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06/06/2011 – Reposting of Jim Stone article on Fukushima.. Title: Did the Dimona Dozen murder the Fukushima 50?

June 6, 2011


Reposting of Jim Stone article on Fukushima.. Title: Did the Dimona Dozen murder the Fukushima 50?

click here to go to his site

click here to download .pdf of the material

Stuxnet & the Nuke

The above article is an excellent example of investigative journalism. I encourage everyone to read and distribute widely. In addition, according to my whistleblower sources, the nuke theory is correct. This was an intentional hit by some group in retribution against Japan for a nefarious purpose. Among other evidence outlined in that article, according to at least one source the target was an ET base underneath the Fukushima reactor.

Another interesting correlation is also this recent issue of Nexus Magazine that contains the following article entitled The CHANI Project: Computer Interfacing with Other Realms.

Click here to read the article for free on Godlike Productions where the RAND experiment was originally conducted.

Excerpt: …”The CHANI Project
During the years 1994 to 1999, a group of researchers from an organization/corporation, which I will call RAND and Associates, or RA, had access to an underground CERN-like collider facility in Africa (the location is still classified). A contingent of AFRICOM security personnel was tasked with securing the base and, of course, keeping its location secret. The AFRICOM station commander made and supervised all the travel and accommodation arrangements for the team of researchers. They were closely watched 24/7.

Between those years, the researchers started receiving communications from an Entity who claimed to be from a parallel universe/dimension/timeline. A remarkable and groundbreaking interaction ensued. For a period of five years, researchers asked the Entity a series of over 20,000 questions and received answers to more than 95 per cent of questions asked. ” — End excerpt from article

What is crucial here is the apparent evidence of a link-up and contact with what appears to be a kind of AI operating in a parallel dimension. What is fascinating here is the STUXNET link to recent events outlined above with regard to the real story behind Fukushima and what the Chani writer says here in this excerpted section:

…”I mention this because, with the recent outbreak of the Stuxnet virus and the comments made by technicians, I can’t help but feel uncomfortable with the similarities between the current Stuxnet outbreak and the “code” properties that the technicians discussed at the time of the CHANI–Y2K issue. That was in 2000; Stuxnet surfaced in 2010. A 10-year dormant period? I wonder, but that’s a whole new conspiracy for another day.” –end excerpted section The Chani Project

It would appear that indeed Stuxnet has resurfaced and in a much more diabolical way than anticipated. The question is, who took what appears on the outside to be a relatively positive, borderline, psi-op and reverse-engineered it into what is now surfacing as perhaps instrumental in the attack against Japan? And, if what they really have created or generated out of the initial contact with an AI is a weaponized version… who is currently responsible for authoring it? (If one follows the logic of the Jim Stone article then it is the Israelis but there is also no doubt that at least as far as the Stuxnet referred to in the mainstream media, that the U.S. is also involved)…And, among a few million other questions, has it perhaps taken on a ‘life’ of its own in our galaxy? Or who’s running it.

And lastly, in regard to Stuxnet and it resurfacing in this current situation with regard to Fukushima… There are some interesting parallels to the Promis software story that need looking into. Again, good evidence of a software that is known to have population targeting and profiling capability… This alludes to the whole “octopus” saga, regarding the book, written by Cheri Seymour called “The Last Circle” and the death (murder) of journalist Danny Casolaro.

MORE ON JAPAN, FUKUSHIMA and the Changing of our Atmosphere on Earth

The other night I went to see the newest X-men movie, “X-men First Class” – highly recommended. What is said in passing during the movie is that radiation is what causes the mutants in the first place. Put that statement, alongside the recent intentional hit on Japan and the subsequent meltdowns of the reactors and an illuminati agenda of sinister portent emerges. We all know the principle often stated that ‘radiation causes mutations’ but have you considered the idea that it may not only cause negative or disfiguring types of mutations but what about the possibilitiy that it could also just as easily cause positive desirable mutations ie. superpowers in off-spring?

I would suggest that with the BP-oil spill (also apparently intentional and caused by a nuke according to my sources) and now the Fukushima disaster (see above)…our atmosphere and environment here on Earth, I am told, is purposely being re-engineered. In preparation not only for creating an environment more friendly to certain ‘visitors’ but also perhaps, with the intention to speed along the creation of a mutant species of humanity. Think about it. Of course, the X-men is the perfect advertisement for engineering humanity 2.0. But on the plus side, it also, at least subliminally, suggests that our differences are what make us unique and that uniqueness is not to be hidden but rather augmented and accepted in the spirit in which it was given, ie. as our most unusual aspects of each of us are our most highly prized qualities and should be seen as such.

