Barry King – Black Ops


BARRY KING : BLACK OPS .mp3 now available

note: we are working on a written transcript for those who find his accent had to understand…


In May of 2011 I visited the UK. During my travels there I arranged to meet with Barry King and conduct a long awaited interview with him. Thanks to the kind generosity of John Agnew, landowner in the Suffolk area, we found ourselves in a lovely building with wonderful lighting. Barry King is the quintessential clandestine operative. His title, Security Enforcement Officer does little to reveal his true area of expertise. Selected as a young child he was, like many others monitored from afar and groomed then eventually employed by Peasmore an underground base in the UK. Due to his psi-tech abilities he was used in a variety of roles, many of which remain classified and are not revealed to this day.

At this time, getting on in age, it appears that one of his primary roles is yet to be played out. One of five with ‘special abilities’ who when brought together apparently will comprise a unique combination of individuals. The operation they will perform is unknown and very secret however, in listening to my recent discussion with him, there is a chance to gain something of a look into what that operation might consist of given Barry’s background.

While it is more than clear that Barry was being extremely careful due to previous run-ins with his ’employers’ for speaking out, if you watch his face and his body language and pay close attention to his word choice, the real truth behind his words can be found.

Note; I apologize for the sound quality, for some reason, the mics do not seem to either have been working or the echo of the large room seems to have interfered. We will endeavor to obtain a written transcript available as soon as possible. However, you cannot rely on his words alone simply because his facial expressions and body language often reveal much much more…and do at times, contradict what he seems to be saying.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

Release date: June 11, 2011



Barry King: Black Ops – Part 1  — click here for Part 2

Kerry Cassidy (KC) : Why is it that you are so interested in bringing truth forward or, you know, and clueing people in? Do you have motivations…?

Barry King (BK) : My principles have always been truth, justice and freedom, and… I would die for those principles.

KC : Okay.

BK : People deserve the truth. They deserve justice and they certainly deserve freedom. They should be able to control who is government. They shouldn’t be lied to. They shouldn’t be subject to secrets and pay heavily in taxes to keep this secret, so…

Start of interview

KC : Hi. I’m Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and I am here with Barry King, and we are in a very interesting place. It’s called Bury St. Edmunds, in the UK, and we are in a very interesting old house and grounds, and it’s a fascinating area; and I’ve been to Megalithomania in Glastonbury, and now we’ve come here, and Barry was gracious enough to grant me an interview, and that’s very exciting. Barry’s quite a well-known individual, at this point, on the internet, I think. And certainly on the Avalon and on the Camelot forum, he’s been a presence for many years, and been conveying his knowledge to us. But this is an opportunity to actually sit opposite him and hear it from his own mouth, and maybe to go down some different avenues, I guess you might say.

BK : Mm-hm. Okay.

KC : So, Barry… First of all, I think ‘Barry King’ is maybe not your real name?

BK : It actually is but it’s one of two. So…

KC : Okay.

BK : Yeah. Second persona is Major Barney Cavanaugh.

KC : Really.

BK : That’s work done with a specialized Psy Ops unit, since the ’80s. Maybe we can go down that route, maybe not. I don’t know, we’ll see how it goes.

KC : Okay, fine. So, what I think would be great, is for you to start a little bit earlier in time, and convey kind of how you got into this line of work, and what experiences you had that led you to this place, which you are at this… right now.

BK : Okay. Well, we can start at one area in the late ’60s, as a straight-forward UFO researcher, all the way through the ’70s. We covered a lot of pretty good, high-profile cases then. That led me into certain areas with agencies of the UK, of the USA. I was already known to them, and, as I said, that earlier part of my life, you know, my childhood, the teenage years, would explain why it got to that stage in the ’70s. But, it really became, in the ’70s, because we were so high-profile, such as Tim Good and Jim Matthews, we were monitored by the agencies as the..a grassroots network, what actually people were reporting, if there were people on the inside coming forward to bring their information. So, they monitored a number of us in this country and also in the States. And, because of the prior workings that I’ve had as a child, with UK agencies, they decided to bring me on board and, actually, was placed within that Peasemore unit, that facility.

KC : Okay. So, Peasemore is where, for the people that don’t know…

BK : AL/499 Peasemore. It’s a NSA-run underground base, in the Berkshire countryside, situated near the Peasemore Village. I was a security officer there between July of ’79 and January of ’81. At that particular base, was a… among the… The main thing was mind control technologies, genetic experimentation and… That was more or less… And the creation of what everyone on [unclear] seems to know these days as Programmed Life Forms.

KC : Okay.

BK : Doctor Steven Greer knows about that. And then he’s got quite a number of people who either worked or still working within the area. He says he’s got about a dozen or so of us. So that’s an area he seems to mention quite often and quite loud in most of his interviews.

