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05/28/2011 – More Egyptian Discoveries – robot explorer finds mysterious markings

May 28, 2011

More Egyptian Discoveries – robot explorer finds mysterious markings

click here for article

First of all, if it is hitting the mainstream news now, keep in mind with regard to the goings on reported by my previous interviews with the Giza Geomatrix team from the past year or two, that the PTB have very likely been aware of these finds (yes and the 17 "new" pyramids) for some time. They only inform the public when they want the public to know for some nefarious purpose. So why now? This is what you must ask yourselves.. Please do look beneath the surface of these recent announcements and understand that something is up and it is not what it seems. There has been a concentrated effort to redirect people away from the pyramids (especially the Middle Pyramid or Chephren's pyramid). They are also working on (if Zahi Hawass has his way) not allowing people inside the pyramids at all. Put this together with the suspicious movements after dark, removing antiquities from underground passages etc. and you have a very dubious picture of what is really going on in Egypt. Add to that an uprising that was triggered by the, according to Antoine Gigal, well known Egyptologist, release by the authorities of the prisoners just before the uprising… And the picture that emerges is one of subterfuge, misdirects, coercion and deception.

There is, as I have said many times, no doubt that in this and coming years, a special focus on power places such as Giza and the pyramids while the Earth is transiting the galactic center and the wave of energy coming into our planet is increased. Stargates are being re calibrated. Some are opening and some are closing by virtue of the shifting magnetic pole and this is not accidental. What this signifies for the Earth and humanity is not completely clear or likely even fully known but it is definitely factoring in with what is going on with regard to new wars in various places (Libya etc), triggered uprisings and military occupations with countries where these stargates exist. Stay tuned with this in mind when hearing about new archeological findings, new wars, revolts and construction as well as any concentration of military hardware on any parts of the globe going forward.

Upcoming Event – Livestream with Remote Viewer Gerald O’Donnell

May 28, 2011

Upcoming Event – Livestream with Remote Viewer Gerald O’Donnell


Date TBA

Subject: The role of AI (artificial intelligence) in our world

Have you ever considered that there may be an AI installed on Earth running the planet? How about a ‘good AI’ and a ‘bad’ AI orchestrating events? According to our whistleblower information this is real not memorex…

click here for Gerald O’Donnell’s website

More Egyptian Discoveries – robot explorer finds mysterious markings

click here for article

First of all, if it is hitting the mainstream news now, keep in mind with regard to the goings on reported by my previous interviews with the Giza Geomatrix team from the past year or two, that the PTB have very likely been aware of these finds (yes and the 17 “new” pyramids) for some time. They only inform the public when they want the public to know for some nefarious purpose. So why now? This is what you must ask yourselves.. Please do look beneath the surface of these recent announcements and understand that something is up and it is not what it seems. There has been a concentrated effort to redirect people away from the pyramids (especially the Middle Pyramid or Chephren’s pyramid). They are also working on (if Zahi Hawass has his way) not allowing people inside the pyramids at all. Put this together with the suspicious movements after dark, removing antiquities from underground passages etc. and you have a very dubious picture of what is really going on in Egypt. Add to that an uprising that was triggered by the, according toAntoine Gigal, well known Egyptologist, release by the authorities of the prisoners just before the uprising… And the picture that emerges is one of subterfuge, misdirects, coercion and deception.

There is, as I have said many times, no doubt that in this and coming years, a special focus on power places such as Giza and the pyramids while the Earth is transiting the galactic center and the wave of energy coming into our planet is increased. Stargates are being re calibrated. Some are opening and some are closing by virtue of the shifting magnetic pole and this is not accidental. What this signifies for the Earth and humanity is not completely clear or likely even fully known but it is definitely factoring in with what is going on with regard to new wars in various places (Libya etc), triggered uprisings and military occupations with countries where these stargates exist. Stay tuned with this in mind when hearing about new archeological findings, new wars, revolts and construction as well as any concentration of military hardware on any parts of the globe going forward.

