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An Update with Dr. Bill Deagle re Missile off CA & TSA Scanners…


November 17, 2010

An Update with Dr. Bill Deagle re Missile off CA & TSA Scanners..

Click here to listen to the mp3 of my conversation this morning with Dr. Bill Deagle where we discuss the psyops being played on the American public, the possible scenarios behind the Missile off the California coast, TSA scanners and what else they may be up to.

Stop Codex – Vote today contact your Senators

Send emails/phone your senators to prevent the passage of this bill that will affect food freedom.

Click here to send a message to your senator…VOTE NO CLOTURE ON S.510!

Dead drop using USB : cyber freedom

This is a fun idea. One can imagine more clandestine methods will also proliferate if the net ever goes down or is over-regulated.

Click here for the Youtube video

Cloaking Events in Time?

You gotta love this. I would suggest that Clif High can certainly use this as an out considering his web bot predictions don’t seem to have played out at least to the degree anticipated. (No shock and awe forthcoming)… This technology for cloaking events in a space-time invisibility cloak is said to still be decades away. But as we at Camelot know, if it’s even talked about in the public sector it’s a virtual given that they are already using it on the black projects side of things. So the event aniticpated from Nov 5th to the 14th can be attributed to something hidden in space time. No problem. Perhaps the real story behind the Missile launched off the California coast is one such event.

Click here for the CNN article

John Urwin – false flag event


November 16, 2010

John Urwin : false flag event

John Urwin was a member of a very special ops team out of the UK back in the ’60s. He was involved in highly covert operations that even to this day are not known. He writes about this in his fascinating book entitled, “The Sixteen”. Click here to listen to my interview with John back in May 2010. John will also be my guest this Fridayat 11am PST on Whistleblower Radio.

I asked him his thoughts on the White Hat Report (see below) and what he thought was going on. This is his reply:

November 15, 2010

“The way I see this, with information I’m receiving, there’s another false flag about to take place. I haven’t got the intelligence services working for me, therefoer I can only guess and this is the way I see it.

The Chinese don’t have to worry about anything, they are in full control of the economic situation. They hold all the cards.

All they got to do is sit back and watch.

Watch the West commit suicide. It’s the elite, who realize that they are losing control. Therefore they must act now. So prepare for the worst. Lets hope I’m wrong. ” (posted with John Urwin’s permission)

John’s website:  http://www.ucsdefence.com/

ICBM from China – ‘shot across the bow’


November 15, 2010

ICBM from China – ‘shot across the bow’

The consensus seems to be that the Missle shot off the coast of California came from a submarine and the sources all seem to be saying China. Indications are it was a test warning in regard to the currency war that we are in. The UFO (some are saying it was a helicopter)…that was seen nearby (click here to see original footage) may have been already there… patroling the area and cloaked as they often are. And it was one of ours. The idea being they were monitoring the launch.


Paul LaViolette interviewed tonight 6pm PST by Dr. Kashonia Carnegie

From Paul:

Tonight, November 15th 6pm Los Angeles time 9pm NY time – Paul will be interviewed by Dr Kashonia Carnegie, the founder of RaisingLoveConsciousness.com, on her free teleseminar/webcast.

“…I’ll be talking about a range of topics of interest to so many at this time including superwaves, the Fermi bubbles, and the newly discovered “young black hole” announced in today’s NASA press conference.

Again, the interview is free to listen to. Just go to www.RaisingLoveConsciousness.comand fill in the form at the top of the page for the teleseminar/webcast details and also the future free interviews which Kashonia presents every other week.

If you can’t make the teleseminar live, still sign up because a free replay is available to listen to for 7 days after the broadcast date. “

For Paul’s websites:


The Starburst Foundation Website where you can make donations




UFO near California Missile


November 14, 2010

UFO near California Missile

Assuming this video is real, the ufo filmed here indicates something either being monitored or shot at… As far as predictions go, this event (and the missile launched in Phoenix) seem the most likely trigger events for whatever is coming that Clif High’s web bot indicated.


