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Breaking News!


February 18, 2011

Breaking News!

Egyptian Stolen Treasures – Interview with the Egyptian Manager of Antiquity Locations: Nour el din Abdel Samad

Project Camelot has obtained a translation of an interview conducted in Arabic and posted to Youtube, with the Egyptian Manager of Antiquity Locations. What is contained in this document (and stated on the video), if true, is nothing short of dynamite: Egyptian antiquities stolen while Hawass and other top officials turn the other way.

Click here to read the English translation.

Note: this interview was originally published in Arabic on the website: www.alwafd.org

On the Intelligence Business


February 17, 2011

On the Intelligence Business

We are all in the intel business. This is becoming more clear all the time. If your head is spinning at the amount of information to plow through… and then the mixture of pure sh–t with a few gems. That’s it.

What it does do is refine your discerning capabilities. For that, it is all useful. Grist for the mill.

Ultimately, keep in mind that “logic’ and science ain’t gonna get it done. You have to go beyond that… quantum leaping (as my friend Pamela says) is required here and from here on out.

Not for the faint of heart.

Tonight at 8pn PST I will be interviewed by Sandra Sabatini on BlogTalk Radio click here to listen

click here for the archived show

Search for the Brown Dwarf


February 15, 2011

Search for the Brown Dwarf

Click here for the article

Major Solar Flare

MAJOR FLARE: Earth-orbiting satellites have detected the strongest solar flare in more than four years. At 0156 UT on Feb. 15th, giant sunspot 1158 unleashed an X2-class eruption. X-flares are the strongest type of x-ray flare, and this is the first such eruption of new Solar Cycle 24. The explosion that produced the flare also sent a solar tsunami rippling through the sun’s atmosphere and, more importantly, hurled a coronal mass ejection toward Earth. This raises the possibility of geomagnetic storms in the days ahead. Visit http://spaceweather.com for images and updates.

Thanks to Dr. Deagle for the heads up on this… and Happy Birthday to Dr. Deagle!

Attending UFO Congress Conference next week Feb 23-27

Bill Ryan and I are going to be attending this conference from Feb 23 to the 27th. We will be conducting interviews when possible and meeting people… please stop by and say hello if you are there!

Click here for the conference link

Bird/Fish/Animal deaths

Click here for a pretty comprehensive list going back years.

A source has said that pin holes in the magnetosphere is causing this by way of ionspheric radiation.

02/14/2011 – LETTER TO THE WHITE HATS – The ‘Dirty Low-Down’


February 14, 2011


The 'Dirty Low-Down'

Whereas I enjoy the White Hat Reports from the standpoint of a 'follow the money' mentality, and I believe that the people behind those reports sincerely believe that 'settlements' and re-establishing a firm foundation for the financial system of the U.S. will keep the tiger from the door. However, the problem I have is that financial corruption is the story of the decade and probably a lot longer… in government. Most people if you really asked them would say most, if not all politicians are 'on the take'. To find out the details of how using certain financial programs and 'clubs' and making money out of nothing is all very fine.. but harping on all of this won't change the system and it won't, in my view keep the tiger (NWO) from swallowing the U.S. whole.

So what's to be done? What I suggest is that without good intel your group has nothing to offer the people that isn't already out there. Because like it or not you need the people behind you if you are really serious about changing anything. And so, assuming it's the people that you are trying to reach it seems to me you are going about this in the wrong way.

First of all, decide who your audience is… and if your audience is a global one and if you want as many people to wake up to the sad truth "the dirty low-down" as Boz Scaggs would say, then I think you need to rethink your approach.

Attacking a figure-head like Obama, or even the usual suspects, Bill & Hilary Clinton, the Bushes et al is nothing new and doesn't raise an eyebrow in the current climate of earth changes, magnetic pole shifts and consciousness raising events.

What is needed is to go deeper. If you want to attract supporters and raise awareness you need to offer more than simply the crass follow the money but let's still keep the same old rich men rich and keep the corrupt financial system afloat a little longer in order to maintain our comfortable American way of life. This doesn't sell in this era of 2012 and the awakening of the masses.

