Ricardo Silva: Illuminati activities and high strangeness


Ricardo Silva:

Illuminati activities and high strangeness


During our January 2009 trip to Quito, Ecuador, we met an expatriate American who had had a number of very interesting experiences. After a preliminary conversation, we asked him if he would be willing to tell his story on record to Project Camelot. For reasons that will become obvious to the reader, he has asked to remain anonymous. Ricardo Silva is a pseudonym.


Start of interview

Kerry Cassidy (KC):  …The other caveat that I should tell you is that we don’t know you. I know Bill [Ryan] heard a little bit of your story.

Ricardo Silva (RS):  Right.

KC:  We’re not guaranteeing at this point that we’ll publish it.

RS:  Oh, that’s perfectly up to you. If you feel it’s right for what you’re doing, you know. It still might be useful for you.

KC:  Well, absolutely, and that’s why we’re here.

RS:  Right.

KC:  I mean, we’re hoping it’s publishable. We’re hoping there’s something about it…

RS:  The reason I’m giving you this information is because it helps you and your audience put bits and pieces together that they may be missing. And… we’re recording now, right?

Bill Ryan (BR):  We’re recording.

RS:  All right. So I want to give you folks this information because your audience out there may be where I was at before. And they may have some doubts about some of these things being true.

Some people may be looking for information because they want to help someone. Or they may even have gotten, fortunately, to the point they want to help themselves, and they want to know what’s truly going on.

And a lot of these things sound like total fantasy. They sound like something out of a movie. In fact, it would make awesome movies.

BR:  And some people have made awesome movies out of some of this stuff.

RS:  And if it weren’t true, then they would be even more fun to watch.

But my story starts with… I want to focus on a relationship that I had, an intimate relationship, with a very, very good friend, that… Either way, whether he has been murdered, or he has been taken elsewhere against his will — either way, this fellow is a victim of severe torture, severe manipulation. His body has been physically hurt with many drugs, with many types of tortures.

And I’m gonna describe how I became aware of this and how I got information. You see, folks like David Icke, to me, came afterwards. I didn’t read David Icke first and then discover these things. Cisco Wheeler came afterwards. And I’m going to be describing to you why and how I came about them, and how I came up with their books and their information.

So, in this story I’m not gonna use real names and I’m not gonna use real places, either.

KC:  Can I ask you a question, first of all?

RS:  Yeah. Go ahead.

KC:  Are you of Spanish descent?

RS:  Yes, I am, of Spain. Yes.

KC:  I just wanted to check that because I can see that you have this in your vitality.

RS:  In my bloodline. Yes.

KC:  And bloodline. Because my father has some of this, and I was just picking up on this energy.

RS:  All right. So I just wanted to describe how this whole thing came about and what are the things that I’ve discovered which are quite unpleasant.

Anyhow, I want you to understand, especially your audience, that this information… I’m providing it so it can help others.

I met this fellow and I became really close friends with him. And I started noticing awkward things about him here and there. And one of those awkward things that brought us together is that he’s a genius. He’s one of the most intelligent persons that I‘ve ever met in my… I would say he’s the most intelligent person I’ve ever met in my life.

This fellow can hold a conversation on just about any subject. He holds it exceptionally well, down to the point that… I remember once I challenged him on a subject. He was going on and on and on about anesthesiology. And one of his practices, one of his many practices, was an anesthesiologist.

And I challenged him on the subject. I says: You know, I think you’re totally full of shit when you’re telling me stuff. You’re just making it up on the fly. How do you do it? You know?

He became very irritable and very furious. And he turned around and went to his filing cabinet and pulled out a book, and threw it in my face. And when I grabbed it, he says: Look who wrote it.

And I was like: Wow, damn, he actually wrote the book. But it’s an unpublished book — a whole bunch of unpublished books written by this fellow, and books with very deep levels and technical areas.

This guy was approached… And I saw his letters. He received a letter once from the embassy in the country that he lived in, a South American country. And it was a letter from the US embassy offering him a job for $750,000 a year.

And it even gets into numerology… because it’s rather interesting, the sickness of these people. I don’t remember the exact numbers, so don’t go do the numerology on this. But it also came with an insurance policy with a number of $16 million, something or another, whatever the number was, in case of his death.

And he went on describing what this lab would look like. And this lab would be a place that you’d go in, and part of your contract and your agreement is that if something goes wrong in the lab, if you happen to drop a vial or something, they’re not going to do anything to cure you. There are armed guards all over the place. They would shoot everyone. And they would just burn the entire place down. So you knew what kind of risk you were getting involved in.

But he was a pretty wise fellow and he knew this was a temptation. Because, amazingly… He was amazing in knowledge. He also lived very, very, very poor. He lived in a very small place, slept on the floor, had no wealth.

The things that came to him came to him temporarily. Like a constant, nonstop flow of books. But the minute he would read a book, he would have to return it, or get rid of it in some way. So he never had too many books to show and not too much information to show.

There was a steady stream of people coming to him, to teach him, to train him. And it was amazing. I got to meet many of these people. And it’s just amazing, the people within our society that support the system, sometimes willingly, sometimes unwillingly, compromised at different levels. But it was amazing how they would go to teach him.

And his skills in martial arts, and medicine, and several fields of engineering … He was quite amazing. An amazing surgeon, though he was blind in one eye.

And I’ll get into the blindness of the eye, because one of the ways to identify these folks is because their eyes will be slightly… one eye will be slightly twisted. And they’ll have a scar on one side of their face. If I recall correctly, it’s the right side of the face. They’ll have a scar. And their eyes will be slightly twisted.

And what happens is… And I’ll explain that. As part of putting a chip in the back of their heads, they end up losing the vision in one eye. But the chip gives them certain super powers which are… photographic memory being one of them. And that’s more advantageous to their handlers than the eye is.

So, even having one eye, there is amazing hand abilities. I’ve seen this fellow do some just amazing surgeries that other surgeons could not even resemble, the speed that he could do a surgery.

And so, let me tell you a little bit more of how I came about with this guy.

BR:  Could I just interrupt here?

RS:  Yeah. Ask me questions. Prompt me along.

BR:  Just for the sake of some sort of introduction to this, is there something that you could say about yourself — without giving away anything that, of course, would identify you — but as context, so that the reader will know how it was that you got to be in the position to become very close to a man like this?

KC:  Yes. What’s your background?

RS:  This didn’t happen per my background. It was just coincidental. I think that we sort of vibrate at certain rates of knowledge. In our society we’re always gonna, at some point or another, we’re going to attract similar minds.

If you happen to be someone that has spent your entire life studying, seeking knowledge, information of any sort, whatever it might be, eventually you are just going to run into these people. Or you probably have them as your friends already. They’re probably part of your life already and you have no clue.

BR:  It happens to us, so we understand this.

RS:  You know, this guy took me years before I figured these things out. You know, I was intimate, very close friends of his, before I really started noticing that he was a program victim, you know. So, the camouflage is superb. It’s awesome.

His family would know it, but their family are all part of it. And you start tracing details about these people — like every single male in his family has been assassinated. His father, his brothers, you know. All down the list, it’s assassination after assassination.

But when you look up these assassinations, if you happen to ask someone and you happen to look them up in a newspaper or something, there will be… They’re testings.

Like his father was cut up in pieces with a machete. You know. And the common story that goes around is, it was a jealousy thing. Well, when you start learning more about these things, you know there’s no jealousy. It’s a message to others not to step out of line. And that’s what it really is.

He had a sister that actually found out she was his sister after his death. You know, how sick, that you can have family members you’ve been hiding. And, fortunately, this woman was hidden.

But apparently there are several clones of this woman going around — and that’s actually quite fascinating on its own.

There were events where she would walk in a room and there was some other person there and would start talking to her very intimately in another language that she could understand. And he would have walked in and would look at this fellow and says: No, no. Stop. Stop. It’s not her. Period.  And he says: Whaddya mean it’s not her?

So, she can tell that she’s been a clone because other people would treat her so emphatically and she would realize that she’s been cloned. I also think that this fellow has been cloned.

Well, one of the things that I should say in this interview head-on… what we’re talking about is a victim of programming. A fellow has a handler. And he’s one of the people that they would use to infiltrate government, who was in a low-ranking government position but he could easily make it into a higher-ranking position in government.

He would be the person you would use for an assassination, very similar to some of the assassinations of the presidents in the United States. He would be the person you would use to infiltrate a medical institution, or society, or high-level medical, government position. He…

KC:  What happened to this man?

RS:  What happened to him? Well that’s sort of the end of the story, but I suppose we can cover that right now.

Slaves are terminated at age 34 if they somehow don’t serve another purpose. At that age, the memories start coming back. And that most definitely was starting to happen to this guy.

He started researching on his own, spiritual subjects. And these spiritual subjects started opening up his mind, and he started making other contacts, one of them myself, and having conversations about what you should be doing in life, and what’s good, and what’s wrong, and what’s moral, and what’s not moral.

Obviously, they don’t operate… They have multiple personalities, so the personality that may be the one to go and commit an assassination is not the one you meet every day, or the one you know every day.

These alternate personalities are rather difficult to see, but occasionally you run into them, especially if you are in close.

If you spend a lot of time with one of these people, then at some point or another you’re going to start seeing them. If you happen to, you know, spend a weekend in their house, then you might see a flare-up of one of these personalities. If they’re under severe stress for whatever reason, then you might see one of these other personalities. If you trigger it by bringing up a subject…

For example, after I started finding out about these things, I pushed one of the triggers. And he very quickly reached into his pocket, pulled out a very small .22 revolver — the kind of thing you would use for an assassination. He pointed it at my head. And he stopped, and he said: Let’s kill ourselves. Let’s do it right now. Let’s kill ourselves. You pull your gun. You shoot me. I’ll shoot you.

I was like: Hey. Relax, buddy. You know? That’s when I realized that I had to be extremely careful about helping this guy being deprogrammed.

BR:  Because you didn’t know what all the triggers were, presumably. Is that it?

