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The Continuing Saga of Deception and Deceit: Zahi Hawass Caught at it Again

April 19, 2011

The Continuing Saga of Deception and Deceit : Zahi Hawass Caught at it Again

click here for the story

Fish kill in Ventura Harbour

click here for video

Note: this is just north of me… Considering the rough water last night I wonder if there is a link. There is a Navy base there…Point Mugu/Port Hueneme. Could be something they are doing there. Vandenburg (Air Force Base) is near there as well. Dutchsinse is suggesting this may be a earthquake precursor event.

State of the ocean

April 18, 2011

State of the ocean

For what it’s worth, this evening the Pacific ocean along the West Caost is acting very strange.

Deathlist of BP Whistleblowers Growing

click here for article

Announcing a new video conference this Friday, April 22nd! Click poster to Register!




Donations Needed

I am going to the UK to conduct interviews May 11th through the 24th. Please donate to make this trip possible. Your donations make this work possible! click here to donate

Bob Geldof in Africa – DVD recommended

April 17, 2011

Bob Geldof in Africa – DVD recommended

This is a wonderful series from back a few years ago. Available on DVD — great stuff if you are into Africa as I am. Some of the commentary is rather off since Geldof doesn’t really know the Camelot background to things… but it would be great for someone to let him know about us.

HANNA – the movie

This is a great film…. right along the lines of all ths super soldier info released by Project Camelot. Produced by someone I used to know, Marty Adelstein. Great job. Seems like they must have referenced our material in order to make this film but who knows… The musical score is riveting. click here for the trailer

Zahi Hawass Sentenced to One Year in Prison

Something tells me this will never happen.. However click here to read the article and one saga associated with Hawass And click here for the issue on prison sentence re land dispute. These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Hawass illegalities…

Natural Health News: Radiation in Milk…

April 16, 2011

Natural Health News : Radiation in Milk…

click here for story

Be the change…uplifting video with an important message

April 15, 2011

Be the change… uplifting video with an important message

click here to view

Thank you to Camelot supporter for sending it to me 🙂

George Soros and the NWO ploy at Breton-Woods

April 14, 2011

George Soros and the NWO ploy at Breton-Woods

So to address the little get-together at Bretton Woods last weeklend.. Coming on the heels of the strident rumors of government shut-down and the escalating debacle of nuclear power plants melitng down in Japan… shades of the original WWII meeting at Bretton Woods. The comparisons had to be made and yes this was intentional no doubt. The word was that 3 Rothschilds were in attendance… but many of the financial heads were missing… in theory not invited. What I was told is that the guest list centered on academicians primarily. Now why? And a representative of a think tank or two such as Tavistock (Gordon Brown) and others.

For more about the intentions behind the Bretton Woods event go here to the White Hats Report #18.

However, the Soros move is in some ways a kind of a precursor for the switch of currency into some sort of one world currency. click here for the Associated Press story; Quote from the article, “Soros is proposing the end of sovereignty as we know it.”

“The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat.”

George Soros
February 1997

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”

George Soros
June 2006

Based on my dream/visions of the future it would seem some sort of civil war or split within the United States is in motion.

Tonight 7pm PDT my guest on CAMELOT RADIO

April 13, 2011

Tonight 7pm PDT my guest on CAMELOT RADIO

Frank Ahearn, author of “How to Disappear”

Listen Live 7pm PDT


Charles/Bill Saga : Family tree of humanity according to Charles et al

In the interest of full disclosure and to eliminate targeting of individuals by Charles and group

click herefor my recent release of materials related to the Charles/Bill dialogs. I do not find this info to be accurate but I am releasing it to make sure that it is no longer a reason for this group to target Bill in any way. This is my choice and mine alone. I do this without Bill’s consent and against his wishes. –Kerry

click here for the pdf of that material (family tree according to Charles) summary by Bill Ryan


Japan’s list of Earthquakes going unreported by USGS

Note: earlier today there was a 7.0 in Honshu

click here to stay updated

Energy Wars: the Real Game-Changer

April 12, 2011

Energy Wars: the Real Game-Changer

Evidence appears to be mounting that the earthquake in Japan was if not triggered then escalated in size during a particular window of opportunity caused by a hyperdimensional configuration (see my radio show with Keith Hunter for more on this factor)…

Regarding the Honshu area of Japan, if you look back at earthquakes over the past year you will see how very active that particular area had been prior to the 9.0 earthquake. What this indicates to me is that this was a weakness that could have been targeted and exploited within a certain ‘window of opportunity’ presented by energetics that involve the sun.

If this were a murder (and evidence mounts that it was in essence a mass-murder) then you could say opportunity was present and the only question left is motive. The summation below of Fulford’s material leads one to suspect at least one motive but this is still not fully clear. I have been querying my sources on this aspect of things.

