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Filmmaker speaks out on BP and contaminated seafood


December 3, 2010 – Updated

Filmmaker speaks out on BP and contaminated seafood

Steve Baldwin’s statement:

Excerpt: “There is a danger lurking at your office Holiday Party, at your favorite restaurant and even at your dinner table… you can’t see it, you can’t taste it, but propylene glycol and sub-surface oil, have tainted Gulf shrimp and, likely, other seafood. “ — click here to read more…


Project Camelot contacts Julian Assange for interview

According to the folllowing Independent article they are planning to arrest Julian Assange of Wikileaks who is wanted in Sweden for sexual allegations. I have tried to get in touch with Julian to do an interview and offered to meet him anywhere in order to do so.

I have also offered in the past as well as now any assistance to Julian and Wikileaks with the release of documents or information. I do not know whether my request has gotten through. Anyone who is reading this who has connections to Julian please make him aware of our willingness to assist and/or interview him anytime.

From an article on SBS.com.au:

“Assange also said some of the diplomatic memos obtained by the whistleblowing website contain references to UFOs, although he did not give further details.

“It is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the ‘cablegate’ archive there are indeed references to UFOs,” he wrote when asked if any of the documents he had received referred to extraterrestrial life.”click here for the article

Wikileaks Resurfaces

Wikileaks resurfed somwhere in Switzerland

And FYI… for another recent article on what’s coming out in the cables...click here

No need for TSA scanners…


December 2, 2010

No need for TSA scanners…

Click here to watch this informative video.

“We’ve got the FBI and the US military stating
unequivocally that when it matters to them, 
they go with bomb-sniffing dogs, NOT bogus
electronics or public humiliation of random 
travelers.” –Brasscheck TV

Please share.

The Law Of The Wild says kill only when you are hungry!


Note: the following amazing photos demonstrate that the Camelot Cheetah in our logo is not only ferocious, but gentle and wise!!


The Law Of The Wild says kill only when you are hungry!

Photographer Michel Denis-Huot, who captured these amazing pictures on safari in Kenya 's Masai Mara in October last year, said he was astounded by what he saw:

"These three brothers (cheetahs) have been living together since they left their mother at about 18 months old,' he said. 'On the morning we saw them, they seemed not to be hungry, walking quickly but stopping sometimes to play together. 'At one point, they met a group of impala who ran away. But one youngster was not quick enough and the brothers caught it easily'."

These extraordinary scenes followed.





and then they just walked away without hurting him……….

SENT to us by a Camelot Supporter.



December 1, 2010


My guest: Sean David Morton click here to LISTEN

This was an awesome show. Archived show available soon!

Strange Cloud Over Sacramento, California

This is a really interesting photo… click here for the article. Looks like a vortex…maybe a cloaked ufo.

Go to archived pages above right-hand side for prior months….

I couldn’t help it



Date: 29 November 2010 
To: kerry@projectcamelotportal.com
Subject: Statement

Dear Kerry,
I couldn't help it – just had to write you an e-mail expressing this. Hopefully you will publish it on your website.

It is overdue time we averages put our heads out. We are in billions, and the elite only in thousands – so if they want to decapitate us all, we will notice (ref. Georgia Guidestones). If the elite must start decapitating us one by one we will roar and fight, talons and razorsharpened beaks, and they will simply not have the time to do it. I realize thats why other metods also will be used – and have been used for at least a couple of decades.

Most of us have in the last ten years on some collective level understood a kind of modus operandi has been going on in a bigger plot against us, and a bigger number of us has clearly grasped it the few last years. We have eyes – we can see. There is a scandinavian saying "Can't see the forest because the trees are obscuring the view". Well, we've had time to study the trees and do actually realize we are in the forest.

I believe we averages may very well only be a nuicance to the elite, but our intellectual and spiritual swords are battleready. If they do believe otherwise – we allready have the upper hand! 
We are not afraid anymore and tired of beeing underestimated and supressed. 
We do not appreciate lies!

