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SPEAKERS:   Miles Johnston, Simon Parkes, Maria Wheatley, Kerry Cassidy, Harald Kautz-Vella  and more to come…

Tickets on sale NOW:



JULY 23 – 24 – PRAGUE, CZ – George Green, Ole Dammegard, Zen Gardner and Kerry Cassidy with MARSHAL MASTERS VIA SKYPE VIDEO LIVE… AND more to come!

Tickets on sale soon!






Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office, he is currently taking a break from politics but is likely to resume later this year. 

Simon’s biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working “jointly” for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth’s surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams. 

Simon’s Grandfather, who was a British diplomat, worked for the foreign arm of British intelligence often called MI6. But again in his case he was closely associated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of America.  During this time he was awarded the Order of the British empire (OBE) medal as well as the Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medal, however he turned down a Knighthood from the Queen.  Simon’s Grandfather was also a prominent Freemason and was Britain’s appointed diplomat to the United Nations in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s .

Simon went public with his story in 2010, and since then has toured the UK speaking at conferences, initially attacked by the establishment media in a concerted effort to discredit him. However an event in 2013 was to be a game changer, when Simon was invited by the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) to join a small party being given a tour of a secret space radar base in the UK.  This totally confounded the established media and has led to a far more serious appraisal of Simon’s story by them.

Go here to see my interview with Simon Parkes:



Andy Lloyd is the author of the 2005 non-fiction book ‘Dark Star: The Planet X Evidence”.  The book built upon his Dark Star Theory website, first founded in 1999, which has seen over 1 million visitors.  This work consolidates the ideas of Zecharia Sitchin with modern science, showing how his concept of Nibiru – or a habitable Planet X – could be consistent with many new discoveries about the outer solar system, and our understanding of failed dwarf stars.  This knowledge has been strengthened siginficantly in 2016 by the proposal of a ‘Planet Nine’ body in the solar system, which is now being urgently sought by many teams of professional astronomers across the globe.  Many of the predictions and solutions presented in ‘Dark Star’ over ten years ago are being mirrored by this new scientific enquiry.

Andy Lloyd has a scientific background, attaining a 1st Class Honours degree in Chemistry, as well as winning a scholarship to study for a PhD at the University of California (which remains incomplete).  He has written two novels in addition to ‘Dark Star’, and is a semi-professional artist whose work is popular in his native county of Gloucestershire, in South-West England.  Andy is also a qualified nurse, and has worked in acute medicine for much of his 25+ years career in hospital nursing in the British NHS, with additional input into Professional Education.

Andy has appeared on TV programmes, as well as numerous radio shows and internet podcasts. He has continued to promote and explore the ideas of Zecharia Sitchin through his many websites and blog pieces over the last 17 years, often being a critical friend to the original ideas of this revolutionary thinker.

TOPIC:   ‘The Hunt for Planet X’:  

New scientific discoveries seem set to confirm long-standing predictions about Planet X, many of which are deeply contentious.  In this presentation, Andy Lloyd will discuss the remarkable repercussions of an imminent planetary discovery.



Miles Johnston is the Director of the Bases Project, in its 26th year. This is a raw data researcher’s resource using video media , focused on the transhumanisation and UFO related issues.  Miles is a former BUFORA Regional co-ord for Ireland, and is a 30 year Broadcast Television and Pirate Radio Engineering veteran with BBC and SKY television, KISS FM 103.7 and Energy1066 Irish boarder blaster Super-Pirates.

The pirate stations are evidence of a ‘matrix break out’ which occurred in Ireland, as “Ireland Awoke” in the 1960s, and resulted is seed change in media in the British Isles, resulting the creation of major new media systems, to provide access to the new paradigm of information completely suppressed by so called “mainstream media”. At Kiss FM and Energy 1096 major ET/Dimensional issues were discovered and encountered, which leads directly to the ancient world.  

TOPIC:   Miles will outline what “BASES” started from, and some of the issues involved. Notably the “Super Soldier” Psy warriors. From John Urwin to James Casbolt, and the now exploding issue of Targeted Individuals, and the role out of involuntary brain and body implants.



Peter Paget from London first advised the British Government in the early 60’s and has maintained his connections ever since. Tasked to investigate the unthinkable and work outside the box he has a unique insight into the real stories behind history and the various relationships between this World and others. Author of the best selling paperback, “The Welsh Triangle” and also “UFO-UK” he has contributed to several works on ET and crop circles. Considered by many to be an “Insider” he issued a ground breaking “Disclosure” in Bases 48 at Warminster last year and now expands on his candid and special take on the situations.

