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New Trailer for Awake & Aware 2011


September 13, 2011

New Trailer for Awake & Aware 2011

click here to view

Many thanks to Jason Makinen who put this together!

Reschedling broadcast with Scott Stevens re weather wars and more..

Due to our upcoming conference we are going to have to reschedule this broadcast to a later date to be determined.



September 10, 2011


“I am an academic in {REMOVED} and follow your work with appreciation and interest.

I noted the earthquake yesterday in B.C. and your recent comments and concerns re: manipulation of information by USGS.

I am including here proof that information re: aftershocks (including a 4.9) from this earthquake is not being reported by USGS or the official Canadian earthquake site maintained by Natural Resources Canada.

Please post as you wish and/or forward to dutchsinse.

The date and time of the earthquake was Friday, 9 Sept, 3:41 pm EDT or 12:41 pm PDT at the epicenter.


CBC news posted the following story at 12:59 pm PDT on Sept. 9th although may have been subsequently updated.


Note the following comment by seismologist Garry Rogers part way through the article, under the subheading “Aftershocks expected”

‘Rogers added people in the area shouldn’t be surprised if they feel smaller trembles in the coming week. “There’s a certainty there will be aftershocks,” he said. “Already, we’ve had half a dozen, with the largest being 4.9. But there’s going to be hundreds of aftershocks … potentially measured over the next week.”‘

Garry Rogers is a seismologist and senior research scientist with Natural Resources Canada – current bio posted here:


There is also reference to the 4.9 aftershock (one among “dozens of aftershocks” recorded by “officials”) in the following CBC video newsclip – I believe this was shown on the 6 pm evening news yesterday in Vancouver.


At 00:23 the newscaster states that “officials recorded dozens of aftershocks”. Later in the video the 4.9 aftershock is referenced in particular (at 1:40).

CTV news also posted a story at 9:21 EDT this morning that refers to the 4.9 aftershock attested by Garry Rogers:


“Garry Rogers of the Geological Survey of Canada says there will be hundreds of aftershocks. He says there’s already been at least a half dozen, the largest of them a 4.9 tremor.”

But check out the USGS earthquake list. See attached image file for a snapshot of the list updated as of 11 am EDT this morning: Saturday, 10 Sept 2011 – no aftershock(s) shown.


Also see the Earthquake Canada section of the Natural Resources Canada (NRC) site (where Rogers is a seismologist). I have also attached an image file of the list for Southwestern BC, which I snapped at 11:01 am EDT, Saturday, 10 Sept 2011. No aftershocks shown.


Regional detail:


In the event that the information changes at the “real time” USGS or NRC site, the attached images will confirm that the information re: at least one large aftershock was not publicly reported almost a day later.



All the best with your upcoming Awake & Aware 2011 Conference (I hope to watch from afar via livestream).

/end of letter

And for more proof see this article




September 9, 2011


Magma moving in Southern California/ desert plumes.


According to my source: European Space Agency reports Nibiru or the Brown Dwarf has flipped Saturn on it’s axis 90%.

This is coming from a very accurate source.

VACOUVER: 6.7 Earthquake now downgraded to 6.4 who do you believe?

First report…cnn 6.7

click here for USGS report

Earthquake Deleted?

I subscribe to the USGS.gov EQ report… I just received the following:

DELETED: Event CI 11004477


***This event has been deleted after review by a seismologist.***

Geographic coordinates: 36.350N, 117.630W
Magnitude: 4.1
Universal Time (UTC): 9 Sep 2011 19:44:59
Time near the Epicenter: 9 Sep 2011 12:44:59

Location with respect to nearby cities:
10 km (6 miles) NNW (340 degrees) of Darwin, CA
27 km (16 miles) SE (125 degrees) of Keeler, CA
34 km (21 miles) ENE (73 degrees) of Olancha, CA
47 km (29 miles) SE (124 degrees) of Lone Pine, CA
217 km (135 miles) W (275 degrees) of Las Vegas, NV

..the question is whether this is indeed a non-event or what is going on. In light of the loss of power of parts of Southern California due to the supposed incident in Arizona I wouldn’t discount anything.

Regarding a Possible event in September

I recently received news that there may be something planned (along the lines of a man-made event) here in California sometime this month. I do not have enough information to verify this however it may be prudent to be prepared for any contingency regardless if you live in this state.

Places to Stay for Whistleblowers and Tommy

Thank you to the wonderful people who are contributing funds for whistleblower international flights… We are close to having enough but may need more as these flights are very expensive.

In addition, we may need places to stay for the week following the event for at least 2 WB and Tommy my webmaster. If you have plenty of room or access to very decent accommodations that you can donate please contact me. Note: location must be in LA or north due to driving and logistics.

email: kerry@projectcamelotportal.com



September 8, 2011





Do Not Miss this Eye-Opening & Mind Expanding evening with Renowned Documentary Filmmaker, Investigative Reporter & Co-Founder of Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy. During this exciting PowerPoint presentation Kerry will be discussing many topics including: Latest Whistleblower Testimony, Comet Elenin, The Brown Dwarf & 2011 Fall Events, Angelic Human vs. Robotic Superman: The Illuminati Agenda, and Ascension, Stargates and the Opportunity Horizon before us All, plus a whole lot more ! 
Your cost for this very special event is just $20 & we ask that you please RSVP as we do expect this event to sell out !

