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Suggested Reading


January 16, 2011

Suggested Reading

Defending Sacred Ground – Alex Collier (pdf file)

For those who aren’t familiar with this work I highly recommend it. It may be useful at this time to refamiliarize yourself with it if you haven’t read it in a while. I read this many years ago. Eventually I had Alex Collier as a speaker at my Awake & Aware conference. Click here to watch

Note; some of the information within did not happen on this timeline however, for the most part it is vital information in my view.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, this time in which we now live is and will be known in our future as the end of the
innocence. We, as a planetary race, must commit ourselves to the idea that truth must survive. We have
major challenges to face, and what ever is the truth, we must do all that is necessary to stick together. We
have been torn and tattered, we have been betrayed. But please, let’s not give up on each other. We are
capable of being heroes. We can save the world, and our freedom. We must believe in each other, and in
ourselves.” — excerpt from Defending Sacred Ground, Alex Collier

Excerpt 2: On Population Elimination

“Now, we are being told that there are too many people on the planet. According to the Andromedans, if we didn’t waste our natural resources, the planet could hold a population of 11 billion. What we are actually being told by the propaganda machine is that there are too many people. Now, a planet with 11 billion spiritually-awakened people cannot be controlled. Such a planet would change the harmonic frequency of the planet, the solar system and the galaxy. That vibration would be love, and the bad guys don’t like that. It all starts here. We are being told that there are too many people. It’s a lie. Our leaders are so corrupt that the systems they have are breaking down. But, these systems are not real, in a sense. Instead of acting responsibly, releasing control and letting people take more self-responsibility, the corrupt leaders in the world want to kill off the population in an attempt to maintain status quo. They want to extinguish 50% of the planetary population so that they can maintain their control. Now, who died and made them God?”–Alex Collier

Important Updates on Gulf of Aden and more…

I subscribe to the newsletter from this site: Ecoterra International

Highly recommended for articles and info that helps with reading between the lines on what’s really going on with ‘sea pirates’ and other dealings in area waters…Somalia, Aden etc.

Wikileaks Supports Bradley Manning – Military Whistleblower

Click here for article from UK Guardian

Excerpt: ..”Manning is being held in solitary confinement under a prevention of injury order despite having been cleared by a military psychologist earlier this year.

David House, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher who is allowed to visit Manning, has reported a steady deterioration in his condition. Last month the UN office on torture announced it was launching an investigation into the soldier’s treatment at Quantico.” –UK Guardian

Great New Website on Chemtrails…


The Charles OP

Re: Charles’ comments about a False Flag ET threat event: important new information – posted on Avalon & Camelot Forums

Hi all,

To clarify for the record: I do not think all of Charles material is nonsense or useless. Confirmation of that we already know is always nice… But here we have a substantial amount of misdirects and downright false statements coupled with known and verified/understood info (such as GMO foods)… Sure, coming from Charles if he is who he says he is and works for who he says he does this is useful. But again it is still not new. That is my issue. If we bring forward a whistleblower, we pick and choose based on their insider status and what they bring to the table. I am still waiting to hear something new. We (at least here at Camelot) already have enough verification of the truth behind the matrix…

But this smells like an OP to me. Big time. Remember for an Operation to work the participants must be taken in.. that includes the one triggering it. The fact that it is an OP does not lesson the usefulness to both sides… they are using him as a way in. More on this in coming days….


FKN News — very funny in a sick kinda way

New World Order video (note this is not really wikileaks)

Watch responsibly…

Project Blue Beam – False Flag Alien Invasion Scenario


January 15, 2011

Project Blue Beam – False Flag Alien Invasion Scenario

From Project Avalon

QUOTE: Re: Charles’ comments about a False Flag ET threat event: important new information
[QUOTE=Bill Ryan;96152]Dear All:

The following important new information is based on an original thread started by Avalon member Harley Hawkins, here:


What has not yet been published, until now, is Charles’ response to the piece.

