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Update: The Livestream with Miriam Delicado and Dr. Bill Deagle

March 22, 2011

Update: The livestream with Miriam Delicado and Dr. Bill Deagle – 2 separate shows are now archived and available on the Project Camelot Live Channel

Due to technical difficulties Bill Ryan was unable to join us.

click here for the Livestream Channel

Note Updated: the livestream with Dr. Bill Deagle was cut short by Livestream for some unknown reason so we re-recorded it yesterday. click here for the audio only file


We (Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy) are doing a Livestream event tonight at 9pm PST for those interested. We will be discussing the Japanese nuclear situation, Libya and other topics with Dr. Bill Deagle. I expect a few guests to join us…

Note: Miriam Delicado will join us around 8pm to give her intuitive take on current events.

Project Camelot TV click here

We did a test run prequel of tonight’s event click on the pic to view this short…


Hopi Message in Japanese now on Youtube

click here to listen for Japanese speakers

Please distribute

Russia calls for Halt in Bombing of Libya

March 21, 2011

Russia calls for Halt in Bombing of Libya

click here for story

Note: last night I heard the following words “world war” and what I got was that the PTB will attempt to use this incident with Libya as an entry into world war…

More background on recent arms sales by Russia to Libya

click here for the January 2010 BBC article

…’not just small arms…” (thanks to Camelot supporter for sending this!

Shades of the whole Sadam affair… This is typical. The U.S. props up a dictator for a certain period of time. Eventually the dictator gets out of hand and needs reigning in or doesn’t go along with some current agenda.. And then the U.S. and consortium of power pulls back the power of the dictator.. When he rebels and won’t play ball they step in with sanctions and plant WMDs in the country… spread rumors that the Dictator is suddenly become sadistic when he was all the time they just turned a blind eye to his behavior until he stopped obeying their lead. So now it’s time forGaddafi to go. And like Sadam he won’t go easily. Mubarak is the same thing.

At this point the arms sales over the past year have been positioning Libya for civil war if not as an aggressor nation in Africa… And now with everything set up the U.S. and allies go in for the kill.

The only question is whether this blows up to something larger. Meanwhile with the dogs of war at the door, arms sales and militaries that otherwise have nothing to do are suddenly viewed as useful and put into action. The killing machine begins to roll.

Interestingly, in this case the American people have little reason to believe this type of ploy anymore. Although no doubt there are plenty of gullible types still willing to believe that the U.S. just realized what an animal Gaddafi is… A viscious guard dog gone off his leash… Surprise surprise. They set them up then they knock them down.. And the game goes on.

Wikileaks: Japan was warned about Fukushima

March 20, 2011

Wikileaks: Japan was warned about Fukushima

Note: although this is no doubt true, I’m quite sure there’s not a nuclear power plant anywhere in the world that is ‘safe’ for coming and current earth changes.

click here for the article

On Libya, re Depleted Uranium article: Recommended

click here for article by Peter Eyre on Rense

Regarding Libya

For what it is worth, many years ago (around the early 80s) I had many dreams and visions about the future. Those images have stayed with me over the years. Just recently, some of those visions have begun to happen. Moments in time often come back to me as clear deja vu’s where I see the moment as it happened exactly in real time as I had seen it many years prior. It’s like seeing a running filmstrip happen in front of you except you are in it.

I do not like to give my visions out normally because I do not want to interfere with free will or influence anything to happen because of what I have ‘seen’. However, at this time, considering I saw some of these things in the distant past it is now the future or to put it another way as we have often said ‘the future is now’.

Back in the 80s I received a message, sort of out of nowhere that just said… “in the future look to Libya for the downturn in the economic situation and war.” This is paraphrased. I have to go through many old papers to find the exact wording. Which I will do. At the moment I am still not consciously sure about what the economic angle is…What I can say is that this is just one example of the accurate info I was given way back then. I am sure this knowledge has influenced my choices up to now and continues to do so.

I believe everyone gets information about the future…but some people remember and others do not. This doesn’t change that you are carrying aound information that will help you make decisions that could save your life. This is why it is so crucial to stay focused, centered and meditate when possible to allow the information to get through. And although everyone gets information, the vessel if not pure and clear will often distort the info.. and this is what makes for false prophecy and distortion. The other problem, is ego. There is a tremendous amount of distortion from ego in many sources. And this is what makes any predictions and/or prophecy like navigating treacherous waters.

For the record

I get EQ sensations prior to any large EQ. Those sensations range from strong energy in my feet to headaches, dizziness and upset stomach. It’s not at all pleasant and I would really rather not experience this. Due to these sensations I have been able to predict quakes here in Southern Californa, but only just before they happen usually a matter of hours or a day or two… not publicly but among friends. At this time, I have no EQ sensations for this area at this time.

I also get premonition dreams in advance of anything major I need to be aware of… I rely more on this inner information than anything that is told to me by sources or that I read in articles. I have learned that even seemingly contradictory info if it comes to me in a dream or vision to pay close attention and plan accordingly. This is what allows me to live somewhat on the edge financially and otherwise.