KC : Okay. But, programmed life forms, meaning what look like the greys…

BK : They look like greys and they’re genetically minute creatures, programmed, can be used in military abductions and as skin grim, so to speak, they are ideal thing for false flags to stage an alien invasion…

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : …which a lot of people are sort of thinking that’s just on the horizon.

KC : Okay. Do you agree with that?

BK : Yes and no. There’s too many people, too wise, to all the previous false flags. And to actually bring about a fake alien invasion, I don’t think many people would buy it.

KC : Okay.

BK : So, I think it’s going to be a redundant area soon. It’s… Yes. It’s just not going to work.

KC : Okay. And I agree with that. So, when you were… I mean, could we go back a little earlier, just to pick up some of the childhood things…?

BK : Yeah.

KC : …because I think that’s pertinent. They obviously don’t bring on board just any UFO researcher.

BK : No, no. Okay. It literally began for me, in this reincarnation, at the age of two. I’d contracted double pneumonia and obviously, in the ’50s, that was a killing disease for children. I was rushed to hospital, in intensive care. I actually died there in the oxygen tank. Just before that, I couldn’t… I could picture the ceiling from… It was like a typical NDE when you view yourself from high up [unclear].

KC : Sure.

BK : I could see my parents standing there and the nursing staff. They’d called in the priest to give me my last rites. And then I… I actually died. But, I actually was brought back. Some people call… whatever term you wish to use – a walk-in, or whatever. But outright, the being that came that died aged two is not the being that came, that sits here now.

KC : I see.

BK : So, I was changed. All the way during the ’50s, I was monitored, along with a lot of others. There’s thousands of other UK kids, American, Canadian, in the genetic survey, genetic program. We were monitored by the governments, they were on the lookout for certain individuals. And I went through, between the ages of four and fifteen, so many medical procedures, tests. You have to go to certain military schools to undergo certain procedures. You undergo so many tests, where they’re testing… you’re, literally, psychic abilities and those that shine are then taken on board and…

KC : And were you one of those?

BK : I didn’t so think so at the time, but evidently, when they shoved a certain percentage of us into yet another military school, which still exists in… and it’s… Well, it’s west of London. They made us do certain experiments, to see what we could each do with our heads. It’s boys and girls, mixed ages. From simple little things, like literally turning a piece of paper on a pin, very simple stuff, to turning light bulbs on and off.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : And, as we progressed, the ones that showed sufficient abilities were then given some more heavy duty testing. We actually moved an old World War II tank, a few yards across the pavement outside. And that was something that made them segregate certain boys and girls. And we were then placed in another facility to test even more. And that went on up to the age of fifteen.

KC : Okay. Were you… I wonder if you were in any kind of a super soldier program at all, or were you only in the psychic sort of end of things?

BK : Obviously, that term was unknown to us at that time. I mean, we were all children.

KC : Right.

BK : I don’t believe that term was bandied about, but…

KC : But I mean the kinds of physical stamina types of things.

BK : Oh yeah. Well, it was not just physical. There was a lot of physical work going on there. And all the… The kids were augmented. They were having surgery and various things done to them.

KC : Okay.

BK : There was a lot of psychic work. They had a group, a special group. Late analysis said… Listen, we were children, young children, so we’re not understanding a lot of what’s going on. We were placed in this environment with strange people, people in uniforms, people in suits. We were rewarded if we do well.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : Punished if we don’t. We’re away from home, we’re missing family. So, all the trauma that, obviously, young kids are gonna go through…

KC : Right.

BK : We’ve only got with each other to actually, you know, form a bond with. What was happening with a lot, which was quite frightening, was those that didn’t do well, suddenly disappeared, you know, and obviously we’re not going to get into that. We were never even told, but… “Where’s Johnny? He’s not with us anymore.” But yeah, these children disappeared.

KC : Okay.

BK : I went, I underwent… I remember one day waking up in extreme pain. They’d done something to my arms. Both arms were bandaged. I didn’t know it was, obviously. At that time, a young child, in a lot of pain, doing all these strange things…. And that’s your life, basically.

KC : Mm-hm. Okay. So, at that point, did you stay in that program up through the older years? Did you go to college, etc. etc.?

BK : They only use you for a term, up until the age of fifteen. After that, you are being monitored. Some people are herded into certain programs. Others, they just watch.

KC : I see.

BK : Just to see how they progress. But they’re ready at any time. They’ll be saying: “We’ll bring that one in. He or she is gonna be useful for that.” So there was always that in the background. And I was approached 1970, ’72. That’s when the NSA first came in. “Right, you’re involved in this program now.”

KC : And how old were you at that time?

BK : In ’72, I was 28.

KC : Okay. And so what program was that?

BK : That was the Mannequin program.

KC : Oh, Mannequin.

BK : It literally started in ’72.

KC : Okay. And what’s the nature of Mannequin?

