico but up and down East Coast of US and all over the world. Possible reason for bp spraying millions of gallons of corexit and other chemicals over the Gulf of Mexico is to keep the “fire explosion possibility” low. METHANE HYDRATE is the “new” energy source. bp and gov’t has not been telling us the truth. Plz spread the word and study “Methane Hydrate”. PEACE”

UFO Highway – Book by Anthony Sanchez

We are currently reviewing this new book by Anthony Sanchez and plan to interview him very soon. In the meantime, please support his work and go here to purchase his ebook. Although the information is not verifiable at this time, I encourage you to review the testimony provided by his whistleblower, the Colonel, and decide for yourself what resonates and what does not.



October 30, 2010


This morning I talked with Dr. Bill Deagle to get an update from him based on his sources and his own investigations as to the effects of the coming Solar Flare expected on Sunday October 31st and in the beginning of November, what might be an M-Class Solar flare or CME that could interfere with or even take down satellite communication on various points around the planet. We also covered the potential for a war and the financial system and how downgrading the dollar may result in a one-world government.CLICK HERE TO LISTEN


Anyone who is a proficient Livestream user please contact me at kerry@projectcamelot.org to help me figure out how to do procasts etc.

Additionally, any local video editers (Los Angeles area) who want to help with editing my recent videos and have the time to devote please also contact me.

Thanks very much!

Today’s radio show with George Green and Graham Hancock


October 29, 2010 – Updated

Today’s radio show with George Green and Graham Hancock

The audio will be available shortly. Today’s show was fascinating and even mind expanding.

For those who wish to help. Please go to the link below to support the cause of a shaman wrongly arrested on his way to perform a ceremony….

“October 19th, while en route to leading traditional Ayahuasca ceremonies in Oregon, indigenous Colombian healer Juan Agreda Chindoy was detained in the Houston International Airport. He was formally arrested by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) for possession of his traditional medicine Ayahuasca. He is now being charged as a federal criminal and is facing up to 20 years in federal prison. “

Free Taita Juan! Go to this website for more info…

Quantum Jumping

The key to thriving during these times of earth changes, financial meltdowns and other challenges is inevitably using meditation to access new insights, skills and more… Today’s CAMELOT RADIO show will feature GRAHAM HANCOCK who I recently interviewed (currently editing). He is a fascinating author and researcher into the nature of consciousness and ancient civilizations. I found the following link on his site that may be useful to some who have not already made ample use of meditation to access the higher mind…

camelot radio

Aptly named Quantum Jumping is the wave of the present and the future. Where do you gain true knowledge in a world where dumbing down is fast becoming the norm? From going within.

Listen Live to Camelot Radio today… Click the logo to listen.