NEW!!  pdf FILE for download CONTAINING WRITTEN INTERVIEW WITH ZIRIA’S ANSWERS IN ENGLISH: Interview_with_Ziria_from_Irradia_Couple_of_Russia_-2FINAL.pdf

NOTE:  THIS IS NOT THE LIVE INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT BUT AN EDITED VERSION OF ZIRIA’S WRITTEN ANSWERS THAT SHE PREPARED IN ADVANCE.  Translation assistance was provided by two Russian translators who assisted with grammar and continuity.

(also posted below)



Additional info:


 NEW CONTACT INFO AS OF JULY 2014:  http://spousesirradia.com/





Note:  Ziria will be interviewed on her own because since the interview with Stewart Swerdlow her husband, Radium, has been imprisoned in a mental institution in Russia (something about a 30 day court ordered imprisonment).  Needless to say, this will be so the Russian government can investigate him.


Additional note:  It has come to my notice that some people have chosen to misinterpret what is written in the paragraph above.  

For those that pay attention to the interview and read the pdf “real story” available above, it is clearly a result of the criminal proceedings that started back in May 2012, due to the Russian authorities charging Radium with purchase and storage of radioactive materials (specifically Plutonium, Americium 241) that they then went as far, on December 19th, to imprison him for 30 days in a mental institution.  Obviously, this has nothing to do with the interview done by Stewart Swerdlow.  I apologize if anyone has misread the word “since” above as implying anything other than what was meant. –Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot, 1/8/2013

Please note that Ziria and Radium would like to continue their scientific research into who they are and their capabilities.  If you wish to assist them please contact Ziria at http://spousesirradia.com/

Please only send serious and considerate emails to them.  This is my request.  Their lives are not easy and they are experiencing a great deal of difficulty at the present time.  

NEW CONTACT INFO :  GO TO:  http://spousesirradia.com/

 Facebook page link




2.  THE WRITTEN INTERVIEW ANSWERS WRITTEN BY ZIRIA (this was prepared in advance).










By Kerry Cassidy


AUDIO INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT – donated by a Camelot supporter


January 8, 2013


Kerry: We’re going live right now. Hello everyone. I’m very sorry. We have been having some technical problems, as usual. Ziria has been having trouble I guess with her computer — we’re not even sure what the problem is. And so I apologize for the delay.


I’m not sure you can hear me at the moment, but hopefully you can. [Pause.] I think maybe you can hear me. Okay great, I’m glad to hear that. We are having some technical difficulties at her end; she is in Russia. We’re trying to surmount them at the moment. She says she’s going to see if she can get this going. If you could stand by, I’d appreciate it.


So, if everyone wants to go to the front page of Camelot and scroll down to my blog, I did add a .pdf that Ziria and her husband Radium wrote about their experiences, about their life, and it is available on .pdf. So you can get that there while you wait and take a look at it. Hopefully it’ll work.


Okay, she does not have radiation sickness. So stand by — I’m trying to get her on the line. [Pause.] All right. It doesn’t seem to be working at the moment. I know she’s trying to work on her modem. She has trouble — I know that she affects computers. And so it may be that she was nervous and affected her computer and this is maybe what we’re dealing with. Again I’m sorry that I can’t explain more but I don’t actually know more about what’s going on at her end.


I do know — and you will see if you read the .pdf on my blog about her life story — that both she and her husband have had a great deal of family problems, and they’ve been I guess tortured and beaten and all kinds of craziness has gone on behind the scenes. And so that’s part of the story.


They have also been abused by Russians: apparently their neighbors and all kinds of people are very rude to them, and so on. So whatever it is [that] is going on here, a lot of people are highly triggered by what is going on with them. And that’s unfortunate. I have sent her our interview with Valery Uvarov, and if you haven’t seen the Valery Uvarov interview, I highly recommend it. Anyway, I’ve also asked her if she’s met Boriska. So hopefully we’re going to get to some of these questions and get the answers.


Even if this doesn’t work, we will eventually get a written transcript I have no doubt, because she’s been working very hard on this. She’s a very conscientious person; she’s been extremely concerned, and wanted to make everything perfect. And I was trying to encourage her to understand that, you know, that we don’t need things to be perfect in order for her to talk to the world. But she’s very concerned about her Russian — her English, I mean, and concerned about the translation.


We’ve got two translators by the way, standing by to help, and they’ve been in communication with her, and I want to thank them right now. Let’s see, I haven’t actually asked them if I can publicize their names so I’m not going to do that at this time, I’m going to wait. But two translators are here. They’ve been standing by and very willing to help, and they’ve been in contact with her. [Pause.] Okay, it sounds like we just lost somebody — not sure who.


We have a lot of questions from the audience as well, and I have to say that because she likes to prepare — and I do appreciate we’ve got lots of questions, some of which will already be handled in the questions that I’ve prepared for her in advance, everything had to be prepared in advance so that she could take a look at it and understand whether she could make sense of it. Hopefully we’ll be able to move on from here.


Okay, she says she’s ready, so hold on one second, here.


Hello Luba?


Luba: Yes.


Kerry: And Ziria? Do we have Ziria? Okay, it looks like we had Ziria for a moment. Going to try this one more time. Hmm, guess that hung up again.


Let’s see — Luba? I’m going to have to hang up on you guys and try her by herself and see if that connection works better.


Luba: Okay, that’s fine.


[Pause trying to reach Ziria.]


Kerry: I don’t know if she’s gone offline again, or what is going on. She’s going to text me. All right, I’ll try calling her again.


Ziria: Hello?


Kerry: Hi, Ziria?


Ziria: Yes. Hey Kerry, very nice to hear you. Sorry, very sorry for that misunderstanding. I am having problems with the internet.


Kerry: I understand. No problem. I’m very, very happy to hear your voice. We do have an audience; you are live right now. So please say hello to everyone.


Ziria: Yes. Welcome all the participants who are joining our conference now. I am very grateful to Stewart Swerdlow for posting our video and the dissemination of information about us. Thanks a lot.


I also want to warn you that I will not talk too [loudly] because I am not the only one at home. Here with me is a very hostile person who causes me a big problem. Therefore I will speak to you very carefully, okay?


Kerry: I understand, and we really appreciate it. Everyone has been waiting very anxiously to hear from you and thank you so much.


Ziria: Forgive me for my lame English. I am just learning to speak English . . . I do not have the time and opportunity to learn English properly. But I really want this.


Kerry: Well, you’re doing a great job already, so don’t worry at all. Would you like to start with the questions now?


Ziria: Yes, yes, yes.


Kerry: Okay. So I will read the question, and then you can answer. Is that okay?


Ziria: Okay.


Kerry: So, here we go. The first question is, to please talk about your birth as you remember it, and whether you recall any childhood dealings with other beings, discarnate entities, or hidden presences. Please include how old you are, and your date of birth.


Ziria: [For my] husband I only know that he was born in Moscow, 26 September, 1984. His mother, by all accounts, should not have [had him] — she could not have children. Therefore, is some uncertainty as to whether he is her true biological son or not. I do not know the details.


Let me tell you more about myself. My childhood is full of secrets and mysteries. I have two birthdays: one date is real, the other date is my passport. The first date of birth is 26 April of 1986. The second date of birth [is] official but not biological: 9 June 1989.


I remember being born in Chernobyl. I was connected with a first incarnation near the Chernobyl reactor number 4. I have the experience to move back in time. I felt big jumps in time. But then one day some very bad people did something to me: [I was] stolen, and they put me in a strange city in the Ukraine far from Chernobyl. They [put] me up for adoption in the so-called foster care where the bastards abused me for twenty-one years. I went through childhood suffering permanent physical injuries, beatings, torture, and mental violence.