RS:  Well, it’s… Just having this conversation that we’re having right now about this point would have probably got us all killed.

BR:  OK.

RS:  So, the trigger is bringing up the subject, you know, bringing up the subject of programming or anything that even remotely gets close to it. They are programmed, that if you really touch them, and you really get close to who and what they are, it’s not only to kill you, but commit suicide so they’re out of the picture. You know, the programming failed. And I experienced this myself, you know. Having a gun put to my head was a nasty experience.

Another mutual friend of ours, he pulled a gun and he put a round next to his ear. Well, it’s a pretty damn clear message. Very, very, very clear message. Don’t touch my programming. Don’t play with it.

BR:  Mm hm.

RS:  So, here’s a really interesting part, which is… When I first moved into this city, I moved here because I was looking for peace and tranquility from many other problems in my personal life which aren’t related to this story. But they may very well be in the same neighborhood of violence.

I’ve been, at least a dozen times, too damn close to a bullet. And I was trying to run away from a situation where one of these times that bullet would be on me instead of being just too damn close.

So I decided to move into a remote part of South America, and just retire and relax, and have a peaceful, quiet life. And little did I know that I would run into so much of this in this peaceful, tranquil place.

KC:  Right.

RS:  So, one of the things that happened was, when I moved into the city I rented an apartment in the city, and, just out of curiosity — I happened to have a scanner. I’ve been a ham radio operator since I was a child. So I happened to have a fairly high-end, sophisticated scanner, one that goes from 100 kilohertz to 1 gigahertz — and just to see what’s going on in the city, you know, see if there’s taxi service, ambulance, hospital, you know, what, especially in a small city.

I turn it on and something… something was quite clear and quite obvious, but I didn’t know the source. It was a radiation. And I don’t remember the frequency, but it was about 440, between 440 and 460 megahertz. And it was full-blown radiation. I mean, full power.

Also, being an engineer in these areas and knowing communication quite well, I knew that the radiation wasn’t coming in on the radio. And there’s a very simple test you can do. You just pull the antenna off of it and you can see if the radiation’s being from the outside or is being generated by the radio itself.

KC:  OK. What do you mean by radiation in this case?

RS:  Transmission. A radio transmission. Like a radio station?

BR:  A radio wave.

RS:  A transmission by radio wave. You know, like a…

KC:  Static?

RS:  No. It didn’t have any static. It was like if you turn on your radio, let’s say an FM radio, and they don’t happen to be transmitting anything at that point. You know, there’s no music. Or you turn on a TV channel and the screen is blank, but it’s on. You can tell that you’re… There’s a carrier wave. You’re connected to that channel.

KC:  OK.

BR:  There’s something there, but there’s no signal on it.

RS:  Scanners have a power indicator, so they also indicate if it’s a weak or a strong signal. This happened to be a very, very strong signal. And then I became rather curious, because it’s an anomaly. This is not supposed to happen. You know, no one in their right mind will turn on a radio and just leave it on for the hell of it, you know. Plus, it was covering a broad band of frequency.

So, as a curiosity, one day I happened to drive around the city, and I happened to notice that this radiation goes on all over the city. So… I’m pointing in the direction of the city where we’re at. [laughs] And the city nearby where we’re at.

KC:  Yeah. Somehow it’s not surprising…

RS:  So, later on… And I drove around on the outside of the city, in different areas, you know, 15, 20 miles, and this radiation is not there. The radiation is in the city, and it covers a very large area of the city, and is being done with multiple transmitters.

Anyhow, that stayed in the back of my mind as, you know, one of those little things that happen in life, and you don’t have any answers for it.

Later on, one day my friend had… I go to visit him, and he had these air bubbles in the back of his neck. And they were fairly large, you know, like between an inch and two inches, all over the back of his neck. He had some fairly large air bubbles. And you could touch, and you could feel it was air, you know, which is gas bubbles. They would move around, these gas bubbles.

And he says to me: What the hell is this? Can you take a look at it? What’s going on?

And I says: Well, it’s obvious there’s gas. You know.

And that can only happen from a few things. I happen to be a pretty proficient Scuba diver, so I know that’s one of the ways that you can do that. If you really do deep under water, you stay too long, and you go out way too fast, you might get these gas bubbles come on the back of your head.

The other reason is, well, you’ve been in a low-quality spaceship, you know. Not in an airplane. I’m talking spaceship, where the compression ratio would drop and increase dramatically because it wasn’t designed properly. So that’s another possibility.

The third possibility is being inside a pressure chamber, which is a pretty damn awkward thing to be in one of them. I mean, there’s very few people that have ever been in one, and very few reasons to be in one of ’em.

And there’s a fourth one. I think a lung puncture would do that. But, you know, those don’t heal very easily. You’d end up in the hospital with some severe other problems.

So, no explanations. Four reasons there and none of these fit the paradigm. I was so curious that I went on the internet and I started searching for air bubbles in the back of the neck. Oh my goodness! What do I find? Cisco Wheeler’s book.

BR:  Hm…

RS:  Titled: Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula. [by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler]

BR:  Yes.

RS:  Now, pretty damn awkward book you would find for such an unlikely subject, you know. I was just hoping to find something in the medical records to talk about this.

So I went ahead and read this book, about 400, 500-page book. And guess what? The book talks about implants in the back of the head which are manipulated with a frequency at the 440, 460 megahertz. Now isn’t that interesting, you know?

So I went back to my friend and I say: Hey, can I take a look at the back of your head?

And he says: Sure, why not?

And I say: I just want to take a closer look.

So I go and look. And my goodness! He has a surgery, a little over half an inch, in the back of his neck.

Now, how do I know it’s not just a scratch, it’s a surgery? It didn’t have outside sutures. If you hold the skin with your hand, underneath… you can feel if there’s sutures underneath, you know, that it’s not just a surface cut, but there’s also more to it underneath. And yes, there was a ball there of more underneath, tissue that had been cut and sewed together.

But the outside scar — rather fascinating — had no suture, stitches, and was a very, very thin line. I mean, very, very, very high precision. I don’t think we even have… We don’t have any instruments, surgical instruments that I know anyhow, that could do such a precision cut.

BR:  Hm.

RS:  And an interesting thing about this guy… he’s an Indian. I’m not talking about Hindu, you know. I’m talking about South American Indian.

And you start piecing these things together. I’ve also noted that he had severe scars all over his body. He had scars on his arms, scars… many areas on his body had scars. One that caught my attention was scars… under his armpit he had some scars.

He told me that he had been circumcised as a ritual when he was, I think he said 12, 13 years old, which is a rather unusual thing.

So I knew that this fellow would scar. He’s not the kind of person that gets a cut and doesn’t leave a nice big ugly scar. Many Indians, in their genetics, when they get a scar, the scar will open up. You can see it years later. Even scratches are noticeable years later.

But here, I went back a couple of weeks and I said to him: Hey, let me take a look at the scar on the back of your neck. Well guess what? Not even with a magnifying glass you could find it. It was GONE. I mean, totally gone. Nothing left of that surgery. And if I had not seen that surgery with my own eyes, I wouldn’t even believe it if he would tell me that he had it.

So I told him: Do you happen to know anything about these implants? This was when things started getting rather interesting. He went ahead and asked who I identified later on as his handler. And he asked him about the scar. He says: What’s going on? What is this thing?

And he says: Oh, we did it for your own good. He says: You see, when we cut, we cut that part of the brain. When it heals, it heals better, and you will end up having more mental abilities, perhaps some supernatural powers that you didn’t have before.

I said: Rather interesting.

So don’t feel bad about it. We don’t do that to everyone. We only do it to those who are ready for that.

And what I noticed with this fellow is that, in my assumption, his programming was to be used up to a certain level and perhaps to be discarded when he was 34 years old.

But he started… I guess maybe his handler had a love affair with him, a brotherly love affair? Or somehow wanted to protect him? Or there was just a genuine… that this guy is one of those few geniuses in the world.

So they started providing to him a huge, enormous information, but more on the conscious level, not under drug-induced programming, so he would get himself up to speed, to the point that he would be good enough for them to manage companies. And the goal was to give him a series of companies to manage. And for him to accept what had been done to him, and take it as a good thing, and just keep on living.

But at this stage, things started getting really bad with him. One of the things that happened that just tipped the whole thing overnight… really bad… he called me one day.

And at one point he started confessing and telling me things and opening up. Like for example, one day he pulled up a briefcase, and he had passports and ID for every imaginable country that you can think of. I mean, he could go anywhere and be anyone, from military IDs, from passports for multiple countries, credit cards, IDs in different professions. Pilot license. Medical license.

He had one of the very few licenses in the world… very few people have the license that the US government recognizes to transport any kind of drug anywhere. This fellow could go anywhere, be caught with any type of drug, and he can just walk right by — which is something that is given to, you know, very top government officials with the excuse: Well, we’ve got these drugs and we’re transporting it from A to Z. You know. We’re police officers. That kind of thing.

He also had a license to experiment with drugs and it was recognized by the South American country where I live. And it’s recognized and is issued by the US government.

And at first, you know, you look at these documents and you kind of, like, laugh about it. You know, you just don’t take ’em too serious, you know. But later on, as you start putting the pieces together, you start realizing the seriousness of the matter.

He had a flow of drugs coming into him all the time. And the purpose they were given to him was to experiment and dispose of them. So he didn’t keep a very… I don’t know. I think he kept a stash somewhere of drugs and weapons, but I never figured out… I never got to see that. So I assume there was somewhere that he had a stash of technology, weapons, drugs. I only got to see some of it occasionally.

KC:  OK.

BR:  Is this the same guy who you started to…

RS:  We’re talking about one single person.

BR:  This is all the same guy.

RS:  Yeah. It’s all one single person.

BR:  OK. Yep.

KC:  OK. But what is the relationship such that you are involved with this person?