He was so concerned when he read it – in mid-December, before my video interview with him was recorded, and then released on 1 January 2011 – that he asked me privately what Harley Hawkins’ background was. He stressed to me personally that this was very highly sensitive, as HH had seemingly accidentally identified all the core ingredients of a coming false flag event intended to establish the ETs as threats..] UNQUOTE

My Reply to the above …also posted on Camelot Forum

Linked here

Everyone reading this thread:

There’s an old ILLUMINATI game that is often used to flush-out the enemy and reveal where they are coming from, what they will and won’t fall for etc. It involves setting up a topic and then acting as though that topic or question has a secret answer that only you know… Then when the respondent replies you ENCOURAGE THEM with false flattery… to draw them out and ultimately end up revealing nothing and leaving them wondering WTF or what happened. That’s what is going on here. Charles says nothing new. You do all the work. He applauds and you continue to reveal yourselves… giving him and his team (the 33) more ammunition by which to enslave you.

Get a grip.

And ask yourselves why. It doesn’t matter how. This is nonsense. They will doubtless use planes, trains and automobiles whatever…. The point is WHY would they go for that card?? Of course Werner von Braun warned Carol Rosen about it multiple times. And no, it’s not simply because they want a common enemy we can all get on the same team to fight against ala Reagan’s well known speech. Although this is an ingredient. Every student of sociology knows nothing works to unite a divided group faster than having a common enemy.

The real reason has to do with the same tactic as 911. You create a false enemy alongside a real one… Then you kill your own people pretending to be aiming at this fake enemy and then when that’s done and everyone is on your team you go after a real enemy as you were planning all along….while instituting a Patriot Act type scenario that will go several steps beyond the Patriot Act into the One World Government… And viola. You have a War of the Worlds… and you define the enemy. While the sheep never realize their real enemy is right in their midst. It’s you. The so-called rulers. They are the wolves…

They will use the Fake alien invasion to condition you for the real one…. Except, the twist there will be that we have already been invaded. They are the invaders. They are the reptilian/human offspring who want to eliminate you… And wars within or with outsiders is just one more way to do it. Not only that but behind your backs they have been fighting various ET races (invaders) for eons…

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
We are the Resistance

Remember your mission: Kirk Nugent – Brilliant message in art


January 14, 2011 Update

Remember your mission: Kirk Nugent – Brilliant message in art


Regarding the Commentary from Bill on his recent video…

Rather than go into any more detail and get myself into some serious sarcasm and trouble… I prefer to submit the following exhibit as my response:

“Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”


Click here to watch the famous film directed by Stanley Kubrick

Who is Loughner?


January 13, 2011

Who is Loughner?

The following video was given to me by an unknown source. I can neither affirm or deny the contents nor have they been vetted in any way. I submit this as one of many in order that the questions stated here begin to be asked and investigated by those in a position to do so. –Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot

Click here to view

Mexican Drug Cartel / Federal Gov linked to Loughner?


January 12, 2011

Mexican Drug Cartel / Federal Gov linked to Loughner

Click Here for More evidence emerging of mind control and links to Mexican Cartel. Investigation by Tru Ott.

BBC Zeta Reticulum teaser

Click here to watch…This may be the prequel for the Ridley Scott movie…

Click here for article about this upcoming film or tv series

New White Hat Report

Obama & his Presidency

Triple Suns over China

Click here for the video.

They are saying this is a sun-dog effect… I wonder if that is true.

Alienshift Panel on Disclosure by Private Citizens

Last night I was an impromptu member of the Aleinshift panel on Disclosure with Brooks Agnew, Andy Basiago, Laura Esienhower and Alfred Webre hosted by David Farman. Click here to view when available.

I will be interviewed today by Jerry Avalos and Ben Murphy


January 11, 2011

I will be interviewed today by Jerry Avalos and Ben Murphy on his blogtalk radio show Universal Truth Evolution: click here to listen at 12:30pm PST

Duncan O’Finioan Weighs in on the Gabrielle Gifford Shooting


January 9, 2011

Duncan O’Finioan Weighs in on the Gabrielle Gifford Shooting

Click here for Duncan’s excellent article reviewing the evidence of what appears to be a targeted hit on Gifford and Federal Judge Roll. As Duncan writes Loughner sounds like a classic Manchurian Candidate…This was also my intuitive take immediately on hearing the news. Former MK-Ultra super soldier, Duncan O’Finioan’s analysis is dead-on.

Click here for the Project Camelot interviews with Duncan O’Finioan

Twitter Subpoena Reveals Secret Grand Jury Investigation

Click here for Guardian.co.uk article

“The emergence of the subpoena appears to confirm for the first time the existence of a secret grand jury empanelled to investigate whether individuals associated with WikiLeaks, and Assange in particular, can be prosecuted for alleged conspiracy with Manning to steal the classified documents.” – Guardian.co.uk found on RSN

It is significant that the company Twitter was told not to reveal this inquiry to Julian Assange and the others named in the subpoena but refused to stay silent. Wikileaks is now also demanding that Facebook and Google reveal the details of any secret subpoenas they have received.

That this secret grand jury has been convened to probe into how Bradley Manning communicated with Wikileaks is revealing in demonstrating how the U.S. is employing draconian measures in the case against the military whistleblower.

Cyber War – Dead Birds and Wheeler’s Death


January 7, 2011

Cyber War – Dead Birds and Wheeler’s Death

Whereas I applaud the research into Phospene and the underground volcanism theory, the trouble with those theories is that birds are falling from the sky in many places around the globe, not just in the US! This is a relatively simultaneous occurrence. This is why that answer is not sufficient.

There does seem to be a possible link up here:

“…The Mitre Corporation, whose aviation system development department, the GRU reports, is at the forefront of creating the computer command and control systems used by the US Air Force in their fleet of aerial spraying planes.” –fromRumorMill News article

The computer command and control system used by the Air Force in planes can be interpreted as possible use as trigger mechanisms for something much more far-reaching in application…If used worldwide… possibly triggered from planes or simply computers. In other words, a form of cyber war.

Wheeler’s death may be related…

Apparently Wheeler sent longtime friend Richard Radez (see article) an email expressing concern that the US wasn’t sufficiently prepared for cyber warfare, according to the linked article and The Associated Press…

As mentioned previously on this blog, there are supposedly ground radiation pools that have been there for sometime are being used as directed energy weapons (my terminology as I have no scientific or detailed labels to give this) and that this is a worldwide test ‘they’ are doing…

This is not the same as HAARP. Although it may be directed by HAARP… it is accessing local pools (for lack of a better word) of this underground radiation.

The important this to know here is that it is making use of a ‘naturally occurring’ substance to trigger something else.

What ultimately they will use this for I don’t know. There is no obvious reason why this source would give me misdirection on this. Regardless of the cause, the intention is orchestrated.

It is worth noting that this information from my source will most likely not appear anywhere else. The truth when it comes to operations is often surrounded by disinfo and misleading seemingly likely scenarios that are then pushed as the answer in order to hide the real truth.

Additional note on Wheeler’s death: we have information that there is a great deal of ‘re-shuffling’ going on within our government… There may be a link up to this as well.

01/06/2011 – DARK LORDS


January 6, 2011


Given that this interview was a sort of man in the street conversation that does not address some of the deeper issues raised… I feel one statement in particular needs to be addressed.

"'Charles has explained that the extraterrestrial race who initiated this project are letting everything unfold with a philosophy of non-interference." This statement is at the beginning of Bill Ryan's interview with Charles (not his real name) an assassin who was sent to kill Bill or "deal with" him who changed his mind and has since become a sort of representative of what he calls the 33 people who rule the world at least as far as in conducting this dialog with the so-called alternative community. I feel we need to look closer at the above statement. 

