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Antoine Gigal : Egyptologist


Back in March I attended Megalithomania in South Africa and interviewed several speakers. My interview with Antoine Gigal started out with a discussion about the recent revolution in Egypt. Antoine lives in Egypt and speaks fluent Arabic. As a woman she has been given special access to sites on the Giza Plateau as well as elsewhere in Egypt. Her insider knowledge is substantial covering both the ancient past through her detailed investigations and the present.

With the coming shift in consciousness and the movement into a more feminine paradigm she is in an ideal position to bring forward new ways of looking at some of the most complex mysteries in our past. Her theories regarding ancient sites, such as the idea that the Giza plateau was at one time an island is based on intriguing new archeological data. She is definitely someone who will bear watching as we move forward into the future.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

Interview conducted: March, 2011 South Africa

Antoine’s website: http://www.gigalresearch.com/uk/index.php

Interview Transcript

Antoine Gigal (AG): …commandos, armed commandos attacked twelve high-security jails in Egypt. And those commandos freed prisoners, but very dangerous ones, and giving them guns and then the event started. So, it’s not what we think… a natural movement only. It was very well prepared.


Because when you read the ancient text, in hieroglyphic ancient Egyptian texts, you see that they are speaking about the god Nu, who is a god of… the first water, the first Earth, etc. The god Nu is like Noah. We know that in all civilizations, you have a kind of same god with the same name everywhere.

Kerry Cassidy (KC): Sure.


We know that the pyramids and the Sphinx are much older [chuckles] than they say, from many years ago. But what can I say to you about the Sphinx is that [there] existed another Sphinx, just the other side of the Nile, and the feminine one and the masculine one. This is attested in more than thousands of texts, ancient Arabic texts, and this is also one [ed.note: part] of my research.

Start of Interview

KC: Hi. I’m Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and we are here at Megalithomania, and I’m here with Antoine Gigal [pronounces last name like ‘je jal’].

AG: Gigal. [pronounces it like ‘je gal’]

KC: Gigal. Okay and she is an Egyptologist, and really extraordinary. Doing extraordinary investigations for many, many years on the Giza Plateau and all over Egypt. She lives in Egypt and she looks at it from a completely different point of view than a lot of the investigators out there today, and I’m very happy to be able to talk to her.

AG: Happy to be with you today also.

KC: Thank you. So, what I’d like to talk about, is some of the things that you were covering in your talk earlier, and maybe some of the things that you’re going to talk about today and then let’s just sort of see where it goes.

First of all, because this audience will not know your work necessarily, can you tell us how you got involved in Egyptology?

AG: Yes. It’s a long story. Well… I’m living now for 20 years in Egypt and before, I was at university in France. I’m on my study in Champollion School, National Institute of Language, where I learned hieroglyphy [ed. note: hieroglyphology], Chinese, Sanskrit, all the languages, because it was my passion, from very long time ago. And… well, after that, I went to Egypt, and I discovered my true passion.

KC: Okay.

AG: I had the chance to be able to visit every site of Egypt, but not only the public sites, but the non-open-to-the-public sites. And I have the chance also, to be able to come back to every site each year for twelve years and to take pictures, to see how the things were restored or not, etc.

KC: Okay and…it’s true also that you speak Arabic…

AG: Yes. I speak perfect, fluent Arabic.

KC: Okay and this is a huge advantage, as well as you were able to… Are you able to read the inscriptions on the temples?

AG: Yes. I can read hieroglyphic. It’s to say, ancient Egyptian. I can read ancient Grecian, Greek and I can read Arabic.

KC: Okay. So, this gives you an advantage over many researchers, I would say.

AG: Yes. My research is based not only on physical evidence on the terrain, but also, because I’m able to translate directly from the ancient texts, which I’m reading. Yeah.

KC: Mm-hm. Okay. Is there anything specific that you can tell us because I know that you are also up-to-date on your Facebook page. You were telling us that you’re actually giving news items from inside Egypt.

AG: Yeah.

KC: And… all the time, for maybe quite some time.

AG: Yes.

KC: Maybe a year or more.

AG: Oh… three years now.

KC: Three years. Okay. And for those listening, I think that’s a great thing to reference and to catch up on.

AG: Yes. You can go to my Facebook page, Antoine Gigal. And you will find news of every day in Egypt, in Cairo. And I was very amazed of what I could read about the occidental news, medias, because what I was living in Egypt was totally different. So, a lot of people joined my Facebook page in order to see what was the truth. [laughs]

KC: Yes. I’m sure. Before we go into ancient Egypt, why don’t we talk about the current events…

AG: Yes.

KC: …because you have an interesting take on what’s going on.

AG: I was very amazed, about what I could see in occidental medias, news about Egypt, because I was living in Egypt and living completely different things. And…

Yes, the events, for example, when it started, the day it started… Something they never said in the occidental medias, is that, in fact, in reality, commandos, armed commandos attacked twelve high-security jails in Egypt and those commandos freed prisoners, but very dangerous ones, and giving them guns, and then the event started. So, it’s not what we think… a natural movement only. It was very well prepared.

And also, it was prepared, because we know today in Egypt, that a book was published one year before telling every event coming, day by day.

KC: Really.

AG: Yes. An Egyptian writer wrote this book. Yeah.

KC: Well, how did this Egyptian writer know what was going on?

AG: [shrugs] This is the question. [laughs] I can’t answer this. Many speculation about that.

KC: Okay.

AG: Because, for example, the commandos went to… they went to free the people inside the prisons, were not exactly Egyptians. So you have maybe many foreigners involved in the story also…

KC: Oh, really?

AG: Yeah. I suspect people coming from Lebanon, from other countries. So…

KC: Hmm.

AG: A lot of things mixed there. Not… It’s not a simple event.

KC: Okay. Yes. Very interesting. As things have moved along since then, we have Zahi Hawass who has resigned, and we’ve got a… I just heard you announce that there was a new Minister of Antiquities. Is that correct?

AG: In fact, Mr. Hawass never resigned, because the day he published that he resigned, he was sacked, in fact.

KC: Ah.

AG: Because the government changed… this day, that day, and the minister changed every ministry and, of course, him also. So, he was sacked, as the other ministries.

KC: Ah.

AG: He never resigned.

KC: Okay. Yes. Okay. I understand. Well, we understand also that there had been a great deal of stealing going on.

AG: Yes.

KC: And a lot of… Zahi Hawass has been accused of turning… allowing these things to happen, turning away, ignoring it, maybe even participating in this.