For the record, this is what I am getting. Normally I don’t like giving predictions but in the spirit of preparedness and the idea that being forewarned is being forarmed:

Another major quake in Japan

Another major quake in New Zealand

A large quake in the Pacific Northwest

Ultimately, due to the terrific earth changes that are in motion (that the gov’s are taking advantage of and been planning for, for years)… predicting quakes will eventually become a little like predicting stormy weather. This is not to make light of the depth of devastation and heartache that is the result of these changes. However, I do believe we will reach a juncture when the Earth will again quiet down. And our consciousness has everything to do with helping make this transition a smooth one. I urge everyone to stay in a semi-meditative state during these times and prepare as you are directed to do so by your higher selves.

New Oil Slick Spotted off Louisiana Coast

click here for story

Geologist Jim Berkland and others predicting major quake from now to end of March

click here for story

click here for Jim Berkland’s website — note this site has not been updated in a year.. not sure why..

Your Light Body

March 19, 2011

Your Light Body

Bottom line: Develop and enhance your light body through meditation… nothing is stronger than this in protecting you from radiation or whatever the cosmos dishes out.

Censored Science – Yellowstone activity, Portion of Big Sur Hwy 1 highway falls into sea…

click here for youtube video

click here for article on Big Sur portion of highway along Hwy 1

more from Dutchsinse http://www.youtube.com/user/dutchsinse#p/u/0/y8Ghtnlj5-8

Date for Awake & Aware in LA 2011:

I have settled on the weekend September 23, 24, & 25 for the conference so as not to conflict with the Alchemy Conference on the prior weekend.

We need someone to help secure a venue: hotel with a large conference room that allows for 500-1000+ people. Please contact me at kerry@projectcamelotportal.com with VENUE in the subject line if you can help.

Link between CERN LHC Restart Date and 9.0 EQ in Japan

click here for story

“…Since the machine switched on in 2010, there has been a significant -100% increase on Earthquakes from the statistical mean of 13 plus 7, to 21 in 2010 and this year mean of 25 . No other significant change on magnetic fields have taken place on Earth. Moreover, for the first time in history, two super-earthquakes over 8.8 in the Richter scale (Chile and Japan), happened in consecutive years… This possible chain of cause-effect, which we predicted in our first post on this web 2 years ago, added to the evident risks of 2014, when the machine upgrades its strength beyond the 10 Tev barrier of creation of black holes show the immense risks on human lives of this machine.” –blog Dr. Luis Sancho, World Chair of the Science of Time (Duality)

Don’t miss his Documentary:FINAL WEAPON: Quantum Rouletteon this page: http://www.cerntruth.com/

Another quote…

..”Even Mr. Assange, of wikileaks fame, a physicist himself, whose organization receive the leak of the Castor papers earlier last summer refused to take on the issue. Such is the faith we have in our technologies of mass destruction.” –Dr. Luis Sancho

link to Harper’s Magazine article written by Dr. Luis Sancho

Thank you to a Camelot supporter for these links.

Kelp Powder Recommended for Radiation

click here for link to info

Rosemary Protects Against Effects of Radiation

click here for more

U.S. Military Announces Evacution Plan for Japan (of military family members)

click here for the Youtube announcement

My question: Is this for all Japanese or only U.S. military families??

Japanese People Abandoned say Mayor of Town Near Epicenter

click here for story

People, please do not rely on officials to chart your path through disasters as they arrive. Use your own intuition to guide you.


Niara Isley : MILAB Abductee

Phoenix, AZ | .mp3 | .mov

Niara approached me during the UFO Congress in Phoenix and reminded me that we had met a year before at the Laughlin event. Back then, due to time constraints, I wasn't able to interview her. Her demeanor was extremely low-key and unassuming and something about her story sounded to me as though it needed to be told.

Niara enlisted in the Air Force back in 1979 and became a surface to air missle/anit-aircraft artillary radar specialist based at various bases around the U.S. She was based for aprpoximately one year at Nellis Air Force Base working out at the Tonopah Test Range. And that is where these incidents occurred.

Although her experiences are hard to believe, her down-to-earth way of relating the information if anthing, underscores how very real they were and the depth of depravity and cruelty implied in her treatment brings to light some very sinister dealings going on that include a race or races of ETs and the military, that if true, couldn't be more scandalous.

If and when government disclosure ever becomes a reality this is the type of story that will be very hard to explain let alone acknowledge by those coming forward at that time.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
March 2011


US Military Partial Block on (it’s own network) to certain websites…

March 18, 2011

US Military Partial Block on (it’s own network) to certain websites…

click here for article

This has got to be nonsense. As if they actually were affected by web traffic! lol — assuming this is the military personnel access to those sites and not the general public in Japan.

