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Update on The Rulers of the World: their response to my response


January 4, 2011

Update on The Rulers of the World : their response to my response

Although I have very little information to go on, I have been told via Bill, who was told via Charles that my long response entitled Fighting the Good Fight (see below) has upset some of the group that Charles represents.

It should be noted that everything I said is already in the public domain (for the most part) and has been reported by me elsewhere in presentations and if not by me than by our Camelot witnesses and sources. It would appear that there is some value there.

Regarding a major reshufflng going on within US gov

Apparently things are ‘heating up’ and of course it has to do with the devaluing of the dollar and the move to a One World Currency. Most people will already know the Soros video and statements in this regard so I won’t go into all of that. But I am hearing from various sources that this battle is reaching some crisis level although it’s almost impossible to make sense out of who is moving into power in the US and who is moving out.

One point of view says this shuffling is a drama to allow them to drop the dollar suddenly when they are actually more in favor of a slow drop…. during this year.



January 2, 2011


a review by Kerry Lynn Cassidy from Project Camelot of The Rulers of the World interview by Bill Ryan

May the best 'man' win? Is that where this is at? With the recent interview released by Bill Ryan the questions that arise are many.

According to a Source, 'Charles" is not telling the truth when he says the nuclear option is off the table. They substantiate this by referencing recent nuclear tests by France and clandestine nuclear tests that are likely going on underground in India and elsewhere. It is of course highly desirable that be the case. The shutdown of the minutemen missiles documented by Robert Salas and other recent disclosure witnesses at the National Press Club would seem to support this idea. The trouble is, the data is conflicting.

So what else about what is talked about in the interview with Charles, is questionable, in either the lack of clear information or the obfuscation of the material? The clearest statement seems to be in relation to the threat from GMO foods. The garnering of control over the seeds. But this is old news and well known in the alternative community. Monsanto and other companies have been working hard to push that agenda. The names of these companies are out there. Why the huge resistance and warning against stating the obvious? Of course who controls the seeds and the lack of heritage seeds in circulation obviously narrows the controls over those who produce the crops… And the dumbing down and weakening of immune systems and possibly a multitude of other detrimental effects all point to a very damning conclusion so much so that various European countries have simply banned the use of GMO seeds. Again this is known.

So what is going on here? This man appears to have had an interaction with some kind of AI or possibly mind control to where his original 'program' was modified so that he becomes more an agent provocateur than an outright assassin. Maybe this is just a natural trajectory. It stands to reason that bumping people off and making their lives miserable if they don't toe the line can be a very disheartening way to exist. It might even give one cancer or some incurable disease. Working for the dark side is not good for ones health it would appear.

But from what I know, this person, though it is not revealed on the screen, has gone through a kind of Jason Bourne type of experience… Where his insubordination was punished…yet he survived. From the interview we know that somehow he has managed to convince his handlers that turning him–using him to start a dialog with the 'alternative community' as we are called, is apparently considered a worthwhile exercise or experiment.

And so, he steps forward and does the interview with my partner in Camelot, Bill Ryan. To quote from my recent article called "Wikileaks: The Magus in Deep Black" …"But those behind the scenes in this surveillance society, the ones who call themselves Magus, who manipulate the effects of the truly courageous actions of the bright stars, diamonds in the rough, under their Control, cannot be ignored. It is necessary that we go deeper into the black, what some would call, above black, to discover the real war being fought."

Indeed this is the real question. Unfortunately this recent interview does little to reveal anything more about the Controllers. The info about UFO's being shot down is also old news. No one, at least no one I know, believed they crossed solar systems to crash from mechanical failures! We know they have been shot down. Particle beam weapons, scaler technology, some early radar based, laser technology from Wilhelm Reich… this is all out there. Indeed the truth is out there. Even this witness agrees.