05/27/2011 – IMF HEAD STRAUSS-KAHN SCANDAL – a targeted hit

May 27, 2011


Again, who benefits from having DSK (Dominque Strauss-Kahn) forced out? Apparently, the word is that he was a good possibility for the next French President and he was moving to regulate banks and according to a source, he was in essence trying to 'raid the US dollar to save the Euro". This is the real reason for the so-called sex scandal. Considering that these guys are regularly given access not only to top call girls but black magic rituals using children etc. The fact that he was targeted by a public scandal which forced him out indicates he lost favor with those behind the scenes who run the IMF….Rothschilds anyone?

However, it is also clear that whoever concocted the sex scandal was playing on a prior weakness (see wikipedia for history) in this regard… and that the U.S. certainly benefits from his removal. The question here is, whether in this instance we have the Rothschild-Bush syndicate working hand in hand on this or whether the Bush syndicate managed to intercede with the scandal in order to short-circut moves on the part of the IMF that would not be beneficial to the dollar or keeping Sarkozy in power.

It is also notable that Strauss-Kahn came out on the documentary INSIDE JOB with some clearly damning comments about the banksters here in the U.S. and their part in the financial crisis…

From Wikipedia:

…."Strauss-Kahn made comments that could be perceived as critical of global financial actors, in an interview for a documentary about the Late-2000s financial crisis, Inside Job (2010). He said he had attended a dinner organised by former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in which several CEOs of 'the biggest banks in the U.S' had admitted they (or perhaps bankers in general) were 'too greedy' and bore part of the responsibility for the crisis. They said the government " 'should regulate more, because we are too greedy, we can't avoid it.' " Strauss-Kahn said he warned the officials of a number of departments of the U.S. government of an impending crisis. He also said: "At the end of the day, the poorest – as always – pay the most."[33]"–Wikipedia

click here for an RT youtube report on the IMF scandal and comments by former Assistant Treasury Secretary, Paul Craig Roberts. If you pay attention you will note he is revealing he knows that DSK was targeted and taken down.

17 New Pyramids Found in Egypt

May 27, 2011

17 New Pyramids Found in Egypt

click here for the article

David Wilcock to join Awake & Aware 2011

We are happy to announce that we have received a confirmation from David Wilcock that he will be added to our speaker line-up for the Awake & Aware 2011 Conference. Advance tickets are now on sale — just click the banner above to purchase!


Again, who benefits from having DSK (Dominque Strauss-Kahn) forced out? Apparently, the word is that he was a good possibility for the next French President and he was moving to regulate banks and according to a source, he was in essence trying to ‘raid the US dollar to save the Euro”. This is the real reason for the so-called sex scandal. Considering that these guys are regularly given access not only to top call girls but black magic rituals using children etc. The fact that he was targeted by a public scandal which forced him out indicates he lost favor with those behind the scenes who run the IMF….Rothschilds anyone?

However, it is also clear that whoever concocted the sex scandal was playing on a prior weakness (see wikipedia for history) in this regard… and that the U.S. certainly benefits from his removal. The question here is, whether in this instance we have the Rothschild-Bush syndicate working hand in hand on this or whether the Bush syndicate managed to intercede with the scandal in order to short-circut moves on the part of the IMF that would not be beneficial to the dollar or keeping Sarkozy in power.

It is also notable that Strauss-Kahn came out on the documentary INSIDE JOB with some clearly damning comments about the banksters here in the U.S. and their part in the financial crisis…

From Wikipedia:

….”Strauss-Kahn made comments that could be perceived as critical of global financial actors, in an interview for a documentary about the Late-2000s financial crisis, Inside Job (2010). He said he had attended a dinner organised by former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in which several CEOs of ‘the biggest banks in the U.S’ had admitted they (or perhaps bankers in general) were ‘too greedy’ and bore part of the responsibility for the crisis. They said the government ” ‘should regulate more, because we are too greedy, we can’t avoid it.’ ” Strauss-Kahn said he warned the officials of a number of departments of the U.S. government of an impending crisis. He also said: “At the end of the day, the poorest – as always – pay the most.”[33]”–Wikipedia

click here for an RT youtube report on the IMF scandal and comments by former Assistant Treasury Secretary, Paul Craig Roberts. If you pay attention you will note he is revealing he knows that DSK was targeted and taken down.