The Living Temple,7310 Center Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92647.

Tel:714-891-5117 www.TheLivingTemple.com

Email: thelivingtemple@earthlink.net


Listen to this Red Ice Radio – Bob Dean – NATO’s “Assessment” of Alien Life & The Impact of Disclosure

New undersea volcano erupting on the surface

click here

Evidence Elenin is not Broken Up

Sent to me by Richard C. Hoagland and a Camelot supporter:

click here to view

Project Blue Beam Anyone?


September 7, 2011

Project Blue Beam Anyone?

It seems they are working toward a certain roll-out with an intention wouldn’t you say?

click here to view video Are You Ready?

Egypt : “meet the old boss same as the new boss…”

Reposting article from Sovereign Man blog:

Sovereign Man

Notes from the Field

Date: September 7, 2011 
Reporting From: Cairo, Egypt

Revolution. It’s a funny word when you think about it. In political terms, ‘revolution’ conjures images of heroes battling tyrants, of all-out forcible insurrection in the name of freedom and change.

From a celestial perspective, however, ‘revolution’ denotes one complete orbit of a planetary body around its center, as in the earth’s revolution around the sun. In other words, after a revolution, you end up right back where you started.

Same word, two completely different meanings– on one hand you have change, and on the other you have more of the same. This is exactly what has happened after Egypt’s revolution this year.

Sure, Hosni Mubarak is now standing trial after 3-decades of looting and pillaging his country’s wealth. For most Egyptians, this is viewed as a major victory; there is a feeling of intense optimism here on the streets of Cairo, and even though nothing is fundamentally different, expectations are high.

Mubarak was a symbol of tyranny, and a great deal of blood was shed to topple his regime. Unfortunately, Egyptians have essentially replaced one form of dictatorship with another.

There is now one person in charge of Egypt– military Supreme Commander Mohamed Hussein Tantawi. Tantawi was Mubarak’s Minister of Defense, and as the man in charge of roughly one million soldiers, sailors, and airmen in a country with no political system, Tantawi has absolute authority.

He’s not shy about using it either. Just ask any of the thousands of Egyptians who have been tried and sentenced by despotic military tribunals over the last several months.

Many of these ‘criminals’ were bloggers like Maikel Nabil Sanad– found guilty of insulting the Egyptian military establishment. Sanad is currently serving a three-year sentence after a rubber-stamp tribunal convicted him five months ago. Several other bloggers and public figures have been jailed or detained as well.

Despite all the song and dance about freedom in Egypt, their revolution has brought them right back to where they started– an autocratic dictatorship.

When you think about it, this is how things usually work out in politics. How many people have campaigned on the ‘change’ platform, only to end up following the same path as the last guy? As the saying goes, ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same.’

Egypt is due to hold parliamentary elections in a few months’ time. It’s questionable whether Tantawi will give up his supreme, unchecked power… but whatever happens, one thing is clear: a new power elite will emerge in Egypt that helps itself to wealth and privilege at the expense of everyone else.

This is the great weakness in any political system: ‘government’ is based on the idea that some individual or organization is awarded power than no human being should possess– the power to kill, to declare war, to steal, to defraud, to counterfeit.

All of these powers are considered immoral by man, but perfectly acceptable for government… and no matter how much they dress it up as being good for the people, any political system makes full use of its authority in order to maintain the status quo and keep the ruling elite in power.

Egypt underscores an important lesson from history: with rare exception, even when you topple the ruling elite, someone else will simply step up to fill the void… just as the French traded Louis XVI for Maximilien Robespierre’s Reign of Terror in the 1790s.

This is why advocating for political change, while virtuous and noble in deed, is ultimately a wasted effort. Power-hungry megalomaniacs and their sycophantic yes-men will always rise to the top, conning the masses along the way that ‘change is coming’. It’s all a big snow job.

Bottom line- politicians are in it for their own benefit, not for yours. We only have a finite amount of resources available– time, money, and energy. It’s far better to allocate those resources to improving your own situation rather than some politician’s chances of reelection.

It’s time to invest in yourself– build a pool of savings, develop alternate sources of income, diversify internationally… and most of all, have a plan. You don’t want to be caught flat-footed when these sociopaths drive the bus off the cliff.

Until tomorrow, 

Simon Black 
Senior Editor, SovereignMan.com


Music of the Spheres – the work of Keith Hunter

If you are not familiar with the work of Keith Hunter I encourage you to look into it. He is talking about earthquakes and the use of nuclear weapons and the music of the spheres or the hyperdimensional relationship between celestial bodies and these ‘events’…

Keith was involved in the Camelot Roundtable discussion on Elenin with Hoagland… and impressed everyone with his amazing grasp of science and his theories on how earthquakes are augmented by scaler weapons such as the one in Honshu Japan.