So what about the "laughter surrounding the 2012" issue? How can this remain a joke when in the next breath he talks about the uncontrollable Sun and the sensibleness of establishing an out of the way 'farm' to prepare for what the future may bring. Starvation is clearly part of the agenda… So storing food in underground bases, out of the way of the dreaded solar CMEs doesn't sound funny any longer. And of course this is what governments are also doing. Why is he contradicting himself one wonders. Unless of course one realizes that is the modus operandi for agents. There is obviously a recognition of the need to throw some truth into the mix, such as the binary system (yes we know this) and modular space craft (yes) in with misdirection and flattery.

So what is the flattery involved and what does it mean? Unfortunately, like any good love affair the implication is that Bill 'turned his head' and made him rethink his priorities. Of course as charming as Bill is, this is still too much to believe. And this is one of the glaring problems within the body of the piece. Acknowledged that it is lonely at the top or close to it, especially when one is a lone gunman.. Finding a fine rapport with an individual of good intellect is albeit encouraging and even gratifying. But does it change the agenda?

Bill states "'Charles has explained that the extraterrestrial race who initiated this project are letting everything unfold with a philosophy of non-interference." This is patently untrue. Evidence to the contrary is everywhere. It does not square with Bob Dean's assertion that the Anunnaki are walking the halls of the Pentagon. Presumably doing more than just 'strolling'. Or Wendell Stevens, the laudable researcher who recently passed on, and who, just before he died, said to his good friend, Bob Dean, that there is no doubt that the Anunnaki are ruling this Earth.

And so, we have what Charles is calling the "Fair contest". Sorry there is no fairness involved here. On the contrary. This game is rigged. Very much so. Since the beginning. Rule by secrecy is what they call it.

When Bill told me about his interaction with Charles I asked him to read a rather old and forgotten book but one that made a great impression on me when I was around 12. Yes, I was young and rather adventurous when it came to reading material. The book is called THE MAGUS by John Fowles. I encourage everyone who hasn't to read it before finding out what happens at the end. Because it is in the journey that one experiences the real effect. But suffice to say, that this mode of operation is how 'they' think. It may be found to be highly instructive when applied to the current drama between Bill and his friendly adversary turned protector.

So what then is the game? And who again, are the Controllers. One source has told me that discussing who they are is off-limits… So are they 33? Are they, as they are reported to consider themselves "pure human"? Or, much more likely, are they really pure reptilian-human hybrids from one branch of the Anunnaki?

Are they of angelic human lineage as described by Ashyana Deane? Unlikely, given they are the self-proclaimed rulers of this planet. Because what is clearer than most anything else is that angelic humans, those who came from off planet are certainly not the Controllers. The takeover by the present group happened back around the time of the altering of the DNA of humanity back in the 'deep abzu' according to the Sumerian tablets. The initial dumbing down. So this group of very wealthy rulers are not pure human at least in this sense, by any means. So that must be a 'cover'.

And where do they operate from? Certainly the City of London is one of their bases of operations. Another, I am told is the state of Israel. Recently, I was told that a major alternative media personality is working as an agent to redirect attention away from the Mossad and the state of Israel because this is an Anunnaki base of operations within the Middle East. Makes sense if you think about it. If they started as Sitchin says they did in Babylon then they aren't far from 'home' at least as far as an earthly sense of that word.

And, they said, this has nothing to do with the Jewish culture. The state of Israel was established as a place for the bankers to operate from, to launder money and one would extrapolate, to establish a stronghold in the Middle East in the center of the oil cartel… This is an interesting line of investigation. Of course, anyone who veers in this direction is instantly accused of being anti-semitic. What a great cover for a deep black operation. This, I am told has nothing to do with the Hasidic or traditional Jews.

Although, it does have to do with the Rothschilds. And the bankers. And ultimately, it is about bloodlines.. what kind of superman inhabits this planet and then, goes out and terraforms others.

If Bill has his wish and manages to get another interview with Charles, it is likely they will begin to sketch out the bloodline issue. But whether this explanation will bring us any closer to the truth is another matter.