The People vs. Goldman Sachs – RollingStone article

click here for the article

Leuren Moret and Alfred Webre re Fukushima – Evidence of HAARP

May 26, 2011

Leuren Moret and Alfred Webre re Fukushima- Evidence of Haarp

click here to watch the video

Note: this is not the whole story but good research and information. For more see my Livestream interview with Keith Hunter regarding the harmonic convergence between Japan, the sun and the moon… creating a standing wave from the sun.

Awareness of 4D & tonight’s Camelot Radio show guest – Kim Carlsberg

May 25, 2011

Awareness of 4D & tonight’s Camelot Radio show guest – Kim Carlsberg

Tonight on Camelot Whistleblower Radio my guest was Kim Carlsberg, author of “The Art of Close Encounters”. This was an exciting and informative show and I encourage everyone to listen to the archived show – click here.

After the show, one person wrote to me asking about how 4D is becoming more accessible in our world. I thought my answer might be of interest to others so I am posting it here:

Sensing and seeing 4D is simply being able to do the following:

1. Sense or see auras around people, plants, animals, buildings etc

2. Seeing or sensing ghosts, ETs, or other beings such as light beings

3. Seeing or sensing the ether / information field all around us… and seeing how “alive it is” something like a soup of light and shadow

4. Seeing or sensing ufos, craft and consciousness in the night sky

5. Feeling/sensing/seeing vortexes, wormholes/stargates or other areas of high energetics

6. Having sensation of unlimited power and potential beyond the everyday 3D body… such as being able to do things previously considered impossible

7. Telepathically receiving or sending data

Those are a few….

Go to this page for the Whistleblower Radio Show links.


Elenin vs. Brown Dwarf – Andy Lloyd author of “Dark Star” weighs in…

There is a great deal of confusion regarding Elenin vs. the Brown Dwarf. I wrote to him and asked him to clarify:

“…sure, Kerry. I agree with you – people are excited about the hype over the alleged arrival of Planet X, and jumping to conclusions about a simple comet that, itself, is unspectacular. Let me lay out what a multi-Jupiter mass brown dwarf would look like right now if it was as close as is being speculated by many (i.e. that it’s actually comet Elenin). 

This Dark Star would appear in the night sky as a red/magenta planet about the same size as Jupiter. In other words, it would be one of the brightest objects in the night sky, very probably brighter than Venus. In addition, I believe that it would have a visible aura, or tail, that would be rather spectacular. That fiery aura would extend out from the planet itself by some considerable degree, possibly extending out to the very edge of the Dark Star’s very considerable magnetosphere ( which would be about 4 x the moon’s diameter across, or more). 

The combination of the bright planet, its contingent of large moons, and in particular its fiery aura would produce the ‘winged’ disk’ effect in the sky, like a mighty red celestial dragon. 

Now I don’t know about you,but when I pop outside at night to look in the direction of Elenin, I’m not seeing this at all. Frankly, that’s because Elenin is a comet, and not a very good one at that. It is clearly not an incoming Dark Star/Planet X/Nibiru object. 

Hope that helps :0)

Many thanks,

Andy Lloyd /unquote

Author and artist 




My view of Elenin – the rock like asteroid

For what it’s worth a short while back I awoke from a dream that was more like a real experience than a dream in which I saw an oval rock like object, very large with lots of holes or depressions in it hurling through the sky headed for Earth. At the time, I wondered why I was seeing it. Now I understand.

Back in the USA

I am now back in California from my UK trip. My plane was slightly redirected due to the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland. As we left, all flights to Scotland were cancelled. More updates soon….

Meanwhile, due to travel costs I am now very low on funds and would appreciate any donations to continue this work. We have a great deal of editing and future online conferences planned but without funding I cannot continue this work.

Additional note: Awake & Aware 2011: These are the last days of the advance very low price on tickets for the conference. I highly recommend that you purchase tickets now before May 31st if you are on a low budget.

Planted cables in the Wikileaks Archives

May 23, 2011

Planted cables in the Wikileaks Archives

click here for the story

(note: I apologize for the typos on this release due to the fact I was traveling and not able to spend the necessary time to proof this before release…most have now been corrected)….

This article highllights the release of cables supporting the use of torture in interrogation of prisoners and cites the so-called capture and death of Osama bin Laden as evidence of the effectiveness of such an approach. The recent drama of a staged capture and killing of someone posing as bin Laden or death of some other unknown individual in addition to what we all know: that bin Laden was killed years ago (and my sources confirm this) leaves little doubt that this article is propaganda and points to the fact that at least some of the cables are ‘planted’ releases.

…”The killing of Osama bin Laden underscores the value of the vast intelligence database. The treasure trove of information includes the identities of terrorists operating abroad, plots to kill civilians and details on how al Qaeda used a network of couriers for clandestine communication.” — quoted from Washington Times

Unfortunately, this undermines the releases and makes one question the continued detention and harsh treatment of Bradley Manning, the original source of the leaks and puts in to question Julian Assange and Wikileaks role in this mess. All the more reason why it would have been nice had I been able to obtain even a short interview with Julian or someone from his ‘camp’.

According to this article from Jan 2011, as far back as that, military sources were saying there was no way to link any direct contact between Manning and Assange. As Bradley Manning is now being held in Quanitco Virginia in a ‘more open’ facility, whatever that means, according to this article. However, apparently Manning is most certainly as patsy in this affair. Now that the U.S. government is making use of the cables to push their agenda.. it would seem releasing Bradley and giving him a purple heart for bravery would be in order. But more seriously, what this indicates is that Manning himself could have been somehow encouraged, manipulated or even mind controlled into playing this role for the desired outcome of this siniter agenda aimed at deceiving the public. In the end, cui bono, who benefits may be the only clue to follow anytime such seeming public acts of courage hit the news.

Update on my UK trip

We have had a lovely time meeting many people and doing a number of interviews including:

Robert Temple
Samir Sam Osmanagich
Barry King
George Kavassilas
Eva Zemanova
Lucy Wyatt

Unfortunately although I have gone back and forth a number of times, I have not been able to secure an interview with Julian Assange or Vaughan Smith.

I am on my way back to the U.S. and will have further updates as time permits.

Meanwhile my trip with the Megalithomania group into the interior of Stone Henge was wonderful although it was freezing cold that evening…



A Lovely Message from an Indigo Child

May 16, 2011

A Lovely Message from an Indigo Child

click here for the TRANSCRIPTION: Total Recall by Indigo Child Matias De Stefano

Thank you to the person who sent me this. Matias is a lot like Boriska

Trees on Mars – Arthur C. Clarke & Robert Temple

During the panel discussion at Megalithomania here in Glastonbury yesterday, I heard the esteemed author Robert Temple speak of his close friendship with Clarke and the time when Clarke showed him photos of Mars that clearly showed trees growing on the surface. Clarke insisted to his old friend this was an accurate NASA photo. In front of the entire audience Robert Temple asserted that he is quite sure his friend Clarke was not misleading him in this regard. As I told the crowd and Temple, those photos have been seen by us and are available on the net by the way. Here’s a link to one such photo:http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2805295/Mars-probe-shows-trees-on-planet.html

Note: You will note that the SUN article states these are not trees but “sand”… I would lay odds that Clarke is much more likely to be telling the truth. Project Caemlot endeavored to get an interview with Arthur C. Clarke before he died and we were unfortunately unsuccessful. We were told by Henry Deacon (Arthur Neumann) and Richard C. Hoagland that Arthur C. Clarke knew a great deal about what is really going on behind the scenes.

