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From another source “there will be no forward announcement of any event”


August 14, 2011

From another source “there will be no forward announcement of any event”

This from a very trusted source and should be taken to heart….

Source Contests Space Command witness report

“I just read your post on the Space Command, and I am sure he is either crazy or disinformation agent. Surely, Elenin is not a doomsday asteroid, but something extraordinary “are” accompanying it. However, some big guys in my country are concerned their arrival is NOT friendly. US military already was asking us to track it with other countries, as I have mentioned.

When Elenin is approaching, there are more bizarre news coming from around the world, like economic collapse of certain countries, regional wars, riots, etc. “– a source

Very Special Thanks to David Icke

For the loving gesture with regard to Bill Ryan and the Awakening the World heart focus event today. And many thanks also to the people who participated.

Giza Geomatrix Update August 2011



Elenin Whistelblower from Space Command


August 13, 2011

Elenin Whistleblower from Space Command

click here for the link

This guy sounds legit to me. ADDENDUM: that does not mean everything he says is true… He’s a military guy, likely doing what he is told. He is obfuscating and misleading where they want him to…

Kerry Cassidy on KPFK Radio with Eben Ray at 2AM this morning


August 11, 2011

Kerry Cassidy on KPFK Radio with Eben Ray at 2AM this morning


Letter to Swiss Embassy, Ambassador Sager re World Global Settlements


August 10, 2011

Letter to Swiss Embassy, Ambassador Sager re World Global Settlements

As will be known to all those following this saga the Global Settlement money has again been waylayed… Here is a LINK TO DOWNLOAD the letter from A. Hodges to the Swiss Ambassador asking that they move to redirect the funds to the proper hands before as noted in the letter… “Any further delay must result in the most serious consequences (both civil and criminal) to various political personages…”

Parties working with A. Hodges are requesting that this letter go viral. I am posting it here to help them get the word out.

For more about the Global Settlements go to: http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/

Some very cool psychedelic music.. PeRPLeXa

August 9, 2011

Some very cool psychedelic music… PeRPLeXa

click here to listen

and here for their newest album

Object in the Rings of Saturn

Although this is old news it is worth revisiting during this time in light of the Elenin and objects… There have been some massive objects photographed in and around our solar system.

Apparently Norman Bergrun has a lot of info regarding Saturn. I have heard that it is a portal. George Kavassilas believes it’s the command and control center for the Great White Brotherhood aka Nazis… Maybe so.

click here to view object

Falling Skies

This show is really rather distasteful to watch. But in doing so, I can’t help think that some of this info may come in handy down the line…

Dutchsinse shutdown on Youtube…

August 8, 2011

Dutchsinse shutdown on Youtube…

click here for a Spanish channel still hosting his videos — actually his channel is still up they just took down one video

Objects Traveling with Elenin

August 7, 2011

Objects Traveling with Elenin

click here for video — looks like they removed the video for some reason??

This info coincides with my whistleblower testimony as well as Richard Hoagland’s information.

Rawesome Foods Raid – Government sponsored terrorism

click here for article

BREAKING NEWS: Seal team that supposedly “killed” Osama bin Laden killed in Helicopter crash

click here for NY Times article on the subject

Fox News article on subject

From that article:

…”Insurgents shot down a U.S. military helicopter during fighting in eastern Afghanistan, killing 30 Americans, most of them belonging to the same elite unit as the Navy SEALs who killed former Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden, U.S. officials said Saturday.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/08/06/afghan-president-31-americans-killed-in-helicopter-crash/#ixzz1UNNVHm6A

From a source: [some details changed to protect identity]

…”Hey, I’m sure that you know this but in case you didnt, the seal team that “supposedly” shot Osama Binny were killed today in a chopper crash along with a bunch of other SF guys. I was just [saying] a few days after those seals killed Osammy that those SEALS we’re going to start talking and tell the American public that that wasnt Osammy who they killed and it was all bull-honkey. Sure enough, I was right. 

How odd is it that of all the clandestine missions run by these types of groups, in correlation with the planning, support, and logistics that go into these types of operations, (even simply going from point A to point B) that of AAALLLLLLLLL the choppers and planes running around with SF, DELTA, and SEAL guys on them, that today it just so happens that this one, with SEAL TEAM 6 on it was taken out.

I bet you that they (SEAL TEAM 6) had told all of the other SF guys on board the chopper that was shot down what had really happened, and so to stop the truth cold in its tracks before it could ruin them (the dirty baggers working behind the military scenes manipulating US Forces) they then had them all killed in one fail swoop by shooting the chopper down.”

–a source

No doubt the source is right… this is the real story….


If anyone wants to assist us in making this conference happen please contact us if you want to sell sponsorships. You will be able to make a 25% commisssion on every sale.

Please contact: kerry@projectcamelotportal.com


Dutchsinse Parts 1, 2, 3

This is an up to the minute report and overview of all of Dutchsinse’s work so far. He covers the attempted murder of a close friend and the growing issue with the active volcanism under California and up the coast to Oregon.
We talk about Yellowstone, the Gulf oil spill and Fukushima…

Groundbreaking and excellent infomation. A must see.

This was originally recorded on Livestream with multiple interferences…

Part Two:

Part Three: