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Take the so-called Elite’s agenda and the agenda of the White Hats and how does that equation factor out?

August 6, 2011

Take the so-called Elite’s agenda and the agenda of the White Hats and how does that equation factor out? This is my question. If they were to let the Global Settlement funds through they would be undermining their own agenda. Why would they do this? What I am told is because they are being shamed into it by having the machinations of their doings revealed in all its demonic glory… An oxymoron if there ever was one.

We have a war going on here. In this version it has to do with money. Can you only fight a war on the financial scene and ignore the other levels (or where the money really goes)?

I don’t think so… Read my recent articles below for more on this:

Cowboys, Aliens & White Hats 
Why the White Hats Need the People

Webster Tarpley on Elite’s Plan

click here

White Hat Report #27

Friday, August 5, 2011
August 5, 2011 – WHITE HATS REPORT #27
UPDATE: First Settlement Payment for 30 Billion Completed And Clinton, Obama, Bush Jr. and Geithner Take It For Personal Accounts.

“Early this week Obama made a phone call and gave the order to settle with Ed Falcone. That’s the financial fraud situation we have talked about where Bush Sr., Romney, Herzog and their gang of associates stole Falcone’s 700 million dollars. This is the situation were the Federal Bureau of Investigation have buried Falcone’s complaints in the “Bush-directed-us-to-ignore-this” file. Well, apparently our reporting of this matter is not only accurate but has uncomfortably exposed our former leaders as it was directed by Bush Sr to Obama to pay him off to get him out of their hair….”

click here for more and for previous reports….




Shot guerilla filmmaking style along the lines of the work of Director Robert Altman who pioneered an approach which allows for including audible sounds in the environment to give atmosphere to the dialog and sense of place.

Adam’s Calendar & The Stone Circles of South Africa takes the viewer on a journey of discovery into our ancient past. Join Michael Tellinger and I, as we journey to one of the most important ancient sites on the planet. These fascinating sites contain very powerful earth energies and secrets involving healing portals, free energy and time travel that will reveal the truth about the beginnings of humanity.”

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

August 2011

Break From Live Events

August 5, 2011

For the next few weeks we are taking a break from doing live events. They are a lot of work for me and our tech team (not to mention the speakers).

However, Monday, I will be doing a LIVE CONVERSATION with Bill Brown from the Giza Geomatrix group… and getting an update on Egypt.

Live at 11am PT — note: we cannot afford to pay channel costs at this time for Livestream so there will be commercial interuptions. The event is free.

click here to view on Monday live

08/03/2011 – Why the White Hats need ‘the people’ in order to succeed

August 3, 2011

Why the White Hats need 'the people' in order to succeed

While you sit in the shadows once again waiting for the phone to ring telling you the GS are going through, you might take some time to read this article: http://www.counterpunch.org/floyd0828.html — old news yes, but worth the review if you consider what it is saying about the machine that you and your friends are working steadily at dismantling.

And whereas, I am with you all on this quest, I can't help but think you are leaving out an important element or at the very least shifting it to last when in my view it should actually be first. There is a reason why Project Camelot has the motto, 'the best place to hide is out in the open'. And it is precisely because of this. Those that you are fighting do so under cover of darkness. And so they always have.

But in this time, I would submit that fighting in the shadows no longer has the power it once had. Because we are arguably in a time of transition into another dimension where bringing things in the darkness into the light is actually the mode of exchange or 'legal tender' for getting them to happen at all. What am I talking about?

In these times as never before actions and strategies must take into account an unusual but highly coveted thing, that is, the consciousness of the masses, in order to succeed or even, some might say, to attract the necessary energy to happen at all. This is something that those dark Magus's in the shadows have known for some time but it appears those working in the light are just beginning to learn.

The sixties got a lot of things wrong but the one thing they got right was the 'power of the people'. In some ways, the sixties were harbingers of today. Right now. When change is the order of the day and as a consequence being able, as any true Magician of the Light should know, to garner the regard of those you would aspire to lead or at the very least, serve, is paramount. Without them your actions could very easily come to nothing. How can I say that?

Because, we are in a time, when the global unity has far more weight, cosmically speaking, in forming the necessary field of resonance in order to perform great acts of social change and have them really take hold and be rooted not only in the fabric of now but to withstand the inevitable counterpunch of the dark side.