Aung San Suu Kyi Released from House Arrest in Burma


November 14, 2010

Aung San Suu Kyi Released from House Arrest in Burma

This is great news. This brave woman won the Nobel Peace prize in 1991. She has been an advocate for free speech and dedicated her life to peace and a free Burma.

Click here for NY Times article

Earthquakes off the coast of Yemen

A Camelot supporter sent me the alert — thank you. This may indicate some underwater stimulus or other anomolous happenings with the Aden stargate.

Click here for the link

and from another supporter here’s another link

TSA Body Scanner Backlash


For the record I asked to opt out from one of the scanners and got treated like I was suddenly a ‘suspect’ with the pat down, luggage also got opened and searched… The more this movement grows the better.

White Hat Report from — A Source — first Communique


November 13, 2010

White Hat Report from — A Source — first Communique

“America is breaking apart with the Varmints in Politics and the Fed. Cabal.
The Chicago 7 need highlighting. The article I sent you linking in O is the start.
Next week will be interesting.
Eds case will open up Congress with McCain and the new Speaker.
The Sunday Times are now tracking it. Beck is tracking it via Fox.
Be sure the C Teflon twosome are waiting to strike like 2 Rattlers.
Snr in the background will be angling.
Its all a mess. Where does it all end?

Snr has more planes heading to Singapore in attempts to hide the money again. Its way overdue time Interpol got this guy by his cohonnes.

A major scandal is about to break on O linking to Chicago and the Chicago 7. Really bad! O is lost!
The question is, will he even make it to 2012.

The Clinton’s are lining up a succession move for Hillary. A stalker candidate first, just to start the ball rolling , so she can swoop in for her country to save the day. Duplicity, but with an electorate as stupid and ignorant as this it works.

The WH is in deep panic.The game is up and all know it. No one realized just how shallow a candidate they were taking on. He is completely unprepared for the task in hand. All see now and know it. The media can only cover it up so long.

Look to Chicago as all routes link there. Ask about the Chicago 7 and how many scandals there are and how O is connected. Once you have that, you see the dilemma.

The new Congressional Leadership will open it all up. Scandal after scandal. Read through the files with an open mind. Then start to research the Chicago 7.

The White Powder routes and bought men. Where the money goes. Who’s on which payroll. Dirty play and dirt everywhere. Remember, no ones elected or appointed into a key role if he’s not owned or dirty. It’s how the system works. All monkeys dancing to the Organ Grinders orders. Read and think?

How dirty is it? Well, this is the problem- If hes impeached, the bribed VP is beyond dirty and the next key Candidate also owned and way, way, way beyond dirty. It’s appalling for the world to have such low moral characters in control of Global policies. The party itself is lost if it cracks now…”

All that we hope the world is about to hear is from our guys … all over the world. You just saw the most embarrassing example of a President of the United States not only falling on his face but having not one ounce of integrity, and more importantly, credibility. Yes, I am talking about the G20.

O’boy has all of his teams running all around the world looking for cash … thats why he was in India. The arabs and the east has totally shut him down … no money to borrow. Why? Well, O’boy, the teflons and Geitner all promoted China more than a year ago for a loan in the amount of $850 Billion to assist the U.S. with our issues at that immediate time. In order to secure the Loan, our officials provided Treasuries in the amount of $850 Billion.

Now for the interesting past, our leaders not only refused the pay the obligation when the note became due but, and watch this, it’s the important part, THE TREASURIES WERE UNREGISTERED AND NOT VALID. THIS IS NOT AN OOPS … IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE AN OOPS. Everyone get it.

Now, the world knows that the United states can’t paid it’s obligations and has resorted to ruining it’s reputation in the international community by the commission of fraudulent acts by it’s leaders.

Now, let me tell you about the international community, at the G20 in South Korea, our boy OB1 just got his Presidential ass kicked. They turned their backs on him … how do you verify it … READ THIS NEWS AND LOOK BEHIND WHAT THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS PUT OUT THERE. There is no, I repeat NO!, trade war going on … why because the smart ones don’t want it. THE CHINESE ARE VERY SMART AND UNDERSTAND GLOBAL ECONOMIES. WAKE UP FOLKS!

