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Bob Dean – My very special guest tonight on American Freedom Radio


December 22, 2010

Bob Dean – My very special guest tonight on American Freedom Radio

Don’t miss this show! TONIGHT Wednesday night 7pm PST to 9pm – a conversation with Bob Dean, the one-man disclosure project…

Go here to watch previous videos with the impeccable former Command Sargeant Robert O. Dean. And go here for more.

EQ Swarms in Japan

For those interested go here.

Fulford public letter to Ron Paul


December 20, 2010

Fulford public letter to Ron Paul

Link here: on Rense 12/18/10

Dear Representative Paul

“My name is Benjamin Fulford. I am a spokesperson for the Black, White and Golden Dragon societies as well as for the Red and the Green. These ancient secret societies have a global command structure, partially visible in your local martial arts societies, that is capable of mobilizing a 100 million person army on very short notice in case of an emergency.

These ancient societies have gone from dormant to semi-active mode because through the successful wiretapping of meetings of your elite, they have learned of plans to start World War 3, kill at least 4 billion people and destroy much of the Northern hemisphere. You may confirm with your Pentagon or CIA sources that this is all very real.

The reason we are writing an open letter to you is to explain why the Federal Reserve -Board needs to be abolished and the global financial architecture needs to be revamped.

The United States government is bankrupt and has been kept running along these past decades by the goodwill of the peoples of the planet. That good will is running out.

Your financial elite have proposed either devaluing the US dollar or carrying out a hidden devaluation by replacing it with a new currency called the Amero. Both proposals have been rejected. The reason is that by far most US dollars ever created are no longer owned by Americans. Many, often poor, people would suffer enormously if these dollars suddenly lost half of their value.

Our groups have proposed an alternative plan. We have offered to pay back all US debt owed to China by returning gold that was stolen from there during the 20th century. In addition, we plan to write off US debt to the rest of the world by taking the US dollars owned by non-Americans, backing them with gold and putting them under the control of a new international meritocratic organization. This organization would never create any fiat currency but merely act as a neutral clearing house for governments, corporations and plutocrats.

The newly debtless United States government would then be free to issue its own government controlled currency. Such a currency would have a lower international purchasing power than the US dollar now has. The result will be that Chinese goods will become more expensive for Americans while US exports will regain their competitiveness. This will allow the US to rebuild its real economy.

However, as the history of the yen and the Plaza Accord show, devaluation alone will not solve the US’s chronic external deficit problem. The US deficit is also a structural problem caused by the fact that the military industrial complex does not produce trade-able goods.

Pentagon officials have also made it clear to us they would rather start a war than end up like Soviet era generals who suddenly found themselves driving taxis.

We therefore propose that the peoples of the world finance a gradual swords-to-plowshares transition of the military industrial complex. According to the American Association of Scientists, over 6,000 patents have been suppressed for “national security reasons.” We believe an expert review of those patents would unearth a high-tech bonanza for the American people and the US economy that would help ease this transition.

We are also proposing the creation of a global economic planning agency. This agency would be run by the motto “we stand between desires and reality.” The organization would try to surpass the sorry records of the World Bank and the IMF by carrying out an intensive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on the course for exponential expansion into the future. There would be no burden placed on the American people and no threat to US sovereignty posed by this organization. Rather it should provide vast new opportunities for American individuals and corporations.

Finally, although this is purely an American domestic issue, we strongly recommend that you confiscate the funds stolen from the American people this past century by amoral, criminal financiers and return them to their rightful owners. Vladimir Putin was able to quintuple Russian living standards when he did a similar thing in Russia.

The final point we wish to make is that the peoples of the world desire peace. The desperate criminal cabal behind the Federal Reserve Board still wields enormous power and is still trying to start World War 3. We would like to request the help of the American peoples in ending this perverse threat to humanity and the planet.”

Sincerely yours,
Benjamin Fulford

PS: If you would like the hear more, contact me through the US embassy in Tokyo.

Benjamin Fulford 090-3439-5558

We had a fascinating conference tonight


December 19, 2010

We had a very fascinating conference tonight. Please be aware if you paid you will receive a copy of the conference with the sound problems edited out. For those who paid and couldn’t get in for one reason or another you will receive the conference via email as well.