TOPIC:     The actual relationships between this Earth and the “Others”.



David Griffin created the first national Exopolitics national network site [] back in 2004 and joined Dr Salla’s Exopolitics Institute as a core rep as the exopolitics/disclosure area expanded exponentially between the immediate era of Dr Greer’s ground-breaking Disclosure project and the point today where being ‘alone’ in a vast universe is no-longer a contested issue. The high-point of this epoch was the European Exopolitics conference in Spain in 2010 which attracted 1400 attendees –  something no other conference of this nature has achieved previously or the last few years,  David has expanded the role of ‘Interactive Contact’ or CE5 as a crucial component to the wider notion of shifting planetary awareness instead of seeing the prime focus as one of formal [political] Disclosure.

TOPIC :  A new slant on the currently net-popular ‘Secret Space’ paradigm will be discussed along with how, instead of looking to an all-powerful shady global cabal for direction, it may be possible the response to an omega-point planetary reality lies closer to home that  we all first imagine.



Hugh Newman is a world explorer, megalithomaniac and author of ‘Earth Grids: The Secret Pattern of Gaia’s Sacred Sites’ and co-author of ‘Giants On Record  America’s Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files’ (with Jim Vieira). He has been a regular guest on History Channel’s ‘Ancient Aliens’ and ‘Search for the Lost Giants’ and has articles published in Atlantis Rising (US), New Dawn (Australia), Nexus (UK/AUS) and numerous other publications. As well as organising the Megalithomania conferences and tours, he co-organises the Origins Conference in London with Andrew Collins and has spoken at events in the UK, Malta, France, Peru, Egypt, Bosnia and North America. He lives in Glastonbury, England.

His websites are and

TOPIC:  The Megalithic Giants: The Lost Legacy of a Forgotten Race



German researcher, Harald Kautz Vella joins THC to break down his deep level research into the true nature of the Elite’s campaigns against humanity. According to Harald’s research, an invading version of what is knows as “black goo” landed on our planet roughly 80,000 years ago. This black goo could be considered a type of alien A.I. or a “seed device” for creating life within a biosphere. This invader does not belong here, and has been attempting to unpack it’s program to the determent of our natural order. It contains remnants of it’s original lifeforms, spider type beings, which have been coaxing the elite into carrying out their plans for Earth bound manifestation for as long as we know.  Our energies have been used as feed, and our environment has been tweaked to make the people weak. The plan to get these higher dimensional Archonic  beings to “hook” into their human husks is getting closer all the time, and is at the heart of the transhumanist agenda.

TOPIC:  Transhumanism and Black Magic

Get Harald’s book:

Harald’s website for Morgellons research:



Kerry Cassidy is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well known radio talk show host of Project Camelot Whistleblower Radio and Project Camelot TV broadcaster with a weekly live show on Youtube. Her website Project Camelot ( / ) is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel that has millions of viewers worldwide and over 128,000 subscribers. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement.

TOPIC:   Kerry will talk about her latest whistleblower testimony and bringing together the big picture of what’s really going on here on Planet Earth.  She will also include information on Kundalini activation and the journey to enlightenment.



The conference will be held on Saturday, at the WATERFRONT HOTEL IN SLIEMA, MALTA, in the Aquamarine Conference Hall, from 2 pm to 9 pm on the 2nd of July.   TICKETS NOW ON SALE — SEE ABOVE FOR INFO


2:00 – 4:00 KERRY CASSIDY

4:00 – 4:30 BREAK


6:00 – 7:00 BREAK FOR DINNER  

7:00 – 9:00  ANGELA DONOVAN



Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office, he is currently taking a break from politics but is likely to resume later this year. 

Simon’s biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working “jointly” for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth’s surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams. 

Simon’s Grandfather, who was a British diplomat, worked for the foreign arm of British intelligence often called MI6. But again in his case he was closely associated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of America.  During this time he was awarded the Order of the British empire (OBE) medal as well as the Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medal, however he turned down a Knighthood from the Queen.  Simon’s Grandfather was also a prominent Freemason and was Britain’s appointed diplomat to the United Nations in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s .