RS:  Just purely friends. That’s it. I just got close to him because we started having conversations on common subjects and just became friends. You know, nothing business, nothing of any other nature. Just…

RS’s colleague:  But would it be appropriate to say how you met him? Or is that going to reveal too much about his…

RS:  Well, how I met him is really not an important thing. It was just a casual thing. Just a coincidence. I had a patient that needed a surgery and a mutual friend just suggested that we go to him. Just a casual thing. He being a surgeon, so I just ran into him.

Our mutual friend talked to him about me, and said: You know, the two of you should meet. You’ve got a lot in common and it looks like the two of you would become good friends. And that’s how we became… We started a friendship, just a pure, casual thing. I don’t think it was meant to be. It just happened.

And these people are not meant to have friends. They’re not meant to have girlfriends or lovers or stable relationships or anything. Everything is provided for them in a very controlled, unique environment. They are kept extremely busy. He is the, if not the youngest, one of the youngest MDs ever graduating from this country, which on its own is quite an amazing task.

So anyhow, getting back to when I discovered about this brain implant. I started reading Cisco Wheeler’s book. And Cisco Wheeler started talking about how these implants work, and how they leave a person blind from one eye. Well guess what? My friend was blind from one eye.

And it started talking about tortures and how, coincidentally, it would have been said that they had a car accident or motorcycle accident. And you start piecing these things together and you start realizing at which stages do they get the heavy levels of programming.

Then I started knowing more about the family. And I don’t remember if it was his grandfather or his great-grandfather, is one of the biggest drug lords ever in South America. And, you know, that’s fascinating, because you don’t trace it by his two last names, but you get it through his mother’s mother’s last name. You get the connection to the great-grandparents, and who these people are.

Then we start asking things about the family, about the mother, the mother that disappeared. Raised by other alleged family members. You know, all these pieces.

And, you know, father’s murder, his uncle’s murder, the other one’s murder. And you keep on going down the list of all these other people you start hearing, in the course of knowing someone and becoming friends with him. And you start reading Cisco Wheeler’s book. And you start connecting it, one after the other, and the other. And you get 10, 15, 20 connections.

KC:  But why are you telling us this?

RS:  I’m telling you this because I think there are people out there that may have family members, that may have lovers, that are under these circumstances. And there are people like him that are waking up of this programming and want to get out of it.

And they may think that they’re crazy, that they’re mad, that there’s something bad, wrong, with their brains, that they’re physically ill, and in reality they are not. There are people that may start waking up in the middle of the night and having memories of things that happened to them. And they’ll think they’re going crazy. They’re not. They are not going crazy.

BR:  Mm hm.

RS:  If you have one of these people as a lover, or a family member… These people need help. They need help. If they are programmed and start waking up, things start getting really, really, really nasty, down to the point that they will commit suicide or they will be killed.

And I’m saying this because there’s a lot of people out there that could also be government officials listening to this that don’t think that these stories are real, that they think that these stories that they’ll read from Cisco Wheeler or David Icke are fabricated. They are not fabricated. These things are real. It’s like…

KC:  OK. Well, we are aware of this already. You don’t know, maybe, our videos, but we interviewed Duncan O’Finioan, and he is a super-soldier who trained in this way.

RS:  That’s what this fellow was. Perhaps not as expanded as this fellow and within his capabilities, but a soldier, a type of soldier that is capable of penetrating any area, that speaks a whole bunch of different languages, that speaks ancient languages. Sanskrit, for example. How many people in this world know how to read Sanskrit fluently, huh?

BR:  Right.

RS:  It’s pretty bizarre, you know?

KC:  And is this person still alive?

RS:  Ah, here’s the really interesting thing. We can get to that part. He got up one morning. He went out and had breakfast. And about 10 a.m. in the morning he said he was a little bit sleepy. He went to sleep. He was found, allegedly, and I say allegedly found dead, four hours later. But his body was heavily decomposed.

KC:  Ah. God.

RS:  Now, bodies don’t get heavily decomposed in four hours. I mean, four hours… a body doesn’t get heavily decomposed.

KC:  Jesus.

RS:  Yet his body was found there heavily decomposed, so I have a big questioning. Allegedly he died from a heart attack. I knew him quite well. There was no heart attack. This guy went out, you know, we have climbed mountains, three thousand feet nonstop. He had no problem with his heart.

BR:  And he was a fairly young guy when he died?

RS:  Yeah. 34 years old. What a coincidence! It’s also the age that it’s spoken of that these people are eliminated.

KC:  How long ago did he die?

RS:  About 2, 3 years ago. And I’ve always had the feeling that who was there dead, and who was put away, was one of his doubles, and that this fellow is not dead. I think he was too, too, too damn valuable.

I got to observe his next-door neighbor. Even though in a poor neighborhood, this huge building, erected in front of his house just to monitor him. I mean, from the top of his house I could see a part of the other building, and I saw a huge amount of communication equipment. And we’re talking a third-world country. There’s no need for that kind of equipment.

And the people that were going in, from different countries, and in this particular case, particularly from Japan, which hasn’t made any sense to me. But those people were there just to monitor this guy, monitoring left and right, all the time, you know, feed him a lot of the circumstances. They live in a bubble. And I was a problem in that bubble. They are guided inside the bubble.

KC:  Yeah. OK. But, you know, I have to say that this doesn’t make sense unless we know more about you. Because I have to say that you have a role here that you’re not revealing, and that your background is very interesting.

RS:  Well, my background. I probably have my own…

KC:  Who were you working for? You worked for somebody in the past. Did you work for the DEA?

RS:  No, I’ve never worked for any government institution at all. I have worked for many large corporations, many of the top 100 computer companies, but I’ve never, ever… I’ve always made it a point to never do anything that can be used for a military application. So I’ve never worked in anything military, or for the government, for that matter.

KC:  OK. Now, Bill had said they tried to recruit you at a young age.

RS:  Yes. That’s happened throughout my life. And I think it’s a different story, but we can talk about that. Throughout my life, many scenarios have happened which put big question marks for me, and I don’t have the answers.

I stand out in many ways. For example, I had completed the equivalent of a Master’s Degree in Engineering by the time that I was 16 years old. So, it’s an unusual thing for a 16-year-old to have that level of education. Even though I… You know, I have many accomplishments in my life, so I know I stand out in…

Sometimes, I think I said to Bill, you know, I feel like I have a mark somewhere, you know, an identifier or something, that I attract these people as a magnet. Because many times throughout my life there have been these folks that have come into my life, including one that is now… now I can put a name on it. They call it the Economic Hit Man.

And I had the same scenario. When I was 18 years old, I had an invention, and I put it out in a show. And this fellow approached me. And he started becoming friends, and he started coming over to my house.

And after a few months he just sat me down one day and says, you know:  I’m an old man. I have cancer. I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna live. And you see this little book that I’ve got? This little telephone book? And he says: It’s encrypted. He says: I can call anyone in the world. And in fact, what I want is you to inherit this phone book. I want to give you this power, this information.

And so he put me to a test: Name three people, three top government officials anywhere in the world, and we will be having lunch with them within 24 hours. And I don’t care who you name. It could be the president of any country, anyone you want.

I didn’t name any presidents, but I did name… And we didn’t take it to the three, we only met with two of them, but I mentioned two [US state] governors. And it was rather interesting. He just picked up the phone, called them up. And he was rather rude and disrespectful to these people on the phone. And just told them to meet with him immediately.

And the next thing I know, we’re walking in an airport, and we’re meeting with these fellows, you know? Just having a little casual chat, you know? So he proved to me what his abilities were and what he could do.

I played it wisely. I took some advice that was given to me. And being an 18-year-old, you have a choice. You can act very intelligent like I was, or you could start acting pretty damn stupid.

So I started showing him my bad side, you know: alcohol, and getting drunk, and being irresponsible, and never being on time or anything, disrespectful, and all the bad things an 18-year-old could show. So he lost interest in me.

And I don’t know what would have been if I would have accepted or not. But one thing that I knew: I wasn’t ready for that. It most definitely was going way, way, way above my head at the time. I don’t think even right now any of us are ready for such power and corruption and everything that goes along with it.

And throughout my life, I’ve been… For example, I don’t know if you guys ever heard abouttwo submarines that were found on the Colombian border? You never heard about those?

BR:  No.

RS:  There was two submarines found a few years ago. I don’t remember how many years ago, 4, 5, 6 years ago. They were found on the coast of Colombia. One had an estimated billion dollars in cocaine in it. And the other submarine was empty.

Well, 20 years ago, I was invited to design those submarines. And again, you know, I know I stand out in my field, but it’s still quite a surprise that I was singled out and invited to be part of that team to design those submarines.

And I was shocked when I read in the newspaper that two of those submarines were found. Now, you can only ask yourself, what would happen to the engineers of those submarines the day those two submarines were found on that Colombian beach? You know?

BR:  Was there something special about those submarines? I mean, they weren’t regular submarines. Right?

RS:  Oh, no, no, no.

BR:  Were they small? Miniature?

RS:  I don’t know. I don’t know the size these things ended up being. But the idea was that you’d take ’em to the coast of the States. And you’d take ’em on the bottom of a ship. And any time you got any problem or something, you’d let go of ’em. They could sit on the bottom of the ocean for a long time. And later on, they would just navigate themselves right into the back of a house through the canals, you know. Like in Florida. There it’s all full of canals, and there’s houses. They have huge mansions. And just quietly we’ll go over there.

KC:  And you had a role in designing them?

BR:  They were remotely controlled?

RS:  They were remote-controlled. Yeah.

BR:  Remote-controlled. OK.

RS:  Fully automatic.

KC:  You had a role in designing them?

RS:  I was offered a role in designing these things.

KC:  But you didn’t accept it?

RS:  No. I declined that one. It was in the same shape. It was informal. I got invited to these parties and to meet these people. Well, I wasn’t a very pleasant person. So… [laughs] they decided that I was not what they wanted. And so, throughout life, I’ve had a whole bunch of these scenarios.

BR:  The strange experience you had with IBM. Is that what you were saying?

RS:  Yes. A very bizarre thing that happened to me: I was working at IBM. And it was a huge, huge, huge park, in fact so huge… There are a couple of bizarre things that happened.