BK : Again, mostly mind control and genetics.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : They’re way, way big into mind control. Genetic engineering. I mean, they’ve taken me to the base for experimentation. NASA, DARPA. Well, DARPA wants super soldiers.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : NASA wants super astronauts.

KC : Okay.

BK : They want people to travel in deep space. All the humans from… you know, leading up to it.

KC : Uh-huh.

BK : So, they want someone that can pushed to the limit.

KC : Sure.

BK : So, literally, an experiment on individuals, literally to death at times, to see how we can push it.

KC : Okay. So how long did you undergo that? Or do you know?

BK : Well… I wasn’t directly involved with that, until I was taken to the Peasemore base in ’79.

KC : I see.

BK : So, between ’72 and ’79, it was more of a case of working on the intelligence side. So I was constantly called in, then there was interviews in London, the MoD and American agencies walked in and there was also ones who I know as Mossad.

KC : But did you work as an agent at any of those times?

BK : Between… [sighs] that’s that, that’s that. That’s an area. I don’t like the term ‘agent.’

KC : Okay.

BK : But, certainly assisted, shall we say, with intentions.

KC : Okay.

BK : Again, UK, USA, Israel. There was another agency involved, but I don’t want to mention who they are now.

KC : Fine. Okay. So, at this point, ’79, you’re brought in as a security guard, you’re saying.

BK : Mm-hm.

KC : Okay. So, you know, just curious, because you sound like you had some pretty sophisticated training, and yet ‘security guard’ doesn’t sound like a very sophisticated position.

BK : Yeah. Once again, a slight difference in… Right, the actual term ‘security guard’ – now everyone pictures: Right, that’s a guy, very little training, strong stroppy morals, factories, warehouses, they actually guard.

KC : [chuckles]

BK : Right. “Security officer”, at Peasemore, you had three weeks, literally, intense training, to dumb you down, desensitize you, and you went through the same security procedures that U.S. Airforce security personnel go through.

KC : Okay.

BK : So you are trained and herded by level.

KC : All right.

BK : You’re told what you got to kill within that base. So… security guard…

KC : Not on the… Okay.

BK : That’s right.

KC : I understand. So, how many floors down does Peasemore go?

BK : Six levels.

KC : Six. And how far, approximately? Do you know?

BK : [sighs] Well, it begins just two hundred feet below the buildings in Peasemore.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : That’s when the shielding starts and then you’ve got six levels below that and you got two very long walls underneath that.

KC : Okay. So, did you ever go to other bases, like, we’re told there’s high speed trains between there and, say Pine Gap, and so on, so forth.

BK : I… No. No. I’ve never actually seen that personally or been involved in that.

KC : Okay. What… You know… I know you’re out there a lot and you’re talking about these kinds of things and so on. How is it that you got to this point, where they allow you to do that?

BK : Well, firstly, when I first started doing the documents and then passed around some…I started doing videos, it was stated then that this was sanctioned by British Intelligence, because there’s a faction within the DIS that are not happy with the way security’s held on these things. They’re not happy with the black budgets. So much money being filtered away. They’re not happy with the experiments done on individuals. So they wanted to find a way of safely – safely for them – get this information out. So they were… they were ‘losing a man’. So, they had a vehicle they could send the information through… [gestures outward with his hands].

KC : Right. But…but you’ve actually had quite a hard life, as result of all of this. Haven’t you…?

BK : It’s… yeah.

KC : And they… in some ways, there have been various attacks on you, various illnesses, etc. etc. Maybe things happening to your family.

BK : Mm-hm.

KC : So, you paid a price over the years for this.

BK : Yeah. Yeah.

KC : But do you feel that… In other words, do you feel that you’ve really been able to get the information out, that you wanted to get out there? Are you holding back a large amount of information, and if so, why, and so on.

BK : Initially, they stated that the information I was to put out would be in the documents and, at that time obviously, there wasn’t any interviews done. They were seeing ahead that any interviews you may do in the future, you will only mention certain things. You will conduct that interview in a certain, very casual, way as if you really don’t know. So not many people are going to take you normally, anyway. And that was the first two, three years of their instructions. “You will behave in this way. You will present the information this way and this is literally all you can release.” So, I went along with that. I stepped out of line a couple of times by putting certain information within the documents, but… I didn’t go too far…. But eventually they agreed: “Yeah, let that continue because you are diluting information within the documents and, at this rate, it’s going to take a number of years, to get it all out.” Which it did do, ’94 to 2000.

KC : Okay.

BK : So, it took six years, anyway.

KC : Uh-huh.

BK : But that information is heavily diluted, and there’s a lot of bits and pieces in there, which no one’s picked up on. [Interestingly], where I’ve mentioned certain manipulations, certain personnel. No one’s picked up on it. So… I’ve not got into trouble because no one’s picked up on it. So they’ve picked up on that: “You’ve mentioned that, you shouldn’t have done. There’s still no waves, so you’re our man.”