Simon went public with his story in 2010, and since then has toured the UK speaking at conferences, initially attacked by the establishment media in a concerted effort to discredit him. However an event in 2013 was to be a game changer, when Simon was invited by the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) to join a small party being given a tour of a secret space radar base in the UK.  This totally confounded the established media and has led to a far more serious appraisal of Simon’s story by them.

Go here to see my interview with Simon Parkes:


Speaker and author of the highest and greatest spiritually-empowering techniques benefiting everyone towards their own super-sensory awareness and power. Whilst encountering extraordinary life experiences throughout a varied career – from catering to corporate finance – Angela’s powerful drive and burgeoning talent for mediumship ultimately compelled her to surrender corporate life and allow her to maximize her talent and follow her true life-path with ‘a view of the future’ in Business and Spiritual Mentoring, self-motivating individuals and their companies worldwide. Her ongoing success derives from her powerful dynamic energy and her gift of extraordinary spiritual vision, both of which enable her to see way beyond any ‘problem’ she is faced with.

With her positive, upbeat outlook she gives inspiration and sound guidance to all who meet her, leaving everyone with at least one crucial message that will make the greatest difference to their lives.


“The Wish” Allen & Unwin 2011

“The Hidden Oracle of India” ‘O’ Books 2008

“The Secrets of Psychic Success” Ebury/Random 2007

Next book: “The Power of Me”


Here is a link to my interview with her:



Kerry Cassidy is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well known radio talk show host of Project Camelot Whistleblower Radio and Project Camelot TV broadcaster with a weekly live show on Youtube. Her website Project Camelot,  is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel that has millions of viewers worldwide and over 128,000 subscribers. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement.

In 2012, TruTV released the long awaited Project Camelot TV pilot shot in 2010:  

SHADOW OPERATIONS:  THE MARS PROJECT starring Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan and several of their whistleblowers and researchers. For those who missed the Live Broadcast on TruTV the show has been uploaded to Youtube and can be viewed on the Project Camelot Youtube Channel:


Special note:  If you would like to arrange a speaking event in your city, please contact me at:

If you have access to a venue that allows for minimum 100 people or more and are willing to organize an event  please contact me at

We will split the door with the Organizer.




if you want to volunteer at the event or to help organize or work with promotion email

Send us your CV and skill-sets…








Brien Forester
Hugh Newman
Adrianio Forgione
Hubert Zeitlmair – NOT YET CONFIRMED
Sean David Morton – NOT YET CONFIRMED
Rebecca Jernigan
Carmen Boulter
Jo Ann Richards with Mark Richards
Klaus Dona
Francis Aloisio

AND Kerry Cassidy



Please let us know whether you are interested and would be available to join us on these new dates — click on the form at this link to REGISTER FOR THE EMAIL LIST:

IMPORTANT:    To receive updates please register your interest in attending on this link and select a speaker you are registering under:






Back in April 2014, we shot a short documentary introduction in preparation for our Speaker Tour of Malta:  ATLANTIS RISING.  (see below)

Kerry on FRUX TV in Malta discussing the planned Camelot tour in Malta dates TBA.


Feel free to contact me :    if you would like to be a sponsor of the  2 1/2 day conference.  





Camelot is planning a documentary exploration of MALTA and secret history related to fall of Atlantis… 


This will be an expedition involving undersea, underground (Hypogeum) and surface Temples on Malta, Gozo and Comino.

Email me if you have any questions regarding our expedition.  Space will be limited.

We are also looking for funding for the filming of the documentary.  If you have contacts at networks or cable stations such as Discovery, National Geographic or others including BBC, Channel Four and other European or international television companies that may be interested in getting involved please contact me:

TENTATIVE ITINERARY (without pics) below.  REVISED.  


PRICE:  SUBJECT TO CHANGE…  Those coming on the tour get into the 2 day conference at the end FREE!  (Price based on minimum of 30 confirmed travelers).


Our country…

The Maltese Islands

a unique and intriguing destination


The Maltese Islands enjoy a unique position in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea – a location that means that we have served as a meeting place for the past 7000 years.

The Maltese Islands are a melting pot of Mediterranean culture; throughout our history brushes with different civilisations have left us with a rich tapestry of language, culture and cuisine. Malta has seen temple builders, the seafaring Phoenicians, St. Paul, the Knight’s of St. John, Napoleon and finally the British Empire and each have left a mark on our culture.

Malta offers something for everybody, temples and beaches, stunning venues full of history, great nightlife and excellent food. In one small country you will find a wide variety of quality four and five star hotels with meeting facilities to match.