Ed is someone that the Bush’s stole money out of his accounts. Then the Bush’s traded the funds in the FIAT market and made billions… and never gave his funds back to him … this is exactly like the Laureatus/Tropos funds … 2.7 trillion USD, the funds hit Wachovia bank than never made it to the account … they just went poof into mid air, but we have tracked the funds through the system and guess who’s touched it … yep, everyone you have read about.

If I had a million line item document, these items would account for only five OF THE SMALLER ITEMS. Yes, folks, when I said we have a room full of these with the supporting documents … you can bet you life we do … and hopefully we can play the game as well as they can.

Fortunately for us, they have stepped so far over the line with their shear arrogance, they have made our job easy.


Let me give you facts of our work and if numbers mean anything to you, let me provide a partial list of who backs us in our endeavors:

… The heads of 70 countries;
… The finance ministers and all of their counterparts of those countries:
… The Queen of England;
… The security agencies i.e. MI-5, MI-6, MI-9, CIA, Pentagon, DOD, NSA, Joint Chiefs of Staff;
… The banking industry worldwide;
… The Federal Reserve, the good guys;
… The Black Caucas, 40% of the democratic vote;
… A majority of the House of Representatives;
… A majority of the Senate;
… A vast majority of the Administration;
… and the list goes on!

Many of us have fought for the last year to have this completed and here is the toll between us and them.

On our immediate side:

… We have no casualties!

On the middle side:

… Christopher Story lost his life!

Added note: Christopher Story is alive according to our sources but in hiding. -KC

On their side:

… Over 100 “arrests” worldwide;

… Lock down of over 100T of illegal “fiat” funds;

… Identification of approximately more than 500T worth of accounts that qualify;

… Charting of the persons and financial systems that have been utilized in the frauds;

… Collection of 10’s of thousands of documents that indict former Presidents of the United States on both sides of the Republican/Democrat squabble including payments to Biden, Geitner, Emmanuel and many high level politicians that you elected to government to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America;

… We have extracted information and collected all of the necessary information to impeach Obama for bribery, taking payoffs and other indictable issues;

… We have reams of documents and information that would indict all of the past Presidents and, in one case, a wife;

… We have survived numerous death threats but yet, we are determined to not quiver, even for a moment in time;

… We have bankers, lawyers, politicians (meaning the ones we don’t have in the Senate and congress due to their payoffs)in multiple countries;

… We have all of the direct intel of the flight that left on September 4, of this year, with the six people on board and we have the minute by minute agenda of the seven week itinerary including the results of that trip and the effects on this country;

… Joe Biden is directly implicated in all of this as a direct participant including all of the payoffs he has received from a former President;

… Raum Emmanuel left office as we got to him and he spilled his guts, ever wonder why he wasn’t around for the two months prior to his leaving office, including all of the payoffs he has received from a former President;

… Tim Geitner has wanted out for a while now but will not be released from duty as he has asked to be by tendering his resignation and having it rejected, including all of the payoffs from a former President;.

… We have all of the details of the trip Mrs. O took to Spain and the Banker/bank she did a transaction with;

… We have the finest of our top operatives going from country to country following the “Obama trail”;

… We have all of the ties to the Chicago group which is currently lightly bantered about;

… We have sexual preferences and the secret lifestyle certain of our elected officials live(but that’s old news);

… Full disclosure packets with evidentiary materials have been delivered to the major News media outlets in the country.

Shall I continue or do I need to tell more?