KC : [chuckles]

BK : Obviously, since then…. As I told Miles: “We need a whole more interviews for the early bases.” [clears throat] You’ve got a certain amount of information, the information centers around the base I’m in. So you’ve got nothing previous to what I was involved in and you certainly haven’t got release since we’ve [had them]. So, it’s at a stage now where, I need to say certain things, because time is short.

KC : Okay.

BK : Time for me is short.

KC : Time for you is short. What about for the planet?

BK : I don’t do doom and gloom.

KC : Uh-huh.

BK : There’s too many out there that are… saying this is going to happen and that’s going to happen, and… they’re [not daft].

KC : Well, have they, have you been… Do you feel that you’ve kept up with… In other words, do you feel you gained your knowledge during a certain number of years, and then, since then, you’ve been talking about it, but that the actual… your knowledge base has not progressed, or do you feel that it has?

BK : I kept it [conservative]. I’ve only decided to release certain things, because everyone, even in this area, knows me for simply: “Oh that’s guy from the ‘Base’.” Fair enough. And I’m just getting weary of trying to explain all that happened before, because a lot of people can’t connect the dots. They say: “Well, how come someone like you were involved in that base such as…” at a certain point… you know…Over the years it isn’t important. Since 2005, I’ve tried to put so much in that would enable the people to connect the dots. So they see why such a person was led into a… just a Pys Ops thing, see? You know, Peasemore, [unclear: another place name] ops.

KC : Okay.

BK : So… Why would an ordinary Joe…in their eyes, who’s got no prior information about what my life’s really like.

KC : So, as far as your psychic abilities, I mean, you were able to move objects. Do you…?

BK : Yeah.

KC : Are there other things that you could do? What were your special skills?

BK : We were trained at Peasemore. Part of the job was remote viewing and remote influencing. Obviously that was Cold War years. So all their targets were Cold War targets.

KC : Okay.

BK : Mainly Russian. We were given set orders to check on a certain facility or new subjects, individuals. And if someone was troublesome, maybe they were taken out.

KC : Okay.

BK : So….

KC : And so, you had those abilities.

BK : Yeah.

KC : Okay. At the bases, were you dealing with extraterrestrials, Nordics, Anunnaki?

BK : There were some greys as visitors to the facility and once was this… reptilian, that everyone knows the story where I was in this area… in an off-limits area and I stumbled upon this tall thin being… shepherded around by two agents in suits. I was in the wrong area at the wrong time, but a lot [unclear] it wasn’t, you know. It was a fleeting: “Hoo hoo! Okay.” and I’m gone.

KC : Okay and was the reptilian a typical reptilian being, as they’re described, or was it…?

BK : Very tall, very muscular. Had an air of ‘Oooh, that has some power in there.’ And yeah, it was a bit scary. But as I said, it was fleeting.

KC : Sure.

BK : It was just a case of… I mean, I got looks from the two guys in suits that were: “What the hell are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here.” And of course I made a hasty retreat.

KC : Well, what were you doing there?

BK : I was sent to go and check on something, but I had made a wrong turn.

KC : Ah.

BK : And so I was in an off-limits area.

KC : Okay.

BK : And, the thing is, it wouldn’t have gone on long anyway. They’d come over the tannoy radio: “Officer King, … [and sounds of tannoy instructions] “, end of…

KC : Uh-huh.

BK : But literally, turning around the corner. Bang. There he was.

KC : Okay. Now, there is so much going on, and I think it’s very complex as to know where to go with you from here. And I know also that you had quite a few dealings with James Casbolt over the years.

BK : Mm-hm.

KC : And I’m also wondering whether or not, if you had a group of, sort of, classmates during those years, did those classmates stay with you throughout the time when you…?

BK : That wasn’t allowed. You weren’t to keep in contact with anyone.

KC : You didn’t. Okay.

BK : Oh no, no. That was forbidden. You could not keep in contact, unless you were brought in together as a group but, you know…

KC : And were you?

BK : No.

KC : Okay. Because a lot of times, I think they bring in groups of remote viewers that are used to working together. Right? But that wasn’t the case with you?

BK : No. It wasn’t the case. The only time where they brought in certain people was in 1978 in the CLC-1 Facility in London. Now, again, you’re looking at the Cold War.

KC : Mmh.

BK : It was a Cold War setup. Individuals with certain abilities were going to be the viewers, for the UK, should the UK sustain heavy hits nuclear-wise. So, we had to go into the CLC-1 base. It was going to be matching…matching pairs. So, I was matched with another, we were [continued].

KC : Oh, really.

BK : So, it was… there was…

KC : Okay.

BK : …various couples. But that was the dry run in ’78. Because they were that close to a nuclear problem and looking at within two years there’d be a serious nuclear problem. So, we’re looking at around 1980.