Flight connections to mainland Europe are frequent and short with almost daily flights to many of Europe’s main airports. And once you are on the island our small size means that transfer times are kept to a minimum – a definite plus for short stays.

Geography, Land and Climate

Malta became an independent republic in 1964. The Maltese Islands consist of a small group of islands – Malta, Gozo and Comino, all of which are inhabited, and the smaller and uninhabited islands of Cominotto, Filfla and St. Paul’s Islands. The islands lie about 95 km (59 miles) to the south of Sicily and about 293 km (182 miles) to the North of the African mainland.

We enjoy a typical Mediterranean climate with daytime temperatures averaging 14C (58 Fahrenheit) in winter and 32C (90 Fahrenheit) in the summer months. Malta offers a warm and mild climate throughout most of the year. The hottest months are from the middle of July to the middle of September, but the high temperatures are generally tempered by the cool sea breezes. Statistically speaking, Malta has in the region of 300 days of sunshine per year.

Population, Language and Religion

Malta has an approximate population of 400,00, out of which an average of 30,000 live on the island of Gozo. There are two official languages in

hour ahead of GMT.

Currency & Exchange Rate

Today, Malta is a full member of the European Union and Malta has adopted the Euro as its currency.


Malta was recently awarded the title of “safest country in the world” by the United Nations. Various factors were taken into consideration such as lack of natural disasters and also extremely low crime.

Malta: English, which is Maltese, which is Semitic although its alphabet and grammatical structure are derived from Latin. The widely spoken and Maltese predominantly Roman with churches cathedrals that are the pride of the local population.


Malta follows Central European Time, which is one Catholic, incredible and are one hour ahead of GMT.

Currency & Exchange Rate

Today, Malta is a full member of the European Union and Malta has adopted the Euro as its currency.


Malta was recently awarded the title of “safest country in the world” by the United Nations. Various factors were taken into consideration such as lack of natural disasters and also extremely low crime.

Malta 2014

Project Camelot in Malta

A Documentary Investigation – The search for clues to the fall of Atlantis & Mysteries of the Ancient sites on Malta


Malta, Gozo and Comino

The Expedition will develop into an onshore and an underwater Odyssey featuring never before released information and expert testimony and will investigate the link between the Knights of Malta, the mysterious Temple builders and the earth’s pre Vedic Past and a search for evidence regarding the Fall of Atlantis.

The Dolmen Resort

Beautiful located at the waters edge, the 4 star Dolmen Resort Hotel Malta boasts 375 guest rooms and

38 highly finished superior rooms and suites with panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and St. Paul’s Islands, Malta. All Hotel bedrooms and Hotel suites are fully air-conditioned, centrally, heated and have their own private bathroom, safe deposit box, satellite TV, direct dial telephone, radio, mini-bar and hair dryers. The majority of the Hotel rooms have a balcony or terrace.The Dolmen Resort Hotel delivers uncompromising quality while engaging your every mood and aspiration of Malta . The culture and tradition of the islands seep into the fabric of the whole resort from the Neolithic Dolmen Temple to contemporary room design and exemplary standards of service, facilities and cuisine.

The Bugibba Temple, which is preserved in the grounds of the hotel, belongs to the same category of pre historic monuments as Tarxien and Hagar Qim in Malta and Ggantija in Gozo. These imposing sanctuaries, erected for the worship of a deity, which has so far defied a generally acceptable definition, constitute the outstanding achievement of the

Maltese Copper Age, its Megalithic architecture.

Day 1


On arrival guests will be greeted at the airport and will transfer to the hotel.

Check in is accompanied by a non- alcoholic welcome drink and guests are left at leisure to explore the hotel and the surrounding areas.

Day 2

A Tale of Two Cities

Morning 9.30 am

Guests are picked up in the morning for transfer to Valletta accompanied by a licensed guide.

Today guests will enjoy a guided walking tour of Valletta, Malta’s Capital city.
A Baroque City built by the Knights of St. John, Valletta is a living, working city, the administrative and commercial heart of the Islands.

The city is busy by day, yet retains a timeless atmosphere. The grid of narrow streets boasts some of Europe’s finest art works, churches and palaces.

Walking around Valletta you’ll come across an intriguing historical site around every corner: votive statues, niches, fountains and coats of arms high up on parapets. Narrow side streets are full of tiny quaint shops and cafés.