[Those around] at the time treated me very [hostilely]. My life was constantly under threat of death. I am very different from all the people from the earth. I never [knew] my biological parents. For me, so far, the question of my origin is a mystery. I would love to know more.


These so-called adoptive parents told me that when I was a little child my skin was blue, and big blue eyes without pupils. They always called me a freak, mentally and physically for the fact that I am so different from other people — outside, physiologically — and spiritually. As a result, they constantly hit me. Besides, the so-called father was a complete drug addict and alcoholic. For any manifestation of my personality and my will I was beaten. If I did not carry out their orders, I was again beaten. I always resisted their intentions, so I had to suffer. I had almost [the] necessity to learn tricks and deception. I always lived in fraud; I had to constantly lie to survive.


Why do I know the first [birthday] — my real date? Because I remember really about the entire past from the beginning of the production of my body. My body was undergoing major physical changes after the birth [on] the [Earth]. This memory came back to me after contact with aliens; it begins in November. . . .


Kerry: You don’t know the year — it’s okay. So you had contacts with aliens? Can you describe the aliens?


Ziria: Let’s continue. My very close friends from the past live on the planet Erios which is in another dimension of another universe. They have saved me twice. The first time, I [was] returned my memory and pure consciousness, and the second time as a result of another trauma to me [from] the so-called adoptive parents. I was in intensive care with bleeding and eighty percent loss of blood. The doctor said [to] me that with that loss of blood, no one survives. But I survived.


I had a blood transfusion, after which [great changes began to occur in me]. I know that they saved me. Otherwise, I would have died. At the first contact I asked them to take me [with them] because I was [feeling] very bad, but they said to me it was not the time to leave this planet. I have a great future and I have to do something very important. They told me to wait, be patient, and be tricky to be able to wait and lie in order to survive until I can make an escape. From that moment I began to plan an escape.


In the year 2008, [I met my husband on the internet] on one esoteric forum. We found each other and we immediately agreed. So I moved [to live with him]. I was planning to escape in advance. I managed to escape from the Ukraine on May 9, 2008 to live with my husband in Moscow.


There is still a lot of information I would like to tell, but it’s too much data. Therefore, so far, this all is what I wanted to say about this.


Kerry: Very nice. I will go to question two now, for you?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: Okay. Please talk about your early upbringing and when you first realized you couldn’t digest food, and when you started encountering radiant materials that would feed you.


Ziria: Yes. As I said before I had a very difficult childhood, with these so-called adoptive parents who are not my biological family. [They] always tried to do everything so I was like other people. They tried to break me on a psychological level, the physical level, and the physiological level. Of course they made me eat the food [other people were] eating.


From an early age, they began to notice that I turned away the food, but they did not pay attention to it, and continued to make me eat it and beat me. As a result, when I ate this food my body [got] sick, I was sick. Doctors explained it by the fact [of it being] a common cold and poor immune system. In fact, such a reaction was from the food that they gave me.


Since childhood I had an instinctive attraction to any sort of radiation. I remember when I was a year old, I loved to approach the old TV tube.


Kerry: Yes, TV. We understand.


Ziria: — Old TV, old TV, and cuddle [it with it with my naked body]. These bastards [were] noticing my passion and forbade me to do so. They beat me for the fact that I ran to radiant energy. Also, I remember the experience with a quartz lamp in my childhood. I instinctively felt the high content of radioactive isotopes everywhere — in the soil, in food. Unknowingly, as a child I learned that it was the high content of radioisotopes. And also various mushrooms which had content of radioisotopes.


My body does not get energy from organic food, but [it] is able to completely absorb from the food all such radioisotopes which are contained in it. Also, I remember being eight years old and trying to reach the power lines. I realize I was instinctively drawn to stand under power lines and [be] exposed to electromagnetic waves from there. It is a great feeling.


The most interesting thing that I notice is that the most powerful effects on the body [is] to have power lines in a pyramid structure — the electromagnetic energy within such structures concentrate in a special way. I go into there, get into the center, and begin to be irradiated. It’s a very strong interaction. I was always looking for an opportunity to stand again and again under such power lines and get energies. The energies very [strongly] charge me; this [is] unbelievably powerful.


[My] first man-made source of radiation [I had] in Ukraine when I was starting on the Institute of the Department of Environmental Engineering. Honestly, I became not so beautiful, but I had no choice because my body really needed it. It’s a department where [there are] dosimeters [which] control a source of radiation. This was a source based on strontium-90 and a source of cobalt-60. The source of strontium was a separate container, but the source of cobalt-60 [was] very incorporated into the dosimeters. I had done very cleverly. I was able to steal the sources of radiation and to use them for food. I didn’t ever think that [anyone was] troubled that I [stole] strontium. No one knew where [these] radiation sources [went]. But do you understand me? I had no choice; my body much needed radioisotopes — I had to steal them.


And just between 2004 and the year 2007, I had the opportunity to go to Chernobyl and Slavutych. There I called [the] “bones of biological resources” of my body. I ate radioactive earth, got earth isotopes in different ways. When I first came to Chernobyl I finally remembered all years past — my past. I got this, and realized I was born there. All of my memories my friends from another planet [helped me restore]; [these memories were] fully recalled after I was able to come to Chernobyl for the first time after such a long break.


Then starting with the year 2009, I went to live with [my] husband in Moscow. We began to think about how we find food for ourselves, and started to learn all that might contain radioactive isotopes. We have taken a great interest in mineralogy and learning all about radioactive minerals. We began to attend exhibitions in Moscow [and find] minerals and radiative minerals through through [our] senses, without dosimeters. We just felt the sensations in which minerals contain radiative substances and each in what quantity.


The first man-made sources of radiation we encountered [were] in June 2009 when we made a secret [expedition] to the territory of the military unit in Moscow. We have always been attracted to the theme of “stalking” and the opportunity to visit in secret facilities, explore, and learn. This is our secret passion. We have always been very attracted to these extremes, and the husband as a child [had] a passion for it — [and] me too. From an early age I loved to penetrate the protected areas for some reason it has always attracted a lot. It’s like a drug. The constant desire to explore what is hidden from the rest of the [people].


Then in June of 2009, I with my husband arrived on such a military unit, which we told one friend, and she said [to] us that there may be radioactive substance [in] this territory. We came back and began to look for food in this territory. The military unit has been partially abandoned [but it still] has been operating. So for us it was high risk of getting caught when we were there. We did not have dosimeters, we had nothing, only our feelings. We found a man-made source of radiation, this a smoke detector which [had] two sources of plutonium-239 inside. Since it was only two radiation sources we decided to leave one of the sources [for] external exposure of the body, to wear pendants of that form. And the other source of radiation we broke in half and ate it, as it gave us a big boost of energy, and we felt that [for] our [bodies] it was very necessary. In the future, we continued to visit exhibitions and to look for radioactive minerals, stones, some of which we ate at home, and some we left for the external exposure of [our bodies], to wear on [ourselves], or just to communicate with them. We will hear the radiation from each source and are able to communicate with the stones, man-made sources of radiation, and the like.


Once at an exhibition of minerals, we [met] with one person who sells radioactive minerals. Later he was able to supply us with uranium ore, as well as a large number of man-made sources of radiation. Thus, our food supply has become replenished and we were able to recover physically for these three years. We were able to fully restore all the damage that had been in our bodies as a result of our unfortunate past. Then we were able to make trips between Moscow and the Moscow region [to] strategic objects and places with high levels of radiation. We looked for the sources of radiation and confiscated them. [You could say] we cleaned Moscow of radiation sources. The most common site of our visits was the territory of the park Kolomenskoye, called the Kolomna’s radiation anomaly. There are so many sources of radiation [there from] an accident of the plant, [and] metals are among them. The most interesting thing is that, my husband, before we met, [was] strongly attracted to this place. But he was afraid to get [into] the territory of the plant materials and explore what it is that [attracted him] so much. Only when we moved in together I made [him] go [there] because I felt that we needed to get there. I’m not afraid of difficulties, so I initiated that we went into the territory for intelligence. It turned out that [I did not insist on it] in vain; it turned out that this place is very rich in food for us.


Kerry: Okay, wait one moment. Can you say the name of this place again please?


Ziria: This place?


Kerry: Yes. The place where you say it’s very rich in Moscow with radiation for you. Where is this place?


Ziria: This place [is located in] the territory Kolomenskoye, in Moscow.


Kerry: Kolom —


Ziria: Kolomna’s radiation anomaly, we call it.


Kerry: Okay.


Ziria: Radioactive air and clay, a conglomerate of radioactive isotopes [where] we were able to eat enough. But you know, it turned out that the Kolomenskoye has an unusual aura and unusual history. It has always been an anomaly, even before the incident at the [metal] plant. I became very interested in for what reason, what was the cause, of the anomaly in the Kolomenskoye. You’ll laugh, but the cause of the anomaly in Kolomenskoye [found us]. At a time when we went out to the area [for] excavation of the new food, the radiation monitoring service MOS radon [worked in the area]. They [were] very engaged in transporting radioactive materials from the area. You know, they have dug to a depth [and found] something. It was meteoric matter. A large [blue] mineral. These idiots do not understand what it is, and [they] piled [it] up [with the other] the radioactive material they were going to take out. I saw this mineral and knew immediately that it has an extraterrestrial origin. I knew immediately that [it had been piled] on the land for a long time. It was the main reason for the anomalies of Kolomenskoye. We took home this mineral: it was very heavy, weighed twenty-six pounds. I think about this mineral we could talk a long [time] at other times because it is a separate issue; I do not want to move away from the main topic now.


Kerry: Ziria, what is the name of this mineral you are talking about?


Ziria: Name?


Kerry: The name of the mineral.


Ziria: I do not know a name. No names.


Kerry: Ah, okay.


Ziria: It is extraterrestrial material.


Kerry: Extraterrestrial material, okay. I was trying to get one of our translators to answer my question. If they could put into the chat on Skype if they are listening, if either of the translators are listening. If you could put into the Skype chat the spelling of the place that she is speaking about, so that I can tell people that are listening the name of the place where she is describing, in English, so that we can understand it better.


[To Ziria.] Do you want to move on to the next question?


Ziria: Yes, yes.


Kerry: Okay. Please talk about your relationship with animals and plants, including wild animals, if you have any experiences as a child or adult with them.


Ziria: Yes, with animals I and my husband have always [had] very positive relationships and harmony [with them]. My husband in his childhood experienced living in the forest, and at one time he lived with the wild wolves. He talked to them, and they came near him when he was eight years old.


I have experience with the birds. I can speak the birds’ language and they understand me. As well, I am very well aware of all reptiles. The greatest connection I feel is with birds and reptiles. [With] mammals for some reason, [for me] as a child, [it] did not work out. I do not know why. My husband [and I have] an energy aura difference. This is very illustrated by the reaction of the dogs. From my birth, many dogs react with me hostilely. I note that dogs are typically bred by men. I respond well to the wild beasts and wolves. [But] what about dogs. Almost all dogs have [damage] in their structure of DNA; their injuries make them extremely susceptible to electromagnetic fields.


Kerry: Yes.


Ziria: The more damage the dog has, the more it is susceptible to electromagnetic fields. Dogs start to go crazy with it, which makes them uncom . . .


Kerry: Uncomfortable?


Ziria: Yes. Aggression.


Kerry: Aggravated, yes.


Ziria: In this regard, many dogs react negatively to me. They throw themselves at me all of a sudden for no reason. My husband has a different, contrary energy; he is able to subdue the dog if it shows aggression. His energy is sobering, and the dog [loses] its desire to attack. I want to note also that the difference in my energy field, and the energy field of [my] husband, also lies in the fact that my energy is capable of disabling any equipment — computers, radio. I can unknowingly carry [out] cyber attacks without even knowing. My husband is opposite. He may uncons. . . .


Kerry: He made? I’m sorry. Could you start the sentence again?


Ziria: — may unconsciously adjust the work of any equipment, computers. . . .


Kerry: Yes, we understand.


Ziria: . . . [with] contact or non-contact methods. I think that I find it is easier for me to make a mess in the work of the technical devices, and easier for [my] husband to adjust [them to] work. This is all I wanted to say, briefly.


Kerry: Okay, what about cats?


Ziria: Cats are normal — normal reaction. Natural.


Kerry: A natural reaction? Do they react well to you?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: How about birds?


Ziria: Birds [have] a very positive reaction. Birds and reptiles react to me very [positively].


Kerry: Okay. I’ll go to the next question, okay?


Ziria: Yes, yeah.


Kerry: All right. How much exposure to radiant materials do you need, and how does ionizing radiant material differ from non-ionizing material? How does it feel — how do you feel the difference, and can you describe that?


Ziria: I have found out for [myself], for the proper functioning of my body, I do not need much. I need just one important chemical reagent or any oxide to satisfy [my hunger]. This nuclear fuel works [with] my body perfectly without a hitch. I need a pound of uranium oxide per month for an ideal body condition, and ordinary water. Basically, I can not have anything more than the uranium oxide and ordinary water. As well, as have a little need for chemical reagents, rare earth elements, and alkali metals. We work on the genetics of other chemical elements. Let me draw an analogy.


Instead of calcium, we need strontium. Instead of potassium, we need cesium. Instead of iron, we need uranium and plutonium. Instead of oxygen, we need radon and other noble gases — especially krypton and xenon. For normal operation of the central nervous system we need europium and lutetium. Very many examples I could give. But it is basic for you to understand the essence. For oxygen, we have this problem from birth: it is very hard to breathe oxygen. Our lungs are receptive to all inert gases. I can easily breathe a hundred percent concentration of radon, krypton, and xenon, as well as other inert gases as necessary. The greatest physiological need is of course radon. When I first breathed high [concentration] of radon, I felt that my lungs straightened. I can say for sure that in the ordinary air my lungs are very victimized, only [functioning at] ten percent. I almost did not feel that I breathed. And only then when the air [contained] elevated radon [did] I feel that my lungs started to come alive, and I could really breathe.


Talking about feelings of ionizing radiation, it is all easy. I can feel the radiation with all the known senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste. I see [with my] eyes the scintillation flash. With hearing I can hear high frequencies. With sensation I feel the momentum of each particle, feel [it move] into my palm. By taste, I can determine the exact composition of the material of radioisotopes, the percentage ratio of specific types of radioisotopes. All these feelings I have are directly proportional to their radiative power from the source of radiation, as well as the type of radiation: alpha, beta, gamma radiation.


I spoke in more detail about this in my blog.


Kerry: Yes, okay. I want to ask you a question that’s not on the list.


Ziria: Ask the next question?


Kerry: Can I ask you why your hair is so short? Is your hair okay, or not? On your head. You know, why you cut your hair so short? [Pause.] You understand “hair?”


Ziria: Yes, yes.


Kerry: Is this style? Or sickness, or . . . preference?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: Can you explain? [Pause.] Style? You understand “haircut?” You don’t understand? Okay, do you want to move to the next question?


Ziria: I am confused.


Kerry: Okay, no problem. People with cancer have very short hair sometimes, you know?


Ziria: Um, yes.


Kerry: So people wonder why you cut [your] hair so short? Short hair. [Still no answer.] Shaved head? You know what I mean?


Ziria: Can you just leave [this], please.


Kerry: I will ask — if you can look into the text? — and one of our translators will write. . . . Can one of the translators please text Ziria what I’m asking her? Are you able to do that?


If one of the translators can text you, I think that we have a —


Ziria: I am not to text. [A translator texts the question to Ziria in Russian.] Oh. This is not a disease; this is not from exposure to radiation. This is my desire.


Kerry: Desire? Okay.


Ziria. Yes. It’s my desire.


Kerry: Okay. Thank you. I’m going to ask you the next question on the list. Number five, and the question is: after consuming radiant material or ionizing radiation, how long does it last before you need more? Has the amount changed over time? Is it the same for Radium as it is for you, or different?


Ziria: Kerry, it all depends on what kind of stuff we eat. As far as the concentration of the radioisotopes, the substance, and what type of radioisotopes. The lower the concentration of radioisotopes, the more that we need to absorb the substances to satisfy [our] hunger.


More important, what [strength] are the radioisotopes. For example, in a day I could eat five tablespoons of powdered uranium oxide, and not feel hungry during the day. At [the same time], I could drink twenty milliliters of polonium chloride, because the radiant energy of polonium-210 is very powerful. Its alpha radiation gives energy very quickly when swallowed, and it interacts instantaneously.


As for the external exposure, there are no limits on the radiation dose. I myself and [my] husband can [wear] a radiation source of 150 roentgens per hour, or 1000 roentgens per hour. But it will not be safe for [other] people themselves, understand. Therefore, I can contact such sources of radiation only when I do not have contact with other people. [For] external radiation, I feel a constant need; I need to wear on [my] body a weak source having gamma radiation. Gamma radiation is very important to my body as an external radiation.


Let’s take the next question.


Kerry: Okay. I have a question that’s not on the list, and if you don’t want to answer it that’s okay. Your husband is in a mental hospital right now, yes?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: But if he does not get his radiation, will he get sick? If they do not give him. . . .


Ziria: No, no. He’s not sick.


Kerry: Will they try to give him his radiation? In other words, how will he eat? How will he survive energetically?


Ziria: [Pause.] Can you text, please?


Kerry: Okay, if they [translators] could say [to Ziria]: “How will Radium survive without radiation to eat?” [Pause.] [To Ziria:] Are you able to see the question?


Ziria: Sorry. [Pause.]


Kerry: Okay, if we don’t have a translator, I guess. I don’t know if the translators understand or, what’s going on. So, do you want to go to the next question?


Ziria: Ah, I understand. Husband. . . .


Kerry: This is the question, in writing, in English; I don’t know if you can see that.


Ziria: Yes, yes. I’m also without radiation, and [my] husband [is] without radiation after the incident of May 12th, last year.


Kerry: So you do not have radiation for food now?


Ziria: Yes. No radiation source.


Kerry: Oh. How do your survive?


Ziria: I don’t know.


Kerry: Okay. Do you want to go to the next question?


Ziria: Yeah.


Kerry: Okay. Do you have any friends or people who have contacted you with similar abilities to digest radiant materials?


Ziria: You mean people who eat the same radioactive isotopes, and are irradiated from external radiation, and are able to get out this life energy?


Kerry: Yes.


Ziria: Not in my life. I have never met such people, [no]. But all can be [possible] in this world.


Kerry: Next question: Do you know who Boriska is? Have you met him?


Ziria: Yes, we know about this child of Indigo, but we’ve never met him in [person], and have not transcripted [corresponded] on the internet. Personally, I would love to get to know him, because I feel it is useful to communicate with people. I know the Martians. Their intentions [are to] collect [further] actions of people. They are most concerned about the desire of people to live on Mars. Since this topic has yet to work for people — [it’s] still ahead.


Kerry: Are you familiar with the move The Matrix? Have you seen it?


Ziria: [Laughing.] Yes, of course I’ve seen it, more than once. This is one of my favorite films, favorite movies. My inner eyes and vision of the world is very similar to the movie. I always see [with an] eye of radiation. I see through, I do not see what is outside, but what is hidden inside. I know that our world is multidimensional. We come from the radiation measurements; as no one [else], I understand this point. People are constantly staying in several dimensions. But they are not able to accept it if their thinking is less — [e.g.], three dimensional.


You can never trust anything that surrounds you. As they say in my favorite expression, nothing is what it seems. This is based on what my world [has been] since my birth on this planet.


Kerry: [Laughing.] Okay, very good. Have you watched any of the video interviews on Project Camelot?


Ziria: Yes. Thank you very much. I am starting to get acquainted with your site since I recently met you. Before that, I did not know you, alas. You have a lot of very interesting information. I need some time to analyze it, but it is very nice to see a project such as yours are taking place now. This is a very hot topic. I wish you to continue to develop this project.


Kerry: Very good, thank you. Do you know who the Illuminati are, and do you understand about the various ET races and alliances they have made with humans?


Ziria: Oh, oh . . . Illuminati. The worst subject [for] all people now. Yes, I already terrorized [by] people on Facebook asking the same questions. Why [do] I say it in my profile that my political alliances are Illuminati? As well as wondering why our video with Stewart Swerdlow both of us have [hanging off of] our neck pendants which is a symbol of the Illuminati — the seeing eye.


All right. I will respond in turn. My attitude to the Illuminati is very non-standard. Excuse me, but I cannot say that I treat them negatively. In any case, personally, [they have not done me] any wrong or evil. I have no right to judge them negatively, if they have not done anything bad to me specifically. That is my position. This consciousness of radiation, the mind of the elements of nature, how you relate to the elements, the elements will relate to you. If [they] did not do anything wrong, then my attitude cannot be bad in relation to someone else. And no matter who and how much [people] express their dislike and disgust for [them], how much they [are hated] and name-called around the world, for radiation, it’s not a fact. For radiation fact is just what she sees in person.


My opinion is unshakeable. It is based on the consciousness of radiation. I only see the facts. For me it is a fact that they have not done me any harm. That, to me, is a fact. I honestly do not care what the Illuminati are doing in the political arena. I do not want to go into the details, what political activities they are [doing] in the world. I see in them what is hidden inside. I was attracted by the fact that they see other people. I have a very well developed empathy from birth. I can feel and empathize for those ones [for whom] I feel an inner attraction. This is an internal response in my heart and soul; I always listen to [what] my heart and soul tells me. It never fails me.


I know many people might not like what I say. But I need to find something good and a bright light. Their soul is light too, but they never show it. I know that feeling can be changed to the light and love — this is real. And you can express the inner light best by radiation. And you know that light is beautiful, it’s very beautiful if you look [at] them in the eyes of the soul of radiation.


As for the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye, it just so happens that this is the only character invented by mankind to which we have awakened an inner response of the soul. I always listen to what inside me responds. This is the only character that can awaken a response in me. I am not talking about the radiation symbol because that symbol was not invented by humans. It has an [absolute] outside extraterrestrial origin.


The Seeing Eye has a great importance to me. The concept of the “trinity” is very akin to the concept of radiation. The triangle symbol [has followed] me through life constantly from birth, and to me, are those things [with which] I feel a mutual response. And at a glance, I have a lot of triangles shown. My husband has a birthmark on his shoulder that is a number three. In general the concept of the trinity follows us throughout life constantly.


[The] Eye of the triangle for me means one very important thing — the ability to see beyond “reality.” To see all that is hidden, an observer. This is very akin to me in my character and inner peace, and my inner [way].


Kerry: Okay. I think . . . let’s see. Do you have a problem with the government of Moscow? Of Russia?


