I received an email containing thoughts and comments on Marshall’s book, “Allies of Humanity”.  I thought many others might be interested in my reply…

As you may know I interviewed Marshall a while back.  Here is the link in case you or those reading this haven’t seen it and are interested:

In that interview you will hear me question him about many of his conclusions.  Frankly, I am convinced there is no Quarantine around Earth (if there ever was one) and the Draconians and Repitilians are still here.  Evidence of the lack of a quarantine is plentiful as is evidence of the Draconian/Reptilian presence and substantial whistleblower testimony to this fact exists as well.

The infiltration and intervention here on Earth by service-to-self beings is widely documented and obvious in the bloodlines and behaviors of their “boots on the ground” humans as well as their own inter dimensional interactions with our dimension on a regular basis.

In my view you are completely misled if you are unaware of this.

Marshall has a somewhat old fashioned picture of humanity and our capabilities and level of development.  His material is based on regaining our sovereignty when that sovereignty was long lost. (Although he is correct that regaining sovereginty is highly desirable if not vital). As a simple example the Grey-Human Hybrid program has been wildly successful and the poisoning of our atmosphere is just one example of how those in power are working to terraform our planet to make it more comfortable for Reptilian based hybrids who favor a more methane-like/radiation infused atmosphere to thrive.

Creating a “cooperation” with the infiltration of Greys whose agenda is takeover based and has nothing to do with the survival of the core of various human bloodlines, is therefore absurd.  Even George Lobuono, who I have also interviewed is aware of this.

Your information is clearly based on false data coming from the Channeling Matrix.  This is not accurate data and I do not view the intervention as simply “too powerful,” on the contrary.  

There is also clear evidence that at least within the U.S. Secret Space Program there is a large contingent who are now redirecting (and attempting to rectify) their wrongful collusion with the Greys, Reptilians and other service-to-self races and to take the technology gained to extricate Earth from the hold of these various groups.  How successful we will be in removing the strangle-hold around Planet Earth remains to be seen.  

Lastly the added complication of an AI based nanotech race of robots may ultimately be another impending and very real adversary here on Planet Earth that the military industrial complex has already partially created and also been infiltrated by… leading to what is known in some circles as Metatron.  This has to do with parallel Earth and an agenda that is heavily mixed into the robotic super soldier contingent.  It also is a key to what the real struggle is all about which is between “hive mind” and AI versus the angelic human (soul development/natural return to source/self-realization path).  This is what is really going on in the war between the various races… And once you know this the exo-political landscape becomes much more understandable.

Lastly the Anunnaki and return of Horus is a very real additional scenario to what we are dealing with.  Yes, there are Anunnaki here and ‘walking the halls of the pentagon’ but beyond that within the Anunnaki Horus is seen as emphasizing the more “Enlil” side of the equation (totalitarian rule) and his return is something apparently eagerly awaited by those consciously bent on New World Order…  Bush included.  There is some evidence that he might have already arrived in fact.  Dealing with the Anunnaki is something we will ultimately need to come to terms with and if we manage to regain our hold on Earth, negotiate a settlement with in my view.  Their agenda is not an invasion scenario (unlike the Greys and Reptilians) but a power over/control agenda.  

Needless to say, this is a vast conspiracy we are involved in.  One that did not originate with Earth and won’t end here either regardless of whether we (this version of the human race) survives.

Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy is the CEO/ Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist, author and well known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting weekly live shows .  PROJECT CAMELOT aka  -  is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel (NOW ON OUR OWN PROJECT CAMELOT LIBRARY)  that has over 1000 video interviews over past 18+ years, plus 5 years of radio show interviews and over 70 million unique viewers worldwide with over 312,000 subscribers at the time our youtube channel was removed by the Youtube censors in March 2021. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. Kerry's book, "Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity" documents her trip down the rabbit hole and years in Project Camelot. 5-STARS ON AMAZON! Due to censorship and demonetization by Youtube Project Camelot has now become a subscription based platform.  JOIN NOW BECOME A MEMBER KERRY CASSIDY - PROJECT CAMELOT was banned and deleted from the several platforms for telling the truth about covid:  WATCH OUR VIDEOS HERE: Over 900 free videos...on ODYSEE.COM RECENT VIDEOS ON MY WEBSITE AND RUMBLE.COM Kerry Lynn Cassidy Founder / CEO Project Camelot skype: snowjaguar TELEGRAM: intel and updates daily…. JOIN US AND SUBSCRIBE to support our work: DISCLAIMER Project Camelot does not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views represented by those we interview or have on our radio shows, internet TV shows or other broadcasts and productions.What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM:  NEWS & UPDATES DAILY! SUPPORT OUR WORK!  SUBSCRIBE!


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