I didn’t like the job, and I didn’t give a damn about it, and I couldn’t care less if I would be fired. And I was working as an outside consultant. I didn’t like the job from day one. I didn’t care anything about it, so getting fired wasn’t anything that had any value to me.

So when I got in, and I started driving in the property, I knew the police did not have jurisdiction inside of the property. So I would drive my car every day just a little bit faster. And I think there was a point there that I reached about 130, 140 mph, driving inside the park.

So that kind of gives you the idea how big of a park we’re talking. It was just immense. And I would swear every day that I would get out of the car, you know, Security would come over and say: You are fired. Out of here. You know… [laughs] But it never happened.

KC:  And where was this?

RS:  In North Carolina. I think it’s the Research Triangle in North Carolina. There was another one in South Carolina.

So, when I got in my office… They had all the consultants go in through one security checkpoint, at one end of all these buildings. But my office happened to be in the other part. And that was about a 20, 25-minute walk going through all these buildings. And one of the things that I always noticed…

IBM allegedly made there, or used to make, photocopy machines — which is a big question, why they got out of that business. But they got out of a lot of businesses. And it kind of leads you to see that IBM is just a cover-up for other operations.

So anyhow, I used to walk through those buildings, and I found them really empty, but I noticed thousands and thousands of cars parked outside. Yet inside you didn’t see that many people.

And the lights were just… IBM got into the thing that they told people that, you know, they were saving energy, and they were going to dim the lights. So anyhow, you walk down these hallways and you barely had enough light to walk from point A to point B.

And you always knew there were cameras everywhere. I mean, IBM was known to… Even in the bathrooms, watch out what you talk in the bathrooms. There was plain-clothes security officers everywhere.

You know, to go into certain labs, you have to swipe your card; there’s two doors; you have to sign a log; you have to look in the cameras so security identifies you. You know, there’s tons of security protocols.

BR:  Even if you left your desk to go have a pee, you’d go through all that.

RS:  Oh my goodness! [laughs] You had to turn off the computer, which in itself is the worst thing you want to tell someone using a computer is to turn off the computer. I mean, it just takes forever to boot these things up. You had turn it off. You had to lock the power switch with a key. You had to take everything you were working on, all the documents you were working with, put it inside of your drawer, lock the drawer. You had to sign a log. You had to…

KC:  But that’s the top secret part of IBM.

RS:  Yeah. But it’s ridiculous, because a lot of the stuff we were working on there, I don’t consider it top secret at all, you know. But anyhow, those were their protocols.

So anyhow, you walk through this place and you find it kind of empty. And I got there to the guy that I was reporting to. And these are bizarre things. I don’t have explanations for them.

And he tells me, you know: We made a mistake, and I highly apologize, and I really beg you to please don’t tell anyone, but I don’t need you. I don’t have any work for you. So I tell you what. You can go to your office, you know. We got you a really nice office. You got your computer there. You have access to anything and everything you want to there.

If you want any books? Is there anything that I can help you with? Let our secretary know. But don’t call asking me for work or for anything to do, because I have nothing for you. And I would very, very, very much appreciate if you stick around and don’t make me look bad. We’re paying you real good. You know, take your time off. Do whatever you want. You know?

So it was a pretty uncomfortable situation. [laughter]

So I go to my office. I turn on the… These were the days of the mainframes, you know. And I connect to my, you know, to my terminal there. And I find out that my terminal can go anywhere. I can go into any government agency, anything in the network.

Before people even heard the word internet, internet existed. And it was a network primarily of IBM, a university, and government, anything and everything, military bases. And I would just type names after names in there.

There weren’t too many directories. It wasn’t easy to search for things. You had to assume a lot of things and, you know, create your own lists. But I got into all sorts of different places. Some things were a little bit interesting here and there. It was rather interesting to go through all these computers.

Anyhow, I had my own side projects. So one day I needed to use a microscope. And the microscope we had in our lab was an inexpensive, simple microscope, and I could barely see something there. And I knew it was there, so I knew that with a better microscope I could see it. And I figured: I suppose someone around here must have a better microscope.

So I asked one of the guys that I allegedly and supposedly had to be working with. I said: Hey mate, where can I get another microscope? He said: Why don’t you ask that guy in the corner that you always say hi to in the morning? And that by itself, you know, just kind of like — How does he know I say hi to that guy? That by itself was rather interesting, you know?

I go over to the guy. He knows me quite well. I don’t know him, but he knows me. And I say: Can I get a microscope? He says: Oh yeah. Sure. No problem. Just come with me.

So we go to the elevator, and there’s a few people standing there in the elevator. And he says: No, we’ll wait. We’ll take the next one that’s empty. We take the next elevator that’s empty, and when the door closes, he punches… On the floor numbers, he punches a sequence.

And that elevator, instead of going up — which is all that I knew; I thought we were on the first floor — that thing went down. I couldn’t tell how much, but it went down several floors. And when we went down, it opened the door, and a long, long, long hallway. I mean, that thing looked like something out of an X-File, just like out of a crazy movie, you know? It was long. Huge. It looked like an eternity.

And I’m starting to sweat, because I know that [laughter] I’m not supposed to be there and I don’t have clearances for these things. And I have no idea what’s going on.

And I hear all sorts of animals… animals by the tens of thousands in there. And as we walk by, you know, I says to myself: Be cool. I’m gonna play this one cool. So I look. One of the doors was open, and there’s thousands of animals in cages in there. I can’t say for what, or not even what kind of animals, because I wasn’t about to stop there and look like this was something new to me, you know? I just kept on walking.

And the rest of the doors were closed. We got to one huge door — very, very large doors. I can’t remember exactly, about five foot wide, each door, and about a good eleven, twelve feet tall doors. Very large doors.

We open up and there’s this huge room. It looks like a football field in there. He turns on the lights, and there’s about three, four, very, very long tables. Well, there were tables stacked one next to the other. And I’m talking LONG. These things were, I don’t know, at least probably 200, 300 feet long, and they’re filled with microscopes.

I mean this entire room was like going to the top world show on microscopes. Microscopes from everywhere in the world. You name it, they had one there. If you could name a microscope, I’m willing to bet they had it, including three electron microscopes in the back of the room. And I was the only one there.

And he said: Which one you want to use? And I’m like: Which one is the easiest one to use here? [laughs] So I pick one that I could figure what to do with it.

He says: How long do you need it for? I say: Half an hour. And he says: I’ll be back for you in half an hour.

So I stood there. And I know that place had cameras all over. So I just acted like I belonged there, stuck my head on the microscope. I used it. Ironically, it didn’t work for the thing that I wanted to look at. [laughs] Ah… the things in life!

And I left there. I went back to my office, and I mind my own business. I never asked any questions or anything.

But all of these things pieced together… understanding this fellow that I was telling you guys about, and understanding that he truly was a victim of programming, that he had been tortured. Tracing back through his family, he probably had been tortured when he was inside his mother; that his mother was deprived of raising him. And that he was in an environment that was totally controlled and totally programmed.

And I hope he is alive somewhere and well. Perhaps he is. Perhaps he’s not. I don’t know. Only, maybe in the future I’ll run into him someday. But I’ve got a feeling this fellow is not dead.

KC:  So… have you been threatened?

RS:  Have I been threatened? No. None whatsoever. Yet, at the same time…

KC:  Are you protected by some people?

RS:  I don’t know. Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. Maybe at the spiritual level I’m being protected. There’s been, like a lot I’ve mentioned, I’ve been too damn close too many times to a bullet.

And when I was two, three years old, there was an attempt of kidnapping me. And it’s a whole scenario that’s quite bizarre. I come from a very, very poor family, so there’s really no reason to kidnap a poor child, you know?

Nonetheless, that day I was protected. The entire neighborhood got filled with police of every sort. And I remember that experience quite vividly. I guess maybe when we’re really close to death for real, you know, even if we’re two, three years old, somehow these things get memorized in our minds vividly.

KC:  You were actually born in South America?

RS:  No. I was not born in South America. And then, 5, 6, 7 years old, there’s a little crack in the window on the car. And my dad went to fix the window a few days later, and he finds a bullet, you know, a bullet that could have been in my head rather easily.

I’m sitting in my house years later and I get up go to have a drink. For whatever reason, I got thirsty. I went to the kitchen. I come back, sit back on my sofa, and I notice that the window’s open. There’s air coming in. So I go inspect what’s going on, and there’s a bullet right behind me, in the seat of the chair.

Another time I found two bullets in my front door.

A bizarre thing: I found a couple once, trying to break in. I’m watching TV. I’m sitting there watching TV, and they’re breaking in my door! It’s just a bizarre thing, you know? Like: What do you want? And they keep on going at it, you know, until I went out…

I’ve always been a gun enthusiast, so I pull out a shotgun. And when they heard that, then that got the message. I mean, they weren’t going to walk out alive if they walked in.

I’m sitting in a hotel. Two guys break in the door. It just happens to be that I’ve always enjoyed guns, so I happen to be cleaning a couple guns and I just aim it at the door. They just break in the door of the hotel, and they say: Sorry! And they just left so damn fast. It’s a miracle that no one died that day.

You know, these things have happened. You know, I’m on the street just minding my own business, got out of my home in the morning. And I’m looking through the side mirror, and I’m looking two cars back. And there’s a guy holding a gun with both hands and looking at me. He’s holding it on the side. He was a passenger and I could tell he had a gun in his hand. And he had his eyes fixed on me.

And all these things happened so many times that I just became totally uncomfortable about living in the States.

RS’s colleague:  Tell them about Washington, DC.

RS:  That’s a crazy, bizarre thing, you know? I’m on L Street. I don’t remember. L and… I forgot; it was so many years ago. L and 17 or whatever. And I was pretty young back then. I was between 16 and 18. And I have a friend, and my friend says to me… He had read all about the bus system. And he was, for whatever bizarre reason, he was excited about the bus system in New York.