Ziria: Yes. Is this starting with [the] next question, talking about problem with Russian government?


Kerry: Yes. It’s not a question on the list. But can you answer a question about Illuminati and religion?


Ziria: It’s about the hybrids [the next topic on the list].


Kerry: Religion, and the Russian government?


Ziria: Religion?


Kerry: Religion. You understand the word “religion?” [Pause.] Okay, maybe we’ll ask another time.


Ziria: Yes, I continue . . . I continue.


As for hybrids and extraterrestrial races. All men, humans are hybrids, only one extraterrestrial race — the race from the planet Sirius. People are hybrid creatures [of] Sirians and dolphins. All other mixes of other extraterrestrial races are only the result of genetic experiments of human beings and the inhabitants of Sirius.


I know very well the Sirians. I and [my] husband Radium in the past were on the planet Sirius. We had with them then a [wrong] relationship for some reason. It is better to skip it. So these “pranksters” are watching humanity from the beginning of mankind as a race, since they first arrived on Earth. They developed the project together with a race from the planet Pluto, which are completely mad and insane scientists. They are crazy about their experiments and tests. The Siriusans collaborated with the residents in Pluto and Plutonians [on] the pilot program of humanity. This program still exists. The only difference is that the population of people, of Plutonians, they almost died as a result of some significant event and with [which] we also participated [in] and witnessed in the past.


Dolphins are the only creatures on the planet that have a direct genetic link to people. Therefore, it is vital to humanity to establish a rapport with the dolphins. People have one help [trait] of dolphins: excessive credulity and naiveté. This is your weakness. [The Sirians] took advantage of this weakness to conduct their experimentation on [people]. They took advantage of their sincerity and trust. Siriusans themselves are extremely clever and quirky creatures. I know them.


I was most amused by one physiological trait that has been passed genetically from the Siriusans. The planet Sirius [has] a very high ammonia [content]. Siriusans [live] in a tough ammonia environment. I personally watched how strong [an] addiction may be abused with ammonia. I can certainly say that the ability toward bad habits, preferences — alcohol, drugs — is passed on [by] the people of Sirius. This distinctive feature for those people who most strongly have the native Siriusans’ DNA is addiction to ammonia. It’s funny, but it’s true.


Kerry: So you’re saying Sirians, the race of Sirians, and humans that have genetic DNA from that race, are addicted to ammonia?


Ziria: Yep.


Kerry: Oh. Interesting. Ah, okay. [Laughing.] Do you know about Greys and Reptilians?


Ziria: Yes, of course.


Kerry: And do you know where the Greys are from? The different ones? The planets? [Pause.] Okay, do you want to go to the next question?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: Okay. Please talk about why you want to leave Russia, and what kind of working and living situation you are looking for.


Ziria: Oh. This is a most important topic for us right now. As I said earlier, we started to live together and replenish stocks of radioactive isotopes. It gives us life and energy; it can restore our bodies and our health. We started to really wake up and [feel] restored. But the man who [supplied us] with radioactive isotopes was not able to keep his mouth shut, and “slipped” to friends about us. So many have asked [and] who started learning [about us] in Russia. There are witnesses to how we eat radioisotopes, and rumor here did not go [well] for us. Then there were crazed people who decided to follow us. For them, it is [not good] for them. A lot of people will try to earn money by selling us a source of radiation, and we were forced to buy them because we had [to have] something to eat.


As well, there was one bad man from Pyatigorsk. He lives near Mount Beshtau and uranium mines. He decided to do ill to us, he [created] a business on the internet. He went to Mount Beshtau, collected radioactive minerals, uranium ore, and sold it at auction, via the internet. As a result of [this] very stupid career, he [triggered] the Russian Federal Security Service. They caught him in the [act] during the next transaction with a buyer. Since this man was really envious towards us, it was with great pleasure [he told] about our existence to the Secret Services of Russia.


This happened in February, 2012. Russian Special Services took us under surveillance. They waited for the moment when [they could catch us in action]. This was the 11th of May, 2012. One of the people with which we were already familiar, which we used to buy radioactive isotopes, offered us food. It turned out, he stole the radiation sources from an existing military unit. On this day which my husband met with the man, the Russian Special Services planned an operation of capture. The Federal Security Services arrested both of them, caught during the sale and purchase of radiative substances. This is [in] an article on the internet which was leaked to the Russian media in October, 2012, due to leaks from the prosecutor’s office.


The next day was hell. In the apartment where we lived [were] a lot of different services — the Federal Security Services, the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Office of Radiation Control, MOS NPO, the Ministry of Health, social services, and so on. I do not remember — too many of them had come on that day. At this point, all hell broke loose. They had to [check] out [what was in] our bedroom, a source of radiation we kept in [our] bedroom. And outside the bedroom had [no] excess levels of radiation because they [sought] concentration, and walls will shield the radiation. This was confirmed by the Office of Radiation Control. [Living] with us in the apartment is my husband’s mother, and she did not know about our way of life and had [no] contact with source radiation. We never allowed her to enter into the bedroom, closed the door when we leave the apartment. This caused her unnecessary suspicion, but we could not put her at risk, so we did this to her.


On May 12, 2012 we were all three violently forced to leave the apartment. We were provided with so-called “social housing.” It is a complete nightmare. We [moved] to a completely destroyed apartment with bare floors, bare walls, no heat, no gas, no something ever with hot water. We were forced to be in such conditions for almost a month. We were allowed to drive back to the old apartment on the 2nd of June, but it’s not the whole nightmare, as it is turning out. The whole procedure of exporting the radioactive substances from the apartment took just three days. A logical question: if [the substances] were taken out in three days, then what were they doing in our apartment for a month? We know what they were doing. The Federal Security Services did their job quickly — checking out all the data, collecting the information — they did not hamper [the situation].


Initially, the Federal Security Services did not know of our existence, who we are, and they thought [we were] terrorists. But what they thought when they [knew] us better — their hair stood on end. I personally watched with my own eyes when they walked in the bedroom. Imagine your first reaction when you walk into that room: breathing heavily ionized air, and the first thing that catches your eye is that the entire room is painted with cryptic writings, and a lot of things of radiation. Everywhere there are open-quartz lamps instead of conventional lamps on the tables. There are plates of uranium ore, for a drink in a cup of uranium nitrate; on the shelves is a large number of different chemicals, alkalis, for use as a meal.


You imagine their first impression of what they see.


Kerry: Very strange. Yes, I understand.


Ziria: But I guarantee I can say after that, they have lost any idea of [us being] “terrorists.”


On the day the Federal Security Services [communicated] with us, they promised us that if we voluntarily agreed to give our sources of radiation, that no one would touch us, and [my] husband will not be criminally charged. They promised us further meetings, but after that day they have not appeared — gone forever.


As a result of which, they did not keep that promise. [My] husband has two criminal cases, for the purchase of radioactive materials, and the storage of radioactive substances, materials. We gave them all of our sources of radiation, all our food which gave us life, and this is how these creatures have done to us.


Kerry: I’m very sorry to hear that, yes.


Ziria: Let them go to hell. I’m sorry.


Kerry: Okay, I hear you.


Ziria: Do you want to return to the topics? Or [to] what they were doing in our apartment [for] a month? A month in the apartment. The Office of Radiation Control. This is very interesting.


These are totally [insane] people, especially their boss. On the day of the incident, May 12, 2012, this crazy man came up to us and started asking strange questions. He started to say that we are very interesting and they we are very unique. Then he hacked our account on a social network. He [has written] and solicited us on the internet.