Today guests will be visiting the Archeological Museum, St. John’s Cathedral, the Grandmaster’s Palace, The Malta Experience ending at Upper Barrakka Gardens to view Malta’s unique Grand Harbour with it majestic bastions.

Evening 6.00pm

In the evening guests are picked up for transfer to Mdina accompanied by a licensed guide.

Guests enjoy a guided Tour of Mdina, medieval town and old capital of Malta before the arrival of the Knights…the Silent City as it is called is hauntingly beautiful with its rich tapestry of historical buildings and stately residences of the old Maltese nobility.

It was home then, as now, to Malta’s noble families; some are descendants of the Norman, Sicilian and Spanish overlords who made Mdina their home from the 12th century onwards. Impressive palaces line its narrow, shady streets. Mdina is one of Europe’s finest examples of an ancient walled city and extraordinary in its mix of medieval and baroque architecture.

Guests will then enjoy dinner in a beautiful restaurant set in an old Mdina Palace.

Day 3

Megalithic Temples


Guests are free to enjoy the morning at leisure.

Afternoon 2.00pm

Guests are picked up in the morning for a half day tour accompanied by a licensed guide.

Today guests will enjoy a guided tour of the Megalithic Temples Hagar Qim and Mnaidra , Misqa Tanks and the ‘Cart Ruts’ in Dingli.

The temple of Hagar Qim, excavated for the first time in 1839, dates to c. 3600 – 3200 BC. (these dates are not agreed upon by our researchers)…It stands on a hilltop overlooking the sea and the islet of Filfla. Just 500m away from Hagar Qim, further towards the cliff face, lies another remarkable temple site, Mnajdra, set in a hollow above the Southern cliffs.

Much of interest has been unearthed at Hagar Qim, notably a decorated pillar altar, two table altars and some of the ‘fat lady’ statues on display in the National Museum of Archaeology, Valletta.

Mnajdra is probably the most atmospheric of all Malta’s temples. It is a complex site consisting of three temples overlooking an oval forecourt. The oldest temple is a simple three-apsed building which dates back to 3600-3200 BC. The most impressive of the Mnajdra temples is the third, with its largely intact façade and bench constructed, according to mainstream archeology in 3150–2500 BC.  Our speakers believe these temples to be much older than claimed…

The Misqa Tanks – dug into the limestone near Mnajdra Temple and Hagar Qim Temple – are

often described as large stone water cisterns, dug into the ground, by the Temple Builders. But there are some odd features about these tanks. They vary in size, some seem to be connected together and they have feeder or irrigation channels. On top of the hill they are surrounded by petroglyphs, connected by lines and basins.

Misrah Ghar il-Kbir (informally known as Clapham Junction) is a prehistoric site in Malta near the Dingli Cliffs. It is best known for its “cart ruts” – a complex network of tracks gouged in the rock. The age and purpose of the tracks are still a mystery of Maltese history. In general, most archeologists presume that the site developed about 2000 BC after new settlers came over from Sicily to start the Bronze Age in Malta.

It is reported that the “Clapham Junction” nickname was given by an Englishman, who later reported that it reminded him of the busy railway station Clapham Junction in London.

Dinner is at a local restaurant.

Day 4

A Day at Sea

Day at Sea exploring Malta’s shores and filming underwater sites…there is strong evidence that the island’s structures continue deep into the seabed..and the purpose of this expedition will be to definitely prove the existence of an advanced prehistoric civilisation which ended in a cataclysmic event.

The islands of Malta are dominated by Limestone formations, and much of their coastlines consist of steep or vertical limestone cliffs indented by bays, inlets, and coves. They lie on the submerged Malta-Hyblean Platform, a wide undersea shelf bridge that connects the

Ragusa Platform of southern Sicily with the Tripolitana Platform of southern Libya.

Evening Free

Day 5

A Visit to the Hypogeum

Guided tour of the Hypogeum, A World Heritage Site.

The Hal Saflieni Hypogeum in Paola, Malta, is the oldest example of a prehistoric hypogeum, the earliest phase dating to 3600–3300 BC; it is a complex of underground chambers, halls and passages covering approximately 500 m2 on three levels, partly carved to imitate temple architecture and containing extensive prehistoric art.

Predating the Great Pyramid of Egypt, this unique underground structure of the ancient world was built in several stages. Its real purpose is lost in the mists of time and the debate is still ongoing. It was here that the elongated skulls were found as well as the statuette of the sleeping goddess preserved in the museum of Archeology in Valletta.