It’s never excited me, you know, bus systems. [Kerry laughs] I’d prefer going in a limousine or something else, but he wanted to take the bus. And he insisted and insisted that he had the routes, and he wanted to take that bus. And the guy was from Argentina. So anyhow, we were tourists there. I said: What the hell? We’ll take the bus.

You know, it was 11. The bus was supposed to go by at 11 p.m. We waited there till midnight. And, you know, we’re sitting there and I see this taxi comes by. The taxi looks like he may want a fare. But the bizarre thing is, the taxi is looking in the opposite direction of where we’re sitting. We’re sitting on the sidewalk. And he’s looking in the opposite direction.

He goes really slow. And the same taxi goes around the neighborhood, and he does the same thing. This time, he drives much slower, but he’s looking in the opposite direction. It seems if he wanted to get a ride, he’d be looking at us, you know?

Anyhow, about three, four taxis went by. And the same thing — they’re looking in the opposite direction in the street.

Then comes a sports car that… Something didn’t fit, because there’s two guys in it and the guys were about 40 years old. They don’t fit with this super-charged, huge tire… It was something like a Camaro or something like that, you know. It just didn’t fit.

But again, these guys drive very slow, which, someone in a sports car like that, doesn’t make much sense either. They drive very, very slow, and they’re also looking at the opposite side of the street.

So my friend and I, we’re now looking at the opposite side of the street. And we’re like: What can possibly be so interesting about the wall on the other side? [laughs] And we’re looking and looking and looking. And, as we’re looking over there, just curious what must be on the other side — there’s a bust or something we’re not seeing, you know? — the bus shows up.

My friend goes in the bus and he goes and sits down. And, as I’m coming in… I’ve never been in a bus in my life; not much buses, you know. I’m trying to figure out how much, you know, how to pay, a dollar, or 25 cents, or whatever it was.

And here’s this black fellow, black African fellow, driver. And I swear, if a black man can turn white, that man turned white, you know? Well, I don’t mean really white, but I mean white-scared.

And he starts shaking all over and he says: P-p-p-please! Don’t move fast! Don’t do anything stupid. Don’t, don’t, don’t move fast! Don’t do anything stupid. Slow. Slow. Slow. Don’t do anything stupid!

I’m like: What the hell is it with this bus driver? You know? [Bill laughs] He’s like begging me, and he’s trembling and he’s shaking, and he’s about to go totally out of control begging me to not… Don’t move fast! Easy! Take it easy! No trouble here! Please be easy!

And then he finally says something intelligent. He says: Very slowly, very slowly, take a look out the window. Take a look out the window. Very, very, very slowly! Don’t move fast! Don’t move fast. Very slowly!

[laughs] It was something like right out of a movie. Right? I don’t know what’s going on. I’m cool, you know? I’m totally relaxed. So the advice seemed wise, [big laughter all round] for whatever unknown reason.

So, I bend my knees very slowly, and I look out the window. And I go: Holy shit!

There are guys that had gotten on top of the bus. I mean, these people were trying to do this quite well. They had jumped on top of the bus, and they were aiming at me with guns. And the bizarre thing is, a couple of them had a laser, but these lasers were green. And apparently green lasers were the first ones to be developed for that kind of thing.

And they’re aiming at me from everywhere! The building across the street — they busted the windows, and there were guys aiming rifles. And the taxis — they shut off all the taxis. They were on top of the taxis, and the sports car. And they’re aiming with rifles at me from every location — from the back, from the front, from everywhere. And this guy was giving me some good advice here! [laughter]

So these two guys come in the front door. And they were the ones from the sports car, the two guys that were about 40, 30-some, 40 years old. And, you know, the only intelligent thing that came out of my mouth was, like: Can I see some ID? You know? [laughs]

One of them, you know, he had a big chest. He just puffs up his chest. And, well, you could see that he was carrying a huge piece. And at that moment it looked like the biggest gun in the world. I mean, it looked like something out of a Clint Eastwood movie. It might have just been a little .38, but it looked huge to me. Hm?

And he reached very slowly to his other pocket, on the other side of the gun, and he pulled out some ID, and he showed it. And… I don’t remember exactly. I remember one said Secret Police. And the other fellow, I’m pretty sure he said CIA. But it could have been FBI or something else.

I says: What do you want? And he said: Step out of the bus very slow. And that’s what I did. I stepped out of the bus very, very slow.

And the minute that I set foot on the sidewalk, my friend comes out — really loyal friend, I must say — and he said: I’m with him. And they almost shove him back in the bus. And it’s: I’m with him. So they finally let him come out, and they told the bus driver to leave. He leaves.

And then, all of a sudden, one of these fellows makes a hand signal and they all start leaving. Everyone starts leaving. All the guns start going away. Everyone starts jumping in their taxis. Everyone starts disappearing like nothing has ever happened here. And both of them turned their back on me and they started walking towards their car.

So I went and tapped one on the shoulder and I said: Excuse me, fellow. You just almost made Swiss cheese out of me back there. Not to mention you might have gotten a few yourself, you know. What the hell is this all about? Don’t you think you owe me an explanation? I mean, you almost killed me. I mean, almost. So what is going on?

And he looks at the other one. They look at one another, and then he says: Well, I guess…

And I says: Yes, you owe me an explanation.

And he says: Well, you see, there’s this guy that we got you confused for. And this is bizarre. I’m quoting word for word of what each guy said, which makes no sense to me.

He said there’s a guy that had killed four politicians previously, in the last weeks or whatever. I don’t remember how much he said. But he said that tonight, he was going to kill five of them by midnight. And you just happen to look like him.

And I go: Mm hm. And I go: Is there anything else you have to say?

He says: You from here?

And I says: No, I’m not.

And he says: Well, I suggest that you take a very early first flight out of here. If you have no business around here, take the next flight out of here. Because we made a mistake, but maybe the next people might make a worse mistake. So I suggest you just get the hell out of Washington, DC.

Bizarre, crazy thing! Like, God! You know, how can me, here, you know, 16, 18 years old, be confused by some guy that’s gonna kill five politicians? Not one, not two, not three, but five… which is a kind of weird thing, the number five, you know.

So, all of these crazy things have happened throughout my life, that I would assume that they connect. Somehow.

KC:  But I don’t understand. If they have the guns on you, and all this kind of thing, did they ask you for ID?

RS:  Nope.

KC:  How did they know that you were the wrong guy?

RS:  Well, I guess when they saw me face to face… I mean, come on, I’m a 16, 18-year-old. I mean… I don’t know.

KC:  Yeah, but you don’t have that many people rounded up, to pull guns, unless you’re absolutely positive who you are.

RS:  Right! You would assume so, right? [laughs]

KC:  It takes a lot of time to do an operation like that. So they must have known what you looked like. How many years ago was this? Oh… quite a few years.

RS:  [laughs] Quite a few years. Right! Really bizarre thing. You know, that scenario went through my head for many years. And one of the things that I thought it was, well, maybe it was like a trainee exercise. You know, they just pick anyone and, you know, just play out a trainee exercise on anyone. Screw it. It’s Washington, DC. They’re trying to protect the president, etcetera, so just do it, you know?

So, all my life, in many times I’ve had a tour of many of these little secret things, things that no one is supposed to know. And I don’t know why. But when I start putting them all together, you can obviously see they’re not coincidence. There’s something to it, you know?

BR:  Yes.

KC:  Well, what were you doing? I don’t understand. They give you a job at IBM, you sit there in an office, you can do whatever you want, and you have access to whatever you want. And…

RS:  I don’t know!

KC:  …you made your own job at that point?

RS:  No! No, no. I did nothing.

KC:  Why’d you need a microscope?

RS:  That was one of my own side jobs.

KC:  Like what?

RS:  I did work for other companies, making extra money, you know. It had nothing to do with them. But these bizarre things happened to me time and time after time in my life. You know? I have been paid, somewhere between 8 and 10 years of my life, in my career, for doing nothing. I literally mean… I’m talking doing absolutely nothing. I have just gotten a paycheck for doing nothing.

KC:  What did you do when you did nothing, though?

RS:  Study.

KC:  Because I have some similar experience in which I would go…

RS:  Studying. I would spend my entire life studying.

KC:  I would go to a job and there was nothing to do. So I would surf the net. And I assumed they were watching. They wanted to know what I was looking for.

RS:  That’s a possibility.

KC:  They were observing me.

RS:  That’s a very good possibility.

KC:  So you must have done… Like you said, you looked around. You did this, you did that.

RS:  It never occurred to me that I would be a guinea pig that they were just observing. And that is a very good possibility.

RS’s colleague:  Tell us about the security of your access.

RS:  Yeah, I’ll tell you about that in a second. But you know, right this moment, I’m piecing some things together. It has never crossed my mind that I may be the one being observed. It has never, ever, ever crossed my mind.

And you mentioned something the other day about someone here proposing a government coup. And, you know, they come and tell me. And I said: Why in hell are you telling me? I got nothing. You know? I don’t give a damn if you do or if you don’t! You know?

And you propose that maybe it’s just to see what’s my reaction to it? And now that you say this… See, I had this job. I get this job, and for five years I do absolutely nothing. I get a paycheck in the mail. I never worked. I never, ever, ever, ever worked. I just got the paycheck in the mail. And it gave me the opportunity to study and study and study, and just keep on doing my own thing, you know?

KC:  I did the same thing.

RS:  You’ve had the same scenario? Amazing.

KC:  Yes. I did that at JPL.

RS:  Amazing that someone will pay you a salary…

KC:  It happened to me all the time.

RS:  It happened to you all the time?

KC:  Yeah. Yeah.

BR:  But you were kind of there on-call to do admin work, but you didn’t have a lot to do.

KC:  Supposedly. But I had nothing to do. Nothing. And I always used to think to myself: Why am I here? They don’t need me. You know. Why did they have me come to work? You know.

RS:  You know, like at IBM, what I first did is I’d cruise all the databases of knowledge about computers, to improve myself.