With the above in mind, consider also the China-gate scenario mentioned by James Casbolt in his latest interview with Miles Johnston (not sure why he isn’t credited as the interviewer) (to be found on the site of Alfred Webre)… Added note: I met Miles in Glastonbury recently, where he had come after having just interviewed Camelot witness, John Urwin… At any rate, Casbolt says that Fukushima is the result of what he termed ‘Battle of China Gates”. Click here for the POST he made on the Avalon Forum back in 2008 about the Mark Richard’s story as related by his wife Jo-ann. Note: Mark Richards is serving time in jail for what may be a frame-up after his involvement in what he said was a firefight in the underground base at Dulce.

I do not yet know why Casbolt refers us to the China-gate story in relation to the Fukushima disaster but it seems to bear at least some relationship to info from my own sources in regard to the target being an underground ET base under at least one of the reactors.

Although the above seems convoluted and no doubt hard to believe, it is this kind of cross-correlation without disgarding any clues or leads that one must do in order to get close to the truth of what is really going on here on Earth at this time.

Note: see below for White Hats Report #20

June 6, 2011

Note: see below for White Hats Report #20



Reposting of Jim Stone article on Fukushima.. Title: Did the Dimona Dozen murder the Fukushima 50?

click here to go to his site

click here to download .pdf of the material

Stuxnet & the Nuke

The above article is an excellent example of investigative journalism. I encourage everyone to read and distribute widely. In addition, according to my whistleblower sources, the nuke theory is correct. This was an intentional hit by some group in retribution against Japan for a nefarious purpose. Among other evidence outlined in that article, according to at least one source the target was an ET base underneath the Fukushima reactor.

Another interesting correlation is also this recent issue of Nexus Magazine that contains the following article entitled The CHANI Project: Computer Interfacing with Other Realms.

Click here to read the article for free on Godlike Productions where the RAND experiment was originally conducted.

Excerpt: …”The CHANI Project
During the years 1994 to 1999, a group of researchers from an organization/corporation, which I will call RAND and Associates, or RA, had access to an underground CERN-like collider facility in Africa (the location is still classified). A contingent of AFRICOM security personnel was tasked with securing the base and, of course, keeping its location secret. The AFRICOM station commander made and supervised all the travel and accommodation arrangements for the team of researchers. They were closely watched 24/7.

Between those years, the researchers started receiving communications from an Entity who claimed to be from a parallel universe/dimension/timeline. A remarkable and groundbreaking interaction ensued. For a period of five years, researchers asked the Entity a series of over 20,000 questions and received answers to more than 95 per cent of questions asked. ” — End excerpt from article

What is crucial here is the apparent evidence of a link-up and contact with what appears to be a kind of AI operating in a parallel dimension. What is fascinating here is the STUXNET link to recent events outlined above with regard to the real story behind Fukushima and what the Chani writer says here in this excerpted section:

…”I mention this because, with the recent outbreak of the Stuxnet virus and the comments made by technicians, I can’t help but feel uncomfortable with the similarities between the current Stuxnet outbreak and the “code” properties that the technicians discussed at the time of the CHANI–Y2K issue. That was in 2000; Stuxnet surfaced in 2010. A 10-year dormant period? I wonder, but that’s a whole new conspiracy for another day.” –end excerpted section The Chani Project

It would appear that indeed Stuxnet has resurfaced and in a much more diabolical way than anticipated. The question is, who took what appears on the outside to be a relatively positive, borderline, psi-op and reverse-engineered it into what is now surfacing as perhaps instrumental in the attack against Japan? And, if what they really have created or generated out of the initial contact with an AI is a weaponized version… who is currently responsible for authoring it? (If one follows the logic of the Jim Stone article then it is the Israelis but there is also no doubt that at least as far as the Stuxnet referred to in the mainstream media, that the U.S. is also involved)…And, among a few million other questions, has it perhaps taken on a ‘life’ of its own in our galaxy? Or who’s running it.

And lastly, in regard to Stuxnet and it resurfacing in this current situation with regard to Fukushima… There are some interesting parallels to the Promis software story that need looking into. Again, good evidence of a software that is known to have population targeting and profiling capability… This alludes to the whole “octopus” saga, regarding the book, written by Cheri Seymour called “The Last Circle”and the death (murder) of journalist Danny Casolaro.