Of course Mars has to be one of the more likely real home bases in this solar system at present. All the indicators point to this. The recent information we received regarding the Venture Star and the routine flights off planet from the underground base in Utah, near Dugway.. as the JPL website states… "the Utah Test & Training Range provides the largest overland contiguous block of restricted airspace in the continental United States authorized for supersonic flight, available for aircrew training and weapons testing." That's pretty clear. Room for 35 scientists on each flight, we were told. Very well.

It is a misdirection to say this group of 33 that Charles is referring to is not the "illuminati". The fact is, the philosophy of the illuminati, goes deeply into this group… It must. Because it's the occult philosophy that they clearly use to operate out of. For more on this, read the RA Material.

So what is behind the visit from the lone assassin who has supposedly turned the tables on his handlers and in return found he has tops 4 years to live as a result? Isn't it much more likely that any change of heart on his part (and I wouldn't rule this out, after all, Camelot was established for just such people, defectors, I call them… whistleblowers from the matrix who are coming over to our side. To the light.) But in vetting such a one, we must be careful. Because, as is clear here, this person, not unlike several we have dealt with, is working, even openly as a double-agent. He is reporting back to the 'other' side, while stating that Bill is safe, (and I assume myself) as long as he is alive. Although from the sound of things that would mean our days are 'numbered' as they say if this is true. But, as he says, let the best 'man' win, survival of the fittest… and so on. Let the games begin in other words. On this new round. At the start of 2011.

Note: none of the above is meant to detract from the strong interview conducted by Bill Ryan or the possibility that this man Charles is exactly who he claims to be. Although that is still an open question.

To continue, when Bill uses the opportunity to interview Charles as a platform to make a plea to the so-called 33 for the viability of a different approach to solving the problems on the planet and against their favorite eugenics program.. this is laudable, however quaint in its approach. The trouble is, one must know that they are well familiar with the arguments against. And as Charles says have considered all the options. Sure it doesn't hurt to use this unique opportunity to state the case again… however, I have to say, this ignores the fact that you are talking to the tiger itself, about its own tools in the toolbox, such as free energy and space travel capability probably 1000 years in advance of anything we know of in the public sector and asking if they will consider playing fair. After 1000s of years of doing the opposite, playing on their advantage (off-world advantage) using power in service to self for aeons one rather doubts that another momentary plea will stop them in their tracks or even alter the playing field in any way.

This is actually already an open dialog between the alternative community and 'this lot'. And the answer coming back has sadly been anything but inspiring. But, this does not detract from the fact that this interview, and this kind of dialog is a step in the right direction. One might as well have out with it. The trouble is, that the Controllers are still in hiding. And those who appear to be in charge are being managed. That much is certain. The evidence is everywhere.

So where does this leave us? On the trail of the Anunnaki… for one. No doubt about it. The trouble is, that in this layered game, there are many off-planet races involved. And each group seems to think they are the ones in charge.

Another interesting bit of information from another source tells me that the newest arrivals from 'outer space' are working with the Chinese. And that China is, as a result, building up their war machine at an unprecedented rate. The 'new guys' on the block are not friendly to the rest of us. And they are supplying China with the means to even the playing field. So much for the 'China is our savior' PR campaign that has had some success among the 'alternative community'.

On another note, from what I understand from still another source, Julian Assange may indeed be working for a certain side. And the question still remains when considering who one works for in this game, that what the agenda of the given player is, must be taken into consideration along with that of the group they play for. Because if one finds oneself in sympathy with the agenda of one side, say over another, and, in furthering the agenda of the group one works for one furthers one's own equally important agenda then where's the harm? I imagine this is what we have to consider when looking at the case of Julian Assange or anyone who has behind the scenes elected to work for any group.

