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American Warships Head to Egypt


February 7, 2011

American Warships Head to Egypt

Click here for the article… A lot of firepower for just keeping the peace….

“Pentagon officials emphasized that military intervention in Egypt was not being contemplated and that the warships were being moved only for contingency purposes in case evacuations became necessary.” –from article posted at Global Research click the link above for more

All Ambassadors called back to Washington DC

Click here for the article

Last week we had only senior ambassadors being called back to Washington by Sec. State Clinton… now this article says “all”… See the article for some of the possible reasons.

GLP Back Online

Click here for the site … The posted reason for the downtime is “internet stalkers”. I have heard a variety of other issues which may or may not have something to do with it.

Bankers Received Letters Last Week re Deposit boxes


February 6, 2011

Bankers Received Letters Last Week re Deposit boxes

According to a source Bankers and their technical staff have received letters from the government telling them that the gov has a right to go into and confiscate contents of deposit boxes of their customers without a warrant, covering all types of items including gold, silver and documents deemed suspicious or likely to cause civil unrest or other spurious classifications. This most likely I am told falls under the vast provisions of the Patriot Act.

I have not seen any news articles about this but you can be sure that this could cause a run on the banks from safe deposit box holders — the likes of which banks have not seen, if true.

US Jams Lebanon’s Internet?

Click here for the article

“The An-Nahar newspaper on Saturday reported that movement of U. S. warships in the Mediterranean Sea has been disrupting the internet services in Lebanon over the past three weeks.” This is interesting… I would surmise nothing like this is happening by ‘accident’. Wha’s going on over there that they don’t want the Lebanese to put out there?? Judging from the rest of the news highlighting the demonstrations and the movement of Hezbollah the jamming may be an effort to black out the net grapevine from revealing that the people are rebelling and the U.S. may not have things going their way at the moment.

Godlike Productions taken down

I have no background info on why they took their site down other than I think someone was theatened. Why not just archive the site and close it down?

Anyone who has background info on the GLP site and why they shut it down (other than stating they were threatened) please get in touch with me. I can understand archiving it but why is it GONE from the web? Isn’t there a web memory where the entire archived site would be??

For the record, that site was known to be way out there and full of unverifiable info but in my view there’s nothing wrong with that. From what I could tell freedom of speech was alive and well on that forum. I hope they put it back up even if they no longer want to operate it.



February 5, 2011

What do you do when friends and allies fall for the "V" configuration?

Because that's what we are looking at with the Charles Material as Charles self appointed master who "sheds his skin", we are told, dictates his moves. And meanwhile Charles churns out the same information that has been out there all along.. giving it just enough twist to make the "followers" think they are getting the real thing. And then on top of it.. these 'chosen' few on Avalon are now being told they are part of the 'new world' building a new society…. all made possible by Charles courtesy of his "master" who has supposedly broken away from the 33 (same number used to designate the Committee of the Majority in Majestic/Sion… by the way) of not-necessarily-world -rulers but something related to that — aptly vague… using Charles as their main liaison?

Why can't they see the Reptilian Agenda? Why don't they get that they are being sold a bill of goods? What's the bait?

During these times you have to carefully consider who it is you are supporting and where they are leading you. Covert threats and ritualistic behaviors are key signals that you are dealing with a Reptilian race. To say nothing of the Nazi protocols having already referred to that in my previous post. Pay attention, learn discernment. At some point you have to choose.

Recently posted on Camelot Forum here under Kerry's Forum: new topic.



February 5, 2011

What do you do when friends and allies fall for the “V” configuration?

Because that’s what we are looking at with the Charles Material as Charles’ self appointed master who “sheds his skin”, we are told, dictates his moves. And meanwhile Charles churns out the same information that has been out there all along.. giving it just enough twist to make the “followers” think they are getting the real thing. And then on top of it.. these ‘chosen’ few on Avalon are now being told they are part of the ‘new world’ building a new society…. all made possible by Charles courtesy of his “master” who has supposedly broken away from the 33 (same number used to designate the Committee of the Majority in Majestic/Sion… by the way) of not-necessarily-world -rulers but something related to that — aptly vague… using Charles as their main liaison?

Why can’t they see the Reptilian Agenda? Why don’t they get that they are being sold a bill of goods? What’s the bait?