AG: Well, this is now in the hands of the justice in Egypt. We will see what happens.

KC: Uh-huh.

AG: A lot of fights, a lot of things. We will see. But, I was very concerned by all the looting during the last days, last weeks, because it was not normal that… you are Ministry of Antiquity, and you are not asking to the military to come to protect this sites. That seems very strange, and you have many sites attacked by forty people with guns, etc. and the police was not there, because… Nobody was there, in fact. [chuckles]

KC: Okay. It sounds a lot like what went on in Iraq…

AG: Yeah.

KC: …after the U.S. invaded.

AG: Yeah. But… This time there was no invasion. [laughs] So, I can’t say the same.

KC: Yeah, obviously. Okay. So, in terms of how you feel about this time in Egypt, do you feel that… hopeful that there will be something positive come along as a result of the revolution that’s happening?

AG: Well, I think, anyway, change is good, anyway. I really think it’s very good. The main thing is, Egypt is seventy-five percent… You have seventy-five percent of young people under thirty years old. And you have a demography, a very fast demography, three percent in three years of increasing of demography. So, you have plenty of young people, also under twenty years old. And they are coming with much illusions and they want to…they think that outside the country, you can win money easy and you can find a job very easy. They don’t know the situation we are facing, all of us in the world. So, I’m afraid of this illusion, because in any government [that] will come to power in September, they will not able to give money and job to everybody. [chuckles]

KC: Uh-huh.

AG: So, that is a risk. And also, the risk is, of course, the religious sectorist… There are many in Egypt, and powerful, very powerful. So, I hope the young and other people will be able to face the situation with wiseness [ed note: wisdom].

KC: Okay. I understand. Now, to move on to your studies and your research, can you tell me what you feel is the direction that you’re going? Like, what you feel that you’re eventually, and you been have revealing, that hasn’t been revealed before, or isn’t known by other people.

AG: Yes. My research is very specific, because mainly my main theory is that Giza Plateau, not only the pyramids on Giza Plateau, but all the Giza Plateau… and for me the Giza Plateau is 80 kilometers long. It’s not only the three pyramids with the Sphinx. Of course, with geological, different geological features, but it’s a plateau made of islands, in fact. Ancient islands. It is exactly what I’m finding with… also with my friends of the Geological Survey of Egypt. And, all that to say that the first pharaohs… but before the first dynasty for me… built all the Giza Plateau, in order to make a kind of shelter under the plateau for all the population and all the knowledge. And not only for Egypt, but maybe for all the planet in that time. But this is, of course, speculation for the moment. But my theory is grounded geologically now.

And with evidence I found in the terrain and also with the ancient texts, because, for example, you have the Abu Hormeis… writings, where you find the evidence of the existence of a pharaoh named Saurid, and this pharaoh Saurid, much before the first dynasty, he prepared the Great Pyramid as an entrance for underground facilities, to put all the knowledge and population, because he knew, 300 years before – that is written in the text – that a big catastrophe will come to Egypt, a big huge flood. So he wanted to save all that knowledge and the population.

And not only in this Abu Hormeis hieroglyphic text. In fact, it is in Hieratic and Coptic writing. But you have plenty of other texts, Arabic texts from the historians. [unclear: Al-Muqtadi], for example, is saying that the high priest with the name of Saïuf was living under the pyramid and that he saw the arriving of the flood. And he made a prayer to his Lord Osiris in order this flood don’t kill the people. So, you have plenty, plenty of evidence of that in the text.

KC: Okay. And… So, that’s very interesting. And you also have demonstrated very clearly how the boats and the water…

AG: Yeah.

KC: …was all very much a part of Egypt and still is today, that the canals are still being used and the water wheels… In fact, that the Dutch come and study the water wheels. Is that correct?

AG: Yes. That’s correct. You have hundreds of kilometers of canals, of dams, water logs, water facilities, everywhere on the plateau. And still working, which is incredible, because the evidence we have are from 3,500 B.C., but I know that this is only restorations which existed before.

KC: Mm-hm.

AG: And it is still working today. The part of Faiyum depression at 80 kilometers south of Giza, you have all those kilometers, hundreds of kilometers of canals still working. And this represents an amount of stones, much more than to build the three pyramids. [chuckles] So, how did he do that work? This is completely amazing.

Also, the King Louis XIV in France, a long time ago, sent his envoy to see this amazing water work, network in Faiyum, because he wanted to do the same in France.

KC: Uh-huh.

AG: And when this man came back to France, he explained everything and they were not able to do the same, because it’s very complex, very well built and a lot of systems. Also, you have the boat pits you find under every pyramid and… an amazing technology. We are facing, for true, a high-level maritime civilization.

KC: Yes and that’s fascinating, because at this time, of course, it’s hard for people to accept, simply because it’s so dry there, that it’s changed. But most Egyptologists and people that follow the history know that the pyramids were built in a place where there was…

AG: Forest.

KC: …it was exq… incredible, lush…

AG: Yeah, exactly.

KC: Yeah. Jungle zone.

AG: So, you have to imagine this desert full of forest with water running everywhere.

KC: Yes. Absolutely. Now, when you say that they think that there could have been a repository for knowledge… And also, for safety for the people under the pyramids in… And, obviously, there are most likely lots of different levels going on underneath the pyramids, tunnels of all kinds going all directions. Do you… Would you call this the either… the ‘labyrinth’ or would you call it the ‘hall of records,’ or something else altogether?

AG: This is a very interesting question. [chuckles] Because when you read the ancient texts, in hieroglyphic ancient Egyptian texts, you see that they are speaking about the god Nu, who is a god of… the first water, the first Earth, etc. The god Nu is like Noah. We know that in all civilization, you have a kind of same god with the same name everywhere. And this god Nu in Egypt, he was all the time speaking about Thebes [pronounces it like ‘Tibah’]. And Thebes is today the City of Luxor, the ancient name of Luxor.

KC: Oh. Thebes [pronounces it like ‘Theebs’]. What we would say in English, Thebes.

AG: Yes. You say Thebes like the Greek. Yes. Thebes. But in ancient Egyptian, it’s Thebes [pronounces it like ‘Tibah’].

KC: I see.

AG: And Thebes was an ark at the origins. Every word in Egypt, ancient Egyptian, means other things.

KC: Yes.

AG: Depends of your level of consciousness.

KC: Yes.

AG: So Thebes, in fact, is a rectangular or square ark.

KC: Oh really.

AG: And, the City of Thebes [pronounces it like ‘Teebs’] today was Thebes [pronounces it like ‘Tibah’] before. And you know why? Because the ark arrived at final stage in Luxor.