We do not want wars
We do not want bloodspilling of any sort
We do not want to be sheepled and controlled
We do not want you to ruin the beauty of our planet
We do not want materialistic overload to keep us ignorantly busy
We do not want our food and water poisoned and derived of nutrients
We do not want our skies chemically "enhanced"
We do not want medicaments to keep us ill for profit

We do not want our environment surrounded with harmful electromagnetic pollution
We do not want to be set up against eachother for mere minor disagreements about religion
No thank you – we do not take the deal (and we are behind the wheel by the way)

What we all want is the truth and to live satisfied with the diversity of our brothers and sisters and do what we enjoy the most. So just do it!

Disclose all seecrets and give back what belongs to us – free energy & peace. It's really that very simple.
If the elite doesn't want to join what we're born to be – go elsewhere like Mercury. Blast your underground holes there and fraternize with the not so benevolent E.Ts there if they let you. No problem – then we forgive you!
We all deny you your futile efforts to make your backwards visions come to fruition.





November 29, 2010



James Black the “incident commander in charge of cleanup” for BP died in a crash with 2 other people in a small plane that went down flying from Florida to Texa on Tuesday, November 23. Thanks to a Camelot supporter I just learned about this. I’m sorry but this is just too much of a coincidence. What did he know and why was he killed. Anyone reading this who might want to give me some info please contact me.

11/28/2010 – Wikileaks Releases Cables – NY Times Article – Much ado about nothing?


November 28, 2010

Wikileaks Releases Cables – NY Times Article – Much ado about nothing?

Today in the NY Times they give a short overview of the various cables, their subjects, the type of disclosures they contain and the sensitivities involved. The Times writes the following about the levels of secrecy:

"…Many are unclassified, and none are marked “top secret,” the government’s most secure communications status. But some 11,000 are classified “secret,” 9,000 are labeled “noforn,” shorthand for material considered too delicate to be shared with any foreign government, and 4,000 are designated both secret and noforn."

But reading through the short litany of information provided does not reveal anything of great interest or groundbreaking consequence. This is the trouble. Whether this is a slective revealing by the NY Times in order to satisfy the public curriosity of such a spectacle by throwing scraps to the dogs, or whether the actual cables contain anything of real value remains to be seen. What is clear is that the NY Times article would have the reader believe that nothing much is revealed that isn't already plentifully available in the media. The Times sums it all up with the following statement:

"They depict the Obama administration struggling to sort out which Pakistanis are trustworthy partners against Al Qaeda, adding Australians who have disappeared in the Middle East to terrorist watch lists, and assessing whether a lurking rickshaw driver in Lahore, Pakistan, was awaiting fares or conducting surveillance of the road to the American Consulate.

They show American officials managing relations with a China on the rise and a Russia retreating from democracy. They document years of painstaking effort to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon — and of worry about a possible Israeli strike on Iran with the same goal."

There is nothing in that summation that isn't exactly what the U.S. government would have the public know… in fact it treads the partyline so closely that the whole exercise becomes suspect. One wonders whether this is not all an exercise of the Tavistock institute in 'disclosure' in order to test the ground to see how revelaing of truth really plays in the public. Revealing what appears to be the conducting of business behind closed doors is all too mundane and predictable. This is suspect. What I would like to know is if anything of note gets revealed by this exercise or not. In the end, whether the NY Times is doing a good scrubbing and spinning of the cables or whether the cables themselves are just run-of-the mill communiques between underlings and of no real value other than for useful color in dramatising diplomacy for the masses. Letting them rest at home knowing their government is really in the business of making the world 'safe for democracy' while Rome burns is the question. At the moment the jury is still out but the winds of change are not blowing with much vigor.

Why does any of this matter? Because we are in a time when secrets WILL be revealed… The watering down and the spin is where the mind control of the masses comes in. But regardless, when you hear a real truth it will strike fear into the hearts of the perpetrators and bring light into the eyes of the knowers. This is what we work on bringing forth and this is what they cannot avoid or obfuscate forever. The real truth will out… And when it does it will rock the world.