And whereas, I don’t necessarily agree with all of his conclusions, his analysis of the secret science behind the use of nukes and escalating of earthquakes is excellent.

Specifically, I do not know why he has reached the conclusion that Nibiru does not exist in spite of his efforts to prove this.

At this time, I have yet to view to the 2nd video — just uploaded to our channel. However, I think Keith is missing a crucial piece of information which relates to the Brown Dwarf and the likely fact that Nibiru is a planet that rotates around this Brown Dwarf. I recommend the work of Andy Lloyd and encourage the viewer to read his book Dark Star.

click here to view my interview with Andy Lloyd

We have multiple whistleblower testimony substantiating the existence of a Brown Dwarf/2nd Sun and are told that it is well known within the military/intel community.

It would seem there is an explanation that is not either/or but both. That is, that whereas, the analysis of how the ‘music of the spheres’ operates to maintain a system in balance, a mini solar system such as the one that appears to be around the 2nd Sun in our system… may also be explained using Keith’s theories. It does not necessarily follow that something doesn’t exist simply because his theory can explain say, the asteroid belt, nukes and earthquakes. The existence of a brown dwarf with attending bodies is not dependent on the existence of the asteroid belt, in other words.

Nibiru: The evidence critically considered for its existence



Part two:


Keith’s summary of the first video above:

Nibiru – The evidence critically considered for its existence
From: jagbodhi | Aug 31, 2011 | 7,997 views
In this presentation, I introduce the basic theories of Zecharia Sitchin as relate to the creation of the Asteroid Belt and the general disruption of the planets in some far off age as presented in his book, The 12th Planet, which he believes were caused by the introduction into our solar system of a large mass intruder body called Nibiru. This is based upon his interpretation of the Sumerian and Babylonian Cuneiform Texts.

In my presentation I counter Sitchin’s theory and put forward evidence that the Asteroid Belt was in fact created by the physical mechanism known to the ancients as The Music of the Spheres, and that this mechanism is responsible for causing natural earthquakes and also used covertly to trigger nuclear weapons. I present the science of this mechanism, as indeed is highly classified by the major powers, and explain how it was responsible not only for creating the Asteroid belt, but also for periodically causing global disruption to the earth and other planets in line with the myths and prophecies of the ancients, as herald a phase transition into a new world age.

In conclusion, I prove that Nibiru, as hypothesised by Sitchin, is a celestial body that simply does not exist.

Keith Hunter



September 6, 2011


Please note that we are working on getting this portion of the event posted and ready for Community live events around the world as well as Live streaming to desktops…



CHANGED TO SEPT 13TH: 7pm PDT I will interview Scott Stevens from Weatherwars.info

re: Weather wars, latest volcano and EQ phenomena, the impact of consciousness on events and Ormus….

click this link to listen live


Video interview – note I will be trying out a new tech using Wirecaster, desktop presenter and Justin.tv!


Dutch back on

click here for his new channel

From a Camelot viewer: “Dutchsinse is messaging via another YouTube user’s account


September 5, 2011 – Update

From a Camelot viewer: “Dutchsinse is messaging via another YouTube user’s account as to what just happened with YouTube killing his account.

Here is the YouTube link. And be sure to click -more- for his expalanation and what he’s doing about it, such as hiring a lawyer to go after YouTube.”




Here’s a LINK to the LIVE show and the archive shortly after.http://www.blogtalkradio.com/gic/2011/09/05/the-justbernard-show

Dutchsinse Accounts on Youtube

From a Camelot supporter:

….”just to let you know, after dutchsinse posted 2 videos, one was about the Ligo Hanford observatory based in the sea close to washington..(gravitational waves) also he posted about earthquake activity going on now all .. His accounts have been just stopped.. most, well all of his links to him have been terminated.”

Elenin from Andromedan channeled info and recent contact info from Sept 2 match


September 4, 2011

Elenin from Andromedan channeled info and recent contact info from Sept 2 match

click here for the video

The info about the Krulians was also told to me by my source. As mentioned on yesterday’s radio show I had the distinct sense that my ‘source’ was in fact a tag-team sent by a faction of the military or intel community. Seeing that the reference to Krulians is in this video and I was told not to reveal this.. it indicts that this source has either been infilitrated by hackers or there is some other agenda at work.

The only difference is that the word framing in this video is misleading. As mentioned below my source the Krulians (who are they?) hit Elenin and split it.

Note: this info has not been confirmed or cross-correlated.

MORE on Elenin and telescope refraction etc


September 3, 2011

MORE on Elenin and telescope refraction etc

click on this link

note: Richard Hoagland would agree with this assessment that what is being called the hit or explosion or breaking up of the Elenin comet is actually an illusion created by the telescope, however this does not align with what my contact below is saying… The question is whether or not both phenomena may have taken place and what we are dealing with.

TODAY — 2pm PDT : Kerry on Dave Corso’s radio show:

re: latest whistleblower info on Elenin, the Brown Dwarf and more….

click here to listen live

Kerry on G-Spot Radio with Joseph Matheny

click here to listen to the prerecorded show