First of all, the statement is purposely vague. Who "initiated this project" meaning the human race 'project'? A huge question. And I cannot begin to answer it here. Nor do I have all the information. At the moment, I don't know, whether the 33 who call themselves the 'rulers of this Earth' are even aware of the true beginnings of humanity. I do know that there is evidence that the human experiment had more than one beginning on this planet. And was wiped out and restarted several times. Possibly by different ET races. And that it may have started on other planets. I also know that the version of human currently on this planet is a mixture of many genetic experiments (interference) by many ET races. Not the least was what Sitchin referred to as the Anunnaki.

For the best overview of the various experimentations that have taken place on this planet with regard to humanity the Voyager series by Ashayana Deane seems to have the most detailed information. At this point, however, we have a problem. Given that many of us are in touch with various ET races, some through channeling, some through face to face dialog and some through other means such as electronic downloads etc. One may assume that unless the 33 we are talking about here are not human but representatives of the ETs, that they too, are interacting with various ET races in the same ways. Maybe face to face mostly? At that point, assuming they are human and not ET then one must assume they are dealing with at least one race of ETs face to face (more or less) or more. So it comes as a given that they (the 33) are in dialog with and working with the dark, service to self ETs. Why? Because they themselves are, obviously, as seen by the way they run this world, dark. It is expressly clear they aren't listening to the "light side" or the results here on planet Earth would be manifestly different.

However, the problem is we don't know what it is the so-called 33 know and what they don't know. We can however estimate at the very least their understanding of where humanity started goes back to the deep Abzu and the altering of our DNA to limit our development by the Anunnaki. The apparent idea being that we developed so rapidly that we were going to out-populate and evolve beyond the Anunnaki themselves and therefore they would lose power over the humans.. so they dumbed them down. This at least can be understood and the evidence is clear… Our mis-named 'junk' DNA being an indicator of this. 

However, in dealing with the interview by Bill Ryan one has to look at the above statement and then give the ET race alluded to in that statement, a name and a face. Needless to say, the statement was too general. But taking it at face value we can make a few basic points. If we assume, the ET race being referred to is those designated as the Anunnaki then we at least have a starting point. 

So we need to figure out who the 33 think 'started this experiment'. And whether, the 33 and by default us, are created in their image ie. whether the ET progenitor race used their own DNA to create us or whether they simply started the experiment using DNA from other races/species. I suggest we ask them what they think they know about this… unfortunately at this point, the answer is not forthcoming. Of course the question has been out there for millions of years plaguing humanity…. But I digress. ..

Assuming again, that this time around, the Anunnaki used their own DNA, then we have a Progenitor race and we are their descendants, as are, in theory the 33. But here again you get into more difficulty because the 33 are– unless they are pure one ET race or another, made up of different strains of DNA just as all of us are.. Even if they are Reptilian and human. If they are human that is still a hybrid… and in regard to the Reptilian side we have, for example, the Reptilian-Anunnaki hybrids. So one cannot even make the statement that the ETs that started this experiment have a policy of non-interference. The evidence is to the contrary because if their current administrators (the 33) are still influenced by them, worship them (!) or follow them.. then by default they are still interfering if only through their descendents. However, we know that the 33 are influenced and we know they are most likely running things a certain way, by the evidence around us, money and bloodlines being their ticket in to their positions… and so on…

But, if I take the premise of the interview with Charles at face value that he is actually a representative of the 33 who really do 'rule the world'. Then what do we have? Well if I rule the world I have armies with black technology that includes free energy, interstellar space travel, bases on Mars and the moon, underground bases here on Earth that comprise whole cities if not nations… since I have all the money I am responsible for starvation, deprivation you name it…I allow it not only that I 'dictate' it and so on. When I say jump all these minions (and governments) in theory jump or I bring pressure to bear in one form or another sometimes in the guise of this man "Charles"….

So given this to be the case…. I am responsible therefore, for the secrecy going back decades, for the wars that are orchestrated by me and my minions, for the famine, the disease and the current state of the planet (not good)…because I have kept the technology and the heritage belonging to the human race secret from them. 

I have for example free access to all the deep recesses in the Vatican Library where supposedly much of the truth in written form if it exists at all, resides. I made sure of this because whenever a new discovery was made or ancient text discovered I made sure to spirit it away into my catacombs without it falling into the hands of the masses. I have killed with impunity anyone who 'knew too much' or attempted to usurp my power… and so on.