And so, upon learning that, at least from your perspective, the Global Settlements have a very good chance of happening, it was particularly disheartening and even depressing to learn that if they go through it would all 'happen in secret' and the masses would not be the wiser for it. This is not only distressing it to my way of thinking, portends their subsequent reversal or at the very least their being co-opted to serve the interests of the dark cabal. Think about it.

Yes, I do get that you and your group will continue to release your careful communiques… making sure to expose just enough of the graft and corruption to keep things on track and yet being equally careful not to reveal anything that would truly burst open the dams of deceit so to topple the very government you are sworn to protect. Frankly, I don't think you can have it both ways. Either you enlist the help and the attention of the masses and 'throw some real light' on the darkness or you risk losing not only the small bit of ground you have toiled so long and hard to create, but being taken over and co-opted by the dark side.

Why do I say this? Because in my view, albeit a philosophic one rather than, at least on the surface, a pragmatic one, in order to create change and right the state of the union either here in the U.S. or on the planet, you cannot work in dark like those you strive to uproot. it simply won't work. Because in case you haven't been paying attention, the real game is for the hearts and minds (and souls) of the masses. And whereas the dark side knows this all too well. You and your group are just beginning to get clued in to it. And that puts you at a disadvantage.

Because this time and this place it is all about who captures the imagination (and thereby the hearts and minds) of the masses not just who deserves it. Because we are at a mass consciousness tipping point or more accurately, event horizon, where the next wave to follow will build on the one that had the density to overcome the one before it… and so it goes.

When you talk about garnering the regard or attention of the public you often talk in terms of 'after we accomplish this or that' then we will reveal to the general public this or that. When in reality, what I suggest you should be doing in this age of enlightenment… is actually the reverse. First you inform the public of what you intend and then you set about to do it. A concept wholly alien to your previous training and instincts no doubt. But if you follow the idea talked about for example, in scientific terms that say, our Camelot witness Dr. Pete Peterson refers to as the "information field" you begin to realize what he is really talking about is the RESONANT FIELD that surrounds us all that some might have referred to as "ether" in the early 1900s or around the time of Tesla… (who by the way knew exactly what I am talking about). .. And for more on that I recommend our interview with Ralph Ring on what it was like working with Otis Carr and how they got into a man-made sort of ufo and then time traveled several miles by using their minds in concert with a crystal and visualizing a certain spectrum of blue light (aquamarine). And there you have it. How to use the MIND FIELD of resonance in order to TIME TRAVEL or simply MOVE from one place of being to another… instantaneously. Outside of linear time. Otis Carr, protégé of Tesla, had it. Likely, Tesla certainly 'got it'… And, now I suggest it's time, if you want to actually really change this world… for you and your group to take hold of this concept and make it work 'for you'. And in doing so, you will be the change you want to see in the world and manifest this real time.

Otherwise, you are working against the tide and this untapped resource, in the crudest sense, will work against you. And the dark side who recognize what I am talking about here will continue to run the game and take you for a ride because they are using the power of the people to their own sick advantage… while you and your group and many others, well meaning though they may be, have yet to discover that the power is 'in' the people and they are the ones who will in the end, create change. Because the power of the people is awakening like a sleeping lion. And in time it will stretch and choose its own path.

And when the White Hats recognize the power of the people, and the necessity of bringing the people into the fold, they will join the movement which has already begun and they will become a real force to be reckoned with.

Why the White Hats need ‘the people’ in order to succeed

August 3, 2011

Why the White Hats need ‘the people’ in order to succeed

While you sit in the shadows once again waiting for the phone to ring telling you the GS are going through, you might take some time to read this article: http://www.counterpunch.org/floyd0828.html — old news yes, but worth the review if you consider what it is saying about the machine that you and your friends are working steadily at dismantling.

And whereas, I am with you all on this quest, I can’t help but think you are leaving out an important element or at the very least shifting it to last when in my view it should actually be first. There is a reason why Project Camelot has the motto, ‘the best place to hide is out in the open’. And it is precisely because of this. Those that you are fighting do so under cover of darkness. And so they always have.

But in this time, I would submit that fighting in the shadows no longer has the power it once had. Because we are arguably in a time of transition into another dimension where bringing things in the darkness into the light is actually the mode of exchange or ‘legal tender’ for getting them to happen at all. What am I talking about?