What is troubling is when one considers that ones allegiances are often practical as well as limited by the amount of depth and understanding one brings to the big picture… ie. the playing field… in all its dimensions and aspects. This is unavoidable. Where are the blinders? What are the limits of knowledge or prejudice any one individual brings to the table when considering where to cast ones vote or take ones stand? And then, a certain degree of tolerance even kindness has to be brought to bear in understanding why one individual cast their lot in with one group vs. another. The path of light is often shrouded in illusion.

Therefore, the issue with respect to Charles and even Julian has to be: which group and what agenda?? This is where the labyrinth becomes daunting and intimidating in every respect. Because again as perhaps too often quoted and yet too often found to be true, as Hoagland says 'the lie is different at every level'. And what level are we talking about at any given time has to be taken into consideration. Especially when asking or answering a question.

It is instructive to know that information given to humans at this stage is done so with this in mind. And when considering the Galactic playing field the game changes at least from our perspective. This is where false flags such as Project Blue Beam a faked alien invasion aimed at uniting us as Reagan so wistfully put it 'against a common enemy' comes to the fore. And the trouble is, that while they spin this fake alien invasion scenario to certain ends, the real invasion, interference and yes, war, has been going on all along. It's just that many never take the time to look behind the curtain long enough to see it. Layers upon layers.

We are at the brink of a Brave New World indeed. As Corso said 'if you can take it'… and I would add, whether you can take it or not. Moving into this New Year, it is useful to survey the playing field and see where we stand.


Ultimately, the question on this planet comes down to sovereignty and then the inheritors. Because all the bloodline secrecy and genetic manipulation has to ultimately result in a race of humanity 2.0 …. possibly even more than one resulting race. Those in control who wish to maintain their control are doing so using money (as energy) but their desired objective is clearly superman or as I have stated, robotic superman because it appears highly likely given their established penchant for technology … that they will go the way of AI/robotics/biological androids rather than to simply let the human evolve into the highest order of beingness they are capable of.

The potential in our DNA indicates that we have built in capability to be so much more than what we are at present. But allowing that angelic human to manifest is slow in contrast to the manipulated hybrid option. Control of the line is unlikely to yield the best out of this mix… because in the end, it is not perfection we are after but impeccability. This is a profound distinction and one which seems to have been lost at least to those who wish to manipulate our genome.

Note on Rulers of the World interview


January 2, 2011

Notes on Rulers of the World interview


a review by Kerry Lynn Cassidy from Project Camelot of The Rulers of the World interview by Bill Ryan

May the best ‘man’ win? Is that where this is at? With the recent interview released by Bill Ryan the questions that arise are many.

According to a Source, ‘Charles” is not telling the truth when he says the nuclear option is off the table. They substantiate this by referencing recent nuclear tests by France and clandestine nuclear tests that are likely going on underground in India and elsewhere. It is of course highly desirable that be the case. The shutdown of the minutemen missiles documented by Robert Salas and other recent disclosure witnesses at the National Press Club would seem to support this idea. The trouble is, the data is conflicting.

So what else about what is talked about in the interview with Charles, is questionable, in either the lack of clear information or the obfuscation of the material? The clearest statement seems to be in relation to the threat from GMO foods. The garnering of control over the seeds. But this is old news and well known in the alternative community. Monsanto and other companies have been working hard to push that agenda. The names of these companies are out there. Why the huge resistance and warning against stating the obvious? Of course who controls the seeds and the lack of heritage seeds in circulation obviously narrows the controls over those who produce the crops… And the dumbing down and weakening of immune systems and possibly a multitude of other detrimental effects all point to a very damning conclusion so much so that various European countries have simply banned the use of GMO seeds. Again this is known.

So what is going on here? This man appears to have had an interaction with some kind of AI or possibly mind control to where his original ‘program’ was modified so that he becomes more an agent provocateur than an outright assassin. Maybe this is just a natural trajectory. It stands to reason that bumping people off and making their lives miserable if they don’t toe the line can be a very disheartening way to exist. It might even give one cancer or some incurable disease. Working for the dark side is not good for ones health it would appear.