KC:  And I would…

RS:  At least I felt that… my moral: At least I’m getting paid. My ass will learn something at least about their own things. You know? Later I brought in a library of books. I would buy books after books — about books, and computer tie-ins, most of them. And I would study those books because I felt, you know, at least they’re paying me for this, you know. I might as well… But this kept on and on and on, you know?

A scenario that I had in another IBM building… And this was… I don’t know whatever became… It would be interesting to know what became of that building. It was in Florida. This huge building. Immense. Very impressive building. These buildings are really ultra-safe. These things could go through a pretty heavy earthquake, etcetera.

And one guy walks in to me. And he’s a neighbor. Now, I party with this guy. We’re… You know the kind of people, we’ll get together for Christmas and New Year’s Eve and dinner, you know? He’s your average Joe. I mean, there’s nothing interesting about this fellow, you know? Or even about myself.

But one day he walks over to my office. He says: Hey, come with me. There are things — THINGS, you know, plural — that you need to see and you need to know.

I says: OK.

And he says: Let’s take a walk.

And I says: Man, we’re gonna get fired out of here in a heartbeat. You know? These people are probably gonna press charges. I’m never gonna hear the end of this shit.

And he keeps on telling me: Relax. Nothing’s gonna happen. And then he says: I KNOW that nothing’s gonna happen.

BR:  Is this one of these situations where you would have had to close down and sign out and lock up, and he’s saying don’t worry about it?

RS:  No, no. He’s saying there’s no worry about we cruising around IBM.

BR:  OK.

RS:  I mean, IBM. It’s a secure place. Who knows what they’re working on there? You’re not supposed to be walking around. I mean, specifically, they give you a nice little long speech when you start working there about the security issues.

I’ve seen people there fired within a couple hours, you know? I saw a guy get three pink slips in two, three hours. Boom. Fired. You know? They just started work and they haven’t even been there… It wasn’t even: Oh, we’ll give you a break because this is the first day. No. You’re out of here. You broke security three times. You went to take a leak. You didn’t lock the door. You didn’t lock the computer. You’re out of here. In one day, you know?

And it’s three pink slips in your life there. It’s not even, you know, they’ll reset it every three months or a year, or whatever. No, no. It’s three. That’s it. You can be there 10 years, you get the third one, you’re out. You know?

So anyhow, we start… And I didn’t give a damn about the job either because I wasn’t doing anything. I was just totally bored, you know, and just… enough is enough, you know?

So we start walking down the hallways and it’s: Let’s check out this lab. And he said: Your badge will open the door.

And I said: You know these damn things are programmed only for the places we can go.

And he says: No. Your badge can go anywhere in IBM. In fact, your badge can go anywhere in IBM in the entire world.

And I says: Yeah, Right. So, just to prove him wrong, I stick in the badge. Beep! Door opens. I says: I betcha the next one is not. Beep! I look at the camera, and I says: Now Security is on its way! You know? [laugher] Walk around the lab, take a look, you know. Nothing.

Get out… Well, let’s go to the next one, you know. And he comes with me. And so we went from labs to labs, doors to doors, every security thing.

The only thing that I found interesting was there’s an enormous — and this no one was supposed to know about it — was an enormous amount of Hindus working at IBM, secretly working there. There’s no one… the Americans didn’t know about it. And Chinese people. Huge number of them, by the hundreds. Not hundreds — thousands were there.

You would walk down hallways after hallways, all Hindu’s names, and there was like the Hindu section. There was another section that were Chinese. And they were there with their names on the doors and everything. Just walk by and say hi to a few of them.

Stuck my badge everywhere. I went from building to building to building. I said: That’s it, man. This is not even going to be fired. They’re just going to execute us here! [laughter] And then I kept on working there for months, you know, collecting a paycheck. Just paychecks rolling in, you know.

KC:  OK. But…

RS:  There’s something I wanted to say about the Chinese. We do wonder… and this is another little conspiracy piece here that I’d like to add for your audience. We do wonder, this whole thing we recently heard, and it’s all over the internet, about the Chinese being able to control Air Force One, and the Chinese placing…

RS’s colleague:  Back doors in the chips?

RS:  Yes, back doors in the chips. And six nuclear cruise missiles and a B-52 and all that. Even to me, the question was, well, how the Chinese could ever get their hands in there, you know? And then I remembered. When I was talking to you, I remembered. I said: Oh! Damn! I remembered that whole aisle of Chinese working at IBM by the thousands, you know?

There’s another little interesting scenario. You can verify this very easily on the internet. There is approximately 2 million engineers unemployed — USA-born engineers, top notch, unemployed. At the same time, if you look at the government statistics…

BR:  There’s how many?

RS:  I’d say close to 2 million. Over a million, but I don’t know the number. But if you look at the US immigration statistics, you’re going to find almost exactly the same number of foreigners — Indians, Chinese, Russians — working in the States.

Now do you wonder anymore, how these things got developed? First you wonder if there’s any truth to the story, but then, when you hear other pieces, you start saying: Yeah, there’s truth to the story.

Another interesting thing that happened: I was working near the Fort Lauderdale airport. And there’s a cafeteria there, you know, for pilots to go in and have a snack, and actually have some good sandwiches and have a Coke or whatever. And we used to go there often.

And there’s a guy there sitting at the table that he wants to show me, because he worked with me in some other projects. By the way, always, as I mentioned, I’ve never worked in anything military. And he says: I want to show you how the planes are coming in and out, remote-controlled. So I must have seen in that airport a hundred planes go in and out, full remote control.

Now, how do you tell they’re remote-controlled? They have a jerky movement. They might jerk to the left and they jerk up and down, but it’s a distinguishable jerk. And the jerk is because the servos… the technology in some cases had not developed to do more smooth. The software and everything takes time, so they auto-correct themselves too quick, and the plane shows a jerk.

KC:  Mm hm.

RS:  And also, a lot of these planes, they didn’t have any windows in it, or there are some that have very dark windows. So you can tell that… Plus you see the plane park and sit there for an hour and no one comes out of it, you know? [laughter]

KC:  Yes.

RS:  So there’s some obvious things about these planes being remote-controlled.

Then we look at the Twin Towers and wonder whether they were remote-controlled or not. So, you know, you got the answer there about those remote-controlled planes.

So, I don’t know. Throughout my life I’ve been… Bits and pieces here and there are shown to me. And it’s like, for some reason I’ve been guided to see these things. Maybe it’s for today, to say all this here. I don’t know. [laughs]

BR:  Didn’t you say also that you had seen, on some of the 9/11 videos — the public sector videos, the media videos — you saw some signs that some of those planes were remote-controlled?

RS:  I was sitting in a restaurant. Here in South America, people… they don’t, I guess because a lot of people don’t have TVs at home, or whatever, or they’re totally hypnotized by the TV, but every restaurant has a TV. And they’re always playing the TV. It’s always on. In fact, you have to beg ’em to turn it off.

And it was a restaurant. It was full. It was mid-day. There was a lot of noise in there. And I just happened to look up at the screen. And, you know, I see the Twin Towers, and I see this plane, and I see the jerky movement, you know? And then it hits the Tower.

I think it’s a movie. So I tell my friend that I’m sitting there with, I says: Gosh, you know, what a crappy movie. I mean, couldn’t they even re-do it again, you know, move the strings a little bit slower or something? I mean, just re-shoot it again or something and make a better movie? What a crappy movie.

And as I’m saying that, there’s people congregating around the TV. And they start raising the volume. And that’s when I realized that this wasn’t a movie, that this was a live shot. And then I remember the little jerky movements of the planes. And I said: Ah.

And I said it right there to him, you know. Within minutes, I said: Oh my goodness! That is for real and it was done with a remote-controlled plane. And I said: I know where they designed those planes. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I saw it with my own eyes. That’s where they designed the damn planes — and so confident to fly a remote-controlled plane inside a city.

KC:  When I saw the 9/11…

RS:  You noticed that?

KC:  Well, no. No. I don’t know anything about that kind of stuff. But I thought it was a movie.

RS:  Oh, you thought it was a movie.

KC:  Yes.

BR:  We have been told by somebody… One of our whistleblowers, Henry Deacon, worked on the remote control apparatus for those planes. So he said they were remote-controlled planes.

RS:  Yeah. Well, there’s so many people… Another place that I worked, another guy came over one day and he had the itch to tell me. I don’t know why people have this itch to tell me things, you know? Because this guy… The best way to describe it, he had an itch to tell me. He didn’t know me very long, but he just had to tell me.

And he had to tell me he worked on the, what’s it called… HAARP? That he had worked on… And that’s the first time I ever heard of that. And it was a top secret project, and I’ll tell you what he said. He wasn’t totally… I’m not sure if he was totally sure he knew what it was for.

But he said that HAARP was able to track any vehicle anywhere in the world, that it had no limit of tracking ability. It could track any vehicle anywhere and that was what it was for. And it was an ultra, ultra, ultra high secret project. And we’re sitting there on the internet, and I says: What did you just say this thing was? And I type it out.

And this guy nearly fainted when he saw that there was something on the internet about it. And then he went on reading it all, you know? And he came back for several days, you know. That is a lie. That’s not true. That’s not it. You know. I worked on that thing. [laughs] But he was even surprised at the name, that it popped up on the internet.

BR:  That’s cool.

RS:  Why he called me and had to tell me, I don’t know.

KC:  What about your parents. Are they alive?

BR:  Excuse me here. I have to leave.

RS’s colleague:  I’ve got about five more things that we might talk about.

BR:  But just one little thing here. I just want to say, this sounds like The Truman Show! [laughter] You were talking about movies earlier on.

RS:  Well, I’ve got a few things that I want to share with you. I overheard you say you were going to meet with David Icke. Right?

KC:  Yes.

RS:  And I want to tell you how I came across meeting David Icke. And, if you want to hear just for a minute. I was coming back from an astral trip. I’m laying like…

KC:  You’re coming back from a — what — trip?

RS:  An astral trip. I assumed you already know what an astral trip is.