Evening Free

Day 6

Marsaxlokk and the Three Cities

Morning 10.00am

Drive to Marsaxlokk…a typical fishing village in the south of the island.

It was in the “bay of the sirocco” (Xlokk) that the first Phoenicians landed and set up trading posts on Malta, during the ninth century BC. During the Great Seige of Malta, Marsaxlokk harbor was also used as an anchorage by the Turkish fleet. Overlooking the northern arm of Marsaxlokk Bay is the hill of Tas-Silg, which contains remains of megalithic temples of the Tarxien phase, with later alterations resembling the Ħaġar Qim model. Bronze Age material has also been found scattered around the area.

From the end of the 6th century BC to the 1st century AD, the hill was used as a religious site, notably as a temple dedicated to Astarte/ Hera.

We then proceed to Birgu, the old ‘Borgo’ dominated by Fort St. Angelo, where the knights first settled after they arrived in Malta in 1530. Fort St. Angelo was the headquarters of the Knights of St. John during the Great Siege of 1556.

We take a guided tour through the narrow streets of Birgu where the first Auberges of the Knights, built upon their arrival in Malta still stand, and ending with a visit to the Inquisitor’s palace which will take us back in time when Church and Order vied each other for power and jurisdiction over people’s lives.

Lunch at a waterfront restaurant where guests can enjoy wonderful views of the Grand Harbour and Valletta’s Fortifications.


Interview with Richard Cambers’ father. Evening Free

Day 7


Departure at 9.00am

Ferry boat crossing to Malta’s sister Island of Gozo – Though separated from mainland Malta by a mere 5km stretch of sea (25 minutes by ferry) Gozo is distinctly different. The Island is a third the size of Malta, more rural and much more tranquil. Gozo is known for its picturesque scenery, pristine coastline and untouched country trails. Baroque churches rise from the heart of small villages, and traditional farmhouses dot the rural landscape. Its culture and way of life are rooted in tradition and yet open to the present. Developed just enough but not too much, Gozo is a masterpiece wrought by nature and shaped by 7000 years of culture. Myth and reality meet here on what is believed to have been the Isle of Calypso in Homer’s Odyssey, where the sea nymph held Odysseus (Ulysses) in her thrall for seven years.

The people of Gozo, still numbering just 30,000, have nurtured Calypso’s Island into the beautiful place we know today.

Visiting Rabat built on one of Gozo’s many hills and the hub of life in Gozo, also visiting the Cathedral believed to be built on the foundations of an ancient pagan Temple of Ashtarte.

We then visit Ggantija, Gozo’s best preserved Megalithic Temple.The two temples here are amongst the oldest free-standing stone buildings in the world and have UNESCO World Heritage status. We also visit the nearby ‘Brockdorf’ Circle which is a prehistoric necropolis.

We stop for lunch at a local restaurant.

Drive through Gharb and Ta’Pinu Church, then to Dwejra and finally Ta’Cenc before boarding the ferry back to Malta.

Evening Free

Day 8

Free Day

Guests are free to enjoy their day at leisure, making use of the hotel facilities or taking the time to explore the island at their own pace.

Day 9


Day in Comino…Enjoy the pristine energy of this small but mysterious Island with its numerous caves and energy portals. The tiny Island of Comino, once the hideout of pirates and smugglers, sits right in the middle of the channel between Malta and Gozo. The unspoilt island is a haven for all those who love swimming, snorkelling, diving, wind surfing and other water sports.


Enjoy a swim in the Blue Lagoon, with its crystal clear blue sea surrounded by awe-inspiring caves, truly one of the most spectacular sights of the Maltese archipelago.   Lunch at the Comino Hotel

9 & 10

Conference Days

10.00am to 5.00pm.

On these days we meet in the hotel meeting room for a two day conference entitled ‘TimeStorm:  Atlantis Rising’ with the participation of many prestigious international and Maltese speakers.

Day 12



The total cost for the Malta Expedition (not including FLIGHT which you must book and pay for separately) is as follows: 

The cost for Malta including hotel accommodation on bed and breakfast transport from and back to airport restaurants and fees for museums and temples and boat trip is $2300,  Guide fees are included. (Courtesy tip not included).  Malta conference is included. Price to be calculated on minimum of 30 people booked and confirmed.  Prices are based on people using twin rooms.   Single supplement requires an additional cost of approximately 60 US dollars per night.  **Note cost subject to change depending on how many confirmed travelers we have.  This cost is a per person cost that includes speaker fees.  SIX LUNCHES & DINNERS INCLUDED IN THIS PRICE.

