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JAMES BOND IS REAL video conference on hidden technology and the Nazis – Friday, July 22nd

July 18, 2011

JAMES BOND IS REAL video conference on hidden technology and the Nazis – Friday, July 22nd


click here to purchase tickets

Based on the book by Mike Sparks

New Release!

New! Secrets behind the Human Genome Project : an audio interview with Cynthia Marie Brewer


BODHGAYA INCIDENT – now with further enhanced sound on mp3

click here to get the new sound

07/17/2011 – Sleeper TV hit show: Suits

July 17,2011

Sleeper TV hit show: Suits

Embrace your destiny…

click here to view

Believe it or not this is a dynamite pilot episode. Tight, lean and mean but with heart. You may think it doesn't relate to Camelot type fare, but actually it does. Because human relations and how things work is what it all comes down to… yes we've got someone slick and telling lies every chance he gets but the truth gets its due and the characters have "arcs" which means they go through changes, they adapt and they learn. Not bad for 1 hour.

Now why does this even matter in this day and age of tsunami warnings, radiation, comets driven like taxis and Planet X? Because it brings something very particular to mind about what just might be happening to the groups out there that spend their time surmising what may happen tomorrow or the next day, instead of living now. If you are so wrapped up in planning for the future you forget to live in the moment you are missing it… this thing called life. Which can ONLY be lived in the now. The eternal now.

So I suggest, respectfully, that you ask yourself what are you not doing, that you would do, if you thought the future was bright and rosy instead of 'filled with dread' as some people who do nothing but plot the slow burning demise of the human race are doing. Instead, I say, f–k that. Live it now. Be aware yes, be very aware, awake and aware. But don't put life on the back burner while planning for some way of protecting your "future" or you are no better off than those people who spend their lives selling 'life insurance' like in the 1950s when they really thought something like that actually made sense.

Placing a cushion between you and the future is not what its all about. Greet it, full on. Embrace your destiny with everything you've got.

Sleeper TV hit show: Suits

July 17,2011

Sleeper TV hit show: Suits

Embrace your destiny…

click here to view

Believe it or not this is a dynamite pilot episode. Tight, lean and mean but with heart. You may think it doesn’t relate to Camelot type fare, but actually it does. Because human relations and how things work is what it all comes down to… yes we’ve got someone slick and telling lies every chance he gets but the truth gets its due and the characters have “arcs” which means they go through changes, they adapt and they learn. Not bad for 1 hour.

Now why does this even matter in this day and age of tsunami warnings, radiation, comets driven like taxis and Planet X? Because it brings something very particular to mind about what just might be happening to the groups out there that spend their time surmising what may happen tomorrow or the next day, instead of living now. If you are so wrapped up in planning for the future you forget to live in the moment you are missing it… this thing called life. Which can ONLY be lived in the now. The eternal now.

So I suggest, respectfully, that you ask yourself what are you not doing, that you would do, if you thought the future was birght and rosy instead of ‘filled with dread’ as some people who do nothing but plot the slow burning demise of the human race are doing. Instead, I say, f–k that. Live it now. Be aware yes, be very aware, awake and aware. But don’t put life on the back burner while planning for some way of protecting your “future” or you are no better off than those people who spend their lives selling ‘life insurance’ like in the 1950s when they really thought something like that actually made sense.

Placing a cushion between you and the future is not what its all about. Greet it, full on. Embrace your destiny with everything you’ve got.

Gary McKinnon – Story published in the IEEE Spectrum

July 16, 2011 Updated

Gary McKinnon – Story published in the IEEE Spectrum

This is a very good overview of Gary McKinnon’s story

click here for the Project Camelot original interview with Gary

click here for the Project Camelot interview with his mother, Janis Sharp

Earthquakes along Ring of Fire

click here for Dutchsinse report

Face of Allah Weapon – Project Blue Beam tech

click here for article from 2008

Be aware, they have the technology to deceive you with holograms etc.

The Mission: Gathering of the Rainbow Warriors, Tribes and more…

July 14, 2011

The Mission: Gathering of the Rainbow Warriors, Tribes and more…

Miriam Delicado was on my radio show last night talking about her efforts to build a bridge between the various indigenous people and why this is so important right now. This relates to the gathering of the Rainbow Warriors, which include the Camelot audience, indigos and other new and incoming children of light and other groups around the world…ultimately to encompass people everywhere on the planet.