When we [went back] to the apartment after a long absence, I was shocked by what I saw. Eighty percent of the non-radioactive items were blatantly stolen. All of our expensive machinery, equipment, valuables, money, mobile phones. And another was stolen clothes. This is not a perversion, not distortion — someone stole my underwear. Panties. Yes, it sounds very funny, but [nobody touched] my husband’s clothes. And my pants they took. But they were very cleaned. I can guess who did this, but he assuredly had an unhealthy interest. Besides underwear, other clothes [were] stolen. I do not know why, but most of my clothes were stolen. The clothes of [my] husband [they] almost did not touch, I do not know why. We had the same clothes, and there was not anything dirty. The thing, I think, was personal things — a lot of what had been here when my husband left, and my underwear [they] took. They are real perverts.


All right. That’s not the whole story. Now I’ll tell you what happened next.


Kerry: Okay.


Ziria: As a result of this incident, we have experienced a strong shock and stress. I have [had] the stress begun to appear in a very strange way. Since the incident to the present, I have been through six [cases] of clinical death — temporary stopping of my heart, as a result of nervous strain. I do not know, maybe it was something else. But —


Kerry: Wait one moment. Let me repeat that so people could understand. So you said you experienced six times your heart stopped and you were clinically dead?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: And that’s happened six times since the incident. . . .


Ziria: Let’s continue.


Kerry: Go ahead.


Ziria: I felt an out of body experience, this clinical death. At this point in my life began, inexplicably, things that I still land into shock [about]. I do not know why, but at the moment of leaving the body I found myself at one particular place, with which I have established a strong mental connection. I can feel it inside myself. Each time during a case of clinical death I come out of the body, and [am] in the place. It feels like I left a part of myself there, and now this place has a very strong resonance with me inside.


Also, I have seen the future at the time of clinical death. I saw the future that I [for so long couldn’t see], because first as I tried, I could not see the future connected with Russia. Now I understand why. During clinical death I saw my future in America. Then things occurred to me inexplicably after that. My mind began to change. I cannot go into the details of these things, it’s too personal information, but I can tell you about the general situation. The first five cases of clinical death occurred between 12th of May and 15th of June [2012], then it was more or less calm. The the last, sixth, of clinical death was on the 10th day of October 2012, as a result of another high stress.


As I said before, I live in the apartment with [my] husband and his mother, who has always treated me really hostilely, and was against the marriage with [my] husband. But I was more or less tolerant to the point until the incident took place, and she [had] not learned about us [what] we had [hidden]. As a result, she accused me of all that had happened. There was a very strong nervous stress which had caused a number of cases of clinical death. We called many times for an ambulance, but no doctor can help.


The relationship with [my mother-in-law] deteriorated so badly that my existence in this apartment was threatened with deportation to the Ukraine,  where I ran [from] in 2009. In August 2009, as a result of legal proceedings, [my] husband and his mother took a loan. As a result we are in a stronger loan to the tune of ten thousand dollars. And blame she has once again dumped on me. She hates me and is looking for any way to kick me out of the apartment because she is the legal owner of the home and she has the right to do with me whatever [she] wants. I wonder [how] I am still here. [It’s] only because my husband was able to negotiate and compromise with her.


In August she filed a complaint with the police on me. Then came the district police to [have] a conversation; he warned if I had another complaint I [would be] deported to Ukraine against my will. For me, it’s worse than death. I’m not going there for [any] reason.


But there is hope. One of our friends wanted to introduce us to Stewart Swerdlow when [he came for] a Moscow seminar. For us, it was like a ray of hope in the darkness. He wanted to do an interview with our assistance after [he] learned of our history. It was in November 2012 we recorded this interview with Stewart Swerdlow. Many sincere thanks to him, we are grateful to him. But all was not as good after that. My relationship with the mother of my husband became even worse.


Kerry: Oh.


Ziria: A lot of scandal was so great that finally decided the fate of my stay here in Moscow; [she] would like, once again, to [have me] deported to Ukraine. My husband, thanks to great efforts, agreed with [his] mother to a compromise. It allows me, for now, to stay in this apartment [until] I make money and fly away to the United States for permanent residence.


In December 2012, I got a job, but I have a tiny salary — $500 a month. Besides, his mother wants to take away my money; she forces me to pay for the loan which I did not have anything to do [with], referring to the fact that [she] maintains I am guilty.


Now my husband is in a mental hospital, you know, for examination by court order. He was put in the hospital on December 19 [for] thirty days. After that, 19 January, this year, he has to be released. I have a real opportunity to fly from Moscow to America. I have a passport.


Kerry: Okay.


Ziria: And I have an opportunity to leave the territory of Russia. [My] husband, as a defendant by order of the court, he has no right to leave the territory of Moscow or Moscow region [for] a year and a half. He agreed to have the evaluation because this is his chance to be recognized as “insane” and thus released from criminal liability. In this case, he will be able to leave the territory of Russia.


The compromise with his mother until May 2013, this year. I was with left barely enough time to solve the problem of escape from Russia. The situation is hopeless. [Why do I have to live] in America? Because I see my future there and a place that calls me. I feel with all my heart and soul that I really need this place, that I should do so much there. It just so happens [to be] my destiny.


I am [now] concerned only [with] two questions.


The first: [I] need money for a visa and tickets and the temporary expenses until I can get work and earn money on my own. Second: I need a roommate from America who will be able to [accommodate] me, at least for a while. It does not much matter what city. It is important for me to begin to adapt and make money, and then I will move to the place which I want.


Attention: if there are people from the state of Virginia who are willing to help me with provision an apartment, it would help me twice as great, and would be the best option. Or at least New York or Washington would be preferable. But since in principle I agree to any U.S. city if only I had a place to live [during] the first time.


That’s all. That’s all I wanted to say about this.


Kerry: When I asked you about a bank account — you do not have a bank account in which people can wire you money?


Ziria: Unfortunately, my bank account does not accept international orders. PayPal is not yet available. I will have to [get] a bank credit card in the near future. So far, the only affordable way for you to donate or assist with money is through Western Union. For this you will need to specify the name of the [payee], and all information is provided in your blog.


Kerry: Yes. I put it on the blog, but the name is your husband’s name. Is this the correct name for the money to go to?


Ziria: Yes. The system works well in the United States and other countries. Therefore, [it is] a big help for those who can to use the Western Union system.


Kerry: So people listening, if you can donate on Western Union, his name is there in English and the address. So hopefully that’s the information you will need to assist both of them.


Ziria: Yes, I understand — in English, English name.


Kerry: So, at this point we have been going for a while. And there are many more questions that I have given you. Some questions are more important than other questions. It might be better to “pick and choose” which question is more important to answer?


To make it shorter so people . . . because this is almost for two hours now. Do you understand?


Ziria: Yep.


Kerry: Can you choose which numbered question —


Ziria: Was number four question, I think.


Kerry: I’m sorry. Which question number?


Ziria: Next — yes. Yes. Next question.


Kerry: Okay. What I would like to talk about is, the elements of radiation that you do not use, and why not?


Ziria: We can feed on [all] radioisotopes, just not all radioisotopes can be found. The strongest physiological need I have [is] for trans-plutonium elements, and three biogenic . . . three organic elements: radium, plutonium, and uranium. This is the basis of life for us.


Kerry: Is there any radiation, such as cell phone radiation — is this also good for you? Or no? [Pause.] This is question number fifteen.


Ziria: Can you ask. . . .


Kerry: Okay, ah, do you want me to go back to number fourteen?


Ziria: Yes. Yes, fourteen.


Kerry: Please talk about your special writing and drawing and where it came from, and how you created it.