What you need is to put forth a clear analysis from a deeper level of why the corruption is allowed to happen and by who… not using the usual suspects in the way you are now targeting them. You need to talk about the real roots of their power… Where is it coming from?Why isn't the Rothschild NWO something that works for the U.S.? Because at root most people reading your reports just say to themselves.. yeah this is just the same power structure wanting to prolong it's inevitable demise. And for what? For a few more years of comfort during which they continue to line their own pockets and support a secret government that is siphoning off our hard earned money, using drug money and all the other typically corrupt financial instruments to keep their space race alive.. and their dominance of the planet by the way.

So if you truly are White Hats and not just in-fighters from within the inner circles of the beltway, as they say, then I suggest you come forward with information that blows the lid off the game. That information could be where the real money goes, what's really going on in black projects, why we need them and what they are really fighting for and who!

Why should we support you? What do you offer beyond the same old platitudes we have all heard for a 100 years? Who are you guys really?

Otherwise, frankly, I would say these reports make great cocktail party chit-chat around Washington and maybe in the board rooms of Texas but they don't really address the real problem and they offer nothing new to approach finding a hole in the cloud cover that ever surrounds this beautiful blue planet of ours. The sleeping giant is waking up and nothing you can do will stop that. So are you with us or against us? And if you are with us, then what do you really have to offer?

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot

February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day 

Nods to the awesome series Battlestar Galactica


February 14, 2011

Nods to the awesome series Battlestar Galactica


Thanks Tommy 🙂



The ‘Dirty Low-Down’

Whereas I enjoy the White Hat Reports from the standpoint of a ‘follow the money’ mentality, and I believe that the people behind those reports sincerely believe that ‘settlements’ and re-establishing a firm foundation for the financial system of the U.S. will keep the tiger from the door. However, the problem I have is that financial corruption is the story of the decade and probably a lot longer… in government. Most people if you really asked them would say most, if not all politicians are ‘on the take’. To find out the details of how using certain financial programs and ‘clubs’ and making money out of nothing is all very fine.. but harping on all of this won’t change the system and it won’t, in my view keep the tiger (NWO) from swallowing the U.S. whole.

So what’s to be done? What I suggest is that without good intel your group has nothing to offer the people that isn’t already out there. Because like it or not you need the people behind you if you are really serious about changing anything. And so, assuming it’s the people that you are trying to reach it seems to me you are going about this in the wrong way.

First of all, decide who your audience is… and if your audience is a global one and if you want as many people to wake up to the sad truth “the dirty low-down” as Boz Scaggs would say, then I think you need to rethink your approach.

Attacking a figure-head like Obama, or even the usual suspects, Bill & Hilary Clinton, the Bushes et al is nothing new and doesn’t raise an eyebrow in the current climate of earth changes, magnetic pole shifts and consciousness raising events.

What is needed is to go deeper. If you want to attract supporters and raise awareness you need to offer more than simply the crass follow the money but let’s still keep the same old rich men rich and keep the corrupt financial system afloat a little longer in order to maintain our comfortable American way of life. This doesn’t sell in this era of 2012 and the awakening of the masses.

What you need is to put forth a clear analysis from a deeper level of why the corruption is allowed to happen and by who… not using the usual suspects in the way you are now targeting them. You need to talk about the real roots of their power… Where is it coming from? Why isn’t the Rothschild NWO something that works for the U.S.? Because at root most people reading your reports just say to themselves.. yeah this is just the same power structure wanting to prolong it’s inevitable demise. And for what? For a few more years of comfort during which they continue to line their own pockets and support a secret government that is siphoning off our hard earned money, using drug money and all the other typically corrupt financial instruments to keep their space race alive.. and their dominance of the planet by the way.

So if you truly are White Hats and not just in-fighters from within the inner circles of the beltway, as they say, then I suggest you come forward with information that blows the lid off the game. That information could be where the real money goes, what’s really going on in black projects, why we need them and what they are really fighting for and who!

Why should we support you? What do you offer beyond the same old platitudes we have all heard for a 100 years? Who are you guys really?