KC: I see.

AG: So, they gave the name of this city, the name of the ark, Thebes. [chuckles] What I really think, is that the pyramids – when I say ‘the pyramids,’ I mean the Great Pyramid, for example – they are built as a dam, a huge dam. Because you don’t have only four sides, to the Great Pyramid. You have eight sides, because it’s convex. You can see that twice a year with your eye, because it’s very… [makes vertical halving gesture with her right hand]

KC: Uh-huh.

AG: And you have the corners very well grounded with the system. So, this pyramid is able to support incredible strong earthquake and incredible amount of water. So, it is not only a dam [chuckles], of course. It’s many other things, because the ancient Egyptian used to make, to build a thing for many different things. That’s very interesting. They were so clever.

KC: Yes. Absolutely. Now, what about the notion of the ritual… There was a whole thing that the adepts inside the pyramid… The young… Well, they’re basically called ‘adepts’ who were studying the knowledge, who had to go through certain initiations. Some of those initiations involved diving down into the water in… and going underneath, inside the pyramid.

AG: Yeah. Well, as for the pyramid, for the moment we don’t have any evidence, physical evidence of that. But I know places in Egypt where you have evidence of that.

KC: Yes.

AG: In the Delta. You have many places like this. It’s very impressive because, in fact, not only they had to go inside the water a long time, but they were facing crocodiles inside. [laughs]

KC: Yes. Yes, that was a part of the ritual.

AG: They needed to feel a big fear in order to throw away, threw away. [chuckles] Yeah.

KC: Yes. Absolutely. Now, do you know anything about Amarna?

AG: Yes, of course.

KC: Okay.

AG: Yeah. Well, I have totally different position on Amarna. So… [laughs]

KC: Okay, that’s fine. Let’s hear it.

AG: It’s not my main topic and… [sighs loudly] Ah! I know that people will not like what I will say. But anyway, for me, it’s my truth, so… [laughs]

KC: Yeah, that’s…

AG: So, I may not be the first. For me, was not the saint that everybody’s depicting. Because we just discovered a text in Luxor, just this past year – I think it’s November, December – where we found that Akhenaten… he put in prison and then decided to kill many persons during his reign.

KC: Oh really.

AG: So he was not the angel that everybody think.

KC: I see.

AG: So, that’s my… [takes a deep breath] what makes me feel that we have a very wrong [chuckles] vision for that. And also, because I can say with the ancient hieroglyphic text, ancient Egyptian text, that Egypt, all the time before Akhenaten, they worshipped only one god, already. But the different gods… the problem is the translation we had, occidentals. ‘Gods’ is ‘neteru’ in ancient Egyptian, and it is not ‘gods’ translation. Neteru, the right translation is ‘energies’, which is totally different.

KC: Okay.

AG: So, when you understand that the so-called gods are not gods but energies, different aspects of the energy of the Oneness.

KC: Okay.

AG: So, you have a cult in Egypt for the Oneness, and not for different gods. Of course, during the Roman time and Grecian time, all that was lost. All this knowledge was lost and they mixed everything and…

KC: That’s right.

AG: But in the ancient time, in the ancient Egyptian time, it was a cult for God, one god only. So, Akhenaten was not putting again something [new]. He decided to cut with tradition of the high priests and this is, of course, as today, they were facing in that time, because Akhenaten for me is very recent. [laughs] I prefer to speak 4,000 Before Christ and his time.

But anyway, in the time of Akhenaten, they were facing a very difficult time, as today in Egypt. I mean… high priests were not like before. They were stealing things, etc, etc. So…

KC: Okay, yes. That’s very interesting. Well, I went to Amarna recently, and when I look at it, it appears that they actually exploded a bomb, because they’ve cleaned the desert floor down to nothing.

AG: I know.

KC: I mean, it’s like dust.

AG: Yeah.

KC: And in order to do that… I mean, it’s not like they just took a few stones away, or a few monuments or whatever. They had to clean it by throwing a bomb into it.

AG: Yes. I know. It’s very strange.

KC: It is quite strange. So, there is a cover up, it seems to me, around Amarna.

AG: You know, when religious topics are involved, you always have something hidden. [chuckles] Amarna is too big a religious topic, because you have Bible groups involved in this research. You have religious… So, you don’t have any neutrality of research, any scientific true research without [the] religious topic inside.

KC: Okay. Now, what I was… I would like to do, because, I wonder if you go, because you said you’d like to go before Akhenaten and… I… because I don’t know your work well enough, but I would say… Do you know about Atlantis and the idea that the Egyptians originally came from Atlantis?

AG: [sighs] Well, once again, I am not… [chuckles] I have not the same [chuckles]… I have a quite different point of view of that.

KC: Okay.

AG: I think it’s for that that the Egyptian of today likes me, because, for me, Atlantis… You have all over the world under the seas, big cities.

KC: Yes.

AG: Big cities everywhere. And I listen every day, ‘Oh, this is Atlantis! This is Atlantis!’ [chuckles] No, they had differentnames. But for me, Atlantis, this is my theory in one of my next books. Atlantis is coming from the name of ‘Atl’ and Atl is an ancient name, Egyptian name for canal. As you know in my research, all Egypt was covered by canals. You had 42 known areas completely managed by canals, incredible canals and islands. So, for me, Atlantis is Egypt!

KC: [chuckles]

AG: Where you can find the most astonishing building like the Great Pyramid? It’s in Egypt. But, what is important is that Atlantis for me, is Egyptian. But who were the ancient Egyptians? For me, you had 24 tribes in Egypt, very different. I wrote a long article with all the details on my website, GigalResearch.com. [Click on the] English flag then ‘publications,’ you will find it, The first Egyptians, where I wrote all the evidence found by archeologists in the terrain, that you had those 23 different tribes before the… in prehistoric times in Egypt, you had blacks, you had red skin, you had white skin, you had yellow skin, etc. So, for me, Egypt is… all humanity were there, at the beginning.

KC: Okay. Now, how do you think about Sumer? Because there’s information coming out that I’m getting and also hearing, even in this conference, that’s leading me to believe that it’s possible, or it seems to me, that actually Egypt predated Atlant… uh, not Atlantis, but predated Sumer.

AG: A lot.

KC: And a lot of people talk about the Sumerian tablets as being the first information and so on so forth. It doesn’t seem correct to me for some reason.