The objective is to create a morphic field of resonance that has great power and will raise the vibration of the planet. Once connected through meditation and in full awareness, many actions are possible such as healing the earth, mitigating earth changes and more…. It goes without saying, that many groups and individuals are currently working to alter the earth changes, change the consciousness around the planet and interfere with the dark energy that pervades areas of the globe at this time. But a greater wholeness must be realized.

The following video interview with Dan Winter explains this quite well….

Dan Winter : click here to watch

With that in mind, in order to connect the indigeous people with each other and raise awareness and encourage all to work together bringing forward hidden knowledge from all corners of the globe, Miriam needs your support. The time for secret societies on all sides of the spectrum is done. Unity consciousness demands that humanity recognize itself in all its aspects and begin to come forward in full awareness to create together the kind of world we would all like to see.

For perhaps the first time in the history of this planet, members of the Dogon tribe have agreed to come forward and speak out on a live Project Camelot Roundtable regarding the importance in bringing together the tribes to work to save the planet and contribute their part in raising the consciousness of humanity. We will be doing a Livestream event on July 29, 2011 with the Dogon and Miriam Delicado to begin the process of speaking out by indigenous people to the world. Part of the purpose of the event will be to raise funds for travel and meetings to happen between the leaders of the various indigenous tribes around the world. More info about the July 29th event to come…

In Miriam’s own words:

“I recently traveled to New York in support of Hopi Elders where they met with The Dalai Lama and Colombian Mamos at a Peace Summit. Currently donations are needed for travel to Arizona to meet with a Hopi delegation. This journey will enable the continuation of dialogue of bringing Ancient tribes together from around the world. Your support is appreciated. Miriam Delicado”

Link to the page to donate: http://www.bluestarprophecy.com/donations/

Last night’s Camelot Whistleblower Radio show re Elenin & coming months

My guests last night were Miriam Delicado and Sean David Morton. We discussed Elenin, the necessity of uniting the Rainbow Warriors and tribes and the potential for coming changes this fall and up to and beyond 2012.

listen here to archived show

Water hot along Louisiana Coastline

click here for dutchsinse video report

Alex Collier on Nibiru and so on…

July 12, 2011

Alex Collier on Nibiru and so on…

click here to view

Jellyfish invade nuclear power plants in Japan and Israel

July 11, 2011

Jellyfish invade nuclear power plants in Japan and Israel

It would appear that these jellyfish are intelligently coelescing to stop nuclear power… smarter than humans it would appear.

clikc here for the article

Camelot Roundtable Discussions attacked by SOTT.net

Hi all,

It has been brought to my attention that Laura Knight-Jadczyk and company are making claims in regard to Richard C. Hoagland’s statements during our Elenin conference… without having watched it and checking their facts or context of statements being made. Not the sign of good research.

Ryan X of SOTT.NET wrote the following…”What Cassidy, Hoagland and others have started here is most shameful. Presenting Comet Elenin as a spacecraft sent to “usher in a New Age” is just plain irresponsible considering the recent history of such claims. The UFO and contactee community tends to house some of the more mentally unstable individuals. These claims by Hoagland as promoted by Cassidy seemingly amount to shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater.”

Wow. Let’s take a look at this. First of all, our conference if you have bothered to listen is a rather sober affair and costs money to view…. so whoever does so is not in a crowded theater but at home presumably watching on their computer screen. It’s a calm and scientific discussion with many points of view about Elenin and other incoming bodies… And Hoagland’s claim that Elenin may be a controlled body/comet sent to “usher in a new age” is simply his current hypothesis based on his current research.

For the record I don’t agree with him about that part of his analysis but he has a right to voice his opinion in the Camelot Roundtable discussion format that we are pioneering on the web at this time.

What seems to be the problem with having serious researchers get together and exchange their views with whatever supporting evidence and logic they have to bring forward? Does Laura and team have a problem with open discussion in a public forum? It would seem so.

And what is she so frightened about? Actually if this is a controlled or piloted craft it has a lot more to do with who is doing the piloting rather than a “doomsday scenario”. In fact, what was stressed by several of the speakers in our conference is that this is not, Nibiru or Planet X and that there is no catastrophic scenario associated with it according to our evidence.

And yes, whistleblower testimony… Way back when I interviewed her, Laura could be classified as one herself as I recall. Don’t knock it. You may find yourself in that role sometime in the future…

Take it for what you will… We put out our views and information.. how it all works together is still to be determined. The primary conclusion of our conference, if you want to call it that is that we need more information.

What people won’t be aware of is I asked Laura if she wanted to join us on the discussion because she wrote to me before it happened saying we would have “blood on our hands”.. obviously making an assumption about conclusions she expected us to reach before we had even had the discussion!

I replied that the last time I looked free speech was alive and well on the net.

Let’s hope it stays that way.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

07/10/2011 – More on Elenin – Things not Explained in the Video

July 10, 2011

More on Elenin – Things not Explained in the Video

It is important to note for those who listen to our nearly 5 hour Camelot Roundtable discussion on Elenin that Hoagland makes a very good case for the name Elenin being no accident.

First of all, the man who supposedly "discovered" the planet must be a paid informant. Secondly the name Elenin does not equal ELE but adds up to be equal to or a code for "Horus".

With that in mind you need to be aware of the vast amount of information out there that surrounds the Return of the Anunnaki. There is a whole contingent of Illuminati 'followers' out there who do rituals to "Marduk"… another name for Horus. The have been planning and waiting for the return of the Anunnaki and Horus the 'son' of Enki.

click here for some ramblings by Dan Winter on the subject

So, if Elenin is a piloted or remotely controlled craft in the guise of a planetoid (like Phobos?) then what does it contain?

Here, Hoagland would remind us that we should read "Rendezvous with Rama" by Arthur C. Clarke who, he agrees, probably was "in" on all the real secrets. Which I have done and what happens there is a ship enters the solar system, we land on it and investigate and it is uninhabited except by robotic like mechanical toys that 'maintain it'. It serves no obvious purpose and contains a sort of mechanistic world within. All in all it's like a self-contained machine. Where the 'makers' have long since abandoned it… Or perhaps sent it out in space to 'attract' investigation from local beings in whatever solar system it enters… and during that time, monitors and correlates or studies the temporary inhabitants (us in this case) then moves on… never to return again. But in theory could then send back data to some great mothership or civilization many star fields away. One day to be followed by the real 'makers' who would now know fully who and what they were dealing with before they ever arrived. Would robots be the progenitors of 'robots'? Or would they be humanoid? Or what?

At any rate, the point here is that it would seem the analogy to Rama, is a limited one. I don't see Elenin as being an exploratory probe. It seems to plodding and laborious… in making its way through our solar system. Hoagland seems to feel this craft to be a sort of disclosure event for the uninitiated… A theatrical maneuver designed to wow the inhabitants who up to now, for the most part, are not so blissfully believing they are "alone" and need to be brought up to speed that they are 'not alone' and have never been alone (as Bob Dean would say).

But we still must get back to Elenin = Horus because if that is the case then it could also contain a group of beings. Certain sources and I agree that traveling in such a craft would be rather an antiquated means of getting around when interstellar craft going beyond the speed of light would serve far better. To say nothing of the use of stargates.

So is this the return of Marduk? And if so, is it a good thing or a bad thing? Bottom line.

And for that one has to also look at the fleet of ships that are accompanying it… this is info I have from an undisclosed source, that went black. But the word was, that it was a fleet of ships. So then the question is are they 'ours' or 'theirs' and if theirs then are they escorting in the comet-toid (my word for it)? Or are we escorting it in a little like when we scramble jets to flank some invader into our air space?

Again, one must ask is this a good thing or a bad thing? Hoagland would like to believe this is 'something marvelous' and a precursor to an age of disclosure in some form. He also seems to be even more entranced by the other comet/asteroid that he also has been told is 'controlled' called 2005 YU55. Coming from the direction of the sun due to cross closest to Earth on November 8th.

Note: there is ample evidence of large craft very close to the sun, (see the photos of John Walson) and by the way according to my source, those craft are actually bigger than YU55… and then if you go back to Rendezvous with Rama… after Rama left the vicinity of Earth it headed directly to the sun before reversing and moving away from it… the purpose being to 'power up' using the sun as an energy source to replenish itself. So perhaps the same is true of YU55 if it is indeed, controlled.

To get back to Elenin, if it is Horus and if let's say, the approach is expected and even anticipated for a very long time… then our secret space fleet will have been ready for the approach and could easily already been prepped for it. The recent Pope's address to the space station crew would seem to be out of context unless you consider that might have been a pep-talk for what was soon to be a 'greeting committee' of sorts to the 'new arrival' as one of my sources suggests. That address by the Pope has never happened before. Why now? What was he really doing?

Excuse me if I don't trust that this visitation by Elenin staged or not, is the harbinger of an 'age of enlightenment'. Because after all the secret space program is largely made up of former Nazis… or at the very least was run by them. And according to Hoagland they went off planet, back at the end of the war. They are the ones running the bases on the moon and mars. Their earthly contingent is under their orders. And there is a secret space program, apparently Earth based that is being prevented from leaving here (according to Hoagland but I am not sure this makes sense)… And they are not at all happy about it. I would say it's more likely they are leaving here… you can't have a space program that doesn't go into space (unless you count NASA ….lol (!))