Otherwise, frankly, I would say these reports make great cocktail party chit-chat around Washington and maybe in the board rooms of Texas but they don’t really address the real problem and they offer nothing new to approach finding a hole in the cloud cover that ever surrounds this beautiful blue planet of ours. The sleeping giant is waking up and nothing you can do will stop that. So are you with us or against us? And if you are with us, then what do you really have to offer?

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot

February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day 

White Hats Report #11


February 13, 2011 – Update

White Hat Report #11

Click here for the full report

The White Hat Reports #11 – Corruption at the highest levels continue, Obama takes his turn in preventing settlements.
 Since our last report one week ago, which continued to reveal incriminating information of fraud, corruption, theft, bribery , tax evasion… etc. by Obama, the Bush and Clinton families, and associates supplied directly to each Supreme Court Justice of the United States, several things have happened.   We have included another letter, again delivered to each Supreme Court Justice this past week that included further updated information to the Court and Congress.   It must be understood, if the Supreme Court does take the appropriate actions, the information supplied to the Court will at the very least, make each Supreme Court Justice aware and liable to the American People for the information they were supplied.  Here is a bullet point of this week’s events.
• Our White Hat report #10 posted on February 7th, 2011 went global in only a matter of hours.  
• President Obama, the Bush family and other government officials continued to move funds out of the Vatican Bank.  The funds have moved to London and Asia.  We are continuing to monitor every move made by the cabal. 
•  The Supreme Court has still failed to act on the information supplied.  We continue to be informed that they want to postpone any action, hoping settlements will be paid and the situation will go away so they will not have to fulfill their responsibility to the American people.
• Speaker of the House John Boehner has refused to denounce Obama detractors on the Birther issue.
• The Falcone letter Dated February 8th was delivered to each Supreme Court Justice. Click on the link below or see the third letter located right hand side of this site. 
• Part of Congress has started to collect information preparing for an investigation.  We need them to move faster.  If they were to invite us to participate, the case would be closed.  How about it Congressman Issa?
• As a result of the continual exposure to the world of his criminal activities by mid-week, intelligence reported that Bush Sr. verbally indicated to release the funds for Wednesday and Thursday distribution (See bullet point below in reference to Bush Jr.)   By mid week the world banking system moved more funds, started to prepare to repay investors funds including Falcone, and complete the promised Global Settlements.   A deal was communicated to appropriate parties that everything would be completed by the end of business day Friday 11th.
• Intelligence reported Friday 3:00pm that Obama stopped the distributions.   In addition to Obama, Bush Jr. also took actions to stop the distribution.  It was reported that Obama was 90% and Bush Jr. was 10% responsible for stopping the payment of investor’s funds and the Global settlements. CLICK HERE FOR MORE…

Chemtrails Halted for Navy Festival in San Diego

You gotta love this…

Click here for article

Major Pieces Stolen From Egyptian Museum

Re: EGYPT AND THE MIDDLE EAST — WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON? APPROACH TO 2012 #22489 (also posted on Camelot Forum)

Major Pieces Stolen from Egyptian Museum

I read David Icke’s article on the revolution in Egypt and he is right on… What I want to make very clear is that the people are engaged in a revolution. What the powers that be (or were) are doing with that energy is another matter entirely. Now we have items being “stolen” from a heavily guarded Museum. This is clearly being allowed to happen. The question as always is why?

I note that several of the items come from Amarna and this is a red flag believe me. The PTB want to keep Amarna hidden (they decimated it with an atomic bomb I am certain to remove all traces from the site of their plundering…). Please see my recent interview with Carmen Boulter… if you have any question on this.

At any rate, there is no way the museum could be invaded even during more peaceful times. That museum (and I was just there with Carmen) is very heavily guarded and there is no way anyone could get in and out with the precious antiquities unless they were allowed.

Click here for my interview with Carmen...

Please help Stan Deyo with his Measurements – Magnetic Pole Shift

Do you live in one of these locations?