If the motive was propelled by some aspect of economics or financial gain then the question remains ‘who benefits’. What hasn’t been brought up so far but what has come to me intuitively in this incident with Japan as well as the Christchurch earthquake is the fact that here on this planet in a wider sense we are engaged in Energy Wars… And at root there are at least 2 (and probably more see water and food as two more recent elements in the game) major interests at work: the nuclear industry and the petroleum/oil industry.

Looking over the history of Japan in terms of the ingenuity and brilliance of the Japanese people and surveying the playing field for zero point/free energy around the world, it seems very likely to me that Japan, being a small country at the mercy of other countries for access to energy, would, behind the scenes be focusing on the development of free energy. Their record as leading edge entrepreneurs in all fields but especially the technical is well documented. Therefore I would say behind all the smoke and mirrors of payments and extortion is a much more compelling reason for the targeting… namely, if Japan were to be contemplating a retreat from involvement with Old World energy and be moving toward using free energy this is where a real motive for the targeting begins to make sense.

Granted, this is only speculation on my part. However, when people talk about money being a reason for actions on the level of the secret world government cabal’s actions I think they are missing the point. In my view, there is no need for them to operate by and for money alone… Money is simply the means of exchange, a by-product of their actions. At the level we are talking about, money can be printed, stolen and is being made in quantities only dreamt of in things like drug wars and of course off oil and control over resources…The real intention must be centered around something more primary… Energy. When all is said and done — the real war going on is around forms of energy. And through our work in Camelot when you sift through the massive topics and confusion surrounding ufos, ET visitation, power games and wars conducted both on and off this planet by the secret government in collusion with various ET races… it all comes down to energy. The focus becomes namely who holds the reigns on forms of energy. This is where their power resides, in the ability to manipulate the game through control of energy. Zero-point or free energy (that many would argue is not actually ‘free) is what it all comes down to.

There is no doubt about the suppression being exercised over free energy on the planet right now. This is the elephant in the room or the dirty little secret. And as free energy activitists and inventors worldwide will tell you, this is the one thing that can get you killed.

I cite numerous whistleblower testimony on this from our witnesses including ex-astronaut Brian O’Leary who has done extensive work on this topic and written a book about it called, The Energy Revolution, Henry Deacon (aka Arthur Neumann), Jake Simpson, Wade Frazier, George Green, Rich Dolan and Michael Schratt… As well as Gordon Novel and Steven Greer. It’s all about free energy and keeping this technology out of the hands of the masses and forcing them to live in an old paradigm economy of limitation based around oil and nuclear energy… As every one of these witnesses know, the minute you introduce free energy into the mix the entire game changes. Out the door go both nuclear energy and petroleum/oil industries… and starvation and the domination integral to a system that runs on a model based on deprivation, that is, the haves vs. the have-nots. Without this polarized model of limitation, power games become obsolete. And the powers-that-wish-they could stay in power but are losing the game due to the rapid expansion of consciousness, know this better than anyone.

Alex Collier predicted the current situation with Japan

In this clip from 1995 Alex Collier talks about plans the secret government had for sinking of Japan…unearthed by David Farman of Alienshift.

click here to listen

Overview of Benjamin Fulford’s Evidence of Haarp or EMP induced Earthquake in Japan

click here to review

April 10, 2011

Interesting dream posted to Stan Deyo’s site by a viewer re Chinese invasion scenario….

click here

04/11/2011 – Energy Wars: the Real Game-Changer

April 11, 2011

Energy Wars: the Real Game-Changer

Evidence appears to be mounting that the earthquake in Japan was if not triggered then escalated in size during a particular window of opportunity caused by a hyperdimensional configuration (see my radio show with Keith Hunter for more on this factor)…

Regarding the Honshu area of Japan, if you look back at earthquakes over the past year you will see how very active that particular area had been prior to the 9.0 earthquake. What this indicates to me is that this was a weakness that could have been targeted and exploited within a certain 'window of opportunity' presented by energetics that involve the sun.

If this were a murder (and evidence mounts that it was in essence a mass-murder) then you could say opportunity was present and the only question left is motive. The summation below of Fulford's material leads one to suspect at least one motive but this is still not fully clear. I have been querying my sources on this aspect of things.

If the motive was propelled by some aspect of economics or financial gain then the question remains 'who benefits'. What hasn't been brought up so far but what has come to me intuitively in this incident with Japan as well as the Christchurch earthquake is the fact that here on this planet in a wider sense we are engaged in Energy Wars… And at root there are at least 2 (and probably more see water and food as two more recent elements in the game) major interests at work: the nuclear industry and the petroleum/oil industry.

Looking over the history of Japan in terms of the ingenuity and brilliance of the Japanese people and surveying the playing field for zero point/free energy around the world, it seems very likely to me that Japan, being a small country at the mercy of other countries for access to energy, would, behind the scenes be focusing on the development of free energy. Their record as leading edge entrepreneurs in all fields but especially the technical is well documented. Therefore I would say behind all the smoke and mirrors of payments and extortion is a much more compelling reason for the targeting… namely, if Japan were to be contemplating a retreat from involvement with Old World energy and be moving toward using free energy this is where a real motive for the targeting begins to make sense.