But from what I know, this person, though it is not revealed on the screen, has gone through a kind of Jason Bourne type of experience… Where his insubordination was punished…yet he survived. From the interview we know that somehow he has managed to convince his handlers that turning him–using him to start a dialog with the ‘alternative community’ as we are called, is apparently considered a worthwhile exercise or experiment.

And so, he steps forward and does the interview with my partner in Camelot, Bill Ryan. To quote from my recent article called “Wikileaks: The Magus in Deep Black” …”But those behind the scenes in this surveillance society, the ones who call themselves Magus, who manipulate the effects of the truly courageous actions of the bright stars, diamonds in the rough, under their Control, cannot be ignored. It is necessary that we go deeper into the black, what some would call, above black, to discover the real war being fought.”

Indeed this is the real question. Unfortunately this recent interview does little to reveal anything more about the Controllers. The info about UFO’s being shot down is also old news. No one, at least no one I know, believed they crossed solar systems to crash from mechanical failures! We know they have been shot down. Particle beam weapons, scaler technology, some early radar based, laser technology from Wilhelm Reich… this is all out there. Indeed the truth is out there. Even this witness agrees.

So what about the “laughter surrounding the 2012” issue? How can this remain a joke when in the next breath he talks about the uncontrollable Sun and the sensibleness of establishing an out of the way ‘farm’ to prepare for what the future may bring. Starvation is clearly part of the agenda… So storing food in underground bases, out of the way of the dreaded solar CMEs doesn’t sound funny any longer. And of course this is what governments are also doing. Why is he contradicting himself one wonders. Unless of course one realizes that is the modus operandi for agents. There is obviously a recognition of the need to throw some truth into the mix, such as the binary system (yes we know this) and modular space craft (yes) in with misdirection and flattery.

So what is the flattery involved and what does it mean? Unfortunately, like any good love affair the implication is that Bill ‘turned his head’ and made him rethink his priorities. Of course as charming as Bill is, this is still too much to believe. And this is one of the glaring problems within the body of the piece. Acknowledged that it is lonely at the top or close to it, especially when one is a lone gunman.. Finding a fine rapport with an individual of good intellect is albeit encouraging and even gratifying. But does it change the agenda?

Bill states “‘Charles has explained that the extraterrestrial race who initiated this project are letting everything unfold with a philosophy of non-interference.” This is patently untrue. Evidence to the contrary is everywhere. It does not square with Bob Dean’s assertion that the Anunnaki are walking the halls of the Pentagon. Presumably doing more than just ‘strolling’. Or Wendell Stevens, the laudable researcher who recently passed on, and who, just before he died, said to his good friend, Bob Dean, that there is no doubt that the Anunnaki are ruling this Earth.

And so, we have what Charles is calling the “Fair contest”. Sorry there is no fairness involved here. On the contrary. This game is rigged. Very much so. Since the beginning. Rule by secrecy is what they call it.

When Bill told me about his interaction with Charles I asked him to read a rather old and forgotten book but one that made a great impression on me when I was around 12. Yes, I was young and rather adventurous when it came to reading material. The book is called THE MAGUS by John Fowles. I encourage everyone who hasn’t to read it before finding out what happens at the end. Because it is in the journey that one experiences the real effect. But suffice to say, that this mode of operation is how ‘they’ think. It may be found to be highly instructive when applied to the current drama between Bill and his friendly adversary turned protector.

So what then is the game? And who again, are the Controllers. One source has told me that discussing who they are is off-limits… So are they 33? Are they, as they are reported to consider themselves “pure human”? Or, much more likely, are they really pure reptilian-human hybrids from one branch of the Anunnaki?