Awake & Aware in LA – slated for September 2011 – Volunteers Needed

Due to popular demand I am organizing this conference again for Sept 2011. Any volunteers who would like to help please write to me at kerry@projectcamelotportal.com and put VOLUNTEER in caps in the subject line.

I am primarily looking for those who are familiar with working conferences and team leads to begin this process. We need to book a hotel and venue at a reasonable price. This conference will be given at a hotel with conference facilities on site.

All volunteers will get free access to the conference.

Fish surfacing gave advance warning of Japan’s recent quake…

Note: this article was written in 2010 but posted to the Telegraph on March 18, 2011…not sure what is going on here.

click here for the article

Don’t miss my recent radio show on American Freedom Radio with Benjamin Fulford and Dr. John Waterman… archive show available here

Also recommended: Project Camelot interview with Benjamin Fulford from 2008. This interview goes in depth with Fulford and is one of the best for revealing where he’s coming from and why he knows what he knows…


Niara Isley : MILAB Abductee

Phoenix, AZ | .mp3 | .mov

Niara approached me during the UFO Congress in Phoenix and reminded me that we had met a year before at the Laughlin event. Back then, due to time constraints, I wasn't able to interview her. Her demeanor was extremely low-key and unassuming and something about her story sounded to me as though it needed to be told.

Niara enlisted in the Air Force back in 1979 and became a surface to air missle/anit-aircraft artillary radar specialist based at various bases around the U.S. She was based for aprpoximately one year at Nellis Air Force Base working out at the Tonopah Test Range. And that is where these incidents occurred.

Although her experiences are hard to believe, her down-to-earth way of relating the information if anthing, underscores how very real they were and the depth of depravity and cruelty implied in her treatment brings to light some very sinister dealings going on that include a race or races of ETs and the military, that if true, couldn't be more scandalous.

If and when government disclosure ever becomes a reality this is the type of story that will be very hard to explain let alone acknowledge by those coming forward at that time.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
March 2011


Herald Sun Article: Bungling, cover-ups define Japanese nuclear quake

March 17, 2011

Herald Sun Article: Bungling, cover-ups define Japanese nuclear quake

click here for the article

Hackers Go After Fed Reserve

From a Camelot Supporter:

I’m not a member of the Project Camelot community however i have seen a number of your interviews and appreciate your efforts. I’d like to bring something to your attention; the hacker group Anonymous has officially launched their attack on the Federal Reserve and the Wikileaks info will likely soon follow. Both organisations claim to have information that will destroy the global banking cartel, if this dual effort is successful it could be what gets the ball rolling in terms of regaining control of our society. In the interest of information i ask that you, as leaders of your community, assist their efforts through publicising and openly supporting the cause. I sincerely believe it’s a winnable cause provided it gets the support it needs.

Related Article:

Tonight on Project Camelot Whistleblower Radio my guest Dr. John Waterman & Benjamin Fulford re situation in Japan

March 16, 2011

Tonight on Project Camelot Whistleblower Radio my guest is Dr. John Waterman & Benjamin Fulford re situation in Japan – Updated 3-18-11

Tune in live to listen to us discuss Japan and current events Dr. John Waterman has a background in intelligence, the patriot movement and is a doctor and a naturopath At the last minute we were able to connect with Benjamin Fulford and he joined the show to share with us his perspective on the ground in Japan!. Click here to listen to the ARCHIVED show.

Back in the USA

I am now back in the USA after my trip to South Africa and Megalithomania. While I was there, I did four fascinating interviews with the following:

Hugh Newman
Antoine Gigal
Andrew Collins
Wayne Herschel

Click here to purchase the post conference stream of Megalithomania in South Africa. Now available at a reduced rate …Well worth the price. See below for a few pics from the event!

For the latest White Hat Report – click here

This is the ‘follow the money’ trail that is being methodically investigated by a group of white hats – patriots with a cause…

Breaking News! Hopi Call For Prayer to Re-establish Balance of Mother Earth

March 15, 2011

Breaking News! Hopi Call For Prayer to Re-establish Balance of Mother Earth

click here

From Benjamin Fulford re links to PTB stimulating these EQs

click here for White Knights Report not to be confused with White Hats Report (both are worth reading)…

Clif High Tectonics and Coming ‘Release’ language per George Ur

George Ur in this latest column about half-way down after a long explanation of what is happening in the markets… gets into a description of the next possible event that is likely to follow the recent Japan quake… This is well worth reading. Thanks to a Camelot supporter who sent me the link.

The indicators I and other intuitives are also getting is that this event is more the beginning than the end. That doesn’t change the fact that we must prepare while also meditating to calm the waters…

click here to read

There are a number of useful links in that article.

Radiotive Maps of Japan and US here.

The jetstream maps

Green juices, wheat grass/ power of chlorophyl

There are a number of reports and evidence is mounting that the New Zealand Christ Church EQ was a targeted hit…

Another user sent in the following predictive programming clips..Where movies reveal upcoming events with uncanny accuracy begging the question … is any of this ‘natural’?

click here to watch