If there is such a split within the secret space contingent, then what we are really talking about is a war for space between at least 2 Earthly groups… and then there is the war in space that involves some not so friendly off-world groups who want a piece of either this real estate or our DNA… and things get even more convoluted…

The questions remain and although we have the beginnings of some kind of space drama here things are still terribly hazy. Suffice to say we need more information… the understatement of the decade.

Crop circle referencing Enki EA – Linda Moulten Howe / George Costanza reference

July 10, 2011

Crop circle referencing Enki EA – Linda Moulten Howe / George Costanza reference

click here to view

“The Poirino 2011formation contains some coded information. Among other things, the outer rim contains the names ‘Enki Ea,’ coded in ASCII. These are names of a Sumerian god: Lord of the earth, god of water, creator of mankind.” George Costanza)/Circle Chasers Facebook

italy poirino crop circle

If this is true then this may be a message related to Elenin (Horus) the comet…

Referencing my article below on DNA and Radiation

click here to for Dan Winter’s explanation on DNA activation and how this will change our interaction with radiation and our environment… And yes, I am aware of the controversy regarding the use by Dan Winter of Stan Tenen’s work. I believe this has been acknowledged by Dan Winter in his statement on danwinter.com.

Winter is what is known as a synthesizer… this is very worthwhile role and he does it quite well. Other famous synthesizers from our era: David Wilcock, Nassim Haramein, Richard Hoagland etc. That is, they take other people’s progress ie “originators” and cross correlate and hybridize it for consumption by the masses… increasing it’s distribution and reach.

Ascended Health – a recommendation

Through my contact with the authors of the raw food recipe book “Jaiseed” – Julie Piatt and Rich Roll, I have been connected toAscended Health. I am currently using one of their powerful elixirs called Lifespan Energy Elixir and find it to be a fantastic product. On August 23rd at 11 am PDT I will be doing a Livestream interview with the founder, Compton Bada. To listen to a recent interview with Compton click here. He discusses bioremediation: how microbes detoxify the environment… Trained as a microbiologist he brings this knowledge to the enhancement of internal health.

More on Elenin – Things not Explained in the Video

It is important to note for those who listen to our nearly 5 hour Camelot Roundtable discussion on Elenin that Hoagland makes a very good case for the name Elenin being no accident.

First of all, according to Hoagland, the man who supposedly “discovered” the planet must be a paid informant. Secondly the name Elenin does not equal ELE but adds up to be equal to or a code for “Horus”.

With that in mind you need to be aware of the vast amount of information out there that surrounds the Return of the Anunnaki. There is a whole contingent of Illuminati ‘followers’ out there who do rituals to “Marduk”… another name for Horus. The have been planning and waiting for the return of the Anunnaki and Horus the ‘son’ of Enki.

click here for some ramblings by Dan Winter on the subject

So, if Elenin is a piloted or remotely controlled craft in the guise of a planetoid (like Phobos?) then what does it contain?

Here, Hoagland would remind us that we should read “Rendezvous with Rama” by Arthur C. Clarke who, he agrees, probably was “in” on all the real secrets. Which I have done and what happens there is a ship enters the solar system, we land on it and investigate and it is uninhabited except by robotic like mechanical toys that ‘maintain it’. It serves no obvious purpose and contains a sort of mechanistic world within. All in all it’s like a self-contained machine. Where the ‘makers’ have long since abandoned it… Or perhaps sent it out in space to ‘attract’ investigation from local beings in whatever solar system it enters… and during that time, monitors and correlates or studies the temporary inhabitants (us in this case) then moves on… never to return again. But in theory could then send back data to some great mothership or civilization many star fields away. One day to be followed by the real ‘makers’ who would now know fully who and what they were dealing with before they ever arrived. Would robots be the progenitors of ‘robots’? Or would they be humanoid? Or what?

At any rate, the point here is that it would seem the analogy to Rama, is a limited one. I don’t see Elenin as being an exploratory probe. It seems to plodding and laborious… in making its way through our solar system. Hoagland seems to feel this craft to be a sort of disclosure event for the uninitiated… A theatrical maneuver designed to wow the inhabitants who up to now, for the most part, are not so blissfully believing they are “alone” and need to be brought up to speed that they are ‘not alone’ and have never been alone (as Bob Dean would say).