Tasmania, Northern Territory (near Darwin), Queensland (northern tip), Singapore, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Thule in Greenland, Barrow or Prudhoe Bay in Alaska, Hawaii and Antarctica

Click here for the article and contact details

Click here for the Camelot interview with Stan Deyo from Oct 2009

From his site bio:

..” Stan Deyo has held Above Top Secret Security Clearance and worked undercover for the FBI. He was part of an exclusive “black project”, headed by Dr. Edward Teller specializing in the development of “flying saucer technology”. He’s a research physicist and computer programmer as well. His predictions of Earth Changes and preparedness website Milennium Ark is well known.

02/11/2011 – My Point of View


February 11, 2011

I wrote the following several weeks ago and sent it to Bill. I wanted him to be aware of my pov of what he is doing. I have held off publishing it until now because I did not want it to appear I was attacking him. Whereas, I love Bill as a friend and comrade in this struggle, the present situation calls for a deeper look into the psychology of why they chose him for their 'operation' and what vulnerabilities they are targeting. There is no doubt that this is an operation most likely coming out of Tavistock or at the very least being closely monitored by them. This is written in hopes of revealing a bit of the truth behind the "image" some have simply because it is so needed at this time when many are being led astray, in my view.

The Perils of Resistance or How Do You Talk to a Murderer?

My formal reply to the recent Commentary video statement from Bill Ryan of Project Avalon

The latest Commentary and "Interview" with Charles, the assassin/fixer turned representative and protector of Bill Ryan is frought with problems.  Which is why my latest response was to cite the film "Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb".  The key to the dilemma here is understanding what Bill Ryan is doing in relation to the job of an interviewer and investigative reporter.  The problem is that he is neither.  His approach to Charles and the 33 has been to perform a service.  In his chosen role, he has placed himself in the position of becoming the ideal "student" and "auditor" rolled into one.

What do I mean by auditor?  Because Bill has spent around 30 years studying and being audited as part of his immersion into Scientology — by way of a break-off group called Ron's Org. this is what he has learned to do.  He has never studied to be a journalist… Nor has he actually studied to be a leader of a revolution of any kind.  And this is crucial to understanding how he approached his role when Charles and the 33 approached him.  It is necessary to also state that "they" would have accurately assessed that this is his background and therefore know exactly how he would perform.

Why is this a problem?  Because as an ideal "student" and "auditor" Bill sees his role as not one to question except to further elucidate or explain what it is "they" or his interview subject is trying to convey.  That's it.  In his view, he is there to "learn" and "understand" what is being said.  

And this, is what he therefore thinks anyone who interviews him (or anyone else for that matter) should also do, by the way.  He is not there, in his own view, to really question or analyze from the perspective of a journalist… an investigative journalist… His job, as he sees it, is simply there to absorb and report.  He becomes, for the purposes of his time with Charles and by default therefore with the 33–a blank slate.  And this is the reason for my sarcasm.  

Instead of bringing the vast amount of background and knowledge he has to the table in dialog and interchange with Charles, he shelves that in favor of making himself pliable and comforting.  In other words, an auditor.  You could view an auditor as being similar to a therapist.  They will listen, not interrupt or even really participate actively in any way…other than to help the person reveal what it is they want to say.  They facilitate.  They encourage even.

Why is this a problem?  Because that is not what, in my view, is needed here.  Whereas, one could certainly make a case that Charles and indeed the 33 could use all the therapy they can get… The role of Project Camelot and presumably, by default Project Avalon (Bill's Half)… is not just to bring information to the people but to analyze new information in light of what is already "known".  And to question in order to get to the bottom of a mystery.  

And this is where Bill and I depart ways.  Because for Bill, listening sympathetically and reporting information is something he does well and what he has been taught to do.  But this is not sufficient for the task at hand.  Why?  Because in this arena, where humans are put into a situation where in essence the jailhouse guards and self-appointed rulers are suddenly accessible to dialog, his approach falls drastically short of anything the least bit satisfying to the needs of the situation.  There is no sense in any of Bill's material with relation to Charles… that he is able to compare and contrast with say, our previous witness testimony, historical knowledge, or show any sense of being able to spot an inherent contradiction in the material, when faced with the facile (and highly questionable) statements from Charles in respect to the 33 and their supposed position and point of view.

