My contact referred to as “D” has come forward with more from the NSA contact designated below as “Z”…

This is excellent material:

I thought it best to outline a series of questions related to the “Movement of Equipment” while I am still able to meet and question my friend. He appeared to be comfortable still answering questions and when I asked about it, he shrugged and said “if I can’t answer, I won’t.” He continued, saying: “There is a common misconception concerning Classified and Ultra Classified material getting into public hands. At this level they are moving forward so fast and so intently it really doesn’t matter to them any more. We are rapidly approaching the end of the road and they believe nothing can stop them at this point. True, I am taking a risk discussing certain matters with you, but in the end I know this will help a lot of people and I’ll know that I tried to help them.”

* (Z) So what’s on your mind?”

* (D) Were any of the objects brought into the DIA area manned?

* (Z) There was a minimal crew brought out of stasis to manage holographics in the first ship, the rest remain in stasis for a different agenda. There were six objects transferred in all. This took four days.

* (D) Can you elaborate on the use of this technology?

* (Z)  It is going to be used to manage the situation here once things become very complex. You see everyone is focused on the wrong thing, which of course is what they want. They’re masters at getting everyone looking in the wrong direction.

* (D) What’s the right direction?

* (Z) The system approaching us coming out of the Kuiper Belt (Nibiru) is part of this equation, but this is manageable. However the Base Disk (Black Hole) holding our Galaxy in position below us is the real problem. All material known to us that was sent into it on an exploratory never returned. Ships or probes. We are approaching this at a very high rate of speed and the material is charged with a plasma UN-known to us. It is believed that the area which is commonly referred to as “the Rift” is multidimensionally polarized and thus our current systems will not function during the passage through it. The pulsed phasing alone would probably render most, if not all electronics inoperative and you can forget about all satellites. The speed or movement of the disk is not measurable and because of the angle of approach, it is believed we will skip off its surface several times before entry. The last geologic survey pertaining to a complete passage, or one full rotation around the central sun recorded a ” World Quake,” where all tectonic Plates shifted at the same time. It is believed that this event was caused by a Base Disk Impact. This is the real reason most of the Elite are nervous. 

* (D) You mean about entering the D.U.M.B. bases?

* (Z) Yes. Although there are other alternatives, they would rather not get trapped below.

* (D) Have you been to the bases?

* (Z) Most of them.

* (D) Can you elaborate?

* (Z) No.

* (D) Have you personally used the Jump Room Technology? 

* (Z) No Comment.

* (D) Should we be seriously concerned about the “Rift” passage?

* (Z) You weren’t really thinking when you asked me that were you? (Laughs)

* (D) Sorry, my questions seem to have their own momentum.

* (D) Are the Elite groups united as a whole? Are there any inner conflicts or divisions?

* (Z) There are always conflicts. The technology crutch is beginning to crumble and the rift between groups is widening, but as a whole they move in unison.

* (D) How serious a grip or “hold” does this group have over our World?

* (Z) At the moment, complete control. But things are changing very fast. Since the passage is uncharted territory no one knows what to expect on the other side. There is some concern that once they are exposed for who they really are, they would be eliminated. I personally think this is a distinct possibility. All Empires fall sooner or later.

* (D) Are they actually considering implementing project Blue Beam?

* That is a possibility, but with the Solar System in such flux and a secondary System (Nibiru) rapidly approaching, (more electronic havoc) it has been formulated that it could be unreliable in critical moments, thus not entirely effective. There are much more effective methods to reach their goals without using an elaborate holographic hoax. As you may have surmised I have been against this sort of nonsense through out my career.

* (D) What do you see being the single most important thing going on right now?

* (Z) People in high level positions are actually taking responsibility for themselves and our World.

* (D) Are you going to get into trouble for talking with me about all of this?

* (Z) Probably. 

* (D) After [removed] years of service, are you relieved to be out of the N*A ?   

* (Z) You’re never really out, it just appears that way on the surface.

For the prior post from this Whistleblower see the one entitled:  Ultra Classified : Secret Gov Moving Large “Equipment” 

Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy is the CEO/ Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist, author and well known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting weekly live shows .  PROJECT CAMELOT  http://projectcamelot.tv aka projectcamelotportal.com  -  is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel (NOW ON OUR OWN PROJECT CAMELOT LIBRARY)  that has over 1000 video interviews over past 18+ years, plus 5 years of radio show interviews and over 70 million unique viewers worldwide with over 312,000 subscribers at the time our youtube channel was removed by the Youtube censors in March 2021. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. Kerry's book, "Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity" documents her trip down the rabbit hole and years in Project Camelot. 5-STARS ON AMAZON! Due to censorship and demonetization by Youtube Project Camelot has now become a subscription based platform.  JOIN NOW BECOME A MEMBER KERRY CASSIDY - PROJECT CAMELOT was banned and deleted from the several platforms for telling the truth about covid:  WATCH OUR VIDEOS HERE: https://media.projectcamelotportal.com/ Over 900 free videos...on ODYSEE.COM RECENT VIDEOS ON MY WEBSITE AND RUMBLE.COM Kerry Lynn Cassidy Founder / CEO Project Camelot skype: snowjaguar http://projectcamelot.tv TELEGRAM: intel and updates daily…. https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry JOIN US AND SUBSCRIBE to support our work: https://projectcamelotportal.com/join/ DISCLAIMER Project Camelot does not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views represented by those we interview or have on our radio shows, internet TV shows or other broadcasts and productions.What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM:  NEWS & UPDATES DAILY! https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry SUPPORT OUR WORK!  SUBSCRIBE!


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