But we still must get back to Elenin = Horus because if that is the case then it could also contain a group of beings. Certain sources and I agree that traveling in such a craft would be rather an antiquated means of getting around when intersteller craft going beyond the speed of light would serve far better. To say nothing of the use of stargates.

So is this the return of Marduk? And if so, is it a good thing or a bad thing? Bottom line.

And for that one has to also look at the fleet of ships that are accompanying it… this is info I have from an undisclosed source, that went black. But the word was, that it was a fleet of ships. So then the question is are they ‘ours’ or ‘theirs’ and if theirs then are they escorting in the comet-toid (my word for it)? Or are we escorting it in a little like when we scramble jets to flank some invader into our air space?

Again, one must ask is this a good thing or a bad thing? Hoagland would like to believe this is ‘something marvelous’ and a precursor to an age of disclosure in some form. He also seems to be even more entranced by the other comet/asteroid that he also has been told is ‘controlled’ called 2005 YU55. Coming from the direction of the sun due to cross closest to Earth on November 8th.

Note: there is ample evidence of large craft very close to the sun, (see the photos of John Walson) and by the way according to my source, those craft are actually bigger than YU55… and then if you go back to Rendezvous with Rama… after Rama left the vicinity of Earth it headed directly to the sun before reversing and moving away from it… the purpose being to ‘power up’ using the sun as an energy source to replenish itself. So perhaps the same is true of YU55 if it is indeed, controlled.

To get back to Elenin, if it is Horus and if let’s say, the approach is expected and even anticipated for a very long time… then our secret space fleet will have been ready for the approach and could easily already been prepped for it. The recent Pope’s address to the space station crew would seem to be out of context unless you consider that might have been a pep-talk for what was soon to be a ‘greeting committee’ of sorts to the ‘new arrival’ as one of my sources suggests. That address by the Pope has never happened before. Why now? What was he really doing?

Excuse me if I don’t trust that this visitation by Elenin staged or not, is the harbinger of an ‘age of enlightenment’. Because after all the secret space program is largely made up of former Nazis… or at the very least was run by them. And according to Hoagland they went off planet, back at the end of the war. They are the ones running the bases on the moon and mars. Their earthly contingent is under their orders. And there is a secret space program, apparently Earth based that is being prevented from leaving here (according to Hoagland but I am not sure this makes sense)… And they are not at all happy about it. I would say it’s more likely they are leaving here… you can’t have a space program that doesn’t go into space (unless you count NASA ….lol (!))

If there is such a split within the secret space contingent, then what we are really talking about is a war for space between at least 2 Earthly groups… and then there is the war in space that involves some not so friendly off-world groups who want a piece of either this real estate or our DNA… and things get even more convoluted…

The questions remain and although we have the beginnings of some kind of space drama here things are still terribly hazy. Suffice to say we need more information… the understatement of the decade.

Neumayer Station – Antarctica – Brown Dwarf?

click here for this very interesting recording

Be sure to also click the link at the top of the screen to see the pictures with the full moon….

Alfred Webre and Sorcha Faal — disinfo regarding Richard C. Hoagland

July 9, 2011 –Updated

Alfred Webre and Sorcha Faal — disinfo regarding Richard C. Hoagland

Earlier tonight it had come to my attention that Alfred Webre and Sorcha Faal had both fallen for disinfo with regard to Richard Hoagland and his statements on Elenin SPECIAL NOTE: Alfred Webre has now corrected his article.

See Alfred Webre’s corrected article here.

Apparently Sorcha has not done the necessary research nor heard Richard’s very clear and lengthy statements on my Elenin video conference or on Richard’s recent appearances on Coast. On both occasions he stressed that Elenin is not Planet X and is not going to cause catastrophes. On the contrary, his evidence points to the craft being remotely controlled, relatively small and the harbinger of positive things.. if not disclosure!

If anyone has contact with Sorcha Faal please request a correction!

Regarding the Sound on Barry King and Bodhgaya

Please be aware, the two interviews conducted in the UK had bad sound due to the acoustics of the building we shot in.. that setting was loaned to us by a very well meaning individual. Unfortunately, the combination of echo from the room and the accents of the two interviewees; Barry King and Eva Zemanova, has made it difficult to understand what they are saying.

I have had an expert sound engineer work on the footage and apparently it is still not sufficient. We are endeavoring to get written transcripts and getting English subtitles done for both. Please understand that these are the only two interviews done at this location. Both contain valuable information.

Thank you.