This is not helpful to solving our problem or indeed to saving the 2/3rds of the human race from the planned GENOCIDE.  Yes, boys and girls, what the viewer knows (or at least a good portion of our enlightened audience knows) is that Charles represents the group that has (if they are who they say they are and not just 33 very rich, deluded, old white men) the button in their hand to throw the switch to eliminate 2/3rds of the human race.  GENOCIDE in a scale beyond what even your average run-of-the-mill genocide involves.  

And here we have Bill, sweetly placing himself into his role as polite and mannered "auditor" and unquestioning student.  Doesn't this strike you as a bit odd?  Certainly Houston, we have a problem.  Because planet Earth is at the brink and the men at the controls are very likely jumping for joy, because they have just 'acquired' their target (to use a military term)… one of the leaders in the resistance.  Alas, my partner in Camelot, an organization that has been at the forefront of the information revolution and awakening for the masses.  We are the resistance.  Our job is to save the world.  In my view, if this were a Terminator movie, then we are Sarah Connors and her son.  We are supposed to be, yes, Mulder and Scully of the X-Files.  In my view, our mission is to be among those that lead the investigation discover humanity's destiny, not just to file it away on a shelf, but to use that information to reveal the Controllers, OZ behind the curtain and in so doing, disempower them.

And this is why we have been a threat and why we now have a big problem.  In getting alongside them by way of Charles, Bill has become their scribe.  Just as the mainstream media has become the scribe of the Controllers… Workers in their massive publicity machine, informing the masses of their intentions, and even, rationalizing those intentions using the Illuminati's own rationale for what they intend to do.  Which is again, massacre over time,… fully 2/3rds of the population this planet.

So why is he doing this?  Has he lost his mind, has he been programmed?  I imagine, knowing him as well as I do, that he thinks he is being clever.  In placing himself in this subservient and pliable role he is learning their methods and information in order to later turn around and use it against them.  This is most likely his plan, if he has bothered to have one.
Unfortunately, it won't work… In fact, it has already failed.  Why?  Because in allowing himself to be co-opted he has furthered their agenda.  

It may be that he hopes, that in becoming their docile apprentice he will be granted access to their secret abode, and then be granted audience to them, at which time he will try to argue for the lives of the 2/3rds of the human race.  Unfortunately, his chances of success are nil.  Why is that?

Well, this goes back to who exactly these 33 are… to of course bloodlines.
Most likely, these 33 are the descendants of the original Reptilian-Human Hybrids that came to this planet from the Sirius galaxy… planet Sirius B, if I understand it correctly.  And their plan has always been to take over planet Earth and to dominate it and rule according to the principles of their forefathers… more a reptilian agenda than a human one.

And there is no way, they are going to move off that agenda, without a fight.
And this is why, we need Bill to remember his mission, remember what he has learned as part of years of investigation as half of Project Camelot and to continue to help lead the Resistance to the Controllers.  

And maybe, even in time, to learn what being an investigative reporter really entails and next time he is approached by a witness or assassin from the dark side, manage to reveal the information while at the same time keeping the context in mind and asking the good questions that reveal the method behind the madness and not to be co-opted or cross the fine line between inquiry and agreement.

In the spirit of the resistance,


Egypt and Zahi Hawass


February 11, 2011

Egypt and Zahi Hawass

While this whole situation in Egypt was unfolding, this article indicates Zahi Hawass was nominated to be a member of Mubarak’s cabinet as “Minister of Antiquities”. I suggest that this indicates that whereas, Hawass’ control is being extended his fate is not linked to the fate of Mubarak. This new title gives Hawass an even tighter control of the Giza Plateau and more.

Mubarak’s stepping down is likely at the demand of the U.S. who is not about to let the fate of this country go its own way. Hawass is an illuminati member in good standing and will probably be attending to the U.S. every demand in coming days. It is important to note that the Great Pyramid and its critical importance during these times as the planet moves into alignment with the Galactic Center is reason enough to assume that in whatever way necessary the military industrial complex will keep this area highly locked down and monitored as was already much in evidence on my last trip to Egypt. There is no doubt that the leylines and energetic connection of this area will factor in a primary way into the future of the planet and the opening of the natural stargates worldwide.