Last night I saw INISDE JOB at the Laemmle Theater in Santa Monica with a few friends. It is a very well done documentary, carefully crafted and well shot. What it does well is cover the housing bubble and reveal at least the top level of the Wall Street Bankers who were instrumental in the current financial meltdown that is all around us. However, where it does not go is to look above what are in essence the middle-managers of this debacle. The filmmakers have never been to Project Camelot that much is clear. Their frame of reference is very mainstream albeit slightly left of center. They have no idea that this whole meltdown could be orchestrated from above the level of the President. And this is worrisome.

They also, have, in using clearly very willing IMF spokespeople, managed to make it appear as though the greed and corporate malfeasance is all on the part of America's Wall Street and in doing so make the IMF the 'good guys' when nothing could be farther from the truth. What they don't tell you is that the whole housing crash was a carefully crafted house of cards that played upon the greed of the upper middle managers such as the heads of the investment banks and the regulators, and government officials and especially "the financial sector". The greed factor was a certainty that the real manipulators, (those with clearances way above that of the President) and the ETs they are working with, knew exactly what they were doing when they targeted the one item that Americans hold most dear 'the opportunity to own your own home'. The manipulators or controllers from a level much higher than the group targeted as being 'at fault' in this film, have gamed ou,t with their Cray computers the one cornerstone that would bring the Republic down… The housing bubble was a game of bait and switch in which the bait was thrown out there in the form of predatory loans that the gullible and needy masses readily leapt at, with the help of greedy and knowing members of the mortgage industry, bankers and investment bankers who played their roles to a "T".

The game of bait and switch was also played with Iceland. By bringing them into the world of big deal finance, the bait was cast (encouraging deregulation, allowing international companies to establish mecca's on their shores) and then letting the greed take over, where, in the financial sector, making more money for its own sake is always the objective. The outcome being a complete crash of the economy of Iceland and the eventual basic vulnerability of their economy, forcing them to come to heel at the boot of the UK in order for the crumbs of a bail-out to make life bearable. This is also a well known tactic of the IMF. They do it in Africa all the time.

That the U.S., Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Greece and now Ireland should fall for this scheme is no surprise. But make no mistake. It is a plan. And it has to do with taking down the powerful, the entrenched the intractable.. and making them needy and vulnerable. Then the controllers step in and offer the buy-out, the bail-out or whatever financial band aide that will keep them at heel and coming back for more. Ask yourself where this is all going? One World Government. It is simply the consolidation of an overall agenda that the PTB with above top secret need to know, have been rolling out slowly and methodically.

Don't get me wrong. Cudos to Charles Ferguson for his efforts to reveal at least some level of the culpability involved in the takedown of the U.S. This is a valiant effort. But it is shortsighted and inevitably flawed because among other things.. he didn't dare go higher.

And in focusing on Wall Street and the banksters he also makes some grievous errors, when he makes it look as though China were not in on the deal.. I don't mean the factory worker I mean the governments of China, Singapore, Australia, Germany and so on. They are all culpable and knew exactly what they were dealing with when they opted in and built their own economies on the backs of the American financial rainmakers… It was money for nothing. And they, the ones at the top knew that eventually the house of cards would fall and their peoples, would fall with it. And they are continuing to fall even now. And it is not over yet. Contrary to the final statement by the filmmakers (narrated by the ever talented and graceful Matt Damon), we are not "recovering slowly"… We will not recover. This is a controlled demolition and the building is not completely demolished yet. There is more economic bad news coming.

So what do we have as a result of all of this? You have a large sector of the U.S. population now in desperate circumstances… a reduced middle class with rampant unemployment and homelessness. You have a global population that is more fluid, less tied down, not out of choice but out of necessity. They are more vulnerable to disease and more easily corralled into say, boxcars and FEMA camps should the 'opportunity' arise… Let's say, a convenient earth change, tsunami or just a bad storm come to call. And this, is what the Georgia Guidestones are all about. And of course, you have, as in the time of the rise of Hitler, a people more willing to let go of a few freedoms if their children can be fed and their houses can be heated. It's all leading somewhere.