AG: Yeah. Well… once again, I have a different point of view but, I mean, from the public, general public, because it was a fashion until now to speak about Sumer thanks to the book of Zecharia Sitchin with… I respect very much Zecharia Sitchin, his first book, because it was his first book. After that, he changed a lot of stuff. [His] translation was, for me, not correct after.

KC: Okay.

AG: But, he’s a very respectful researcher anyway. But, the most interesting is that Sumer… the most ancient period of Sumer, Ubaid period, is… you find in Egypt much more older… [chuckles] evidence of civilization in Egypt, because for now, ten years, archeologists are finding incredible stuff about ancient Egyptian, much older than Ubaid period in Sumer.

KC: Okay.

AG: But I think, what it is interesting with Sumer, is that the ancient priests they wrote in the text. It’s very interesting to know something: there was a kind of war between Sumer and Egypt, because the priests always said that Sumer was the place of black magic, and Egypt of white magic. [chuckles]

KC: Uh-huh.

AG: And all what they were doing, was to protect Egypt with spells, with text, etc. with ceremonies, from the priests of Sumer. This is strange, no?

KC: Really, yes. Very interesting. Now, where did… where does that information come from?

AG: That information came from many ancient texts in hieroglyphic.

KC: In hieroglyphs. Okay. Can you cite the text that also, that we have people listening, who want to go find the information.

AG: Yeah. Not today. [laughs]

KC: Okay.

AG: But I will put… I will write articles about that, because it’s very interesting.

KC: Yeah, absolutely. Well, this does change the whole sort of equation. Okay. So, as far as what you have found recently, and your investigations, what exactly are you following at this exact time?

AG: For the moment, we are analyzing things we find at 75 meters up the Plateau of Giza, to show and to have true evidence, that, in a time, the sea was up the Plateau.

KC: Okay. Yes.

AG: This is to show that the flood came, so that the pyramid are pre-flood time.

KC: Pre-flood. Yes. Absolutely. So, how high did the flood waters get on the pyramids? Do you know?

AG: We still don’t know exactly. We know already that it came 75 meters up the Plateau. It’s a base of the Pyramid of Khafra. Khafra is the…

KC: The middle.

AG: And Menkaura also. And… but we have ancient records, English records… that show, that they found marine fish at 23 meters up the Great Pyramid, and salt and a lot… marine salt. Outside. Not on the inside, but outside the pyramid. So…but it’s very strange, every time people find such fantastic evidence, it disappears, the evidence.


KC: Oh really?

AG: Yeah.

KC: Huh. Well, what do you mean? Where does the evidence go?

AG: In the past, many teams discovered… fish… ancient fish… [chuckles] embedded in the stone in the pyramid, but complete fish not from the stone itself, and they were doing analysis and then the proof [she pronounces this like ‘prof’] of this disappeared.

KC: The proof… disappeared.

AG: The proof, yeah.

KC: So, it goes to a lab and then disappears from there.

AG: Yeah.

KC: Interesting. Okay. Now, there must be a tremendous amount of bribery going on, on the Egyptian plateau and… I don’t know.

A lot of countries, also, from what I understand, from other people I’ve talked to, there’s also, for example, the Mossad, Israel, has got an involvement in Egypt for some reason. That they are concerned with certain information that they feel is going to affect the perception of Israel or the Jewish people, etc. And then there are other countries, obviously the United States has been very much involved there and therefore their militaries, as well. Have you kind of bumped up against any of those groups?

AG: You know, in the first time of archeology in Egypt, [chuckles] in the eighteen eighty-something, they found, the English found a kind of observatory in Cairo. This building, inside the building, it was obliged that when you discover any artifact in Egypt, your artifact and your report goes to this foundation. I can say foundation, English foundation. And then, they said to you, ‘Okay. We can spread the news or not.’

KC: Mm-hm.

AG: So, I think every time in the past and now, you have a lot of politics involved in ancient archeology, because if you discover something pre-dating the religious belief of a lot of people, then this is politics. So, well, every country’s involved. Every…

KC: Okay. But what about yourself? Did you… Have you had any… Have they directly affected any of your work?

AG: No. Because, well…for the moment [laughs] But… I try to find the way to be in peace with everybody, but also without any politics. I hate politics.

KC: [chuckles]

AG: I really hate politics. This is very bad for the knowledge and for the science and for everything. So, I try to find everywhere the clever person… able to understand that it is better to do a true, good research with evidence and to spread the information as we can, the more possible.

KC: Okay. Now, what’s your theory about the Sphinx? Do you feel that the Sphinx, for example, is older than the pyramids?

AG: Well, [sighs] it’s possible. Yes, it’s possible. This is…we really don’t know. We know that the pyramids and the Sphinx are much older [chuckles] than they say, from many years ago.

But what I can say to you about the Sphinx, is that there existed another Sphinx, just the other side of the Nile. The feminine one and the masculine one. This is attested in more than thousands of texts, ancient Arabic texts and this is also part of my research. And when I began this research many years ago, I did not know that a geologist in Egypt was doing the same research than me. And another researcher in the world contacted me, saying to me: ‘You know, your research is exactly the same as this geologist you have to meet.’ So, I met this fantastic geologist and we found the same thing, together… So, we decided to make this research together.

KC: Okay.

AG: And we found, in fact, the site of the ancient second Sphinx in front the other one, the other side of the Nile River. It was very difficult to find, because now you have Cairo City, which is mega port… city. But we found the place, the geological place, because there remains nothing of this ancient Sphinx, because it was made of bricks. And the difference is… You had one in bricks, one in stone.

KC: I see.

AG: One masculine, one feminine.

KC: Ah.

AG: And it was destroyed during the big earthquake in the Middle-Age, in Cairo.

KC: Okay. So, when was that?

AG: The discovery?

KC: No. The earthquake.

AG: The earthquake is about 833 A.D.

KC: A.D. Hmm. Okay.

AG: And you had another one after also.

KC: Another earthquake after. I see.

AG: Yeah. Many things disappeared because of the earthquakes, yeah.

KC: Was the earthquake a huge…? It must have been a massive earth quake.

AG: Yes. The Great Pyramid facing blocks disappeared completely.

KC: Oh.

AG: Why? Because they used these facing blocks to rebuild mosques after the earthquakes.

KC: [chuckles] The mosques. Really.

AG: Mosques, yeah.

KC: Yeah. Fascinating. Okay. But, as far as the second Sphinx, is there…? You say there’s information, there’s documentation that indicates that it did exist. Did it… Were there any drawings of it, for example?

AG: How many?

KC: Drawings? Were there any pictures?