The Perils of Resistance

Go here for my recent article and post on Camelot Forum regarding the targeting of Bill and Avalon by the Charles faction.

Or go here to view on the CamelotForum. Post #21993

Mubarak Steps Down!

article here

Norad Incident


February 10, 2011

Norad Incident

..”Breaking: NORAD Rd. closed; explosives team on the way 10 Feb 2011 We’re learning that what appeared to be a false alarm is being taken more seriously than we previously reported at NORAD.”

click here for the article

Ghost cities in China

click here for article

Most likely preparation for abandoning coastal areas…

Mubarak refuses to step down

article here

This is the latest announcement. Crowds of people were anticipating his resignation… this will lead to more demonstrations no doubt and possibly a coup.

Youtube video not ufo but Genesis Capsule Crash

click here for article

Thanks to Camelot supporter for sending. Posting in case anyone else gets sent hoaxed video.

Report on Volcanoes in Iceland and Japan


February 8, 2011 Update

Report on Volcanoes in Iceland, and Japan

From Mitch Batros’ newsletter:

“Two volcanoes on Japan’s southern island of Kyushu erupted on today. The volcano at Sakurajima, the Minamidake crater, erupted early Tuesday followed by an eruption at Shinmoedake in the afternoon.”

Article here

“Iceland On Volcano Alert With New Threat Of Fresh Eruption

Geologists on Iceland are warning of the increased risk of a fresh volcanic eruption after measuring an increased swarm of earthquakes around the island’s second largest volcano – ‘Eyjafjallajokull.’ “

For coverage on volcanic eruptions and other earth changes I recommend Stan Deyo’s site:



White Hat Report #10

Click here for the full report…

From their website, a description of who they are and their objective:

“We are a group of people who have been brought together to assist in the worlds awakening by reporting truth and exposing our fraudulent corporate government. We bring forth information that the main stream media (msm) refuses to report and our news comes from high level “inside” intelligent sources.”


White Hat Report #10 – February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011 – The White Hat Report #10 – The United States Supreme Court – Upholders of the Constitution or Just another Political Player?

Democrats, Republicans, the Supreme Court and the Slow Death of the United States of America.

“We the People are the rightful master of both congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”  Abraham Lincoln

This will be the fourth month the White Hats have reported information about the status of the massive corruption in our government and our beloved country.  We have delivered numerous reports with information that America is watching … and there are 308 Million Americans.  The same reports have been read by world leaders … Presidents, Prime Ministers, Finance Ministers, Bankers, Lawyers, and our good and honorable government officials.

Many of the above mentioned leaders questioned the White Hats about what is actually happening in America and how this could be happening especially with the evidentiary materials in hand.  It has allowed many of those foreign leaders to check their countries’ banks to see if this corruption has made a path to their lands.  It is interesting to note the extensive methods our corrupt former and current leaders have used to hide their spoils, i.e. Sovereign accounts, Vatican accounts, corporate accounts, Trusts, Foundations, off-balance sheet accounts and in the names of others at U.S. and offshore banks.  Many members of our Senate and Congress have either met personally with us or have received extensive packages with this personal follow up from the aggrieved parties and are being fully apprised of the magnitude of this problem.

This single story has grown international legs and the struggle is full blown with the domestic media unwilling to report the news, the domestic authorities unwilling to take action on the evidence, our Supreme Court unwilling to take the actions required by law to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, our Justice Department unwilling to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators of the criminal acts against the United States of America, our domestic and International security agencies unwilling to investigate and make serious, hard hitting recommendations and the Department of State unwilling to explain to the International community the problems the United States is experiencing with our former and current Heads of State. What is the result? click here to continue

UK to Conduct Emergency Evacuation Drills in London

According to a source local officials in London were notified recently that the government is going to conduct emergency evacuation drills. Word is that these tests may be planning for possible CMEs from the Sun….