KC:  Yeah. But most people don’t say it casually like that. That’s interesting. OK. The plot thickens.

RS:  Well, I assumed you know what it is.

KC:  Yes.

RS:  So I don’t have to introduce the astral, right? So I’m coming back and… Let’s see. I’m coming like this side, at this angle, into my body, like this over here. And as I’m over here, guess what I cross? A lizard!

And oh my goodness! If you want something to really scare you! I mean, you look one of those things in the eye, it’s enough… I didn’t sleep for about a week!

And I just happened to cross right in front of him. I suppose it was a “him”. And it was about, gosh, six and a half or seven feet tall, probably 250 pounds, more muscles than you can… Like muscle from everywhere. But it’s a lizard!

It’s like when you watch the Star Trek shows and you see one of these lizard creatures. This one didn’t look like anything in Star Trek but it would nonetheless fit that description. And I didn’t even know what to call it. I’m using the word “lizard” now.

And, as I come into my body, I’m looking at it and it is looking at me. And I get inside my body. And I open up my physical eyes, and I stand up in my bed, and it’s here in 3D, in this reality. It’s in front of me in my bedroom, face to face, for about a second.

I swear my heart stopped. Because that thing, just by looking at you, I think it’s like probably enough to kill you, just… the look is so intimidating.

And then it shifted. I suppose it shifted back to the dimension that it was traveling on and it disappeared. I swear, I didn’t sleep for weeks after I saw that.

But then I went on the internet and I says: You know, maybe I’m not the only one that’s seen these things. You know? And I started looking for… snakes. And obviously, the word is kind of obvious, so I pretty quick ran into the word “lizard”. And it didn’t take very long that I connected to David Icke’s website.

So that’s how I found out about David Icke. And what I’ve read, all the things about David Icke, connects more pieces of this fellow, and what are programming victims for, and the whole long list of things that we’ve heard of.

KC:  OK. Well, I’ve seen one, too. And I was partly in a meditation or something. And I didn’t believe in them. I didn’t believe they exist.

RS:  Well, after that you do!

KC:  It went right by me. [makes noise of quick movement] I was completely amazed. And it had wings.

RS:  It had wings?

KC:  And it was gigantic.

RS:  If this thing had wings, I was past the point of noticing that. [laughter]

KC:  I was not about… It was there and it wanted me to see it. That’s all I know.

RS:  It wanted you to see it…

KC:  You see, they’re not all bad. Apparently there are some with these others, good…

RS:  I didn’t feel that this thing was bad.

KC:  But you wouldn’t want to mess with it, on the other hand. I mean…

RS:  A creature that can travel between dimensions, you don’t want to deal with.

BR:  Yes. That’s true. If you guys continue this conversation, I’m gonna listen to it immediately, at the first possible moment. Thank you! It’s been a lot of fun. I have no answers either, but this is great stuff.

RS:  Just pieces of the puzzle.

BR:  A great thing to share with our audience. And others might have pieces. This is one of the important things — others might have pieces.

[Bill leaves]

RS:  You know, another thing, that after I learned more about this and I started realizing what a program victim is, I now have identified about a dozen. And it’s very despicable what happens.

And like I said, I have a magnet for it. Somehow I attract it. And one of the ones that I attracted was an extremely… a very, very, very young woman that I ended up having a sexual affair with for a long time, for several years.

And this woman was heavily programmed. I mean very heavily programmed. But this is a low-level programming. She’s programmed as a sexual pet. And somehow I trigger her sexual programming. And there’s basically no saying No to a woman like that. A woman like that is… On a scale of 1 to 100, she’s 1000 in bed. I mean, she is just… beyond the porno star, beyond anything. And it’s just… her sexual abilities are just overwhelming.

KC:  OK. So…

RS:  At the same time, it’s interesting that this person doesn’t enjoy sex. And there was one thing. And, again, these books talk about it. This woman spends most of the time always pregnant. — Not from me. I always took caution that that didn’t happen from me. — And she was always having miscarriages. And her… Even though she was very pleasant otherwise, her vagina was extremely stretched, and it was obvious that that’s how she had been tortured, how she’d been programmed.

And it is amazing to see these people come in and out of different personalities [snaps fingers] in a fraction of a second. You could sometimes see it happening in a minute’s time. You could see three personalities come in and out.

KC:  But, how did you know? When did you know that she was programmed?

RS:  Programmed? When I started seeing her behavior. You know, one day she will come in… My goodness, the woman wanted to rape me in the middle of the city. You know, it was 9 a.m. Monday morning, and she wants to have sex in the car parked right in the middle of the street.

You know, it’s not a normal behavior. It is something that is done for some un-normal reason. It may be fun. It may be a challenge. It may be interesting. But nonetheless it’s done for some totally un-normal behavior, because no one in the right of their mind is gonna do such things, you know. And it’s…

She’s programmed to approach people to get the video, to get the picture, to do this to someone that they can compromise, you know.

KC:  Mm hm.

RS:  Someone you want to get rid of. Someone that is married. Someone that’s a politician. You unleash a woman like that and… It’s nearly impossible to say No to a woman like that.

RS’s colleague:  And the next day, did she remember it?

RS:  Oh. [laughs] Yeah. The next day, she asks me, she says: You know, I got something to ask you and I hope you don’t get offended by it. Did we have sex? Have we ever had sex together?

And I was like: Nah, sweetie. No. Your imagination. You know. So, you could tell these people are horrendous victims, you know. They can actually perform all these sexual acts and the next day they didn’t even have a clue about it, and would actually, honestly, be asking whether they had or had not done something.

KC:  OK. And you’re saying you had a relationship with this person for several years?

RS:  Yes. I came across her. And, again, I don’t think it was pointed at me. I am not the type of person that is in politics. Who could care less about any compromising photo? I don’t give a damn. First of all, I don’t think anyone cares to put my picture in the news, and, if they do, I really couldn’t care less, you know? Whether they use it today or they use it 20 years from now, I still couldn’t care less, you know? Because I’m very open-minded about sexual issues, so I’m not the person that you can get in a compromising situation.

So I just, I just rolled with it. I had fun with it. And after a point I felt very bad for her and I tried to help her. And there was no deprogramming this woman. I think she’s way past the point of deprogramming.

Really, it’s a shame. It’s a real shame that someone is taken, beaten, raped, abused, tortured, you know, all these things. And she started talking about some of these scenarios. She started talking about a situation where she had been gang-raped, had been tortured. But she had no physical scars, visible physical scars, of these tortures.

And then I have run into, in our local town… You don’t have to go very far. You can go check it out yourself. I don’t want to talk about it… [laughs] There are people here that you can go see it for yourself. It’s quite a shame.

You know, you can see the scar on the face, the blindness in one eye. They hold government positions. It’s a shame. It’s really… because when you see one of these people, then you know how those scars come from, you know why, how did they get it, you know?

KC:  OK. So, how did you end up down here?

RS:  I came down here because I was looking for a place that… I felt uncomfortable about being in the States. I studied a lot on the States, and I starting learning about all these things wrong with the government. All of these…

People call it conspiracy. There’s no conspiracy. It’s a fact. It’s going on. It’s happening. I’ve seen way too many bits and pieces with my own eyes, like what I just described about the Fort Lauderdale airport, you know? I saw that with my own eyes. This was way before 9/11, but I saw.

One of the things I didn’t mention that I saw there, which was really what made me uncomfortable… Flying the planes was no big deal, though I thought that it was very reckless and irresponsible of our government, of the US government, running remote-controlled planes in that area. What if one of those things should crash? It would kill a whole bunch of people, you know? Yet they were pretty damn confident that that wasn’t a problem.

But what really caught my attention there is something really going on — and this falls into the category of those things you hear about, conspiracies. And let me regress here a little bit.

A long time ago, maybe about 30 years ago, I ran into one of those so-called underground newspapers. And I was so outraged, that I saved the newspaper to burn it. I mean, I wanted to make sure that I burned it so it would never end up in the hands of someone else and read such utterly crap against the US government. I mean, that’s how programmed I was to believe the US government was the best thing in the world.

And I was brought up to… US was the best thing on the planet, you know? Everyone else was evil, bad. Russia, we got a problem. All these other countries are bad, but we were the best.

And later on throughout life, you know, I’ve been finding bits and pieces that start confirming the things that that newspaper said were true. You know, if you confirm 10, 20, 30, 40%, eventually you realize that most likely 99% of what it said was true.

KC:  I was trying to figure out how you ended up down here.

RS:  Oh. So… I wanted to mention the thing about the airport, one of the pieces that confirmed that newspaper being true. I was sitting there in the airport and these guys come in. I can’t identify them, from which country, but I assume some Arab, Middle East countries.

And some fellow there that… I don’t know what ranking, but he had plenty of color on his uniform, insignias, etcetera, to show that he was a fairly high-ranking officer. And with him came a security squadron.

Well, for goodness sakes! I mean, to go have a sandwich and a soft drink, there was one or two guys with M60s. You name it. All sorts of… Full jacketed. Bullet-proof jackets, hand grenades, all sorts of rifles, you know, a variety of high-powered rifles. It’s like: My! Who is this guy? You know?

But the thing is, we’re talking USA, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. What on Earth is this fellow doing in the airport, you know, having a drink? And this was a common thing, where these people would come into the cafeteria with an unbelievable squadron of military protection.

KC:  OK. And you’re saying his nationality was Middle Eastern?

RS:  Somewhere. Yeah. I have no idea from where. And they spoke some other language that I did not recognize. But the thing is, you start saying: What are these people doing on USA soil? You know? What are they doing there? You know? And then when you hear the 9/11 you go: Hmm. Ah. Yeah. And when you start reading all these other stories, you start saying: Yeah. Well, what are these people actually doing there?

KC:  OK. So what…

RS:  But anyhow, all of those things put together, and seeing all these chaotic situations in the States, at one point I came and I visited South America and I felt good. I felt the vibration here. It felt happy. It felt great.

I also realized, with my wealth at the time, that I could live here and never work again. So that’s what I’ve done. You know, I haven’t had to work in years and years. I’ve been retired.