AG: Drawing. For the moment, we do not find any drawing, but very accurate descriptions…

KC: Okay.

AG: …from many different, very serious authors, very well-known Arabic historians, not only from Egypt, but from outside, coming to visit Egypt. And this is very interesting also, because this second Sphinx was in a place… In ancient times, in Cairo, this area name was ‘Babylon.’

KC: Really.

AG: And Babylon is the door of the gods. And it was named like this much before the Babylon you have in Iraq.

KC: Hmmh.

AG: A lot of connections there. [chuckles]

KC: Yeah, I bet. Okay. Where in Cairo now is this area that you’re talking about?

AG: Mmh.

KC: Where?

AG: Where? It’s in ancient Cairo. Very ancient, oldest part of Cairo.

KC: So what is it called? Zamaleck?

AG: No, no. Zamaleck is the modern part. [laughs]

KC: I see. Okay. So, what’s the name of this…?

AG: It’s near Mokattam Mountain, near.

KC: I see. Okay.

AG: At the feet of Mokattam Mountain.

KC: All right. Is there anyone else investigating this at this time?

AG: No. It’s just Dr. Barakat and me.

KC: Okay. And are you continuing to investigate this?

AG: Of course. It’s a long research…

KC: Are you able to do digging at all, or is anyone…?

AG: Well, we went to do digs. We asked the authorities of before, to do digs. But the problem is that this place is in a prohibited area, military area.

KC: Ah.

AG: So very difficult to, even for a professor in Egypt, to get this permit but we hope we will have it. [chuckles]

KC: Okay, and to bring it into present day, the new Minister of Antiquities, do you have good hopes of possible changes to go along with this person?

AG: Well, we… Yeah. We have to know that all of the government names of today will change in September. So it’s a very short time.

KC: So, it’s only for six months or something.

AG: We have to… Yeah. And also, they are facing so many emergencies, like what is… they are facing in Lybia. You have one-million-and-a-half of Egyptians in Lybia they have to save, so it’s a lot of work and all those stuff also.

KC: Oh, right. Okay. Okay. Very interesting. What about Alexandria and the Library of Alexandria.

AG: It’s a pity they burn it…

KC: Mm-hm.

AG: …because in this library, you had all what we need as information. [chuckles] Yes.

KC: Yes. Okay. But do you subscribe to the belief that perhaps a lot of the manuscripts might have made their way to the Vatican?

AG: We can suppose everything about that. [chuckles] So much mystery, hidden reports everywhere.

KC: But you don’t hear anything. Because you live in Egypt, you must hear all kinds of things.

AG: For me, the most important is the knowledge of the keepers of the tradition, which is the oral tradition. And this oral tradition can’t… die.

KC: Mm-hm.

AG: But this tradition is not open to everybody, of course…

KC: That’s right.

AG: …because they had to protect it.

And I was very surprised many years before… because during three years, I was going in every temple and then they contacted me, the guardians, because they are in every temple anyway. Not the people with the ticket, but, of course, others. And they were watching me, and they said: “We know that you went always in the “sens” [ed. note: French for direction] of the sun inside the temples. We saw that. We…’ They remembered everything I did in there. They said: “We want to give you our knowledge.” I said: “But why?” And they said: “Because we are no more…” This was seven years before now, before today. “Because we are no more allowed to give our knowledge to men. We need a woman.” [laughs]

KC: Wonderful. Yes. I’m not surprised. Yeah, I’m not surprised. Well, this is wonderful. Antoine, we have limited time here today.

AG: Yes.

KC: But I would love to interview you again, and we will also put a written translation, so that people who don’t speak French, and your accent is quite thick for those…. I understand you, but I go to Paris and I understand. But I realize that people are having some trouble but at the same time, you have such a fount of knowledge. Is there any secrets that you have been told, that you would want to say here, today, at this time? Or is this something that you are working towards?

AG: Both things. [chuckles] I just would just like to say that, the most important thing in the life today is the joy, to don’t lose the joy, because the joy is very important in order to go further in this very troubled times. If you have the joy, you will be safe.

KC: That’s a beautiful, beautiful thing to say. Absolutely. Okay. I agree with that. Well, Antoine, thank you very much.

AG: Thank you.

KC: Let’s talk again. Bye bye.


The Singularity or Transcendental Event Horizion According to Terrence McKenna

March 2, 2011

The Singularity or Transcendental Event Horizon According to Terrence McKenna

Worth revisiting compliments of Henry Deacon sometime back in time – the Sperm Whale and the bowl of Petunias

Humanity’s Evolution into Hyperspace

Timewave Zero “novelty is being increased as we move through time…” -Terrence McKenna

Clarification regarding the mathematics of novelty theory

Art aka Henry Deacon wrote back then:

“There is a very large body of BS, psyops, disinfo, fantasy, confusion and superstition data to sort through. I know I can help sort through it all — better than most folk i’ve met or know of… with assistance of up-tone souls like Bill and Kerry.”

It is worth noting that he said that on a private email. It would appear since he wrote that he became disenchanted with the idea of ‘helping’ people sort through this… as he has ‘gone to ground’ as they say. Or perhaps simply being threatened one time too many by the PTB became all too much.


Today is Bob Dean’s Birthday! I want to extend our warm wishes for his birthday and encourage everyone to post a birthday wish on our Camelot Forum here


As the Elder Statesman of Whistleblowers, we would like to extend our warm wishes and birthday blessings to Robert O. Dean on his 82d birthday… In real terms he is still a young man if you consider how many years we are supposed to be able to live here on Earth… some say thousands of years. We will get there.

Bob Dean is a true inspiration to many including us. His courage and brilliance have served to awaken humanity and will continue to do so for years to come.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
March 2, 2011


Article by Clayton Douglas posted here to support Donna Taylor and her son Mark

Note: CLICK HERE to Tune into Clayton Douglas on BlogTalk Radio Thursday night at 7pm CST to listen to his show with Donna Taylor

“…Mark Taylor was shot 7 times at Columbine. He Survived! Only to be hospitalized and his mother denied access by Evergreen Group Home in Phoenix!

This e-mail is, in effect, a query letter you may forward to your local news outlets.