Details on how to wire transfer on the REGISTRATION FORM PDF ABOVE!!


Profiles of Maltese Speakers

Francis Xavier Aloisio was born on the island of Malta but spent more than half of his life abroad, first in Peru as a missionary priest and then in England where he eventually settled after resigning from the Church. He worked as a Probation Officer and Social Worker and eventually became Chief Executive for a Charity in Sussex UK caring for people with learning disabilities.

Whilst abroad, he came to appreciate more all that was native to his Maltese roots. He realized how few and how little people knew about the temples of Malta. On his return home, he had a strong urge to find a way to promote the unique wealth of the Maltese prehistoric culture. Firstly he created a collection of paintings depicting Malta’s journey throughout history; and then he started his own research on the Temples. He completed a trilogy on the temples of Malta; ‘Islands of Dream’ was the first of this works. Now he is publishing his second novel ‘The Age of Magic and Wisdom’. The third novel ‘The New Temple Dreamers’ will soon follow. He recently published ‘An Alternative Handbook to the Temples’ – a cosmic perspective and guide.

Francis started painting late in his life as a way of self-expression, but he went on to achieve the Certificate in Art at the University of Brighton, UK. He draws his inspiration from his Maltese background and his experience in South America. He is a visionary artist, author, teacher, a subtle energy guide and a temple escort.

Francis accompanies people to the many energy sites on Malta and Gozo to experience their energy and their link with Atlantis.When in the USA, He and his wife Christine Auriela, are available to accompany those people who wish to connect with the Lemurian Energies found along the Central Coast of California and especially around Cambria.

See websites: www. /

Anton Mifsud

Consultant Paediatrician, retired from Government Service in Malta, still active in private paediatric practice and in entertaining his grandchildren.

His keen interest in Malta’s prehistory and archaeology dates back to the early seventies whilst serving in the Government Hospital on the sister island of Gozo. Research into the possibility of humans inhabiting the Maltese Islands before the established date of 5,300BC led to the publication, together with his son Simon, of Dossier Malta – evidence for the Magdalenian in 1997. The outcome of peer feedback and further research along these lines will be published in a forthcoming publication.

In 1999 he edited Facets of Maltese Prehistory and together with his medical colleague Charles Savona Ventura published Prehistoric Medicine in Malta and Ghar Hasan.

The possibility that the Maltese Islands represented the lost civilization of Atlantis as described by Plato was extensively investigated and led to the publication of Malta – Echoes of Plato’s Island in 2000. The hypothesis was ventilated in a number of documentaries that have been produced over the past decade, particularly in Japan, Italy and the United States. On-going research along this theme has strengthened his hypothesis and the results of his investigations will be published in a forthcoming volume.

As an academic Anton’s research into Maltese prehistory is both detailed and extensive and the possibility that the Maltese Archipelago is an important remnant of the lost Atlantis has over the years of his study matured into an undeniable conviction which he expounds with proof in his publications and in his talks.

Hubert Zeitlmair h.c.D., born in 1954 in Augsburg, Bavaria state, Germany, became a fervent explorer of Maltese prehistory in the early nineties when he set up the Maltadiscovery Prehistory Research Foundation in Malta; His special focus is the prehistoric Culture of Atlantis and its territory of which he is convinced the Maltese Archipelago was the Heart Centre. His encounter with Kurt Shildmann of the Society of German Linguists introduced him to the proto-Sanskrit dialect used on the oldest inscriptions in linear and geometrical signs found round the World including Malta and he is one of the few experts who is able to decipher these archaic texts. Furthermore his understanding of the engineering features of Malta’s Mega-Stone Circle Temples led him to discover the Atlantean ‘Cold Fire’ Fusion Power house in Malta which he claims still generates Non-lethal High Frequency Active, Auroral , Micro wave Energy.

In the nineties, he published a number of Articles in a local Maltese Sunday Newspaper ‘il-Mument’ about the sophistry of the Maltese Stone Structures and about the sunken temple complex in the North-Eastern part of Maltese waters which he had discovered. He has published a book in German ‘Die Saulen Von Atlantis –Malta’ and has given numerous interviews and talks over the years.

more to come….