Are they of angelic human lineage as described by Ashyana Deane? Unlikely, given they are the self-proclaimed rulers of this planet. Because what is clearer than most anything else is that angelic humans, those who came from off planet are certainly not the Controllers. The takeover by the present group happened back around the time of the altering of the DNA of humanity back in the ‘deep abzu’ according to the Sumerian tablets. The initial dumbing down. So this group of very wealthy rulers are not pure human at least in this sense, by any means. So that must be a ‘cover’.

And where do they operate from? Certainly the City of London is one of their bases of operations. Another, I am told is the state of Israel. Recently, I was told that a major alternative media personality is working as an agent to redirect attention away from the Mossad and the state of Israel because this is an Anunnaki base of operations within the Middle East. Makes sense if you think about it. If they started as Sitchin says they did in Babylon then they aren’t far from ‘home’ at least as far as an earthly sense of that word.

And, they said, this has nothing to do with the Jewish culture. The state of Israel was established as a place for the bankers to operate from, to launder money and one would extrapolate, to establish a stronghold in the Middle East in the center of the oil cartel… This is an interesting line of investigation. Of course, anyone who veers in this direction is instantly accused of being anti-semitic. What a great cover for a deep black operation. This, I am told has nothing to do with the Hasidic or traditional Jews.

Although, it does have to do with the Rothschilds. And the bankers. And ultimately, it is about bloodlines.. what kind of superman inhabits this planet and then, goes out and terraforms others.

If Bill has his wish and manages to get another interview with Charles, it is likely they will begin to sketch out the bloodline issue. But whether this explanation will bring us any closer to the truth is another matter.

Of course Mars has to be one of the more likely real home bases in this solar system at present. All the indicators point to this. The recent information we received regarding the Venture Star and the routine flights off planet from the underground base in Utah, near Dugway.. as the JPL website states… “the Utah Test & Training Range provides the largest overland contiguous block of restricted airspace in the continental United States authorized for supersonic flight, available for aircrew training and weapons testing.” That’s pretty clear. Room for 35 scientists on each flight, we were told. Very well.

It is a misdirection to say this group of 33 that Charles is referring to is not the “illuminati”. The fact is, the philosophy of the illuminati, goes deeply into this group… It must. Because it’s the occult philosophy that they clearly use to operate out of. For more on this, read the RA Material.

So what is behind the visit from the lone assassin who has supposedly turned the tables on his handlers and in return found he has tops 4 years to live as a result? Isn’t it much more likely that any change of heart on his part (and I wouldn’t rule this out, after all, Camelot was established for just such people, defectors, I call them… whistleblowers from the matrix who are coming over to our side. To the light.) But in vetting such a one, we must be careful. Because, as is clear here, this person, not unlike several we have dealt with, is working, even openly as a double-agent. He is reporting back to the ‘other’ side, while stating that Bill is safe, (and I assume myself) as long as he is alive. Although from the sound of things that would mean our days are ‘numbered’ as they say if this is true. But, as he says, let the best ‘man’ win, survival of the fittest… and so on. Let the games begin in other words. On this new round. At the start of 2011.

Note: none of the above is meant to detract from the strong interview conducted by Bill Ryan or the possibility that this man Charles is exactly who he claims to be. Although that is still an open question.

To continue, when Bill uses the opportunity to interview Charles as a platform to make a plea to the so-called 33 for the viability of a different approach to solving the problems on the planet and against their favorite eugenics program.. this is laudable, however quaint in its approach. The trouble is, one must know that they are well familiar with the arguments against. And as Charles says have considered all the options. Sure it doesn’t hurt to use this unique opportunity to state the case again… however, I have to say, this ignores the fact that you are talking to the tiger itself, about its own tools in the toolbox, such as free energy and space travel capability probably 1000 years in advance of anything we know of in the public sector and asking if they will consider playing fair. After 1000s of years of doing the opposite, playing on their advantage (off-world advantage) using power in service to self for aeons one rather doubts that another momentary plea will stop them in their tracks or even alter the playing field in any way.