Let me continue:

Some of you think Glenn Beck is off his rocker. I ask you very seriously … have you watched the series on Soros … this is Obama’s supporter, friend, confidant and counselor. It is as accurate as anyone can get … Beck and his staff are RIGHT ON TARGET. In actuality, BECK HAS HUGE TESTICALS. He is greatly disturbing the “other side” by shedding light on the methods of how each adversary is attempting to quell the minds of people … look at what Soros has done in other countries, to other peoples. I beg you to not believe what I or anyone else says … CHECK IT OUT YOURSELF! Whether you think it’s true or not, whether you think that I am a rable rouser … it’s your patoots on the line, your freedom on the line and, more important, you children’s future of life and liberty on the line.”[end of report] From an undisclosed source

Hugh Newman – Earth Grids


Hugh Newman : Earth Grids| mp3 | mov

On my recent trip to Egypt with Carmen Boulter and group, I ran into Hugh Newman, who was there a day or two early for his trip with Robert Bauval. We had a brief chance to chat while on the plateau behind the Great Pyarmid. He is the author of “Earth Grids: The Secret Patterns of Gaia’s Sacred Sites”. In addition, he organises the Megalithomania Conferences in Glastonbury www.megalithomania.co.uk, and in March of 2011 is co-hosting Megolithomania in South Africa with Michael Tellinger. Check out the Megolithomania site for more information on Hugh and the conferences.

Our talk covers his recent research into the Earth grids and his growing interest in the role that water plays in conducting the energy through the various vortexes created in sacred places.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
November 2010


Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones says Missile was fired from Chinese Submarine


November 12, 2010 – Update

Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones says Missile was Fired from Chinese Submarine

Youtube link here

CHANDRA – Nasa Announcement coming Monday

This announcement is “…to discuss the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s discovery of an exceptional object in our cosmic neighborhood.” Click here.

Today’s Radio show with Scott Stevens: weatherwars.info

Highly recommended. We talk about weather modification, what’s coming, the use of the ether by the secret gov to modify weather, chemtrails and Ormus and the higher self and the changes


Paul LaViolette on MSNBC re superwave

From a source:

Subject: MSNBC of Paul LaViolette regarding galactic superwaves and the Fermi bubble discovery

Dear All,

Here is a link to view the MSNBC interview of Dr. LaViolette appearing today on the MSNBC site. He discusses the Fermi bubble discovery and how it may be understood in the context of the galactic superwave theory.



If you haven’t seen our Camelot interview with Paul LaViolette I encourage you to click here

Livestream Conference today – listen live


November 11, 2010

Livestream Conference today – listen live

Today I will be joining the Alienshift conference over Livestream from 10am PST to noon. Please go here to listen.

Alienshift Peace Conference: 9AM-10AM PST VIP Guest, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan, Live Stream VIA SKYPE Video: Global Peace discussion with Saeed David Farman Founder of New Hope for Humanity

10AM -12 PM PST Round table discussion of Sentient ones on current affairs and Global Peace:

Speakers: Saeed David Farman (Moderator), Kerry Cassidy, DR, Bill Deagle MD, John Jay Harper, Laura Eisenhower, Jay Weidner, Neil Gaur & Brad Johnson.


Missle off the California Coast.. another perspective

This woman claims that the Pleiadians were involved. I have no other indication that this is correct. However, the idea that the missle may be aimed at a ufo is not impossible.

click here for the video

Government vs. Secret Government

The recent missle incidents and multiple other so-called unexplained incidents are most likely part of adon’t look, don’t tell agreement between what people know of as the militar-industrial complex or surface government and the secret government. The secret gov is vaster, better financed and far exceeds the surface gov in its power and reach.

Keep this in mind when you hear a news reporter state that the military has no idea about any missle launch and that they didn’t have anything to do with it…

Sign internet petition against Blacklist bill

Here’s the link. This new bill before Congress has insidious consequences for net freedom.

UFO disrupts traffic – somewhere on Hwy 5


November 10, 2010

UFO disrupts traffic – somewhere on Hwy 5

This is an interesting video report — youtube link.

Re Missile Firing – 2 possible explanations

We have 2 responses that apparently relate to this incident.

1. From George Ur’s website http://urbansurvival.com/week.htm

2. From a source who is ex-Air Force and says the following:

I live in [removed–along the coast] and saw the missile, not a con trail as the gov would have you think…. I am USAF vet and was stationed at vandenberg afb and have seen many launches of satilites and intercontinental ballistic missiles, from minutemans, peacekeepers and tridents… This was some thing like a trident.. sub launched.. can tell by the flight path… Im thinking it was China sending a message about QE2!!!