Ziria: Yep. The symbols are a cryptic language which [was] in our heads at birth. We can say it is a “language of radiation” in some sense. These characters are a reflection of our consciousness and thinking. They come from the depths of [our] being, from the measurement of radiation.


I decided to develop an encryption system based on these characters allow you to encrypt strategic data in a most efficient way. There are three levels of encryption — a simple, an intuitive, and combined. I wrote more about this in my blog. When [I] create a cipher, I take into account all the facts of color, shape, location, structure, purpose of the cipher — making sense of the specific information encoded in it, and so on.


All three types of encryption are not just a visual effect, but also a mental effect, even if the person does not possess special abilities to understand this code. But I can train a person to work with these codes and [to] fully understand it. It is quite possible if I see in his mind a good disposition to accept the information.


Kerry: Can you explain more about the writing — is this ET writing, do you think? Alien races’ writing?


Ziria: Prepared as a question text.


Kerry: Is the, you know, ET writing . . . is this communicating with ETs or, with you and ETs, or just you by yourself?


[Brief interruption with Kerry’s computer. To Ziria:] Hello?


Ziria: Hello.


Kerry: Hi, I’m sorry. I think that someone. . . .


Ziria: Okay, [it’s] okay. This is our language, the language of radiation.


Kerry: I guess if you are able to explain more about the writing?


Ziria: More information is in my book, about this language.


Kerry: You have a book about the language?


Ziria: Yes, yes.


Kerry: Okay, so you have a book about the language. And this is your . . . cryptography?


Ziria: Yes, it’s cryptic language.


Kerry: Can you tell more about the language? If it’s related to any language. Do you know, for example, hieroglyphics — Egyptian hieroglyphics?


Ziria: I do know this [is] inside my mind.


Kerry: Okay. But your husband understands it?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: Does he write it also?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: He writes it also. Okay. Would you like to go to the next question?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: Just so everyone listening understands: because of the language difficulty she prepared her answers. And so it’s very hard for her to go off the script, here. So we’ll continue with the next question.


Can you explain if you use cell phones for the radiation? If not, why not? And do you go near cell phone towers to get the radiation?


Ziria: Radiation from cell phones to us is too weak. But we do not mind it. The more powerful [the] radiation, the better we feel. We are able to get more energy from a microwave operating than from a cell phone. And just from the pyramid of power lines and powerful radio towers.


Kerry: What about chemtrails? This question is not on the list, but are you aware of chemtrails?


Ziria: What?


Kerry: Electromagnetic radiation in the sky? Chemtrails from airplanes?


Ziria: No.


Kerry: Okay, I don’t think you do know what a chemtrail is. That’s okay, so we’ll move on.


Please share your experience of the power of pyramids and whether you have visited the pyramids they built near St. Petersburg. Do you know who Valery Uvarov is? He was head of the UFO desk of the Russian government for a while. Have you seen our interview with him?


Ziria: Yes, I’ve seen. But unfortunately we’ve never been to St. Petersburg and did not see these pyramids. We do not have a lot of practical experience with the pyramids, alas. But a lot of experience of practice with pyramidal structure of power lines. And also, when I find myself inside a pyramidal structure, I feel very powerful resonant energy with the environment.


Kerry: Do you know about the pyramids in St. Petersburg? Did you know they were there?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: Okay. What is your understanding about 2012 and the shift that we are in? Have you experienced precog[nition] or dreams of the future of the earth, and would you share this with us?


Ziria: Earth is now in a time of transition between the measurements and physical rearrangements in the core of the earth. This process is strongly influenced by the activity of the sun, which is now beginning to awaken. I know only one fact: this year [2013] will be a year of violent alteration in consciousness of humanity. Lucifer [will] manifest on Earth. Lucifer not in a religious sense of the word, but in the real true meaning, which means “light bringer.”


Kerry: Do you dream of the future?


Ziria: Yes, yes.


Kerry: Do you remember your dreams?


Ziria: Yes, I remember many dreams.


Kerry: Can you tell us on dream? [Pause.] Okay. Do you want me to move to the next question, or can you . . .?


Ziria: Okay.


Kerry: I guess you do not want to share any dreams then, correct?


Ziria: No, what?


Kerry: Yes, [do] you have any dreams to share?


Ziria: Of course.


Kerry: [Pause.] Go ahead. Any? Okay. I know that one of our translators has left. I’m not sure if the other one is still able to text to her, and if they can translate into text. It seems like possibly no.


So, I guess we’ll go to the next question?


Ziria: Yes, next question.


Kerry: What are your psi abilities? — and also for your husband, Radium. Telepathy, precognition, clairaudient, levitation, remote influencing; can you move objects, and so on.


Ziria: About our abilities.


Kerry: Yes.


Ziria: I just wrote a blog in more detail. This includes the following: dowsing (radiation monitoring), hypnosis, programming and de-programming consciousness, remote viewing, remote crypto-analysis, non-standard encryption and decryption of data, telepathy, remote vision, scanning of an object in the distance.


Non-standard methods of intelligence, the contact and non-contact methods of interaction with computers, encryptions and decryptions, interception of frequencies and signals — strategic and military frequencies, and more.


All these skills I have. The only difference [is] I’m working on computers [destructively], I can take them down. And Radium, on the contrary. The most developed skills at the moment are related to non-standard methods of obtaining information and developing methods of intelligence. This is my personal initiative to date.


Kerry: You communicate with radiation. You said that radiation contains information?


Ziria: Yes, I communicate with radiation . . . and information. Radiation is [a] transmitter of information.


Kerry: What kind of information does radiation transmit?


Ziria: Any kind of information.


Kerry: About the planet?


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: About weather? About humans? Yes?


Ziria: I can find out any information.


Kerry: Okay, we’ll go to the next question. Do you remote view the planet and various countries and events in other countries? Can you describe something you saw? You know, in a viewing.


Ziria: Unfortunately, your question to me sounds too ephemeral. I need a specific purpose and connection to a place, here and now. At this moment I am connected to a completely different place, with which I have a mental connection. But I can’t say about about this place.


If you’re wondering that I tell about the weather on [the] Mars, now? I think it is very boring. I need facts and data. I need a specific task to perform for analysis.


Kerry: Excuse me. Can you remote view the moon?


Ziria: What exactly? You know.


Kerry: Can you remote view [an] underground base?


Ziria: Yes, yes. [The] moon [has] them. A base.


Kerry: The moon has a base.


Ziria: Yes.


Kerry: Many bases, or just one?


Ziria: Many, many. Not one. At the darkness.


Kerry: And what kind of beings? Do you see beings there? On the moon?


Ziria: Would you repeat, please?


Kerry: Human on the moon?


Ziria: Now?


Kerry: Yes.


Ziria: No.


Kerry: No?


Ziria: Now, no.


Kerry: Okay. ETs or aliens on the moon? Now?


Ziria: Yeah, yes.


Kerry: Yes?


Ziria: Yeah.


Kerry: What kind: greys, reptilians, Sirians?


Ziria: Not the same, and not other.


Kerry: A different . . .? Other? Okay, other beings. I guess we’ll go to the next question. Unless, do you have anything more to say about that?


Ziria: Repeat, please.


Kerry: More data, on the moon? More information about the moon?


Ziria: What information — what?


Kerry: Okay um, structures on the moon? Buildings, houses?


Ziria: These are underground bases.


Kerry: Underground bases, okay. Next question?


Ziria: Yep.


Kerry: If you work for governments in the future, will you work for the benefit of the human race?


Ziria: Oh yes. Yes. My personal desire and the real is that my design and abilities can be applied in the interests of national security. My projects in the field of non-standard methods of obtaining information in intelligence are unique and relevant for the entire intelligence community. These skills can find invaluable use in the anti-terrorist activities. I have a little experience in cooperating and identifying these personalities, and much more. In total, [I] will not tell much of this; it is a necessity to check out the facts through practice. Otherwise, it’s just a theory. I know this because I see this prospect of the development and application.