Now, for myself, I see an opportunity horizon in this morass of bad tidings. The destruction of safe insulation for the middle classes between them and the cold also holds within it the seeds of a new and better way of life. This is where gaining all knowledge becomes vital to the awareness that begins to awaken when the safety of the prison of conformity no longer holds any allure. Taking the change head-on and moving into another way of being becomes possible. For example, as healthcare becomes an impossibility natural medicine and holistic remedies come to the fore. The things that really matter stand out in full relief and the toys and preoccupations of isolation become things of the past.

Our future is there to be created by all of us. Amidst this destruction is an opportunity to unite and rebuild with more grace and more understanding toward that which nurtures and that which creates greater abundance that comes from a higher knowing. This is the real challenge before us. And the destruction of that which is of no use, is moving apace. Out of complacency can come rebellion and revolution.

Recommended viewing. It's a start.

Wikileaks Releases Cables – NY Times Article – Much ado about nothing?


November 28, 2010

Wikileaks Releases Cables – NY Times Article – Much ado about nothing?

Today in the NY Times they give a short overview of the various cables, their subjects, the type of disclosures they contain and the sensitivities involved. The Times writes the following about the levels of secrecy:

“…Many are unclassified, and none are marked “top secret,” the government’s most secure communications status. But some 11,000 are classified “secret,” 9,000 are labeled “noforn,” shorthand for material considered too delicate to be shared with any foreign government, and 4,000 are designated both secret and noforn.”

But reading through the short litany of information provided does not reveal anything of great interest or groundbreaking consequence. This is the trouble. Whether this is a slective revealing by the NY Times in order to satisfy the public curriosity of such a spectacle by throwing scraps to the dogs, or whether the actual cables contain anything of real value remains to be seen. What is clear is that the NY Times article would have the reader believe that nothing much is revealed that isn’t already plentifully available in the media. The Times sums it all up with the following statement:

“They depict the Obama administration struggling to sort out which Pakistanis are trustworthy partners against Al Qaeda, adding Australians who have disappeared in the Middle East to terrorist watch lists, and assessing whether a lurking rickshaw driver in Lahore, Pakistan, was awaiting fares or conducting surveillance of the road to the American Consulate.

They show American officials managing relations with a China on the rise and a Russia retreating from democracy. They document years of painstaking effort to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon — and of worry about a possible Israeli strike on Iran with the same goal.”

There is nothing in that summation that isn’t exactly what the U.S. government would have the public know… in fact it treads the partyline so closely that the whole exercise becomes suspect. One wonders whether this is not all an exercise of the Tavistock institute in ‘disclosure’ in order to test the ground to see how revelaing of truth really plays in the public. Revealing what appears to be the conducting of business behind closed doors is all too mundane and predictable. This is suspect. What I would like to know is if anything of note gets revealed by this exercise or not. In the end, whether the NY Times is doing a good scrubbing and spinning of the cables or whether the cables themselves are just run-of-the mill communiques between underlings and of no real value other than for useful color in dramatising diplomacy for the masses. Letting them rest at home knowing their government is really in the business of making the world ‘safe for democracy’ while Rome burns is the question. At the moment the jury is still out but the winds of change are not blowing with much vigor.

Why does any of this matter? Because we are in a time when secrets WILL be revealed… The watering down and the spin is where the mind control of the masses comes in. But regardless, when you hear a real truth it will strike fear into the hearts of the perpetrators and bring light into the eyes of the knowers. This is what we work on bringing forth and this is what they cannot avoid or obfuscate forever. The real truth will out… And when it does it will rock the world.