In these times as never before actions and strategies must take into account an unusual but highly coveted thing, that is, the consciousness of the masses, in order to succeed or even, some might say, to attract the necessary energy to happen at all. This is something that those dark Magus’s in the shadows have known for some time but it appears those working in the light are just beginning to learn.

The sixties got a lot of things wrong but the one thing they got right was the ‘power of the people’. In some ways, the sixties were harbingers of today. Right now. When change is the order of the day and as a consequence being able, as any true Magician of the Light should know, to garner the regard of those you would aspire to lead or at the very least, serve, is paramount. Without them your actions could very easily come to nothing. How can I say that?

Because, we are in a time, when the global unity has far more weight, cosmically speaking, in forming the necessary field of resonance in order to perform great acts of social change and have them really take hold and be rooted not only in the fabric of now but to withstand the inevitable counterpunch of the dark side.

And so, upon learning that, at least from your perspective, the Global Settlements have a very good chance of happening, it was particularly disheartening and even depressing to learn that if they go through it would all ‘happen in secret’ and the masses would not be the wiser for it. This is not only distressing it to my way of thinking, portends their subsequent reversal or at the very least their being co-opted to serve the interests of the dark cabal. Think about it.

Yes, I do get that you and your group will continue to release your careful communiques… making sure to expose just enough of the graft and corruption to keep things on track and yet being equally careful not to reveal anything that would truly burst open the dams of deceit so to topple the very government you are sworn to protect. Frankly, I don’t think you can have it both ways. Either you enlist the help and the attention of the masses and ‘throw some real light’ on the darkness or you risk losing not only the small bit of ground you have toiled so long and hard to create, but being taken over and co-opted by the dark side.

Why do I say this? Because in my view, albeit a philosophic one rather than, at least on the surface, a pragmatic one, in order to create change and right the state of the union either here in the U.S. or on the planet, you cannot work in dark like those you strive to uproot. it simply won’t work. Because in case you haven’t been paying attention, the real game is for the hearts and minds (and souls) of the masses. And whereas the dark side knows this all too well. You and your group are just beginning to get clued in to it. And that puts you at a disadvantage.

Because this time and this place it is all about who captures the imagination (and thereby the hearts and minds) of the masses not just who deserves it. Because we are at a mass consciousness tipping point or more accurately, event horizon, where the next wave to follow will build on the one that had the density to overcome the one before it… and so it goes.

When you talk about garnering the regard or attention of the public you often talk in terms of ‘after we accomplish this or that’ then we will reveal to the general public this or that. When in reality, what I suggest you should be doing in this age of enlightenment… is actually the reverse. First you inform the public of what you intend and then you set about to do it. A concept wholly alien to your previous training and instincts no doubt. But if you follow the idea talked about for example, in scientific terms that say, our Camelot witness Dr. Pete Peterson refers to as the “information field” you begin to realize what he is really talking about is the RESONANT FIELD that surrounds us all that some might have referred to as “ether” in the early 1900s or around the time of Tesla… (who by the way knew exactly what I am talking about). .. And for more on that I recommend our interview with Ralph Ring on what it was like working with Otis Carr and how they got into a man-made sort of ufo and then time traveled several miles by using their minds in concert with a crystal and visualizing a certain spectrum of blue light (aquamarine). And there you have it. How to use the MIND FIELD of resonance in order to TIME TRAVEL or simply MOVE from one place of being to another… instantaneously. Outside of linear time. Otis Carr, protégé of Tesla, had it. Likely, Tesla certainly ‘got it’… And, now I suggest it’s time, if you want to actually really change this world… for you and your group to take hold of this concept and make it work ‘for you’. And in doing so, you will be the change you want to see in the world and manifest this real time.

Otherwise, you are working against the tide and this untapped resource, in the crudest sense, will work against you. And the dark side who recognize what I am talking about here will continue to run the game and take you for a ride because they are using the power of the people to their own sick advantage… while you and your group and many others, well meaning though they may be, have yet to discover that the power is ‘in’ the people and they are the ones who will in the end, create change. Because the power of the people is awakening like a sleeping lion. And in time it will stretch and choose its own path.

And when the White Hats recognize the power of the people, and the necessity of bringing the people into the fold, they will join the movement which has already begun and they will become a real force to be reckoned with.