These rulers are aware of and in charge of the decision made when the 2 ET races (one service to self and the other service to others) met with Eisenhower and we chose to do business with the negative ETs in exchange for technology and let the Greys (who work for the Nordics and Reptilians) continue abductions to create a grey-human hybrid among other things… 

As rulers of the earth with black technology, etc presumably I have met with several ET races, my scientists work alongside several races and I am also instructing my military to shoot down the ships of ETs we are at war with…. etc.

So if this man Charles represents the 33… and they are indeed the rulers of this world…then they are dark, dark, power over others, service to self, magicians of the blackest of the black… in essence those known as Dark Lords.

And with this in mind, let's go back to the interview and see just how the questions and answers took place in this interview and see whether any of it makes any real sense. What will be clear from the outset is that so much is not asked, gone unchallenged and unanswered that the only suggestion I can make is that another interview be conducted and this time, prepare the questions for the Dark Lords you wish to address. Because, although we got some of Charles' personal back story we still have heard little of consequence and nothing new so far…

Oh, and by the way, word came back to me that the 33 were not happy with my prior statement. You should tell them that actually I am not at all happy with them either. In fact I am downright pissed-off about it…

You wanna talk? Let's talk.

Go to my previous post Fighting the Good Fight on January 2, 2010.

As Consciousness Increases


January 6, 2011

As Consciousness Increases…


Shift of Magnetic North Pole affects Florida Airport

Click here for the story


Given that this interview was a sort of man in the street conversation that does not address some of the deeper issues raised… I feel one statement in particular needs to be addressed.

“‘Charles has explained that the extraterrestrial race who initiated this project are letting everything unfold with a philosophy of non-interference.” This statement is at the beginning of Bill Ryan’s interview with Charles (not his real name) an assassin who was sent to kill Bill or “deal with” him who changed his mind and has since become a sort of representative of what he calls the 33 people who rule the world at least as far as in conducting this dialog with the so-called alternative community. I feel we need to look closer at the above statement. 

First of all, the statement is purposely vague. Who “initiated this project” meaning the human race ‘project’? A huge question. And I cannot begin to answer it here. Nor do I have all the information. At the moment, I don’t know, whether the 33 who call themselves the ‘rulers of this Earth’ are even aware of the true beginnings of humanity. I do know that there is evidence that the human experiment had more than one beginning on this planet. And was wiped out and restarted several times. Possibly by different ET races. And that it may have started on other planets. I also know that the version of human currently on this planet is a mixture of many genetic experiments (interference) by many ET races. Not the least was what Sitchin referred to as the Anunnaki.

For the best overview of the various experimentations that have taken place on this planet with regard to humanity the Voyager series by Ashayana Deane seems to have the most detailed information. At this point, however, we have a problem. Given that many of us are in touch with various ET races, some through channeling, some through face to face dialog and some through other means such as electronic downloads etc. One may assume that unless the 33 we are talking about here are not human but representatives of the ETs, that they too, are interacting with various ET races in the same ways. Maybe face to face mostly? At that point, assuming they are human and not ET then one must assume they are dealing with at least one race of ETs face to face (more or less) or more. So it comes as a given that they (the 33) are in dialog with and working with the dark, service to self ETs. Why? Because they themselves are, obviously, as seen by the way they run this world, dark. It is expressly clear they aren’t listening to the “light side” or the results here on planet Earth would be manifestly different.

However, the problem is we don’t know what it is the so-called 33 know and what they don’t know. We can however estimate at the very least their understanding of where humanity started goes back to the deep Abzu and the altering of our DNA to limit our development by the Anunnaki. The apparent idea being that we developed so rapidly that we were going to out-populate and evolve beyond the Anunnaki themselves and therefore they would lose power over the humans.. so they dumbed them down. This at least can be understood and the evidence is clear… Our mis-named ‘junk’ DNA being an indicator of this. 