Last night I saw INISDE JOB at the Laemmle Theater in Santa Monica with a few friends. It is a very well done documentary, carefully crafted and well shot. What it does well is cover the housing bubble and reveal at least the top level of the Wall Street Bankers who were instrumental in the current financial meltdown that is all around us. However, where it does not go is to look above what are in essence the middle-managers of this debacle. The filmmakers have never been to Project Camelot that much is clear. Their frame of reference is very mainstream albeit slightly left of center. They have no idea that this whole meltdown could be orchestrated from above the level of the President. And this is worrisome.

They also, have, in using clearly very willing IMF spokespeople, managed to make it appear as though the greed and corporate malfeasance is all on the part of America’s Wall Street and in doing so make the IMF the ‘good guys’ when nothing could be farther from the truth. What they don’t tell you is that the whole housing crash was a carefully crafted house of cards that played upon the greed of the upper middle managers such as the heads of the investment banks and the regulators, and government officials and especially “the financial sector”. The greed factor was a certainty that the real manipulators, (those with clearances way above that of the President) and the ETs they are working with, knew exactly what they were doing when they targeted the one item that Americans hold most dear ‘the opportunity to own your own home’. The manipulators or controllers from a level much higher than the group targeted as being ‘at fault’ in this film, have gamed ou,t with their Cray computers the one cornerstone that would bring the Republic down… The housing bubble was a game of bait and switch in which the bait was thrown out there in the form of predatory loans that the gullible and needy masses readily leapt at, with the help of greedy and knowing members of the mortgage industry, bankers and investment bankers who played their roles to a “T”.

The game of bait and switch was also played with Iceland. By bringing them into the world of big deal finance, the bait was cast (encouraging deregulation, allowing international companies to establish mecca’s on their shores) and then letting the greed take over, where, in the financial sector, making more money for its own sake is always the objective. The outcome being a complete crash of the economy of Iceland and the eventual basic vulnerability of their economy, forcing them to come to heel at the boot of the UK in order for the crumbs of a bail-out to make life bearable. This is also a well known tactic of the IMF. They do it in Africa all the time.

That the U.S., Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Greece and now Ireland should fall for this scheme is no surprise. But make no mistake. It is a plan. And it has to do with taking down the powerful, the entrenched the intractable.. and making them needy and vulnerable. Then the controllers step in and offer the buy-out, the bail-out or whatever financial band aide that will keep them at heel and coming back for more. Ask yourself where this is all going? One World Government. It is simply the consolidation of an overall agenda that the PTB with above top secret need to know, have been rolling out slowly and methodically.

Don’t get me wrong. Cudos to Charles Ferguson for his efforts to reveal at least some level of the culpability involved in the takedown of the U.S. This is a valiant effort. But it is shortsighted and inevitably flawed because among other things.. he didn’t dare go higher.

And in focusing on Wall Street and the banksters he also makes some grievous errors, when he makes it look as though China were not in on the deal.. I don’t mean the factory worker I mean the governments of China, Singapore, Australia, Germany and so on. They are all culpable and knew exactly what they were dealing with when they opted in and built their own economies on the backs of the American financial rainmakers… It was money for nothing. And they, the ones at the top knew that eventually the house of cards would fall and their peoples, would fall with it. And they are continuing to fall even now. And it is not over yet. Contrary to the final statement by the filmmakers (narrated by the ever talented and graceful Matt Damon), we are not “recovering slowly”… We will not recover. This is a controlled demolition and the building is not completely demolished yet. There is more economic bad news coming.

So what do we have as a result of all of this? You have a large sector of the U.S. population now in desperate circumstances… a reduced middle class with rampant unemployment and homelessness. You have a global population that is more fluid, less tied down, not out of choice but out of necessity. They are more vulnerable to disease and more easily corralled into say, boxcars and FEMA camps should the ‘opportunity’ arise… Let’s say, a convenient earth change, tsunami or just a bad storm come to call. And this, is what the Georgia Guidestones are all about. And of course, you have, as in the time of the rise of Hitler, a people more willing to let go of a few freedoms if their children can be fed and their houses can be heated. It’s all leading somewhere.