This is actually already an open dialog between the alternative community and ‘this lot’. And the answer coming back has sadly been anything but inspiring. But, this does not detract from the fact that this interview, and this kind of dialog is a step in the right direction. One might as well have out with it. The trouble is, that the Controllers are still in hiding. And those who appear to be in charge are being managed. That much is certain. The evidence is everywhere.

So where does this leave us? On the trail of the Anunnaki… for one. No doubt about it. The trouble is, that in this layered game, there are many off-planet races involved. And each group seems to think they are the ones in charge.

Another interesting bit of information from another source tells me that the newest arrivals from ‘outer space’ are working with the Chinese. And that China is, as a result, building up their war machine at an unprecedented rate. The ‘new guys’ on the block are not friendly to the rest of us. And they are supplying China with the means to even the playing field. So much for the ‘China is our savior’ PR campaign that has had some success among the ‘alternative community’.

On another note, from what I understand from still another source, Julian Assange may indeed be working for a certain side. And the question still remains when considering who one works for in this game, that what the agenda of the given player is, must be taken into consideration along with that of the group they play for. Because if one finds oneself in sympathy with the agenda of one side, say over another, and, in furthering the agenda of the group one works for one furthers one’s own equally important agenda then where’s the harm? I imagine this is what we have to consider when looking at the case of Julian Assange or anyone who has behind the scenes elected to work for any group.

What is troubling is when one considers that ones allegiances are often practical as well as limited by the amount of depth and understanding one brings to the big picture… ie. the playing field… in all its dimensions and aspects. This is unavoidable. Where are the blinders? What are the limits of knowledge or prejudice any one individual brings to the table when considering where to cast ones vote or take ones stand? And then, a certain degree of tolerance even kindness has to be brought to bear in understanding why one individual cast their lot in with one group vs. another. The path of light is often shrouded in illusion.

Therefore, the issue with respect to Charles and even Julian has to be: which group and what agenda?? This is where the labyrinth becomes daunting and intimidating in every respect. Because again as perhaps too often quoted and yet too often found to be true, as Hoagland says ‘the lie is different at every level’. And what level are we talking about at any given time has to be taken into consideration. Especially when asking or answering a question.

It is instructive to know that information given to humans at this stage is done so with this in mind. And when considering the Galactic playing field the game changes at least from our perspective. This is where false flags such as Project Blue Beam a faked alien invasion aimed at uniting us as Reagan so wistfully put it ‘against a common enemy’ comes to the fore. And the trouble is, that while they spin this fake alien invasion scenario to certain ends, the real invasion, interference and yes, war, has been going on all along. It’s just that many never take the time to look behind the curtain long enough to see it. Layers upon layers.

We are at the brink of a Brave New World indeed. As Corso said ‘if you can take it’… and I would add, whether you can take it or not. Moving into this New Year, it is useful to survey the playing field and see where we stand.


Ultimately, the question on this planet comes down to sovereignty and then the inheritors. Because all the bloodline secrecy and genetic manipulation has to ultimately result in a race of humanity 2.0 …. possibly even more than one resulting race. Those in control who wish to maintain their control are doing so using money (as energy) but their desired objective is clearly superman or as I have stated, robotic superman because it appears highly likely given their established penchant for technology … that they will go the way of AI/robotics/biological androids rather than to simply let the human evolve into the highest order of beingness they are capable of.

The potential in our DNA indicates that we have built in capability to be so much more than what we are at present. But allowing that angelic human to manifest is slow in contrast to the manipulated hybrid option. Control of the line is unlikely to yield the best out of this mix… because in the end, it is not perfection we are after but impeccability. This is a profound distinction and one which seems to have been lost at least to those who wish to manipulate our genome.

The Rulers of the World – Bill Ryan’s interview with the man sent to “deal” with him and Project Camelot (because we have become a problem)


January 1, 2011

The Rulers of the World – Bill Ryan’s interview with the man sent to “deal” with him and Project Camelot (because we have become a problem)

Highly recommended.