This conference will go on sale in the next couple days for the same price as for the live event. We very much want to thank the speakers, audio techs and webmasters for their invaluable help in making this conference happen.

All funds earned will go to support the work of the speakers and to pay the technicians and engineers that made this possible.

Questions or concerns please write to Tommy@projectcamelotportal.com orsteve@projectcamelotportal.com


December 18, 2010



by Kerry Cassidy

The recent incidents surrounding Wikileaks and the emergence of its founder, Julian Assange as a media personality has caught many by surprise. And what I find so interesting is how various people, critics and people who should know better, are spending their time trying to put him in a box, label it and get him out of their consciousness because his valor and originality threaten them in some way.

It’s actually fascinating how those who call themselves leaders in this alternative media landscape, have become so jaded and dispossessed, that they can no longer recognize courage and integrity when it’s staring them right in the face. They only feel powerful when they are naysaying and finding fault. They don’t know how to applaud and support with the love and perception of a comrade in a struggle. That concept has become foreign to them. They are so crippled by their own struggles and failures that they can’t accept that a hero may emerge from their ranks. And so, in spite of the fact that certain of us are working steadily for the betterment of humanity, they can’t see it. They would rather think of ways to prop up the regime of their enemies than to give support or encouragement to those who are fighting the good fight in their name.

What I suggest is that the people out there who can find nothing but fault in every individual and organization that emerges, besides their own, begin to reconsider their perceptions and come to recognize the fog that has invaded their sense of right and wrong, true and false.

Because like it or not, not everything and everyone is on the take. And heroes do and are emerging every day. What one must ask is whether the fact that someone does good deeds or work, that then gets taken and used, abused or twisted by the Controllers… makes them guilty of the same sin. When in reality, the actions of the controllers to implicate, placate, obfuscate and otherwise disinfo and detract from the honesty, integrity and light of a truth teller does nothing to dim the light of that truth. Not really. The actions of good intentioned souls often are misread and go unnoticed by the majority. This doesn’t change the essence of the contribution of the few in any way. The truth is in there. And it will abide. It shines through and all you need to do to see it is remove the dark glasses tinted with despair and bitterness and let the light shine in, to see it for what it really is….


With the coming influx of energies I see a whole new horizon before us. This is a time unlike any other (at least on planet Earth). I believe we are all developing superpowers. And the only way to find out about this is to tap into your own.

Pay attention as you go through your days. Watch when intention opens up and seize the moment for transforming yourself. I think if you let your mind go where it wants to go, without leashing it or reigning it in..you will find you can be smarter, faster, more perceptive, more in every possible way than you were the day before. How is this possible? It is possible because within us and without us is potential and new unrecognized energy streams that are there to facilitate any change we want to make. It’s there now and all you need to do is reflect for a moment on what you want and then with the vision, persistent vision of just that… it will become your reality. And this is something no one is actually telling you.

I have seen it happen to me and for me. And so I know it can and is happening for you too. All you need to do is allow it to happen. And have the imagination and ability to let it emerge.

So this is your challenge. I am putting it out there for you to recognize because someone outside you, is also experiencing this. And I think it’s time we begin to talk about it.

Disclosure Conference coming tomorrow


December 18, 2010

Disclosure Conference coming tomorrow

Thanks to those who are registering in advance. Please note:



The recent incidents surrounding Wikileaks and the emergence of its founder, Julian Assange as a media personality has caught many by surprise. And what I find so interesting is how various people, critics and people who should know better, are spending their time trying to put him in a box, label it and get him out of their consciousness because his valor and originality threaten them in some way.

It’s actually fascinating how those who call themselves leaders in this alternative media landscape, have become so jaded and dispossessed, that they can no longer recognize courage and integrity when it’s staring them right in the face. They only feel powerful when they are naysaying and finding fault. They don’t know how to applaud and support with the love and perception of a comrade in a struggle. That concept has become foreign to them. They are so crippled by their own struggles and failures that they can’t accept that a hero may emerge from their ranks. And so, in spite of the fact that certain of us are working steadily for the betterment of humanity, they can’t see it. They would rather think of ways to prop up the regime of their enemies than to give support or encouragement to those who are fighting the good fight in their name.