MORE ON JAPAN, FUKUSHIMA and the Changing of our Atmosphere on Earth

The other night I went to see the newest X-men movie, “X-men First Class” – highly recommended. What is said in passing during the movie is that radiation is what causes the mutants in the first place. Put that statement, alongside the recent intentional hit on Japan and the subsequent meltdowns of the reactors and an illuminati agenda of sinister portent emerges. We all know the principle often stated that ‘radiation causes mutations’ but have you considered the idea that it may not only cause negative or disfiguring types of mutations but what about the possibilitiy that it could also just as easily cause positive desirable mutations ie. superpowers in off-spring?

I would suggest that with the BP-oil spill (also apparently intentional and caused by a nuke according to my sources) and now the Fukushima disaster (see above)…our atmosphere and environment here on Earth, I am told, is purposely being re-engineered. In preparation not only for creating an environment more friendly to certain ‘visitors’ but also perhaps, with the intention to speed along the creation of a mutant species of humanity. Think about it. Of course, the X-men is the perfect advertisement for engineering humanity 2.0. But on the plus side, it also, at least subliminally, suggests that our differences are what make us unique and that uniqueness is not to be hidden but rather augmented and accepted in the spirit in which it was given, ie. as our most unusual aspects of each of us are our most highly prized qualities and should be seen as such.

With the above in mind, consider also the China-gate scenario mentioned by James Casbolt in his latest interview with Miles Johnston (not sure why he isn’t credited as the interviewer) (to be found on the site of Alfred Webre)… Added note: I met Miles in Glastonbury recently, where he had come after having just interviewed Camelot witness, John Urwin… At any rate, Casbolt says that Fukushima is the result of what he termed ‘Battle of China Gates”. Click here for the POST he made on the Avalon Forum back in 2008 about the Mark Richard’s story as related by his wife Jo-ann. Note: Mark Richards is serving time in jail for what may be a frame-up after his involvement in what he said was a firefight in the underground base at Dulce.

I do not yet know why Casbolt refers us to the China-gate story in relation to the Fukushima disaster but it seems to bear at least some relationship to info from my own sources in regard to the target being an underground ET base under at least one of the reactors.

Although the above seems convoluted and no doubt hard to believe, it is this kind of cross-correlation without disgarding any clues or leads that one must do in order to get close to the truth of what is really going on here on Earth at this time.

Help needed: webadmins to update sites to Joomla, Mod for CamelotForum and more…

June 5, 2011

Help needed: webadmins to update sites to Joomla, Mods for CamelotForum and more…

Contact: kerry@projectcamelotportal.com with "Volunteer" in subject line Richard Gabriel from Giza Geomatrix – Livestream now complete click here to stream.


This was a fascinating discussion regarding the recent discovery of the 'Cave of the Birds' and the real story and intrigue behind it as well as hidden aspects of what is really going on in Giza, under the plateau in tunnels and the hidden technology there.

A note on Livestream events. Interviews with individuals are still free however, group Livestream Camelot Roundtable discussions cost money in order to pay speakers and tech as well as one of the only ways for us to raise money in order to continue the work. Please consider making a donation for any livestream event regardless as your donations make this work possible. Thank you.

Saturday, June 4, 2011 – Richard Gabriel from Geomatrix – 11AM PST

June 4, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011 – Richard Gabriel from Giza Geomatrix – 11AM PST

Note: this live broadcast is now complete. Click here to view.

I interviewed Richard Gabriel from the Giza Geomatrix team who has written a soon to be released article with detailed information on the recent discovery ‘Cave of the Birds’ and the behind the scenes politics happening around it..

click here for Richard’s site


June 3, 2011 – The White Hats Report #20

Obama punked once again at the G8 and the Bush NWO still interferes with release of Global Settlements.

Since we last reported to you on May 13th, 2011, plenty has happened and not to the benefit of any of the Global Settlement payees or any citizen of the United States of America or the International Community, for that matter.

Although the hard dollars to fund the Global Settlements have been ready and available to pay the settlements for the last 18 months, the political machine controlled by the Bush family has been used to hinder the processing of the payments. Why? Well, it seems the Global Settlements team are extremely determined, single minded, focused and on task besides being “tough cookies”… and they are very familiar with the political systems of America and the mechanics of those systems … understanding how the Washington, D.C. beltway works and flows. Seemingly, the Global Settlement team is also well versed in the world political arena as well.

How do we know … follow the next bullet points:
• While the Settlement team continued to work for the final release around May 26th considerable evidence appeared to suggest the following persons were directly responsible for commandeering a portion of the funds transferred to JPMorgan by Citibank. The consequences for those actions are still being considered and cannot be disclosed at this time. This information was subsequently communicated to the G8 and G20 members directly. Ouch!