The information here is not new for Camelot supporters. But it does give a slightly different angle on the same material. A look at the way a group who consider themselves the Controllers think and plan for the future. A game of cat and mouse that eventually gets round to substantiating the active threat from the sun, GMO seeds, plans for population elimination and the importance of certain bloodlines to their plans. Interstellar craft, bases on Mars and the moon… the reality of ET, plans for Project Blue Beam and underground bases here on Earth..this is all in there and given passing reference.

What is perhaps most interesting is what isn’t said. Because of this individual’s interaction with what appears to be AI … the assassin decides not to take out his target… and instead engages in a dialog with him.

Note: Of course we know they tried to take us down.. first by helping make the split happen — this didn’t work because what was one problem then became two problems and because the so-called split wasn’t permanent 🙂 Note: a supposedly separate group was sent to deal with me. But I was told, that a certain person stepped in on my behalf to stop that action.

One note: anyone who has paid attention knows that craft were shot down… and as a result crashed. There has been an ongoing war going on. The STS footage showing us shooting at one… is all over the net including here: (about 7 mins into my documentarty short entitled Have You Seen a UFO).

Bill’s interview links:



New Year’s Eve Predictions Show – 4 hour marathon


December 31st : New Year’s Eve Predictions Show – 4 hour marathon


This was a great show.. fabulous guests and great info… We had 500+ listening live this afternoon.


George Green
Sean David Morton
Aaron McCollum
Eli James

Hackers shut down Zimbabwe sites in support of Wikileaks

Click here for the article

We are in an information war… What is at stake? The truth. We have a right to know.

New Years Eve 4 hour Radio Show Event

Dr. John Waterman and I are going to be doing a 4 hour radio show on PREDICTIONS this Friday (combining his show and my show) from 11am PST to 3pm. We will have several guests on during this time who will also be sharing their predictions for 2011 and reviewing the past year 2010 and what has and hasn’t happened.

Our guests include: George Green, Aaron McCollum and Sean David Morton… and maybe a few more.

DON’T MISS THIS EXCITING SHOW…. I regret to say this will be my final broadcast on Argusoog radio. I have sincerely enjoyed being part of this wonderful network but due to time constraints I am unable to manage 2 radio shows a week. I will continue to do the radio show on Wednesdays on American Freedom Radio from 7pm PST to 9pm and in time I hope to be able to stream the show on the Argusoog network as well. Thank you Hans and the team at Argusoog for a absolutely wonderful year of radio and for being so professional and providing such a great atmosphere to do my show.

Wikileaks: Cables reveal Bush Whitehouse Concern over Michael Moore Movie


December 28, 2010

Wikileaks : Cables reveal Bush Whitehouse Concern over Michael Moore Movie

Revealing how a single filmmaker can make the White House tremble…

Special note: Don’t miss my guest Len Kasten who has written a fascinating new book


December 28, 2010 Update

Special note: Don’t miss my guest Len Kasten who has written a fascinating new book, The Secret History of Extraterrestrials.. this Wednesday on American Freedom Radio at 7pm PST.

Go here for links to listen to Wednesday and Friday’s show.

Anonymous hits the Streets in Support of Wikileaks


December 26, 2010

Anonymous hits the Streets in Support of Wikileaks

Click here for story

Other links to Julian Assange, rape charges and other info

RSN article: Trial by Newspaper

To subscribe to Wikileaks, Twitter go here

Interview of Julian Assange by David Frost

Merry Xmas to all across the multi-verses…


December 25, 2010

Yes, Merry Xmas to all across the multi-verses…

UFO shot out of sky over Israeli Nuclear Power Plant

According to this CNN Article it was a UFO… emphasis on the unidentified. Assuming it was not one of ours and we forgot to tell them we were coming LOL…

Happy Christmas to all


December 24, 2010