Fascism, Sweden, Norway the Illuminati hold over the Nordic North

August 2, 2011

Fascism, Sweden, Norway the Illuminati hold over the Nordic North

This article/eulogy to the death of Stieg Larsson author of the brilliant The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and other books byVanity Fair’s Christopher Hitchens is worth taking a look at. It happened in 2004 and needless to say it would seem odd to begin to draw any conclusions from the brief clues here but something is brewing in these Nordic countries that has echoes here in the states nonetheless.

Note from Chinese source

He wrote: …”On comet elenin, we are pretty sure that is not only a stone or ice. Be prepared, the US guys are asking all military around the world to obsere that little “comet” now. [….his contact] reconfirmed that the infra-red photos of elenin is “extremely extraordinary”.

Dutchsinse Footage of Anomalous object and moons?

click here for the video just released

Ted Gunderson dies

I got word Ted Gunderson, former FBI division chief, whistleblower passed away a couple days ago. I had the good fortune to meet him not long ago thanks to George Green. Gunderson had a lot of info and you might say knew where the bodies are buried. He was diagnosed with cancer and seemed to die very shortly after that. A bit suspicious in my view.

I did not know him well, but he seemed to be a kind and honorable man.

We spoke briefly about The Octopus and Danny Casolaro. He was very familiar with this story. I had asked him to come on my radio show and he had agreed. I’m sorry we didn’t get the chance.

It is worth noting that many are passing over at this time (or at least it seems like that). One might event think we are on the verge of some momentous change at this time and these deaths are the harbinger of those who did not for whatever reason, want to be here for that transition.

click here for his website



07/30/2011 – White Hats Report #24

July 30, 2011

White Hats Report #24


July 28, 2011 – WHITE HATS REPORT #24 UPDATE:

We have been informed once again that Obama has flipped and flopped on the World Global Settlements.
Since our White Hats Report # 16 wherein we explain that President Obama had moved the funds from the Vatican Bank into a trading program with Josef Ackermann at Deutsche Bank, his trading profits have far exceeded 3 Billion Dollars according to Falcone's investigators. At the present time, Obama has closed out his accounts at Deutsche Bank and is no longer trading directly with Josef Ackermann. It is still possible that Josef Ackermann may be assisting Obama with movement of his funds into other European banks in an attempt to obscure their relationship.
We have been told that this latest series of moves by Obama is a reaction to the White Hat Reports and all of the ongoing investigations he is and is not, aware of. Although Obama still retains his accounts at HSBC and Barclay Bank, it appears that Obama is now trying to hide his funds by moving them into accounts in Central America and Asia. As we previously reported, Price Waterhouse Coopers has put Barclay Bank on notice for the mismanaged and handling of Falcone's stolen funds and also for hiding these funds for the CIA. Investigators will continue to watch the movement of these illegal funds as evidence for future Impeachment and legal proceedings against Obama.



Regarding the White Hats latest, this is the problem we have with these reports: They simply don't go deep enough. We are talking about a game that has multiple levels operating at once. This superficial look at the comings and goings of money on the top surface of the 'game board' of planetary life is not going to do much to reveal the levels of deception and secrecy beneath.

Of course, if you don't know the White Hats then you might think this is all they know. But the fact is, after some dialogs with them over time, I know that they know the bigger picture. Some of them have even been 'down the rabbit hole'. So why don't the reports at least hint that they "get it"?

As it is, I am caught between a rock and a hard place in putting these out. On the one hand I am down with their mission… They want the American government to clean house, right the wrongs and serve the people the way it was designed to do. A lofty and honorable purpose.

On the other hand, they want to go back to a world which maybe hasn't existed since the signing of the constitution… (like a lot of people) they want the ideals to be lived by… I understand. The trouble is, that back in the days around WWII and before… depending how far back you want to go maybe to the early 1900's, this country has been infiltrated and taken off track mainly by people who align themselves with the Nazis. And in a race to build a 'superman' aka what I call a 'robotic superman' they have perverted the system from the top down to serve that objective. And this is where the problem with the White Hats Reports becomes really glaring.

Is Obama 'acting' as some would say… in order to hide a deeper and more honorable direction until such time as it can be revealed, presumably when those behind it feel they have established sufficient strength and feet on the ground to sway things their way? Or is he 'one of them'? The bad guys.. the Bush minions run by some hidden group who themselves are run by Anunnaki of the Enlil persuasion? Or is he simply playing along with them until he can change his stripes, do the right thing, have his "Kennedy moment" and change the entire game? This remains to be seen. Most people it seems, believe Obama is bought and paid for and just as dark as the rest of them.