What I suggest is that the people out there who can find nothing but fault in every individual and organization that emerges, besides their own, begin to reconsider their perceptions and come to recognize the fog that has invaded their sense of right and wrong, true and false.

Because like it or not, not everything and everyone is on the take. And heroes do and are emerging every day. What one must ask is whether the fact that someone does good deeds or work, that then gets taken and used, abused or twisted by the Controllers… makes them guilty of the same sin. When in reality, the actions of the controllers to implicate, placate, obfuscate and otherwise disinfo and detract from the honesty, integrity and light of a truth teller does nothing to dim the light of that truth. Not really. The actions of good intentioned souls often are misread and go unnoticed by the majority. This doesn’t change the essence of the contribution of the few in any way. The truth is in there. And it will abide. It shines through and all you need to do to see it is remove the dark glasses tinted with despair and bitterness and let the light shine in, to see it for what it really is….


With the coming influx of energies I see a whole new horizon before us. This is a time unlike any other (at least on planet Earth). I believe we are all developing superpowers. And the only way to find out about this is to tap into your own.

Pay attention as you go through your days. Watch when intention opens up and seize the moment for transforming yourself. I think if you let your mind go where it wants to go, without leashing it or reigning it in..you will find you can be smarter, faster, more perceptive, more in every possible way than you were the day before. How is this possible? It is possible because within us and without us is potential and new unrecognized energy streams that are there to facilitate any change we want to make. It’s there now and all you need to do is reflect for a moment on what you want and then with the vision, persistent vision of just that… it will become your reality. And this is something no one is actually telling you.

I have seen it happen to me and for me. And so I know it can and is happening for you too. All you need to do is allow it to happen. And have the imagination and ability to let it emerge.

So this is your challenge. I am putting it out there for you to recognize because someone outside you, is also experiencing this. And I think it’s time we begin to talk about it.

Today at 1:30pm on Camelot Forum: special Q&A for forum members


December 17, 2010

Today at 1:30pm on Camelot Forum : special Q&A for forum members

I will be available on Livestream today for a Q&A with Camelot Forum members and guests. Please go to my livestream channel: Project Camelot Live and watch and ask questions via chat.

Click here to participate

embedded player here FOR justin.tv — we moved sound not working on Livesream

no password recorded




Now this is what I call Christmas music!!

Julian Assange : Post Bail Interviews

Go here to watch.

Dr Jayanath Abeywickrama – Healing with Water


Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama : Healing with Water

Filmed in Cairo, Egypt October 2010 released December 15, 2010 | .mp3

This interview is conducted outside at the hotel where we were staying under moonlight. Unfortunately I had no crew and the sound is very poor. However, the information and the grace and spiritual wisdom that Jayanath brings with him makes it worth the time to listen to him talk about his healings.

PLEASE NOTE: Click on this link for the audio/video enhanced version from a supporter: http://ubuntuone.com/p/U7w/


While traveling in Egypt with Carmen Boulter I met several wonderful people with whom I have a strong bond. One of these people is Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama, a Sri Lankan Aryurvedic healer. Dr. Abey, as I called him, is a lovely soul who has dedicated his life to being a healer. He is also a spiritual seeker and practioner of meditation which he uses in his healing. He has begun to use energetically charged water to heal many diseases with great success.

He has been in contact with Masaru Emoto and will have his healing water tested in the near future. He has healed some very well known people and caught the attention of scientists in Cologne Germany where he has done several presentations.

For further information:

The address of Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama’s centre in Sri Lanka:

Rankema Golden Oasis,

No 546/14/C/1,
Maithree Mw,
Arawwala west,
Sri Lanka,

Tel + 94 771125716
Fax +94 112 840820
E-mail [email protected]
Website www.rankema-ayurveda.com

Note: click on the Deutch language button and then hit translate at the top of the browser for English!