However, in dealing with the interview by Bill Ryan one has to look at the above statement and then give the ET race alluded to in that statement, a name and a face. Needless to say, the statement was too general. But taking it at face value we can make a few basic points. If we assume, the ET race being referred to is those designated as the Anunnaki then we at least have a starting point. 

So we need to figure out who the 33 think ‘started this experiment’. And whether, the 33 and by default us, are created in their image ie. whether the ET progenitor race used their own DNA to create us or whether they simply started the experiment using DNA from other races/species. I suggest we ask them what they think they know about this… unfortunately at this point, the answer is not forthcoming. Of course the question has been out there for millions of years plaguing humanity…. But I digress. ..

Assuming again, that this time around, the Anunnaki used their own DNA, then we have a Progenitor race and we are their descendants, as are, in theory the 33. But here again you get into more difficulty because the 33 are– unless they are pure one ET race or another, made up of different strains of DNA just as all of us are.. Even if they are Reptilian and human. If they are human that is still a hybrid… and in regard to the Reptilian side we have, for example, the Reptilian-Anunnaki hybrids. So one cannot even make the statement that the ETs that started this experiment have a policy of non-interference. The evidence is to the contrary because if their current administrators (the 33) are still influenced by them, worship them (!) or follow them.. then by default they are still interfering if only through their descendents. However, we know that the 33 are influenced and we know they are most likely running things a certain way, by the evidence around us, money and bloodlines being their ticket in to their positions… and so on…

But, if I take the premise of the interview with Charles at face value that he is actually a representative of the 33 who really do ‘rule the world’. Then what do we have? Well if I rule the world I have armies with black technology that includes free energy, interstellar space travel, bases on Mars and the moon, underground bases here on Earth that comprise whole cities if not nations… since I have all the money I am responsible for starvation, deprivation you name it…I allow it not only that I ‘dictate’ it and so on. When I say jump all these minions (and governments) in theory jump or I bring pressure to bear in one form or another sometimes in the guise of this man “Charles”….

So given this to be the case…. I am responsible therefore, for the secrecy going back decades, for the wars that are orchestrated by me and my minions, for the famine, the disease and the current state of the planet (not good)…because I have kept the technology and the heritage belonging to the human race secret from them. 

I have for example free access to all the deep recesses in the Vatican Library where supposedly much of the truth in written form if it exists at all, resides. I made sure of this because whenever a new discovery was made or ancient text discovered I made sure to spirit it away into my catacombs without it falling into the hands of the masses. I have killed with impunity anyone who ‘knew too much’ or attempted to usurp my power… and so on.

These rulers are aware of and in charge of the decision made when the 2 ET races (one service to self and the other service to others) met with Eisenhower and we chose to do business with the negative ETs in exchange for technology and let the Greys (who work for the Nordics and Reptilians) continue abductions to create a grey-human hybrid among other things… 

As rulers of the earth with black technology, etc presumably I have met with several ET races, my scientists work alongside several races and I am also instructing my military to shoot down the ships of ETs we are at war with…. etc.

So if this man Charles represents the 33… and they are indeed the rulers of this world…then they are dark, dark, power over others, service to self, magicians of the blackest of the black… in essence those known as Dark Lords.

And with this in mind, let’s go back to the interview and see just how the questions and answers took place in this interview and see whether any of it makes any real sense. What will be clear from the outset is that so much is not asked, gone unchallenged and unanswered that the only suggestion I can make is that another interview be conducted and this time, prepare the questions for the Dark Lords you wish to address. Because, although we got some of Charles’ personal back story we still have heard little of consequence and nothing new so far…

Oh, and by the way, word came back to me that the 33 were not happy with my prior statement. You should tell them that actually I am not at all happy with them either. In fact I am downright pissed-off about it…

You wanna talk? Let’s talk.

Go to my previous post Fighting the Good Fight on January 2, 2010.

Addendum a few notes of music sent by Camelot supporters to brighten your day

Chiron Beta Prime

Free This Town by Chris Geo Remixhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9vl606o6eo