Regardless, whining about where he puts his money, how much he stole and who he stole it with is not really on point because, well, let's face it, we figure that the graft and corruption in government runs so deep and is so pervasive that it goes without saying they are all 'on the take'. So what's new?

Let's go back to the agenda. What is really going on here? We have the recent movie COWBOYS AND ALIENS which is a disclosure piece 'par excellence' so to speak, fairly decently made in terms of filmmaking and characterization, although I personally was rather bored by it. This movie however, in the most obvious fashion is banging people on the heads with warning ala Project Blue Beam, that the aliens are here, they have been here probably throughout history and were here even during the wild wild west…. And that we better prepare to fight them because they are not our friends…. although some of them are. And this is where it gets interesting. Because the good guys who are trying to save us have taken on human bodies, in order to help save us. Very nice. And true I might add. Yours truly being one of them.. in my view anyway. And so, there you have it. Laid out in spades for the public to consume and mull over. Will they get it? Do they? I mean mainstream America?

Well this is what the good guys are banking on… That regardless of whether they recognize what they have just seen (the movie) no doubt it will kick around in their subconscious so that when the bad guys show up, that is, reveal themselves, come out from underground (reptilians, greys and so on) or land, that the public will be more prepared to handle it. And defend themselves presumably.

Project Blue Beam yes, but with a twist. In other words, Project Blue Beam is about a 'false alien invasion' and the trouble is, they are already here and they have been here since the beginning. Both the good 'aliens' and the bad ones… and in fact, they are us. Encased in human form all races are represented both good, bad and everything in between. We are the feet on the ground. And yes, they are off world as well and underground. And interdimensional and so on….

Back to superman. While the powers that be or were are busy throughout history building and refining on human 1.0 with hopes of bringing forth Humanity 2.0 or more… using whatever means necessary. And that means, killing, maiming, genetically manipulating ad infinitum in order to create a better 'man' not better in the spiritual sense (although they want that too) but in the most spiritually material way. To build superman to go out and with a sort of manifest destiny space-age style, command and control, invade and imperialistically rule other planets and solar systems. The Will to Power being what motivates them. Service to self in all its glory.

So with this in mind, to get back to the White Hats Reports… This is what's missing. Some conscious reveal that they get the overall agenda operating here on Planet Earth. That it's not all just a game of 'whose got my cheese'. And that they, our heroes in waiting, are ready and willing, awake and aware and ready to go the distance in the fight for dominion over our right to sovereignty.. our inalienable human right to self-determination, our right to claim our rightful heritage as Angelic Humans… with all the magnificent powers and perceptions and abilities that, that envisions.

And then, if they have the cohones to show within these periodic communiques, that they stand behind that, we will not only post their reports but we will stand alongside them, fight the good fight and be happy to accompany them into battle. Because make no mistake about it. Like it or not, close your eyes or as the brilliant metaphor in COWBOYS AND ALIENS indicates, blinded by the light (as those drugged and misled so called light 'workers' are prone to be) there is a battle waging in your skies and here on the ground as well as out beyond this planet, for your hearts, your minds and your very souls. Choose well my friends. This is about to get interesting…


White Hats Report #24

July 30, 2011

White Hats Report #24

July 28, 2011 – WHITE HATS REPORT #24 UPDATE:



We have been informed once again that Obama has flipped and flopped on the World Global Settlements.

Since our White Hats Report # 16 wherein we explain that President Obama had moved the funds from the Vatican Bank into a trading program with Josef Ackermann at Deutsche Bank, his trading profits have far exceeded 3 Billion Dollars according to Falcone’s investigators. At the present time, Obama has closed out his accounts at Deutsche Bank and is no longer trading directly with Josef Ackermann. It is still possible that Josef Ackermann may be assisting Obama with movement of his funds into other European banks in an attempt to obscure their relationship.

We have been told that this latest series of moves by Obama is a reaction to the White Hat Reports and all of the ongoing investigations he is and is not, aware of. Although Obama still retains his accounts at HSBC and Barclay Bank, it appears that Obama is now trying to hide his funds by moving them into accounts in Central America and Asia. As we previously reported, Price Waterhouse Coopers has put Barclay Bank on notice for the mismanaged and handling of Falcone’s stolen funds and also for hiding these funds for the CIA. Investigators will continue to watch the movement of these illegal funds as evidence for future Impeachment and legal proceedings against Obama.

