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India Daily Article on Magnetic Flux


February 1, 2011

India Daily Article on Magnetic Flux

Click here for the article… Some of this information parallels the info I was given by a source months ago. However, throwing in the UFOs as being part of this whole scenario is a misdirect in my view.

This wikipedia description gives more background on some of the science behind the magnetic flux weapon.

As I mentioned, what is much more likely is that planes are equipped with the trigger mechanisms and targeting software to direct this electromagnetic radiation that exists in certain areas of the world.

Must Listen to Dr. John Waterman’s guest Hero all about Internet Security


January 31, 2011 – UPDATE

Must Listen to Dr. John Waterman's guest Hero all about Internet Security

The archived show IS NOW AVAILABLE HERE

Species Kills Worldwide – Speculation…

Today I was talking with a friend of mine about the deaths of birds, fish and now buffalo and livestock worldwide… (said to be caused by freezing weather)…

I was told by a source this is the testing of a new technology that uses local radiation from the ground and some kind of directed energy weapon. From my point of view, planes, the use of software, cyber-warfare could be involved in the targeting. I believe Wheeler's death may be related to this.

Some of these incidents show Haarp related signatures but not all (according to Brooks Agnew, Phd).. There are numerous causes for the bird/fish/animal deaths mentioned in the press:

Phosphine gas
Extreme Weather
Magnetic pole shift

One thing is clear.. the species are dying in groups.. they are worldwide and they are escalating.. that is, the type of species being targeted are becoming more complex. This sounds like target practice to me. My friend said it sounds like they are targeting "frequency" of various species. And this is interesting as well because if it can't be traced back to an particular source on planet then who can you blame? The other thing is that this sounds like they are practicing on lower species and that it's very possible they are escalating to include humans. Once, that is, they have perfected their equipment. At least this is the theory we are working on…

We need someone to track the deaths, type of species, date/time, longitude/latitude etc. Contact:kerry@projectcamelot.org if you want to volunteer to do this or know of someone who already has send me the link but it needs to be comprehensive.Whereas, some said the birds and fish could be responding to the magnetic shift that is being documented this does not hold true for cattle or buffalo….Admittedly some animals die worldwide due to weather conditions etc. every year however this seems to be unprecedented and worth investigating further.

Here's the link to Google fish & bird deaths, but it does not include mammals…

Linda Moulton Howe has done some good work compiling animal/bird/fish deaths around the world as well click here for her list.

Tonight Monday, 9pm CST Dr. Waterman on American Freedom Radio

Don't miss Dr. Waterman's new radio show on AFR…

Mubarak Cancels Al Jazeera’s License


January 29, 2011

Mubarak Cancels Al Jazeera’s License click here for article

Mubarak Issues Shoot to Kill Order to Armies click here for article

Here’s hoping the military in Egypt stand down and refuse to follow orders.

Georgia Guidestones, Hitler and March 22: throwing some light on the matter

This posting from Tru Ott & Jay Weidner highlights the Nazi mentality still in operation behind the scenes. Thanks to the Camelot supporter who sent the link.

Meet the New Boss Same As the Old Boss – Omar Suleiman

Click here for the article in the New Yorker re the man who Mubarak has appointed Vice President… head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service since 1993.

01/28/2011 – The Aryan Philosophy Under the Charles Material


January 28, 2011

The Aryan Philosophy Under the Charles Material

Within the constant references to Charles' friend or "master" as he calls him… is the Nazi philosophy of eugenics. He is simply conditioning those who bother to listen to what "they" are planning for you. Survival of the fittest and the rest of it. The agenda has not changed from the days of Hitler and this man is one of their useful puppets. Unfortunately Bill has been deceived as well. His achilles heel is a paternalistic promise of regard and false flattery. Works every time. Take away the flattery and he will soon cease to follow.

Beware. This is not the reality of the future. These people that Charles represents are scheming for their lives. They have no choice. Their days are numbered and they know it. They are not your masters. Wake up! Their only hope is a race of robots they are busily creating… and inviting in to take over what remains of this planet after the shift.