KC : Hmmh.

BK : It’s… Yeah. So, they were preparing us in ’78, should, by 1980, this really occur. So they take us all down, we have to go through the drill. “This is your quarters. This is work you’re going to do. When London’s involved they’re gonna need you two as their eyes and ears to literally, look around.

KC : Okay. Would that mean, if you stayed in perhaps the underground base, but you were able to go up, eventually…

BK : No. Once you walk down CLC, you were there. You had no contact with the outside world. But, as I said, that was basically a drill.

KC : So, I take it that didn’t continue.

BK : No, that ended and, everyone skipped out. But you were given instructions that, should you receive a certain telephone call, where you should report, who you report to. So… So, as I said…

KC : Is that possible that that might be used in the future, or not?

BK : I can’t quite see. Since ’89, with Russia not really being a problem anymore, I think all that would have ceased. I can’t see a nuclear problem from a Cold War. But what could happen is, obviously, now we’re in the age of terrorism and dirty bombs and whatever. So, we switched from Cold War mentality to security and terrorism mentality. So, I think it’s even worse now.

KC : Okay. [sighs] Okay. So, when you were involved in these underground bases, were you also the subject of mind control, do you feel?

BK : Oh, yeah. I do. Definitely. Oh, yes. They messed with me. They messed with me genetically and they messed with me, with my mind. Oh, yes.

KC : Uh-huh. And did you… Do you… I mean, can you talk about what happened as a result of that? In other words, do you feel that you have a lot of different personalities? You’re living a lot of different timelines?

BK : Well… [sighs] When they decided I was just too much trouble and they tried to get rid of me in January of 1980, because I was just not obeying orders, I didn’t like what was going on. I was just kicking back saying: “I’m not doing this. I’m not doing that.” So, they tried to get rid of me in 1980, in January. So they… poisoned the system, screwed my head up. I mean, those that remember me at that time, my family and friends, I was in quite, in a hell of a state for months. I started getting back on my feet by the summertime. But in May of that year they triggered a very bad heart attack, which almost killed me, but didn’t quite succeed. I was about to meet an MP in London, literally saying: “Right, this is what’s happening.”

KC : Oh, yeah.

BK : So, and obviously…. So that knocked me back.

KC : Okay.

BK : And that was the reason they brought me back into the facility in November, 1980, to… “Right now. Now, we’re going to do the job properly.”

KC : Okay. But… So, what were you objecting to, so strenuously?

BK : [sighs]

KC : Was it the genetic engineering, the Dulce-like…?

BK : Yeah. I mean, it was… I kick back, with seeing little kids going through it. It was… you know… Little children going through procedures, painful procedures, and some were fatal. Yeah, I was… I’ve got this…It gets me there… [touches his left temple] that… I know I should turn a blind eye but listen, because you are desensitized, after all. I mean, I shouldn’t be taking any notice of what’s going on, just doing the job.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : But somehow, with me… [waves his finger in a circular motion near his temple] I mean, it… That wall, that wall of lights, anytime someone was brought in for a certain procedure, I’d kick back. I’d not take orders. I’d say: “I’m not doing this and I’m not doing that.” And several times it would lead to an office. “Yeah? ’45’ stuck to your record. If you don’t do this and you don’t do that, then your family’s going to suffer. Doesn’t have to be you.” And on one occasion they did. They… My wife at the time. That’s why… They just chucked her down a flight of stairs in town, because I wouldn’t obey the order. And she was hospitalized for a while.

KC : Hmmh.

BK : So, then you think, [sighs] ‘Do I do as I’m told or not?’

KC : So, when you say a ‘procedure,’ what kind of procedure for the people (viewers)? Are you able to say?

BK : [sighs] Well again, they were testing people to the limit. So, they’re… It’s literally… you know. They got all this from World War II , the Germans…

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : …and the Japs. I mean, Unit 731. A lot of information was lost, but a lot of information was brought across. And you all know what the Germans were like during World War II. All that stuff. This was just a progression from Paperclip. All the genetic engineering… and… obviously, the technology’s much better. And we just progressed it. It was needless, useless suffering. We didn’t need to go down that road. But because we could, we did! And I didn’t like it.

KC : Okay. So, in terms of the German side of things, did you have any… Were you stationed in Germany at all? Did you have any direct exposure to those that… the people that were sort of performing the experiments and so on?

BK : Not been stationed in Germany, but contacted them. So a lot of technology also has come from Germany, the Nazis.

KC : Mm-hm. Well…

BK : I can say, because I’ve [unclear: been out on the foreign East Lounge, talking about that show]. My dad, during World War II, was in the Royal Engineers. And, at the end of the war, his unit, together with an American unit, was sent into Germany to locate a certain facility they knew the Germans had. So, it was locating facilities, any personnel, documentation, whatever you can find. And, evidently, what was found, then taken, shipped back to the States, was a lot of documentation that the Germans were holding at their facility. A lot of documentation, dead bodies, and what remained of their army’s records.