And I’ve been able to diverge into studying spiritual subjects, which is what really has tickled my fancy. You know: Where do we come from? What are we doing here? What’s our purpose in life? Where are we going?

So I spend quite a bit of time doing the things I want to do, versus those over there, you know, having a huge house and multiple cars and getting a new car every year and airplane, and…

All these things are not truly necessary to have a good quality of life. There’s nothing wrong with having them. But what’s wrong is, you know, just working around the clock to have these things that are not truly necessary.

KC:  OK. But, well, are your parents alive?

RS:  I’ll answer that after, off the record.

KC:  OK.

RS:  [to his colleague]  You had some questions?

RS’s colleague:  You were talking about being involved with training. Well, I can’t remember what brought this up. Anyway, you had experience with someone following you around?

RS:  Oh yeah. Yeah. That’s happened a couple of times. And… This is more pieces of the puzzle I’ve pieced together.

I just remember one that I haven’t mentioned: My best friend in the States being heavily spied on, and no logical reason behind it. But, you know, people that lived on one side of his apartment were spying on him. The other side apartment spying on him. Yet he was my best friend. Makes no sense. No reason why to spy on him, no reason why to spy on me.

Here, when I got to South America, I had an alphabet soup. I don’t know. I always assumed it was CIA, but it was some British intelligence in there too, just following me everywhere. And I just got so sick and tired of it. Because, you know, one of these following me around, and one of these stupidities, someone can get hurt.

You know, they might just turn on you in a dark alley when you’re getting out of the car or something. You might hurt someone or you may end up getting hurt. So it’s what seems like a stupid thing. Someone following you, you say: Well, so what? Someone following you can turn into a violent situation, especially when you know these people are armed, and they are dangerous.

KC:  How do you know these people were following you?

RS:  Oh my goodness. They were the worst of the worst. [laughs] I mean, it was like, you know, like amateurs. I mean really, really, really low-class amateurs. So it was impossible not to know. And it was just a nonstop of them.

So I grabbed a few of them one day and I just sat ’em down and says: Look. Stop this bullshit. Enough is enough. I know you’re CIA. I know you’re following…

They said:  No, we…

Look. Don’t try to bullshit. I know who you are. You know who I am. Enough is enough. I’m not doing anything here that is of any interest to any government. So I tell you what, we can get in that car right now. You can search my car. You can search my house. You can search me. You can search whatever the hell you want, but get off my back. Because there is nothing of any interest to anyone. I don’t do anything that has any interest for anyone.

So please! My door is open. You just come knock any day. Knock on the door and say: Hi, this is CIA. I know you gave us authorization to, you know, search everywhere. You know?

And while they kept on saying: No, no, no, I says: Look, you can’t bullshit me because I know where you’re coming from. So enough is enough.

And one of them says: Well, OK. Next day, they all disappear from here, you know. A group of about 20 or 30 of ’em. They just totally disappear.

Now they’ve replaced them with another group, but this new group keeps a very… more professional, you know, more low-profile, more intelligent, not being obviously noticed, you know. And I have identified at least a half a dozen of ’em. And I don’t care. And I went up to them again.

And I’ve done it with every single official here, you know. I’ve taken a written letter and I’ve walked up to every single one of ’em: The chief of police, the military general, the military colonels, the mayor, the governor. Every single one of them, I’ve gone and visited.

And I’ve said: Look, my house is open to you 24 hours a day, any day you want to come into my properties, my businesses, my house, anything you want to look it. Please don’t do it remote control. Don’t be sending one of your jerks out there that something may go wrong and someone kills one of my… You know, you might kill a dog. You might fire a weapon accidentally. Whatever. You want to know me, you just knock on the door, you know. There’s no secrets. There’s no secrets whatsoever. You can come in any day, any time.

They said:  I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I don’t care if you know what I’m talking about. You know my face. You can see me, you recognize me. You know who I am, right? So any day, any time, any complaint, anything, you yourself, not your peons, not your deputies or whatever. You. You can come over to my house, my businesses, any day, any time.

And after I did that, I haven’t had any more problems. [laughs]

KC:  How long have you been down here?

RS:  Oh, about 12, 13 years.

KC:  You’re kidding.

RS:  Yeah. So…

KC:  So you did this in the beginning.

RS:  This happened within the first year. Yeah. First year that I was here. And I don’t know. Maybe they suspected, you know… Foreigner moves over here. Maybe they typed some name in some computer somewhere. They followed it, checking it out. Whatever. They don’t know if one is truly up to something. You know, maybe they thought I’m part of some group or something.

I’ve heard there’s a secret military base in Peru here, that the US keeps a secret military base in Peru — for I don’t know what. But I’ve heard that a couple times. There’s a massive UFO presence here.

KC:  What about that mountain? It has a really strange structure on top?

RS:  Yeah. I saw a UFO there once. Very, very small one. Oh, we can go for hours on the UFO thing. I mean, it’s just…

KC:  Yeah. I mean, because… You say you astral travel. Right?

RS:  Yeah.

KC:  Consciously.

RS:  Not as much as I would like. I think we all have problems with that!

KC:  Yeah.

RS:  I have astral traveled many times, consciously.

KC:  So…

RS:  By the way, this fellow that I’m talking, being a victim of… He also astral traveled consciously, but guided and controlled.

KC:  Mm hm.

RS:  He traveled all over, many places, many things, but most of the time being totally controlled. And one of the things that he was getting good at was being able to teleport small devices. And he teleported little things into my bedroom. And to be able to astrally attack people if he wanted to. He asked permission to experiment with others, including myself, and he was getting good at it.

And I think that’s part of the things that was very, very, very dangerous, that this guy was trying to… They were losing control of him. He was trying to do things on his own, like astral travel consciously, and breaking off the control.

KC:  Mm hm. Do you have an implant?

RS:  Maybe. That is a possibility. Not that I know about.

KC:  “Maybe” meaning you don’t know if you do? Or “maybe” meaning you don’t want to answer my question?

RS:  Maybe — I don’t know if I do, but I do have some suspicions. I have the suspicion there’s one here, and a suspicion of one possibly over here.

KC:  Mm hm.

RS:  I’ve also had surgeries that I did not need. And I lost some mental abilities in one of those surgeries.

KC:  What do you mean?

RS:  I feel that I came to this world with considerably better mental abilities than the ones that I have right now.

KC:  Really?

RS:  So I feel that some damage was done. The story that I was told is that I was pronounced dead for 6 minutes. I mean, my heart had stopped for 6 minutes. But, putting all these pieces together? One starts now seeing conspiracies, perhaps where they’re not, but you start wondering.

KC:  When you say… What was the event that caused you to lose consciousness? That caused you to have the surgery that you didn’t need?

RS:  When I was a child, my parents were convinced that I needed a surgery that I did not need.

KC:  Really?

RS:  And my gullible parents went along with it, for whatever reason, but I ended up in a hospital with a major surgery that I did not need. And I’ve had two surgeries, possibly three surgeries in my life that I did not need.

KC:  How did the other ones happen?

RS:  An alleged tumor over here which I still have after the surgery. A tumor over here which also…

KC:  I mean, were you not voluntary? I mean, obviously you must have checked yourself into the hospital.

RS:  Oh yeah, totally voluntary. As a child, you do what your parents tell you to do, you know?

KC:  You’re talking about, all of this happened as a child, or as an adult?

RS:  As a child.

KC:  Not as an adult?

RS:  No, no. Not as an adult. And I’ve always been curious. One of the parts doesn’t come… because one of the things is, too many of these things have gravitated around me to be just coincidence. And a chip would be a nice way to know where the heck you are, who you are, what your level is, or what they want you for. Then you’ve got things with the last names.

I am… If you looked it up, I’m part of royalty. You know, it traces from one of these royalty bloodlines, which kind of makes you wonder, you know. There’s a lot of these bloodlines.

People think of the bloodlines of the high-caliber people. But you’ve also got to have your bloodlines for your slaves. And that DNA is really important, to track it and know, because that DNA is more or less programmable than another, or more or less useful for something.

So, last names is an easy way to track a lot of things about a lot of people. And I would not doubt that there’s databases that follow something to do with last names. And at any station, they can get a drop of blood out of you in any situation. And, you know, there’s probably a heck of a lot more information in a drop of blood.

KC:  Your last name is what? Oh, well … not on tape. [laughs]

[end of recording]

Next articleBrian O’Leary | 10 Jan 09 | transcript
Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy is the CEO/ Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist, author and well known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting weekly live shows .  PROJECT CAMELOT  http://projectcamelot.tv aka projectcamelotportal.com  -  is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel (NOW ON OUR OWN PROJECT CAMELOT LIBRARY)  that has over 1000 video interviews over past 18+ years, plus 5 years of radio show interviews and over 70 million unique viewers worldwide with over 312,000 subscribers at the time our youtube channel was removed by the Youtube censors in March 2021. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. Kerry's book, "Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity" documents her trip down the rabbit hole and years in Project Camelot. 5-STARS ON AMAZON! Due to censorship and demonetization by Youtube Project Camelot has now become a subscription based platform.  JOIN NOW BECOME A MEMBER KERRY CASSIDY - PROJECT CAMELOT was banned and deleted from the several platforms for telling the truth about covid:  WATCH OUR VIDEOS HERE: https://media.projectcamelotportal.com/ Over 900 free videos...on ODYSEE.COM RECENT VIDEOS ON MY WEBSITE AND RUMBLE.COM Kerry Lynn Cassidy Founder / CEO Project Camelot skype: snowjaguar http://projectcamelot.tv TELEGRAM: intel and updates daily…. https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry JOIN US AND SUBSCRIBE to support our work: https://projectcamelotportal.com/join/ DISCLAIMER Project Camelot does not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views represented by those we interview or have on our radio shows, internet TV shows or other broadcasts and productions.What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM:  NEWS & UPDATES DAILY! https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry SUPPORT OUR WORK!  SUBSCRIBE!


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