Keep on kissing their asses on your knees and you will find yourselves slaves of a race that views you with even less regard than the ones you thought were your "masters".

The Challenger Disaster – The Plot Behind the Secret Space Program


January 28, 2011 – Update

The Challenger Disaster – The Plot Behind the Secret Space Program

This article (click here) commemorates the deaths of the crew aboard the Challenger… What they don’t tell you is that this disaster was a result of a secret space program that forced a group of dedicated professionals to face certain death aboard an antiquated tin can in order to keep you the public in the dark about a technological superiority that was operating in secret. This was a publicity stunt cover operation meant to distract you and keep you from questioning the black budgets and the development that forces millions to live in poverty when the means exists to alleviate all of it. It’s a lie that perpetrates the constant facade of rule by secrecy. Challenger was not a disaster it was a planned bloody ritualistic sacrifice of human life to further the goals of the elite and secret government.

The Aryan Philosophy Under the Charles Material

Within the constant references to Charles’ friend or “master” as he calls him… is the Nazi philosophy of eugenics. He is simply conditioning those who bother to listen to what “they” are planning for you. Survival of the fittest and the rest of it. The agenda has not changed from the days of Hitler and this man is one of their useful puppets. Unfortunately Bill has been deceived as well. His achilles heel is a paternalistic promise of regard and false flattery. Works every time. Take away the flattery and he will soon cease to follow.

Beware. This is not the reality of the future. These people that Charles represents are scheming for their lives. They have no choice. Their days are numbered and they know it. They are not your masters. Wake up! Their only hope is a race of robots they are busily creating… and inviting in to take over what remains of this planet after the shift.


Keep on kissing their asses on your knees and you will find yourselves slaves of a race that views you with even less regard than the ones you thought were your “masters”.

Jesse Ventura sues TSA


January 26, 2011

Jesse Ventura sues TSA

Click here for the news story

Go Jesse!



January 25, 2011



Live discussion with Miriam Delicado – Free Event online

Miriam Delicado has been living on the Hopi Reservation for the past four months. In the heart of Hopi conflict has been created between the Government run Hopi Tribe and the Traditional people. Tonight Miriam will help explain this complex issue and how it relates to our world.

Details to follow…HERE’S THE LINK: http://tinyurl.com/projectcamelot-tv

Note the pw is on top of that screen but fyi it is starlion675

This event has finished but you can still click on the above link and view it using the Password above.

Conspiracy Behind the Death of Martin Luther King Jr.


January 23, 2011

Conspiracy Behind the Death of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Click here for this important video overview

“In 1999, through the tireless efforts of Martin Luther King’s family, it was proven in a US Court of Law that the United States Government was responsible for the triple-redundant plan that assured King’s assassination on April 4, 1968.” –Forbidden Knowledge TV

This is just one example of how the major media have shaped perceptions and buried the truth. It is up to us to do the necessary investigation and discover who, what, where and how. And then to get the truth out. Please link to the video and distribute far and wide.

Tonight’s radio show at 7pm PST


January 19, 2011

Tonight’s radio show at 7pm PST

My guest is Marcia Schafer executive consultant, ET experiencer and intuitive

Listen Live

Lucas on 2012?

Article here — not sure if this is a joke or not. Regardless, if anyone has a direct line to Lucas please point him at Project Camelot!

NSA Builds Large New Databank in Utah

Click here for the story

This coincides with information obtained from Dr. Pete Peterson with regard to the movement of our government not only to underground Colorado but north into Utah and Idaho. If you have not already seen our interview with Dr. Peterson I encourage you to do so.

Vatican Approves GMO Crops…Wikileaks Reveals


January 18, 2011

Vatican Approves GMO Crops… Wikileaks Reveals

The roll-out moving forward.

The Vatican is so wrapped up in the oppression of the human race it boggles the mind. As Miriam Delicado warned sometime back get your heritage seeds now.