Now, for myself, I see an opportunity horizon in this morass of bad tidings. The destruction of safe insulation for the middle classes between them and the cold also holds within it the seeds of a new and better way of life. This is where gaining all knowledge becomes vital to the awareness that begins to awaken when the safety of the prison of conformity no longer holds any allure. Taking the change head-on and moving into another way of being becomes possible. For example, as healthcare becomes an impossibility natural medicine and holistic remedies come to the fore. The things that really matter stand out in full relief and the toys and preoccupations of isolation become things of the past.

Our future is there to be created by all of us. Amidst this destruction is an opportunity to unite and rebuild with more grace and more understanding toward that which nurtures and that which creates greater abundance that comes from a higher knowing. This is the real challenge before us. And the destruction of that which is of no use, is moving apace. Out of complacency can come rebellion and revolution.

Recommended viewing. It’s a start.

Today’s radio show


November 26, 2010

Today’s radio show

I highly encourage those reading this to tune in to today’s radio show at 11AM PST. I will be talking to Nigel Kerner the author of the book Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls.

Click here to listen

The Queen and some White Hats

The following question came in from a reader and I am reposting it here along with my reply for those who may be wondering the same thing.

On Nov 26, 2010, [removed] wrote:

“Kerry,the first of the two white hat reports stated that amongst the listed people backing this group is none other than queen Elizabeth. How can this be possible when the British Monarchy are at the centre of the control grid? If it is indeed true then how can this be a good thing? Have I got her wrong?-Please enlighten me. Kind regards.”

My reply:

That is right. It is a strange anomaly but this so-called white hat group and some of our witnesses do say the Queen herself is not as dark a character as painted. This is their belief not mine. Whether this is true I do not know. What I do know is that some of these people have met her and interacted with her and claim to know her real motivations.

This is not so unusual in that some white hats that we have interviewed also think Hilary Clinton is also not as dark as some claim. This again, is not necessarily my view. What matters is understanding that this game is not black and white.

If you don’t mind I will post this question on my blog without your name attached because I am sure other people have the same question.

Best wishes,


On Phil Schneider


November 25, 2010

On Phil Schneider

This summation of Phil Schneider’s work is an excellent reminder of the breadth of his understanding of what we are up against. When you think about the fact that he was talking about this back in and around 1996 you perhaps begin to piece together just how much farther down the rabbit hole our secret government has gone since then. It boggles the mind. Absolutely a must read for anyone who wants to understand where things are really at. Happy thanksgiving America.

Special thanks to the long time Camelot supporter who sent me this.

“Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others. . .they send forth a ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” 
– Robert F. Kennedy

Additional links to Phil Schneider’s work: click here

Jim Humble Hit Piece on BBC with Camelot footage – confirmed

According to a Camelot supporter this did happen. I don’t know whether the interview was done under Project Avalon or Project Camelot but since we were not notified nor did we give permission for use (nor were we paid for it) this is a copyright violation by the BBC of our work.

…”Just to confirm the broadcast that included Bill and Jim Humble:

The piece was aired last night on ‘The One Show’ – the BBC’s flagship early evening daily show. I don’t have viewing figures yet, but it will be in the low millions. The show can be downloaded from the BBC Iplayer website – not sure if this is possible outside the UK.

The report was very one sided as expected, and the lab coated ‘expert’ the BBC touted did little more than make a dose of MMS up, remark how much it smelt of bleach, and recommend people keep well away from it.

A fragment of Bill’s interview with Jim from Youtube was played, showing Bill asking the Jim if MMS cures cancer, and Jim’s reply. A woman who had taken the capsule form of MMS (MMS2), was wheeled out to complain of nausea and smelling of bleach for 24hrs. All in all, it was a typical and predictable piece.” –Camelot supporter

The link to the uk BBC Iplayer website is here:


Note: this does not appear to be accessible within the U.S.