They are:
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan,
Richard “Dick” Cheney, former Vice President of the United States of America,
George H.W. Bush, former President of the United States of America,
John Mack, CEO of Morgan Stanley, and Various other banking personnel,

• As of Thursday last week, in Paris, all the G8 members signed off again on all World Global Settlement agreements. The G8 issued a directive to Obama to distribute the funds post haste and that they would not accept any further excuses for the lack of distribution of the Global Settlement funds. Over this past holiday weekend, the French Comptroller of the Currency was directed to continue operations throughout the weekend to complete any and all documents required to distribute the Global Settlements. In fact, we have verified the French team has completed and/or resolved all issues which may have been detrimental to the completion of the Global Settlements. All liens, encumbrances, and roadblocks were removed so the Global Settlements could proceed.

• As of this past Wednesday, all applicable funds were independently confirmed to be in a position for release. The release was re-scheduled and subsequently, stopped by the people in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. To everyone’s amazement, one of our illustrious Congressman believed he should get some of the money. His reasoning was “if that much money was going to be paid, then he deserved to receive a ‘pay order’ ”, meaning the graft payment he believed he was entitled to, above and beyond his lifelong salary and his benefits package while working for working for his Constituents. The demand was relayed to the Global Settlement team within 30 minutes. This party was detained and the process of prosecution is continuing. We say, “One less problem to deal with.”
We could continue to provide pages of details but the problem continues to rest with one concept … that being, who controls this country.

Apparently, it is not with the elected leaders that represent the People of the country. It is not with the
elected leaders that owe a certain measure of responsibility to the International community. It is all about the fight for control … the power … the greed … the corruption … the personal dreams and aspirations of former U.S. Presidents and their attempted implementation of the New World Order (NWO) … it’s alive and well but the Global Settlement team is presenting huge problems for the Bushes and the concept of the NWO.

It seems that the infrastructure of the NWO is splitting apart with all of the heat from the International community fighting to deny the NWO a foothold. How so you say?

Well, the International Community and the Global Settlements team thwarted the attempted takeover of the Federal Reserve. The Global Settlement team is shining a big beam of light into the very dark closets of the bad guys in and around the Fed Reserve…. The battles lines are drawn … the personal relationships at the Fed Reserve are deep and the NWO has the lead as well as a tight hold … it’s the old Bush guard vs. the “clean up and throw‘em out” team.

In order to assist his clients representing the CMKX litigants and Michael Cottrell, Mr. Al Hodges has been instrumental in negotiating with the Obama Administration in both of his clients’ settlements, which are not part of the Global Settlements but are a direct beneficiary of the Global Settlements. When and only when the Global Settlements are paid and finalized will the Iraqi Dinar be revalued, the CMKX litigants will receive their settlement proceeds and the United States of America will not have a lien against its assets. If you really want a shocker, the United States will receive the money required to relieve and eliminate the National Deficit. Unfortunately, the Bushes and the followers of the NWO recognize the Global Settlements funds release severely hampers and negates their worldwide efforts to money flow, commerce and politics.

The CMKX settlement is coming through the Department of Justice and the Cottrell payment is a settlement on the international BASIL list. In properly representing his clients, Mr. Hodges felt it necessary to forward the attached two (2) letters. The first dated May 26th was addressed to the members of the G8 prior to the G8 conference held last week in London. The second letter, dated June 2nd was addressed to the Ambassador of China representing the Chinese lien holders who have a lien on all the assets of the United States of America. Both letters were delivered on time. The truth of both letters, to make the understatement of the year, really pissed off the Members of the G8.



It is interesting to note the G8/20 Members, having attended numerous G8/20 events, starting with Toronto, Canada, has received so many untruths they now do not believe a word that is derived from any statement our President or Vice President says, nor do they trust any action, official or not, that either of them offers. Accordingly, the G8 required the Comptroller for France to work over our Memorial Day Holiday to finish all requirements to distribute the funds to the Global Settlements team. As a direct result of Al Hodges’ last letter, Obama was once again chastised in session by the World Leaders for his lack of truthfulness regarding the payment of the Global Settlements. As well, the G8 directed the World Court to again intervene to oversee the release of the funds to the Global Settlements team.

As of Monday, Memorial Day for us here in the United States, the French completed all of the required work as directed by the G8. Accordingly, all issues and roadblocks have again been resolved to close the Global Settlements.