I will never forget Arthur Neumann’s emphasis on Clarke’s 2010 A Space Odyssey “ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT EUROPA. ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE.” Not long ago I asked a source about thiis and was told, that the reason Europa is off-limits is because it is a “military outpost”.. The next question I had which has yet to be answered is, whose?…

Queen and Obama to visit Dublin

click here for one article on Queen’s visit

click here for an article on Obama’s visit

Here in the UK I am hearing that they shut down the city of Dublin and that the Queen will be visiting Dublin on the full moon on the 18th and be there through the 20th followed by Obama who will arrive on the 23rd. It has been suggested that ceremonies associated with the full moon are going on… Otherwise, why the sudden great interest in Ireland by the ‘monarchs’?

With the set up of a false terrorist threat alloiwng them to shut down portions of Dublin what rite is underway in Ireland that requires such secrecy? Or is this simply a move to demonstrate their respective influence over Ireland?

Megalithomania Concludes and Update on my travels in the UK

May 15, 2011

Megalithomania Concludes and Update on my travels in the UK


On this trip, my webmaster, Tommy Hansen is accompanying me as my cameraman. Here we are hiking around the hills above Glastonbury visiting Megaliths and stone circles. Megalithomania in Glastonbury concluded with a panel discussion with the excellent group of speakers. Click here for the line-up and to stream the fascinating presentations.

Yesterday I did two interviews. First a short interview with Robert Temple, erudite author, historian and scholar about his new book“Egyptian Dawn” and his discoveries on the Giza Plateau. And later in the afternoon, an interview with Bosnian scientist and maverick,Semir Sam Osmanigich regarding his amazing discovery, the Bosnian pyramids of the Sun and the Moon and the hidden tunnels beneath. Both Robert Temple and Semir Sam Osmanigich gave excellent presentations at the event and I highly encourage you to stream them from the Megalithomania site.

It is inspiring to be among such groundbreaking researchers who are each courageously pursuing their unique visions of the fascinating ancient sites and the secrets they contain.

Andy Lloyd – re Comet Elenin

I asked Andy Lloyd, author of Dark Star, to share his thoughts on Comet Elenin

“Thanks Kerry – you spurred me into action to blog this onto the Dark Star site:
Comet Elenin
2012 is nearly upon us, and there is great concern that an in-coming Planet X body might bring catastrophe to our fragile world.  The environmental calamities of recent times do not augur well.  There has been a spate of earthquakes around the globe; Chile, Japan, New Zealand.  Even Spain has not escaped our planet’s seismic ripples, on the very same day that an earthquake was predicted for Rome almost 100 years ago (1). 

Predicting earthquakes is practically impossible, we are told, unless, of course, you’re a small animal sensitive to mysterious fluctuations before the quake strikes. 
Comet Elenin is currently moving through the solar system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2010_X1) .  Many have expressed concerns about this body, which appears to have disappointed astronomers with its relatively pathetic celestial showing (2).  But it’s appearance preludes the 2012 period we are moving into, so it’s reasonable to ask whether this small comet might be the first of many, or even the front rider for a much more substantive body.  YouTube is bubbling over with rumours. 

Amid the hype, there is an intriguing bit of science.  An academic from Cornell University, Mensur Omerbashich, has presented a paper outlining his assertion that there is a tangible link between cosmic alignments and seismic activity on Earth, based upon his theory of hyperresonance (3).  He presents evidence that some earthquakes are coincident with planetary alignments, or with Full Moons.  He argues that the Comet Elenin is a case in point – it has been noted that it was on the exact opposite side of the Sun to us during the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.  From this data he extrapolates:

“The Elenin will continue intensifying the Earth’s very strong seismicity until August-October, 2011. Approximate forecast of earthquakes based on my discoveries is feasible.” (3)
And there’s the thing.  Could Omerbashich’s theory predict earthquakes from planetary, cometary and lunar alignments?  Does the Earth respond to such cosmic goings on, performing some kind of seismic astrology?  Did Elenin really cause the Japanese quake?  To give credence to his theory, Omerbashich needs to pick up the trail of a future in-coming comet and plot its course until an alignment is achieved with the Earth and Sun, and then predict trouble here on Earth ahead of time.  If he’s proven right, then we should all sit up and take notice.  And if you listen to the many concerned voices on the internet about 2012, then such a predictive tool cannot come soon enough.
Andy Lloyd, 15th May 2011

(1)  “All roads lead OUT of Rome: Streets of Italian capital empty after 1915 prediction of ‘big one’ earthquake” 11th May 2011  
(2)  JPL Press Release, 4th May 2011  http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2011-135&cid=release_2011-135 with thanks to David
(3)  Mensur Omerbashich  “Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity” Submitted on 11 Apr 2011  http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.2036 with thanks to Kerry Cassidy”

Many thanks,
Andy Lloyd
Author and artist 
Dark Star (2005); Ezekiel One (2009); & The Followers of Horus (2010)

www.darkstar1.co.uk (Andy’s website)

click here for my interview with Andy Lloyd

White Hats Report #19 – Whose in charge? Obama or Panetta?

May 13, 2011

White Hat Report #19 – Who’s in charge? Obama or Panetta?

Our last report, The White Hat Report #18, was delivered on April 8, 2011. In the last month, we had been making tremendous strides to actually complete the Global Settlements.

The Global Settlements, along with the other settlements scheduled to complete at the same time, is the largest financial transaction in the history of the world. At the same time, the Settlements are designed to provide the United States with the financial ability to reset its Balance Sheet in order to put its financial house in order, specifically it’s National Debt. Yes, the National Debt. Without it, the financial calamity that will come to this country and those countries of the world will go unmeasured and be untold.

As we have reported, the Global Settlements team, have worked diligently to orchestrate every detail for the legal and orderly distribution of funds to the recipients. At every step along the way, the Team has received constant interference from the Bush controlled group.

As we moved to finish the Settlements, the single Authorized Signatory and Paymaster, Lindell H. Bonney, was literally within hours of receiving the final documents and banking codes, with all hurdles cleared, when yet another party interfered. This time it was Leon Panetta, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

With taking credit for the killing of Osama Bin Laden out of the way, Mr. Panetta, apparently is feeling his bravado and is attempting to flex his new found political muscle again … countermanding the orders of Barrack Obama, the President of the United States to release the Global Settlements. 

Our new “Usurper-in-Chief” Panetta, issued another illegal order in an attempt to stop the distribution of the Global Settlements. For those readers in the know, Panetta does not have the authority to speak about the Global Settlements much less comment or issue any order regarding them. So our question is, is Panetta being blackmailed by the Bush family or is he taking another in a long line of bribes to prevent the Global Settlements from going through? The struggle is for control of the financial system … it’s the guys attempting to fix it versus the old New World Order elite.

For the reader’s information, Mr. Panetta has stopped the very lifeblood of the world financial systems especially that of the United States. Although not specifically stated prior, the Global Settlements funds are the monies that will not only save the United States but pay off the Federal Deficit altogether.

By Mr. Panetta issuing a totally illegal and unauthorized order to attempt to stop Mr. Bonney from receiving the settlement funds required to distribute to the payees, Mr. Panetta has single handedly stopped any chance of recovery for the United States and the rest of the World. That is, of course, unless Obama can take his Presidential strength back from the same guy that now thinks he is the Commander-in-Chief.

We have the continued support of other recipients of the Global Settlements as evidenced by the attached letter.



Talk in Glastonbury

I had a very good time talking with the crowd that came out for my talk in Glastonbury. Special thanks to Tommy Hansen my webmaster/cameraman for assisting with this event and Gary Evans from Infinite Connections who handled booking the club and arranging to make things go as smoothly as possible.

This was a very awake and aware group!

We spent the afternoon going to various stone circles in the local countryside… Wild flowers are blooming and the hills are a lovely green… truly a beautiful time to visit England.