On the tenth anniversary of the Columbine shooting, Mark and Donna Taylor gave a filmed interview. This video documents Mark’s shocking decline since being forcibly hospitalized and ‘treated’ with psychiatric drugs in 2006. He used to be coherent, give television interviews, wrote a book and was able to drive himself. Then a contrived incident in a mall resulted in him being committed to a mental health facility where he was dosed with psychotropic drugs. In 2009 he was in a very disconnected, almost zombie-like state.ColumbineFamilyrequest.org 

Donna was warned by a doctor that Mark’s life was in danger. They had sued the Pharmaceutical companies with Attorney John DeCamp. Mark had been featured on Michael Moore’s “Bowling in Columbine”. Mark’s clear-headed interview about the Columbine incident is featured here. Donna and Mark moved to New Mexico. Donna continued to talk about the Pharmaceutical companies on shows like mine. After I moved to Tucson, Donna, Mark and her brother came through Tucson to see me. Mark was lucid and perfectly normal in the time he was in my company, but his health had deteriorated due to a Methane gas leak in the home they were staying in. Donna documented the incident with the NM health department.

They left Tucson for Phoenix. Mark experienced discomfort, nausea and convulsions. Donna took him to an Emergency Room. They sent him to a mental health facility. They told Donna she needed to get an address in Phoenix while Mark was being treated. Once she did that, she unknowingly made him a resident of the state. 

The treatment facility in Phoenix put Mark into the state run AHCCCS insurance plan and immediately took over his SS disability income from Donna and by claiming he was severely disabled, got a court order giving them control of him for no longer than 365 days. Donna returned to Colorado, further limiting her physical contact with Mark. They began feeding him the same kind of psychotropic drug, Haldol, that they drugged me on for 3 months in 2004. Her access to her son became more and more limited. Mark’s ability to communicate with his brother and uncle were being limited and tightly controlled as the time limits were expiring. 

Tuesday Jan 25 Ron Aigner and Donna Taylor Columbine Survivor Mark Taylor in forced isolation – incarceration. Why? Her options faded. She needed an attorney. She provided me with extensive documentation. My attempts to contact the Medical company that was holding Mark met with tremendous resistance, hours on hold and no return calls. Neither was I allowed to talk with Mark because, after 11 months of drugs he did not remember me and his guards would not let me speak to him.

I found her one who understood what was happening. I forwarded the documentation she provided. His statement to me that what was being done to her was “Criminal”! Donna says the people in the facility were very rude and controlling. She was even told to “shut up and not talk about Columbine” with Mark but it was Mark that wanted to talk about it. Donna has authorized me to speak on her behalf and assist as much as possible to bring her story to mainstream press.

She sent me this e-mail: 
“I give permission to Clay Douglas to help get Mark Taylor out of Evergreen Group Home and return him to me his mother, Donna Taylor.” I am trying to do that with this e-mail. I contacted an attorney in Colorado who was defending Edgar Steele and who has been on my show with Edgar’s wife, Cyndi Steele. The battle to raise funds for Edgar’s defense continues also. When I mentioned SPLC and the ADL, Wesley responded, “They are the real hate groups!”.

Tuesday Dec. 7 Edgar Steele’s wife, Cyndi and her attorney Wesley W. Hoyt are raising money for his defense. Wesley Hoyt believes what is being done to Mark is criminal and has found an aggressive attorney in Arizona who can get Mark released. Once that has been accomplished Wesley and Donna will be able to take further actions to protect and heal Mark while he is being detoxed in a safe location. 

The hang up is that none of the money from the lawsuit or the website has found its way to Mark and Donna. The lawyer estimates her legal fees to run about $9,000.00. Donations from Donna may be sent to me through Paypal at clay@freeamerican.com. In the meantime, I am putting Donna and Mark’s story into a article that will be submitted to mainstream media outlets and magazines.

Donna and Mark are not the only victims of malevolent Forces. Edgar Steele, Roger Christie and more recently, Ronn Jackson. Are these people being targeted for being on my show or have I managed to identify and interview “persons of interest” prior to the harassment possibly stemming from these sinister, DHS Fusion Centers set up to control and compromise local law enforcement and turn them towards concentrating on potential homegrown Terrorists…ie anyone who is not willing to accept Global Government. . . like me and few million other patriots! That is why they are trying to limit my audience and dry up any source of financing for ideas like that discussed with Hiro White below this section.”–Clayton Douglas, website:http://freeamerican.com/

End of article

I am now back in LA area


February 28, 2011

I am now back in LA area. We did a 2 hour video interview for Mel Fabregas and will be able to release it on our sites as well once he airs the show. This interview covers many of the more controversial aspects of what went on in the past 2 years as well as a discussion of the overall big picture and how we view the future.

While at the conference, we did a short update with Bob Dean, a Futuretalk with well known author, Rich Dolan and interviewed Chuck Wade, regarding ufo crashes around the time of Roswell. Chuck has had a long career in the military and is now a very serious and diligent researcher who has pieces of a crashed disk (hard evidence).

In addition, I interviewed Niara Isley, regarding her MILAB experience. Niara was in the Air Force and worked as an electronic radar specialist back in the ’80s with a large amount of missing time…

All together, our trip to the UFO Congress was very productive and it was wonderful to catch up with old friends and supporters of our work

In these pics: Kerry, Bill, Bob Dean, and Maria Talcott (who worked with John Mack for 10 years).


Project Camelot is attending the UFO Congress


February 24, 2011

Project Camelot is attending the UFO Congress as mentioned below. Here is a photo taken just as we arrived yesterday when we ran into our dear friend Bob Dean.


We are planning to do several interviews at the conference. Attending the conference, hotel bills and flights all cost money. Any contributions to assist us in paying for this trip and my upcoming trip to South Africa to attend the Megolithomania Conference and do more interviews would be greatly appreciated. Click above to donate and support our work.



February 23, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BILL RYAN! We are attending the UFO Congress in Phoenix for the next few days… as mentioned below.

We are catching up on the details of current happenings and interesting aspects of the story are being revealed.

White Hats Report #12


February 22, 2011 – The White Hat Report #12 – Jew, Arab and Gentile leaders all have same criminal mentality.

Note: I am posting the following report because the information within is of use when viewing current global events. It would appear my letter to the White Hats had some impact. Or perhaps this is simply a coincidence 🙂 — Kerry

Begin Repor:/ We again feel it’s very important to post an internal updated report. We are spending a lot of time collecting intelligence and what follows is an outline of what we know so far.

*Josef Ackermann, Bush Senior and Deutsche Bank in collusion with Egypt’s Mubarak, illegally sent Mubarak’s substantial funds into Israel. The funds were moved into numbered accounts in Bank Leumi, Tel Aviv. Part of this money is EU funding from the G20 World Bank Aid Program allocated for Egypt to aid its economy. Since a lot of gold was stolen, the total figure of funds is estimated to be as high as $70B. The G20 and Egypt are victims of fraud, stolen funds and money laundering. 