American Freedom Radio my guest is Richard Dolan


December 15, 2010 Update

Tonight on American Freedom Radio my guest is RICH DOLAN :

Author of UFOs and the National Security State Volumes I & II… He’s erudite, quite brilliant and someone who will have a well researched view of rule by secrecy. It will be fascinating to find out his view of the Wikileaks situation and all things ufo…NOTE: I will again be simulcasting using Justin.TV…

Click here to Listen Live 7pm PST to 9pm

or try my Justin.TV channel here or access the embedded page here

New video release : Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama : Healing with Water

Don’t miss this fascinating talk with Dr. Abey… Sri Lankan healer. I apologize in advance for the sound!! On location in Egypt without a crew… click here for more.

James Casbolt – Project IBIS

A few days ago I received a document from James Casbolt and was told that it could now be released. Although it appears to be at least partially already available on at least one site on the net, I am releasing it here per his request due to the importance of the material.

Click here for more…

12/14/2010 – WikiRebels: information warriors


December 14, 2010

WikiRebels : information warriors

These people are heroes in the war for your hearts and minds.

The release of information that has been withheld under cover of secrecy is more of an anit-war statement than any other act I can think of…. Revealing the acts of violence, of torture by governments, of murder under the cover of the operations of war in foreign countries… When actions and words are revealed in their true light and seen for what they are… an act of courage or a cloaked and devious maneuver under cover of darkness.

What is the purpose of secrecy anyway? Ultimately, information withheld gives the withholder power over others… This is the inevitable result. If you want governments or individuals to go to war all you need do is create something secret that one side has over the other and you have the basis for inequity and imbalance leading to suspicion and then possibly, violence.

We have a secret government that has been ruling by SECRECY. This is their forte' their means by which they maintain their edge and the upper hand. What is being released by Wikileaks is the tip of the iceberg. When true disclosure happens.. not by the graceful act of the state by the way…but because courageous individuals come forward as they have in Camelot for the past nearly 5 years.. and tell what they know, then the real freedom of information can redress the imbalance in our society. And the planet and her people can begin to move forward into the next millenium.

The right to know… to discover and to share. This is what growth is all about. The planet is stagnating and writhing under the weight of the few keeping secrets from the many in order to maintain their rule and power over. This is going to change. It is changing. And it cannot be stopped.

To quote Julian Assange "This disclosure is about the truth." — Assange during a press conference shown in Wikileaks: The Documentary

Documentary on Wikileaks


December 14, 2010 – Update

Documentary on Wikileaks

WikiRebels : information warriors

These people are heroes in the war for your hearts and minds.

The release of information that has been withheld under cover of secrecy is more of an anit-war statement than any other act I can think of…. Revealing the acts of violence, of torture by governments, of murder under the cover of the operations of war in foreign countries… When actions and words are revealed in their true light and seen for what they are… an act of courage or a cloaked and devious maneuver under cover of darkness.

What is the purpose of secrecy anyway? Ultimately, information withheld gives the withholder power over others… This is the inevitable result. If you want governments or individuals to go to war all you need do is create something secret that one side has over the other and you have the basis for inequity and imbalance leading to suspicion and then possibly, violence.

We have a secret government that has been ruling by SECRECY. This is their forte’ their means by which they maintain their edge and the upper hand. What is being released by Wikileaks is the tip of the iceberg. When true disclosure happens.. not by the graceful act of the state by the way…but because courageous individuals come forward as they have in Camelot for the past nearly 5 years.. and tell what they know, then the real freedom of information can redress the imbalance in our society. And the planet and her people can begin to move forward into the next millenium.

The right to know… to discover and to share. This is what growth is all about. The planet is stagnating and writhing under the weight of the few keeping secrets from the many in order to maintain their rule and power over. This is going to change. It is changing. And it cannot be stopped.

To quote Julian Assange “This disclosure is about the truth.” — Assange during a press conference shown in Wikileaks: The Documentary

Article on Sun eruption data from August

Two Lockheed-Martin solar physicists, Schrijver & Title announced at a press conference their newly published paper that details their attempts to understand what happened during the “Great Eruption of August 1, 2010.

Click here