During these times you have to carefully consider who it is you are supporting and where they are leading you. Covert threats and ritualistic behaviors are key signals that you are dealing with a Reptilian race. To say nothing of the Nazi protocols having already referred to that in my previous post. Pay attention, learn discernment. At some point you have to choose.

[recently posted on Camelot Forum here under Kerry’s Forum: new topic.]

Video Streaming Online Help Needed


February 4, 2011

Video Streaming Online Help Needed

Please contact me if you have expertise using Livestream, Ustream, Justin.tv or any other online video for giving live conferences. We are unable to pay the subscription costs for Livestream but need a software capable of showing a desktop like Livestream’s Procaster, which allows use of the skype beta where we can show all speakers online simultaneously to allow for online video discussions.

I am planning a new conference on Earth Changes and we could use some expert consultation in this area for myself and my webmasters, Tommy and Steve.

Julian Assange Wikileaks Disclosures – re ufos etc

Click here for article This is most likely use of the controversial ‘reverse speech’ techniques…therefore unverifiable.

European Times Article – “Due to the fact that UFO and alien affairs fall within the absolute highest level of secrecy and security clearance it is hardly surprising that Julian Assange has chosen, as a safety measure, not to reveal such information.” click here for article

It sounds like Julian is trying to avoid becoming another Gary McKinnon… I want to interview Julian asap. Anyone with any direct access please contact me.

Julian Assange to speak on live video link tonight


February 3, 2011

Julian Assange to speak on live video link tonight

click here to watch

Julian Assange is speaking via a video link life from Federation Square in Melbourne tonight (Friday, 6PM EST), which would be about 11PM Thursday night if you’re in California.

As according to the above link:

What – “WikiLeaks and Freedom of Speech” discussion
When – Friday 4 February 2011 (Australian time)
Time – 6pm sharp
Where – BMW Edge Theatre at Federation Square

Should also be available to watch after the live show.

Snow and Ice Weather Wars Continue

More weather wars and keeping America on hold

Interesting how weather seems to be selectively bad in certain parts of the world right now. Of course keeping the Northeast and South in the deep freeze is sure to keep people occupied and their minds off the current financial situation. From a source who suggests some added emphasis may be making good use of heavy snowfall. This is how the weather wars play out. And here you were thinking it was just “nature”…

I guess the militias will have to wait for the spring thaw before making any moves.

Camelot Mel Fabregas interview


Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot | Interviewed by Mel Fabregas 2011
Filmed in Phoenix, AZ at the UFO Congress 2011 Part One and Part Two

Part One | .mp3

This is a two part interview with Project Camelot conducted by Mel Fabregas for the Veritas Show, at the UFO Congress in Phoenix Arizona in February 2011. In this interview we cover many topics including the efforts by various factions of the powers that be who have tried to interfere with our work and take us down. This is a very candid look at our partnership in Camelot over the years and our view of some of what we have encountered in this ever changing dynamic that makes up our work and our drive to get the truth out.


This is part two of the two part interview we did with Mel Fabregas. Both parts were released a few months ago by Mel Fabregas. This part was delayed in our release due to time constraints. This part contains some previously unreleased off-camera out takes during our lunch break…

Project Camelot



MICHAEL SCHRATT – 02/02/2011

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with Michael Schratt/div>

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Mock City in 29 Palms for Military Training…


February 2, 2011

Mock City in 29 Palms for Military Training…

Click here for article

New Currency – White hat conference

Click here to listen and download mp3 — the U.S. Treasury currency, the Dinar etc.

It is not completely clear what is happening here. But it may be accurate. Dinar in exchange for oil.

A conversation with Bob Dean 2011


Bob Dean | A Conversation 2011
Filmed in Phoenix, AZ at the UFO Congress 2011 released April 7, 2011| .mp3

In February we were fortunate to have a chance to connect once again with one of our favorite people, one-man disclosure project, Bob Dean. Soon to celebrate his 82nd birthday, he was in good form and waxing eloquent about his relationship with ETs, breaking his security oath and looking toward the future with eyes wide-open.

This is not an interview but rather after three interviews we choose to have a rousing conversation about statements he has made, whether the people are ready for the truth and whether they can handle it. As always, he rises to the occasion giving as good as he gets and taking no prisoners. Eyes twinkling he leads the viewer down the rabbit hole a bit deeper while taking care not to reveal more than he feels the listener can stand.

Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan
February 2011