KC : Okay.

BK : So, that was shipped. Now, because my dad was involved in that… and he was injured during that particular mission. I haven’t been able to find out too much in the official records, what actually did happen, but because the mission was secret, they couldn’t fly him back to the UK straight away. So he had to remain in Germany for a while. [sighs] Because of my dad’s involvement with whatever was found in that facility, had a bearing in why I was changed at the age of two. So…

KC : I see. Sure.

BK : So, whoever changed me at age two was basically involved in that facility.

KC : So, are you aware of… You’re aware of, I assume, the Henge in Germany and…

BK : Yeah.

KC : …the idea that it was used for a time travel device?

BK : [sighs] The Germans were assisted, obviously. And… the technology they were playing with, the Allies couldn’t duplicate. The Allies were trying to get so much information sa they could. So, I wouldn’t be at all surprised what the Germans would’ve been up to in World War II, and certainly, there must have been an outside assistance, probably more than one.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : Possibly also the occult side.

KC : Yes.

BK : They were big with that… as you know.

KC : Yes. Right. Okay. So, in terms of what’s gone on since then… Are you aware of Torchwood?

BK : Yeah.

KC : And we were told by a very well-placed individual who, here in Britain, that Torchwood was not just a TV show, that it was actually a real, kind of, an operation.

BK : Yeah. It’s… There is unit that actually does… Yeah.

KC : Goes out and finds visitors that are here, and that… for whatever reason or whatever, they either capture them or take them out or so on, so forth.

BK : Mm-hm. Yeah, yeah. I… Yeah. I…

KC : So, you’re aware of that as well?

BK : Yeah. Some people vanish.

KC : Mm-hm. Have you had much exposure to Menwith Hill?

BK : [sighs] Well, again, under the whole blanket of the NSA, yeah.

KC : Okay.

BK : So there’d been more [unclear: variances]. Yeah. ’70, ’72. They’re the ones that have sent the boys around, to use that term. Done various things… In 2008, a lot of things were put out. I don’t think… I shouldn’t say too much on camera, but…

KC : In 2008, a lot of things were done to you or are you talking about…?

BK : To me, regarding a certain set of things that were happening and all under the umbrella of the NSA. As I said, our [unclear: pretz] of record I think you should know.

KC : Okay. Now… we have a witness called Henry Deacon who talked about an opera… the operation of 9-11. And that being involved, with various countries orchestrating that. Are you aware of that?

BK : I’d certainly go along with Mossad. They’re in, big time. Yeah [unclear]

KC : Okay. But in your work, were you not part of that?

BK : Part of?

KC : Well, meaning were you involved in any of it? Were you aware of it before…? In other words, in the planning stages of… any of that stuff.

BK : No. It started to become obvious to the lads, days later, that some things weren’t quite right. Again… although they’ve got this nice working relationship, UK and USA, it doesn’t always work that way. I mean…

KC : Uh-huh.

BK : Our intelligence guys really have to go out on a limb to get information from the USA. But… We… [tapping his temple] we’ve got our skills. We know something weren’t right.

KC : I see.

BK : And, so… it was days later when questions started to be asked. And of course, asking American colleagues… You know what happened. Planes flew in. All that…

KC : Sure.

BK : …Yep. And down they came. Of course they did.

KC : Okay. What about the notion of… Okay. At Menwith Hill, I was told, that there is… that that’s a very much an American operation over there.

BK : Mh-hm.

KC : And that it’s also British and possibly a bit of Australian and a few others, but for the most part, it’s sort of a run by the Americans.

BK : Oh, it’s definitely Americans. And it’s… You may see the occasional MoD police, as a token gesture about it, but that… that’s totally Americans at Chicksands, and all the other bases, it’s all American.

KC : So, are they doing mass hypnosis using various weapons, mind control weapons on the population here in Britain? Because, it’s perhaps…

BK : You’ve got a lot… You’ve got a lot of centers where that technology is frequently used. All the experiments are done, and the results come, and it looks quite possible.

KC : I see. And you yourself, though, as an… Well, I don’t know if you’d call yourself a psychic, intuitive or just a remote viewer. I don’t know if I can quite…

BK : I just call myself ordinary.

KC : Okay. But you have special areas… You have special skills in those areas you developed. So you must be aware. Are you aware of the mind control, when it’s operational here on… on the population, so to speak? Will you know when there’s, for example, sort of an area being bathed with something.

BK : You do sense that certain areas are… ‘Oh, it’s that area this week’ are being checked out, and it’s going to be another area… Yeah. You pick that up.

KC : Uh-huh.

BK : But that’s a two-way sword. You pick it up, and then someone’s going to pick it up that you’re picking it up…

KC : Right.