Click here for more…http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/


Regarding the White Hats latest, this is the problem we have with these reports: They simply don’t go deep enough. We are talking about a game that has multiple levels operating at once. This superficial look at the comings and goings of money on the top surface of the ‘game board’ of planetary life is not going to do much to reveal the levels of deception and secrecy beneath.

Of course, if you don’t know the White Hats then you might think this is all they know. But the fact is, after some dialogs with them over time, I know that they know the bigger picture. Some of them have even been ‘down the rabbit hole’. So why don’t the reports at least hint that they “get it”?

As it is, I am caught between a rock and a hard place in putting these out. On the one hand I am down with their mission… They want the American government to clean house, right the wrongs and serve the people the way it was designed to do. A lofty and honorable purpose.

On the other hand, they want to go back to a world which maybe hasn’t existed since the signing of the constitution… (like a lot of people) they want the ideals to be lived by… I understand. The trouble is, that back in the days around WWII and before… depending how far back you want to go maybe to the early 1900’s, this country has been infiltrated and taken off track mainly by people who align themselves with the Nazis. And in a race to build a ‘superman’ aka what I call a ‘robotic superman’ they have perverted the system from the top down to serve that objective. And this is where the problem with the White Hats Reports becomes really glaring.

Is Obama ‘acting’ as some would say… in order to hide a deeper and more honorable direction until such time as it can be revealed, presumably when those behind it feel they have established sufficient strength and feet on the ground to sway things their way? Or is he ‘one of them’? The bad guys.. the Bush minions run by some hidden group who themselves are run by Anunnaki of the Enlil persuasion? Or is he simply playing along with them until he can change his stripes, do the right thing, have his “Kennedy moment” and change the entire game? This remains to be seen. Most people it seems, believe Obama is bought and paid for and just as dark as the rest of them.

Regardless, whining about where he puts his money, how much he stole and who he stole it with is not really on point because, well, let’s face it, we figure that the graft and corruption in government runs so deep and is so pervasive that it goes without saying they are all ‘on the take’. So what’s new?

Let’s go back to the agenda. What is really going on here? We have the recent movie COWBOYS AND ALIENS which is a disclosure piece ‘par excellence’ so to speak, fairly decently made in terms of filmmaking and characterization, although I personally was rather bored by it. This movie however, in the most obvious fashion is banging people on the heads with warning ala Project Blue Beam, that the aliens are here, they have been here probably throughout history and were here even during the wild wild west…. And that we better prepare to fight them because they are not our friends…. although some of them are. And this is where it gets interesting. Because the good guys who are trying to save us have taken on human bodies, in order to help save us. Very nice. And true I might add. Yours truly being one of them.. in my view anyway. And so, there you have it. Laid out in spades for the public to consume and mull over. Will they get it? Do they? I mean mainstream America?

Well this is what the good guys are banking on… That regardless of whether they recognize what they have just seen (the movie) no doubt it will kick around in their subconscious so that when the bad guys show up, that is, reveal themselves, come out from underground (reptilians, greys and so on) or land, that the public will be more prepared to handle it. And defend themselves presumably.

Project Blue Beam yes, but with a twist. In other words, Project Blue Beam is about a ‘false alien invasion’ and the trouble is, they are already here and they have been here since the beginning. Both the good ‘aliens’ and the bad ones… and in fact, they are us. Encased in human form all races are represented both good, bad and everything in between. We are the feet on the ground. And yes, they are off world as well and underground. And interdimensional and so on….

Back to superman. While the powers that be or were are busy throughout history building and refining on human 1.0 with hopes of bringing forth Humanity 2.0 or more… using whatever means necessary. And that means, killing, maiming, genetically manipulating ad infinitum in order to create a better ‘man’ not better in the spiritual sense (although they want that too) but in the most spiritually material way. To build superman to go out and with a sort of manifest destiny space-age style, command and control, invade and imperialistically rule other planets and solar systems. The Will to Power being what motivates them. Service to self in all its glory.

So with this in mind, to get back to the White Hats Reports… This is what’s missing. Some conscious reveal that they get the overall agenda operating here on Planet Earth. That it’s not all just a game of ‘whose got my cheese’. And that they, our heroes in waiting, are ready and willing, awake and aware and ready to go the distance in the fight for dominion over our right to sovereignty.. our inalienable human right to self-determination, our right to claim our rightful heritage as Angelic Humans… with all the magnificent powers and perceptions and abilities that, that envisions.