During this week, the Global Settlements team has been continually promised the information required to take Economic Receipt of the funds and proceed with the distribution to the payees, including Mr. Al Hodges’ clients as well as the United States Department of the Treasury, which will finance the Iraqi Dinar revaluation, of which the Bush family gets a certain amount per dinar. Why? Don’t ask. It would hurt us too much to tell you.

Please review these letters and know that there are numerous entities and people working in favor of the betterment of these United States and the World. Equally, please also know that there are people NOT working in favor of these United States. They want control of us, the World and the Western European monetary system.

Don’t let the Bushes and the NWO challenge our great country and your access to Life, Liberty and Freedom.

The White Hats Team.

CMKX Letter 6/2/2011



DOD video – Eugenics implications

June 3, 2011

DOD video – Eugenics implications

Vaccinating against certain genes

American Red Cross – Eugenics and Building a Super-human race

“In 1910, following the death of Averell Harriman who presided over Yale’s infamous secret society, the Skull and Bones, his widow donated 80 acres of estate property to establish the Eugenics Research Association at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, along with the Eugenics Records Office. The following year, social Darwinism subscriber, John Foster Dulles, revealed his desire to help develop a”super race.” He explained that by eliminating “the weakest members of the population,” a purer Aryan race might be created. According to several reputable authors, the Dulles brothers directing Rockefeller’s management group and law firm at Sullivan and Cromwell on Wall Street, later administered the American affairs of I.G. Farben-Germany’s leading industrial organization-linked intimately to Hitler and the rising Third Reich. The Dulles law firm also directed U.S. business affairs for Fritz Thyssen, Hitler’s primary financial backer. Thyssen later introduced Allen Dulles to the rising Nazi fuehrer, after which brother John negotiated loans for the Nazis.” –Len Horowitz

click here for article

A Different Take on Fukushima and surrounding events in Japan

click here to read the article

A Crucial Bit of History on the Major Players on Mind Control and the Aviary

click here for the article

Large object near Sun

click here for photos and story


June 2, 2011


Saturday, June 4, 2011 – Richard Gabriel from Giza Geomatrix – 11AM PST

I will be interviewing Richard Gabriel from the Giza Geomatrix team who has written a soon to be released article with detailed information on the recent discovery ‘Cave of the Birds’ and the behind the scenes politics happening around it…

Thursday, June 9, 2011 – Gerald O’Donnell – Remote Viewer – 11AM PST

As mentioned in an earlier blog post, I will be interviewing Gerald O’Donnell regarding the role of the AI behind the scenes on our planet and other areas of interest in his long career as a military remote viewer.

Russia, Telepathy and the Secret Space Program

“In 1967, the Soviet Maritime News reported, “Cosmonauts when in orbit, seem to be able to communicate telepathically more easily with each other than on Earth. A psi (short for psychic faculty) training system has been incorporated in the cosmonaut training program” Some informal reports indicate that the Soviets are working on psi systems for space use, involving not just telepathy, but precognition. [Appendix 1, page 33.]– from Tim Rifat’s book “Remote Viewing” available here

If this is what the Soviets (Russia) was engaged in back in ’67 then imagine where they and the U.S. and China are now in this regard. No wonder they had to mind control and mind-wipe the astronauts when they returned… And extrapolate this to the space shuttle crew and it all begins to fall into place. Even without ET tech we are talking about some very sophisticated advances with regard to the human mind.

Special Assistance for Camelot Supporter in the NYC area

June 1, 2011

Special Assistance for Camelot Supporter in the NYC area

If there are any therapists, regressionists or other wholistic health practitioners in the NYC area who feel they can assist a “camelot supporter” from China with special personal difficulties adjusting to the culture here, possible mind control/abduction issues etc. — Please contact me at this address:

kerry@projectcamelotportal.com Note: Please put NYC in the subject line

Thank you.

Two new Camelot video releases!

Antoine Gigal – Egyptologist

Andrew Collins – UFO Adductions and Dimensional Realities

Two video interviews conducted at Megalithomania in South Africa. Enjoy… more coming soon.

Sent to me by a source: re ELENIN

May 31, 2011

Sent to me by a source: re: ELENIN

Below is a link from Cornell University on the planetary seismic activity due to various conjunctions / alignments with this so – called comet, Earth and other solar system bodies. You can access the PDF file on the right of the webpage for more detailed information. Looks like this comet Elenin just “might” be quite larger than what we are being told.


Open Your Mind Radio Interview with Kerry

May 30, 2011

Open Your Mind Radio Interview with Kerry

As mentioned yesterday I was interviewed by a couple of Irish guys (Alan & Steve) on this Irish internet radio show. To listen to the show click the link:

listen to the archived show OYM Radio