BK : And then you’re going to get it.

KC : I see. But do you… Are you able to shield yourself? Do you feel that you have any special techniques?

BK : [sighs] Because my system’s been so messed with over the years, a lot of my… ways of defending myself have depleted considerably.

KC : Uh-huh.

BK : So, I’m very [good prey] these days to anything.

KC : Oh.

BK : It doesn’t take much to actually… and I’m not gonna have them come down.

KC : So, have you worked only for British intelligence, or did you work for the Americans, as well?

BK : The Americans were involved, obviously. And, as I said, in the ’70s, regular meetings in London… British, the Americans were there. [unclear] The Israelis were there. We weren’t going to, obviously, as I said, we weren’t going to let them…

KC : But for the most part, were your…

BK : But even the [unclear]…

KC : …your direct superiors were in Britain?

BK : Well, I will say yes, just for Camelot’s sake. [smiles]

KC : I see. Ha! That’s an interesting answer. Okay. City of London. Are you aware of it?

BK : Being…?

KC : It’s a terminology, called ‘City of London.’ I don’t mean London. I mean the City of London, which is specifically sort of an Illuminati stronghold, a financial sector… that dominates… well…

BK : Oh… right. Yeah, yeah. The center… Mh-hm.

KC : The finance board.

BK : Mm-hm.

KC : Okay. So, are you… have you ever been involved in sort of their work? In other words, have you ever been utilized by them? Sent on missions by them?

BK : No.

KC : Participated in any meetings that you may know of, of that kind?

BK : No.

KC : Okay. What about the future in terms of China? Have you learned anything in terms of…?

BK : Well, obviously, China’s going to be the next big boss. So forget the Americans… Sorry.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : …will have to be content with certain things.

KC : Okay. So, but how does Britain feel about that?

BK : Well, as usual, we don’t really have much of a say. When we do so, we’re not listened to anyway. So… we will go along with our American friends, but we’ll also make sure we’ve got many fingers in many pies, which China is.

KC : Okay. Well, what about the Rothchilds?

BK : [sighs] I think you’re gonna see a shift. All the big finance houses, you’re going to see a big shift of all the very big money… going away from the States.

KC : Mm-hm. Going away from the States?

BK : Mm-hm.

KC : Right. Like… going away from Britain? Because the Rothschilds aren’t going to be giving up their power anytime soon.

BK : But they’re going to just… their allegiances are going to [translate], and you’ll see a shift in power and a shift in… locations.

KC : Locations?

BK : Yeah.

KC : To…?

BK : Well, we’ll have to see on that.

KC : Okay. Are you aware of the underground bases in China?

BK : There’s a number have been reported.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : But I’ve never actually got…

KC : And what about the idea of the super soldier program, the programmed robots, that sort of thing? Have you heard…?

BK : Yeah, yeah. Now they’ve got on that particular program. Now, obviously, if you’re talking about the ‘super soldiers’ everyone knows of, the Americans have, the British have, the Germans have… the Israelis have, the Russians have, the Chinese have, the Japanese have. It’s pretty well all over the place.

KC : Right. But I’m actually talking about a level of robot that is a human… Looks… It’s more like an android. It’s a human-looking robot that’s not…

BK : Oh, cyborgs. Yeah. Well, let’s just say the technology today, yeah, it’s very well possible. I mean, even pushing 1979, we had the PLFs, which were nice cute little things [gestures child height from floor with hand].

KC : Right.

BK : But, because technology has advanced so much, in those thirty years, literally anything’s possible. So, you’d be sitting… you could be one.

KC : Sure.

BK : If they’d made you. Yeah. Anything.

KC : Okay. What about our leaders? Do you feel that any of them are at this point either… doubles or…?

BK : I’m probably swayed by the idea that we’ve got certain clones in place of certain in power. Maybe. I’m not saying…

KC : Okay. But you’re not party to that.

BK : No. To be copletely honest with you.

KC : Okay. Were you involved in plans for the creation of a virus?

BK : Biochem weapons have always been the standby. If they couldn’t do it with anything else, well they [unclear: could do it] of course, with bios in cans these days .

KC : Did you have to sort of be a security guard over some of that… those operations?

BK : Because of Porton Down, Edgewood Arsenal and what’s the other place in the States? … It’s gone. Because you’re involved with those as well, there’s traffic with certain bio weapon and all the bits and pieces. So, yeah, we were involved in that and we got to oversee shipments.

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : A lot of that came out of Porton Down to Boscombe. and going out from Boscombe back to the States or into Europe.

KC : Okay. I… Are you…? Okay. I’m sorry. I’m jumping around a little here…

BK : That’s fine.

KC : …but you have such a vast knowledge, that I just want to kind of touch on the various things here. And then at some point, if something really… If there’s something that I zero in on, I’d like you to go ahead and take the lead and go deeper into it. But, for example, PROMIS software. I’m sure you’ve heard about all of that.