Granted, this is only speculation on my part. However, when people talk about money being a reason for actions on the level of the secret world government cabal's actions I think they are missing the point. In my view, there is no need for them to operate by and for money alone… Money is simply the means of exchange, a by-product of their actions. At the level we are talking about, money can be printed, stolen and is being made in quantities only dreamt of in things like drug wars and of course off oil and control over resources…The real intention must be centered around something more primary… Energy. When all is said and done — the real war going on is around forms of energy. And through our work in Camelot when you sift through the massive topics and confusion surrounding ufos, ET visitation, power games and wars conducted both on and off this planet by the secret government in collusion with various ET races… it all comes down to energy. The focus becomes namely who holds the reigns on forms of energy. This is where their power resides, in the ability to manipulate the game through control of energy. Zero-point or free energy (that many would argue is not actually 'free) is what it all comes down to.

There is no doubt about the suppression being exercised over free energy on the planet right now. This is the elephant in the room or the dirty little secret. And as free energy activitists and inventors worldwide will tell you, this is the one thing that can get you killed.

I cite numerous whistleblower testimony on this from our witnesses including ex-astronaut Brian O'Leary who has done extensive work on this topic and written a book about it called, The Energy Revolution, Henry Deacon (aka Arthur Neumann), Jake Simpson, Wade Frazier, George Green, Rich Dolan and Michael Schratt… As well as Gordon Novel and Steven Greer. It's all about free energy and keeping this technology out of the hands of the masses and forcing them to live in an old paradigm economy of limitation based around oil and nuclear energy… As every one of these witnesses know, the minute you introduce free energy into the mix the entire game changes. Out the door go both nuclear energy and petroleum/oil industries… and starvation and the domination integral to a system that runs on a model based on deprivation, that is, the haves vs. the have-nots. Without this polarized model of limitation, power games become obsolete. And the powers-that-wish-they could stay in power but are losing the game due to the rapid expansion of consciousness, know this better than anyone.

Alex Collier predicted the current situation with Japan

In this clip from 1995 Alex Collier talks about plans the secret government had for sinking of Japan…unearthed by David Farman of Alienshift.

click here to listen

Overview of Benjamin Fulford's Evidence of Haarp or EMP induced Earthquake in Japan

click here to review

On Blogtalkradio

April 8, 2011

On Blogtalkradio

Kerry was interviewed tonight on Blog Talk Radio by Thomas Hughes... link available here.

White Hats Report #18 posted here from this link: http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/

April 8, 2011 – The White Hats Report #18 – Soros, Obama and the rest of the cabal about to be Trumped?

Soros – Bretton Woods Conference

George Soros is holding his international conference this weekend, April 8th to April 11th at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Of the many who were invited none of the true US and World Financial Experts will be attending. Bretton Woods is the historic site of the 1944 conference, which established the post-World War II international financial system. Soros is spending $50 million dollars at Bretton Woods to bring together up to 200 academic, business and government policy leaders (some from outside the US) to introduce to his Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). This meeting was not recognized by the original Bretton Woods Council. Soros’ goal in association with a concurrent meeting of the Tri-Lateral Commission, in DC this weekend, is to dismantle our economy, dismiss the head of our current banks and create a new global financial system sabotaging our US currency.

The attendees at this conference include three members of the Rothschild family along with their primary banker, four members of the British parliament, Paul Volcker, Harry Reid, Mitt Romney, David Dewhurst, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and some World Bank executives. 

Could Donald Trump expose Soros’ and Obama’s most resent Systematic Corruption to Americans?

Soros-Obama have signed a $2 Billion loan to a Brazilian Oil Exploration company, the world’s 8th largest, to explore off the Brazilian coast. What gives Obama the authority to make such a deal for America or himself? The entire production of this venture is destined exclusively for China! We get NOTHING! Who is the largest Shareholder in this Brazilian company? George Soros, a major financial backer to Barry Soetoro (aka) Obama. How much money is Obama personally receiving from this deal? 

Obama has many problems to explain which could affect his reelection campaign as well as Mitt Romney’s. Romney has a real Achilles heel. His associations with Michael Herzog, Bush Senior, the CIA and many others in the theft of Edward Falcone’s funds will be impossible to hide and impossible to explain. Romney faces probable indictment, which could bring him and all his sordid team down. 

With Donald Trump’s new investigations proceeding into Obama’s citizenship issue, will this, in one fell swoop, remove Bush Senior’s powerful grip over Obama by diminishing the affect of his holding the certified copy of Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate? What will happen when Trump starts investigating and tracking Obama’s offshore bank accounts? What will happen when Trump starts investigating Mitt Romney’s Achilles Heel? In one combined sweep, Trump could take out both contestants and begin cleaning up America!

This will be a bad month for Obama, Soros, Romney and Bush if such truth comes out. Exposure is their greatest fear. Make your voices heard!

As further details emerge of the attempted hijacking of the US financial system over the weekend, we will report them when they become available. / end of report

click here for more info