*Christine Legard, the French Finance Minister, has asked Interpol to investigate Deutsche Bank’s involvement in the movement of Mubarak’s funds, set up by James Baker, John Podesta and Josef Ackermann, acting for Bush Senior who each got large kickbacks. Other parties associated includes President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bush Junior, Jeb Bush, Josef Ackermann, and Benjamin Netinyahu. 
Some of Mubarak’s funds were originally in Deutsche Bank and others. Also, major funds were represented in Property Trusts fronted by his son and nominees in London. Swiss Bank funds, planes loaded with cash and Gold, have been identified by the Egyptian authorities. All are now under investigation and will be frozen as confirmed.

*Josef Ackermann, the Bushes (Senior, Junior, Jeb …) and Deutsche Bank in collusion with President Obama, moved Obama’s $1,000,000,000 Dollars, reported previously in Santander Bank, Spain, in one tranche into Deutsche Bank and then again in conjunction with HSBC and Barclays Bank Europe. Obama’s corrupt use of his share of the stolen Falcone funds is now being lined up for a new Bank Trading Platform being set up with HSBC, Deutsche and Barclays Bank. Bush Senior will take the major profit share along with Josef Ackermann, for which Obama will be left in place until 2012. Is this Obama’s golden parachute? Except for the Clintons, all the funds previously reported and again listed below have been moved out of the Vatican Bank. At this time the Clintons have moved half of their funds out of the Vatican Bank. List of Government Officials sent to the Supreme Court benefiting in the blocking of Falcone’s Funds:

President Obama Vatican Bank One Billion
President Obama Bank of Santander One Billion
Vice President Joseph Biden Vatican Bank $100 Million
Tim Geithner Vatican Bank $700 Million
George Bush, Sr. Vatican Bank $700 Million
George Bush, Jr. Vatican Bank $200 Million
Alan Greenspan Vatican Bank $500 Million
Mitt Romney Vatican Bank $400 Million
Paul Guennette (associate of Bush, Sr.) Vatican Bank $700 Million
Michael Herzog Vatican Bank $500 Million
Bill & Hillary Clinton Vatican Bank $400 Million 

*Tropo USA is now approaching the Bank of Taiwan and China to cross investigate the stolen $700B of ACAT funds.

We are tracking this information with a lot of Global support from varying Intel Agencies and low profile US agency staff, along with Patriots who are sick of these Political and Banking criminals conspiring and looting with impunity. We know the holding banks and trading banks. Soon we expect the names of the Traders involved, who will then be exposed, investigated and arrested. Mass litigation will erupt against the Trading Banks involved and money laundering charges will be brought. The Bush’s, Obama, Ackermann, Herzog, Baker and others are all now on a serious Watch List. We are building a full Global corruption list to expose them all, reaching back again to Geithner, Biden, the Bush’s, Romney, Clinton, Emanuel, Herzog, Ackermann, and so many others. 

The Arab world is bringing down their tyrants and crooks. Bush Senior, his entire crooked network of Government officials, Bankers, and Politicians is coming down next. 
At this time we have collected approximately 60% of the information on where these corrupt individuals and government officials have moved their funds from the Vatican Bank. In the next few days, we will continue to report the location of these illegal and stolen funds. When confirmed, this information is supplied to the proper authorities. 

The core objective of the White Hats is to inform and advise America’s population, and Global associates, of the transgressions being perpetrated by our governing entities, and their criminal Banking Cabal. Naming, shaming, outing and exposing them as the only voice of the people. Doing the job of our corrupt and shamefully sold out mainstream media. The US economy and World recovery is delayed while this corrupt President, controlled by the Bushes, dithers and obfuscates on redeeming the long overdue Settlements and Primary Investors funds, while filling his own pockets with Billions of dollars. The silence of the Supreme Court says it all. Truth they dare not declare. The world sees and knows. Truth will break free, and then watch the consequences./ End of Report

Go here for more info:



3 Asteroids Have Hit the Planet in the Past Weeks

Click here for the article. This information has been making the rounds but i wanted to post it here because I believe there is reason to believe it is accurate. This coincides with my interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk who has been talking about the coming asteroids as we near 2012. Go here to view that fascinating discussion.

Also, go here for her excellent news site: sott.net
For those interested she has a section of her news site devoted to what she calls Fire in the Sky detailing the latest impacts and comets sighted. Click here for the Fire in the Sky section.

David Wilcock’s site is having trouble with the hosting service…


February 21, 2011

David Wilcock’s site is having trouble with the hosting service… they are working on fixing this… http://divinecosmos.com


Come by and say hello! We will be meeting people, listening to the speakers and doing interviews.


KANSAS SIGHTING sent in by a viewer…

Oil on the bottom of the ocean not degrading after BP oil spill


February 20, 2011

Oil on the bottom of the ocean not degrading after BP oil spill

click here for the article…

Aside from this article there is additional evidence of the sea floor rising (Atlantis) and volcanic activity continuing in the area. Dr. Tom Termotto is investigating this… click here for Dr. Termotto’s blog

Is it Live or is it Livery? click here for an excellent video

Virtual People


February 19, 2011

Virtual People

“Though many questions remain about how the military would apply such technology, the reasonable fear should be perfectly clear. “Persona management software” can be used to manipulate public opinion on key information, such as news reports. An unlimited number of virtual “people” could be marshaled by only a few real individuals, empowering them to create the illusion of consensus.” click here for the article




Translation from Arabic of the YouTube interview with an Egyptian Manager of Antiquity Locations: Nour el din Abdel Samad

Egyptian Stolen Treasures

Fiirst I would like to start by saying he is an employee of the Ministry of Antiquities
This is my first translation I hope I have done it justice. — Anonymous Translator

Note: What follows is a rough translation of the video interview published by the Arabic site: www.alwafd.org.
(Some spelling errors have been corrected however for the most part the translation from Arabic to English has not been professionally proof read).

Click Here to view the original YouTube video interview in Arabic.

Nour el din abdel samad
"Manager of antiquity locations" in the ministry of antiquities
Can you start by saying what you have submitted to the high court of Egypt?

I sent about 1600 documents all of them within the period of Hawas and Farouk Hosni's tenure, some documents are of financial contents others are of historical artifacts, whether these artifacts were in the museum or were held in inventory.
But we are stressing on 29 crimes that have taken place and are documented. We hope the high court takes immediate action against the perpetrators and at least freeze all of their assets, whom Farouk Hosni heads them, not only was the Minister of Culture but also the Head of the Antiquities Department set be the Presidential decree #82 in 1984 by ex President Mubarak.