And then, if they have the cohones to show within these periodic communiques, that they stand behind that, we will not only post their reports but we will stand alongside them, fight the good fight and be happy to accompany them into battle. Because make no mistake about it. Like it or not, close your eyes or as the brilliant metaphor in COWBOYS AND ALIENS indicates, blinded by the light (as those drugged and misled so called light ‘workers’ are prone to be) there is a battle waging in your skies and here on the ground as well as out beyond this planet, for your hearts, your minds and your very souls. Choose well my friends. This is about to get interesting…

The Dogon Speak to the World


Dogon elders of the traditional Kemetic priesthood recognize the necessity in this time to provide an alternative to the destructive/self-destructive lifestyle that the modern, colonial, political, educational and religious systems have maintained for the last two thousand years.

This knowledge has been guarded by Traditional Dogon Priests, (which is not just a tribe residing in the cliffs of Mali but a bloodline consisting of many tribes whos ancestor’s were considered the upper echelon of the Nile and Niger Valley civilizations) being passed from generation to generation only through intense initiation for thousands of years.

It is this knowledge that is now being released to the world so we may rid ourselves of the pollution that “modern” society has imposed and return to the knowledge of our ancestors.

There are links between human beings and the Bayuali (Earth Energies), or, channels of the Earth that have both positive and negative effects.

Through the dialogue of universal energies of the Bayuali and Yennu, we learn what this means to our existence.

This knowledge has remained intact since the time of the Pharaohs and is now being shared with humanity to assist in restoring balance to our world.



Herpw1 Miriam Iritah
Bikbaye Inejnema  Miriam Delicado  Naba Iritah Shenmira




Miriam Delicado

Founder and Executive Director of The Great Gathering of Humanity, Miriam Delicado has dedicated her time, energy, and resources to encourage positive change and life balance around the world. Primary areas of  advocacy include: the preservation of indigenous traditions, spiritual enlightenment; and interconnected concepts. Her focus is to restore and rebalance the benevolent symbiotic relationship between Man and Earth, recognizing that now is the time for all people to reunite into one heart, the heart of humanity.





Naba Iritah Shenmira

Naba Iritah Shenmira is a young priest/healer from the Dogon bloodline of the Gourmantche region of Meritah (Africa).  In Kemetic society, the Naba bloodline of the Dogon was in charge of the spiritual life of the Pharaoh, keeping the highest levels of spiritual and astronomical knowledge. Through ‘The Earth Center’ schools now found in North America and the world this knowledge is being brought back to humanity. Through the Medu language (known as Egyptian heiroglyphs) the teachings of the ancestors and elders, Naba Iritah shares this knowledge for the purpose of working to reconnect spiritual heritage, the Earth and Universal Harmony in todays world.



Bikbaye Inejnema


Bikbaye Inejnema has followed in the footsteps of the ancestors of the Pharaoh’s of ancient Egypt when he was initiated into the Dogon/Kemetic way of life. He became a dedicated student with Master Naba Lamoussa Mordenibig, an authentic Dogon/Ancient Egyptian high priest and healer of Burkino Faso, West Africa, in the mid 90’s. Bikbaye was taught how to read, write and speak the Medu Neter (Hieroglyphic writing of ancient Egypt) along with having deep understanding of its spiritual and philosophical meanings. Now he is sharing this knowledge with the guidance of the Dogon Elders in Merita (Africa) through The Earth Center schools to assist the process of awakening humanity and reconnect the spiritual world.



You can donate below for this donation event with the Dogon, Miriam Delicado and Project Camelot.

Participation instructions will be sent out pr. your paypal e-mail an hour before the event starts.


Note: You can donate as little as $1 to participate, donations are completely optional as the Event will be aired for free.


 Miriam Delicado and the Dogon 


Donations to go to Miriam Delicado and the Dogon for travel and expenses necessary to unite the Rainbow Tribes of the World.


Former Astronaut, Brian O’Leary Passed Away today

July 29, 2011

Former Astronaut, Brian O’Leary Passed Away today


Brian O’Leary, Camelot witness, former Mars Program astronaut and free energy activist and author died today after being diagnosed with stomach cancer.

Project Camelot wishes him Bon Voyage. May he walk among the stars…

click here to view the Camelot interview with him shot in Vilcabamba back in 2009. Join us in thanking him for his service to humanity.