BK : Yeah, yeah.

KC : Now, that is my understanding, is that it is a… a targeting software that can actually decide what bio weapons will go into which population groups, even individuals, can pick up certain kinds of… So…

BK : Yeah. They’ve got so clever these days, where they picking up certain… right, it used to be, certain races. Now, we can nail that right down to, yeah, certain individual traits. They can… Yeah, they could literally target, literally certain individuals. It’s getting [unclear].

KC : Yeah. Do you feel that… [chuckles] that there’s anything going on with that? In other words, plans for a New World Order, for a lack of a better word for that, although it seems to me that we’ve already got basically a New World Order already.

BK : Yeah. It’s already here or it’s… Yeah.

KC : Yeah. So, but as far as a virus going around the globe for a purpose…

BK : Look at the nonsense they had with the bird flu, swine flu, Morgellons. So, that’s a manufactured epidemic…

KC : Right. And AIDS.

BK : Yeah and… Well AIDS, obviously. That is one of the biggest. Well, they’ve tried to…

KC : So, but do you feel some of these are actually, were failed exercises, or do you think they were successful from…?

BK : I just think it’s a big disappointment, because they expected it to be much worse.

KC : I see.

BK : And they wanted to decimate certain areas of society and decimate certain countries, and it didn’t quite work. It’s too slow. Look at Africa. They expected that just – psh! – bomb away. So…

KC : Okay. And a lot of that that sort of warfare… didn’t that also come from the Nazis?

BK : The Germans were experimenting with so much stuff. Was it Dr. Mengele?

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : Yeah. They and the Japanese. Although it was in its infancy, this Unit 731, what they were trying to experiment on other people. So, you have a section of those things, then…

KC : Right

BK : If they were given more time… but the war ended so quick. Yeah. I’m sure the Japanese and the Germans both would have progressed at such a rate, where they could have used bio weapons. Yeah.

KC : Sure. Do you think that the Chinese are interested in population elimination programs, using some of that?

BK : [sighs] It’s a bit late now.

KC : A bit late? Why is it a bit late?

BK : No. I think… Not… That’s not the way the Chinese… No. The Chinese themselves wouldn’t do that. That would be a bad choice. Yeah. That would be death to the Chinese.

KC : Okay. What do you think the plan is, though? Because… I mean, you’re aware that there is under way, a population reduction program, wouldn’t you say?

BK : Mm-hm. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

KC : Okay. So, we’re at a certain stage.

BK : Yeah, because you’re looking at that in certain… It’s going to happen at certain levels, and there’s more than one harmful faction that’s actually involved and you’ve actually got the loggerheads [ed. note: ‘loggerheads’ is British term meaning ‘unable to reach agreement’] with one wanting this and another wanting that. So it’s going to be very interesting to see what happens.

KC : Okay. Do you feel that there is a war in the offing, say starting in the Middle East and spreading out from there, or do you feel that…?

BK : Yeah, you have this spin on it where everyone’s looking at Iran, “Iran’s next”. Iran’s the next target. There was never a plan for Iran to be the next target. I’ll give you that.

KC : Really.

BK : What is going to happen is, they’re setting one against another, but Iran doesn’t come into it. I mean, look at all the problems in the Middle East you’ve got at the moment?

KC : Mm-hm.

BK : Everyone’s been forced to focus on Iran. They don’t want the war with Iran truly because it wants to be quite useful to them.

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Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy is the CEO/ Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist, author and well known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting weekly live shows .  PROJECT CAMELOT aka  -  is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel (NOW ON OUR OWN PROJECT CAMELOT LIBRARY)  that has over 1000 video interviews over past 18+ years, plus 5 years of radio show interviews and over 70 million unique viewers worldwide with over 312,000 subscribers at the time our youtube channel was removed by the Youtube censors in March 2021. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. Kerry's book, "Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity" documents her trip down the rabbit hole and years in Project Camelot. 5-STARS ON AMAZON! Due to censorship and demonetization by Youtube Project Camelot has now become a subscription based platform.  JOIN NOW BECOME A MEMBER KERRY CASSIDY - PROJECT CAMELOT was banned and deleted from the several platforms for telling the truth about covid:  WATCH OUR VIDEOS HERE: Over 900 free videos...on ODYSEE.COM RECENT VIDEOS ON MY WEBSITE AND RUMBLE.COM Kerry Lynn Cassidy Founder / CEO Project Camelot skype: snowjaguar TELEGRAM: intel and updates daily…. JOIN US AND SUBSCRIBE to support our work: DISCLAIMER Project Camelot does not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views represented by those we interview or have on our radio shows, internet TV shows or other broadcasts and productions.What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM:  NEWS & UPDATES DAILY! SUPPORT OUR WORK!  SUBSCRIBE!


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