OK lets start talking about the crimes.

Well the crimes are that there was so many projects headed by the antiquities authority costing billions of pounds (1-usd = 6-pounds) that turn out were fictitious in nature and never existed, and currently the antiquities authority's current bank balance is zero, they've stolen all the antiquities money, and it used to be one of the richest ministries of the state, that's just one part.

In terms of antiquities I will mention a quick incident

38 artifact were stolen from the Cairo museum and the minister did not want word to get out about it. A reporter wrote about it in a newspaper and the minister had to address it, these 38 gold pieces according to the museum were worth 1.5 billion dollars. These items were discovered missing in 2004, of course it's a crime and was treated such as and the issue was forwarded to an investigating body (the police) oddly enough from 2004 to this day the investigation was never completed. We know who did it but we do not have enough evidence to say there names. Just to tell you that for an investigation to be dragged for so long, it has to come from above Zahi Hawas.

It has to come from way above him and way above Farouk Hosni himself. Worse then this we used to submit greater offense to the high court of artifacts being stolen from the vaults and we found out that Zahi Hawas had written and signed a document stating that there wouldn't be any investigating in these matters and I urge you to understand that this couldn't have happened unless it was ordered from way above these two guys, Hawas and Hosni.

Minute 5.00

Reporter: Tell us more.

For instance do you remember a while back the National Geographic team that came and started poking at the pyramids?
They were all supposedly Americans with American passports. Well they were Zionists and let me tell you what they were doing.

Even Susan Mubarak greeted them and gave them (medal of something). What did they do?

Well they sold the rights to 144 channels worldwide each channel paying 5 million dollars (700 million in total) to see and show the world what they were about to discover. Remember they made holes and holes inside the Great Pyramid (September 2002) and discovered a door. On this door they claim that there was proto sinaitic signs on it, this is not true and was planted and tampered with (they are even on the Hawas website). The Jews claim that their language originated from proto sinaitic signs. so that they can claim it as clear evidence that the Great Pyramid was built by them. As you know the Zionist's claim their land to be from the Euphrates to the Nile. So they used this as a stunt from whom they were about to discover something amazing in the great pyramid and instead they find proto sinaitic signs. Hmm even worse during the live broadcast Dr Mervat Mohsen Mohamed daughter of the renowned writer said live on TV, we have just discovered the first signs of the Taurus in the Great Pyramid, that's one of the things these guys were up too. That's how far they have gone and sold their country.

They didn't stop there, they went into the royal mummies and claimed (Susan Mubarak was involved) this project took a few years. DNA tests were performed and millions were spent, results were carried outside of Egypt and it was claimed that Egyptians were involved in this research. Dr Saleh Bedir (world renowned) was assigned to this project of DNA research to research the royal mummies, this man I respect so much resigned and stopped working with the research team and claimed it was a Zionist project aimed at getting certain results that were unfounded.

This project claimed by Hawas to be Egyptian-foreign in it's findings was not Egyptian at all and the only person from our side (Egypt) had resigned and left the project. Most of its finds and research were done outside of Egypt.


Minute 10:21

When I enter an inventory vault and see missing pieces I have to call the authorities and even contact the Interpol, Zahi would get upset and downplay this. Because if we claim them as missing then we can claim them as stolen and try to retrieve them back, if they are never claimed as stolen to begin with, then we can never claim them back even if they resurface and that's the real danger. Whenever we would claim something as stolen he would get furious and say we want stability and stop claiming such things, of course this was not in Egypt's interest.

For instance I once went to claim something stolen in Marina. The person in charge was removed from his post (a high ranking officer), I don't know how they did this and then, well let's just say the person who stole the artifact was caught and admitted to the theft. Now Zahi was so upset with me that he tried to get my colleagues to turn against me and try to have me stop reporting of such thefts. I have witnesses who have heard Hawas saying verbally let Nour el din take the rap for this one and I have asked the high court to reopen this case.


Another case even more gruesome, a COMPLETE temple was with all its artifacts was sold to a Gulf prince.
Mr Ibrahim Abdel Meguid who is in charge of repatriating all stolen and lost artifacts had asked for a Judiciary committee to investigate the theft of the temple was refused by Zahi Hawas and then fired, what do we say to that. Everything I say to you is documented and proven.

Something else, when he is sent a confidential document for his eyes only (Zahi) we want to do certain stuff to the royal mummies documents coming from the National Geographic team backed by a Zionist intensions is extremely dangerous for us. I've also passed this info on to the proper authorities, but unfortunately nothing happened (during the Mubarak reign).


Minute 18

90% of Egyptian artifacts are still underground and when the riots broke out, digs emerged all over the place and all the
top brass denied anything was stolen, in Alexandria alone 14 case were reported today of stolen artifacts. Now that we have this transparency going on and you've been caught lying to the people about the stolen artifacts during the riots the least you can do is resign now (Hawas). You are not wanted by the people, Hosni Mubarak placed you in charge, he is gone now it's your turn.

When Hawas lied about the safety of all archeological sites and artifacts saying they were safe, the military didn't look much into it and did not try to secure the sites, Hawas is to blame for this and must pay for these claims.


Minute 25

We were doing a show in Paris, l'institue du Monde Arabe, the Institute of the Arab World.
Funny next to our booth the Israelis had a booth with Egyptian Artifacts, weird the Israelis have Egyptian artifacts?
Even when we had them return all artifacts they took from Sinai, I myself was one of the people who was involved in documenting what had been taken by them and returned. Some of the stuff were, dead Egyptian Soldier boots and some broken pottery to no value. Moshe Dayan Museum has Egyptian stuff they have never returned and they displayed it in Paris next to our booth. 6 months ago. he is saying that the Mossad is involved and he is quoting the previous Mossad head in saying we have implanted roots in Egypt that will take at least 50 years to remove. He is saying Hawas is involved from what he's been witnessing along the years.

My interpretation (translator's interpretation)
What he is saying that the Israelis are involved in trying to change the history of Egypt to suit their needs, so that
in the future they can get public opinion (worldwide) on their side when they decide to take back there promised land.
He didn't talk about anything specific being stolen from the museum but has implicated Hawas in numerous wrong doings
on a great scale and that the proper authorities had been notified. and his final words he begged the head of the Army to remove Hawas NOW before it's too late.


Posted by Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot
February 18, 2011