I am by nature a practitioner [and] experimenter. I cannot live only a theory. I always need practice and practical application of my skills. My projects and skills become completely useless if they are not of any practical use. So for me, the practice — this is my life. Yes, it would be invaluable for all mankind. All my projects, they are real. They are real only in my presence. Without me they are, in principle, impossible.


Most of all, I would like to help the world in the fight against terrorism, as this topic is the most relevant of the times. You can develop real methods that will quickly identify potential enemies and eliminate their activities long before they make something bad. I believe that the fight against terrorism is the largest area [to help] all mankind, saving millions of lives.


The help can be invaluable in the case of non-standard methods because all the old methods, as you can see, is not effective enough. Otherwise, we would not have so many problems in the world [from] terrorist groups. Therefore, I’m always ready to cooperate and provide [my] abilities in the interest of national security and the protection of the government. Again, I want to remind you: I’m not talking about Russia, and you know why. And of course, all this to apply for the benefit of mankind.


Kerry: Thank you. What is your experience with dolphins and water?  Do you swim? How do you react to the ocean, to the sea? And can you communicate with dolphins?


Ziria: I really love to swim, I really love water. I respond very well to the water and I feel very comfortable in the water. Unfortunately, I was never near the ocean, and dolphins only in the dolphinarium. This is pathetic; I would love to talk to them in a more free form. They are the ancestors of the people of Earth. They are very clean, and they [surely] are very intelligent creatures.


Kerry: Thank you. As an intuitive, do you use your ability to navigate the world and has it helped you stay alive?


Ziria: It just so happens they are able to appear by themselves, these abilities. Yes. They are the result of the cruel past, they helped me all the time to survive. It works at that level of instinct. Over time I realized that they could find much more interesting, wide application, which can be used for the benefit of mankind.


Kerry: Are you familiar with security electronics, mind control, scalar waves, and that type of thing? And can you affect them — make them larger, smaller, or make them go away?


Ziria: For all you can influence, it would be only a wish. I never do anything for [nothing]. If I do not have a specific task, I never do anything for anything. So it is with words. I cannot say nothing. If I say something, it means that there is always a reason.


Mind control is certainly interesting. The science had a lot in common with the project MK-Ultra. I was very interested in the project and the methods used. Little feedback which I find with this project, not only the developments of radiation but also mental developments. This is a very interesting and incredibly strong [topic] — it grabs my mind.


Kerry: Are you familiar with CERN — the large hadron collider? Are you familiar with the discovery of the “god particle” or the Higgs boson particle? And do you understand what this is?


I gave you a link in case you wanted to read the article about it. But are you familiar with this and what do you think about it?


Ziria: The Higgs boson?


Kerry: Higgs boson, yes. And the large hadron collider.


Ziria: You know, the Higgs boson, I and [my] husband, I personally have interacted with this type of particle. I know what it is. Very soon on this planet these particles will have a significant impact on all living and non-living things of this planet.


[Higgs] boson is probably the sister-particle to us, most akin to measured radiation. CERN[‘s] design is amazing. I would have wanted to stand under the particle accelerator and get a boost of energy throughout the body.


Kerry: [Laughing.] Okay.


Ziria: It’s my dream.


Kerry: Well, someone who works at CERN perhaps they could give you a job at CERN. What do you think?


Ziria: That’s very interesting . . . very interesting.


Kerry: Are you aware of ley lines, grid lines around the planet, vortexes and stargates?


Ziria: Yep, of course. These power lines are vital to the functioning of the planet. Through these lines you can connect to the core of the earth and read information from the core, as well as the biosphere of the earth.


Kerry: Do you know about time travel through stargates and vortexes?


Ziria: Do you mean body travel?


Kerry: Yes.


Ziria: Mind and body travel [among] the planets . . . other places.


Kerry: Yes. Time travel.


Ziria: I was told that I have been near [death] . . . out-of-body experiences for clinical death. I moved in real time and had contact with one place, and as was seen in the future, and some of the elements of the future.


And also I am told at birth in Chernobyl, I remember when I moved back in time there were several strong jumps in time at Chernobyl Polesie.


Kerry: Okay, did you become aware of multiple dimensions and time lines? [Pause.] Multiple dimensions? Yes?


Ziria: Yes, yes, yes.


Kerry: Are you aware of the underground bases in Russia and around the world? Have you ever been in one?


Ziria: Yep, I know. But what’s the use of it? Anyway, all the information is stored inside my head. I cannot just disclose strategic information to the public, need to understand themselves.


Kerry: Have you been in an underground base, do you think?


Ziria: Yes, of course yes.


Kerry: Did the government let you in a base, or did you go to remote viewing? [Pause.] Have you been in one?


Ziria: I can say this, but I [do] not want to.


Kerry: You don’t want to? Okay. Are you aware of artificial intelligence, AI, that might be running this planet? [Pause.] It’s question number twenty-nine.


Ziria: Yes. You know, it’s a very funny question because I have something very often confused with reptilians. Also when people [are] looking at our characters and symbols, and we are immediately associated with black magic. So I do not even know what to say.


Yes, I possess a similarity to the reptilian traits, I really cannot argue. For example, I can say that I am [always] cold, I can’t stand too-cold temperatures because frankly I start to fall into the state of torpor. If there is no source of radiation but in the cold I can [fall into] a stupor.


And vice versa, I am very well [able to] withstand very high temperatures. For me the most comfortable temperatures is plus sixty degrees Celsius. Reptilians are very cute and adorable creatures, really.


Kerry: Okay, so you find reptiles very cute, and you relate to them, I understand. Do you know about the Anunnaki and the dark side such as the Vatican dark magicians? Are you aware of this?


Ziria: Question in the text.


Kerry: Question twenty-nine; it’s the second part of the question. Do you know about the Anunnaki?


Ziria: Yes. The reptiles.


Kerry: Ah, you call the Anunnaki reptiles. Do you know about the Vatican, you know, the Vatican?


Ziria: The Vatican, yes.


Kerry: And are you aware of dark magicians?


Ziria: Yep.


Kerry: Yes?


Ziria: I know.


Kerry: You know? Okay. Are you aware of intelligence agencies in your country and their remote viewers? And are you aware when they remote view you?


Ziria: [Laughing.] Oh, this is a topic [for] a conversation. Damn those perverts, they frankly have ticked me off. Once they connect to me they immediately get scared and run away. Usually they never go to the contact.


I myself am knocking them in the head when I think their presence [is] near now. However, they say [of] me, “You’ve got too aggressive energy.” In short, they are very gentle and affectionate — they do not want to deal with the energy of radiation.


Kerry: Are you susceptible to mind control, and if not, why not? And how do you suggest people protect themselves from this?


Ziria: Well, my mind is under control only by radiation — our mind, my mind, our will is the will of radiation. Radiation is only able to control our minds. We are not susceptible to anything other than exposure, that is our identity. I can help a person with mind control but I need to work with him physically, not remotely. This is an important fact.


Kerry: If you go to live with others who are not friendly to radiation, how do you plan to protect them from exposure if you want to interact with them and live with them?


Ziria: Oh. I believe that there is nothing to worry about, just need to observe basic rules of radiation safety and not eating [radioactive sources] with the capacity of 1,000 roentgens per hour. And if I want to eat, [I will] be temporarily isolated from the people as long as the activity of my body has been reduced to a safe level for humans. Then all will be well.


Kerry: We are at the end of the questions, and we’ve been here doing this for a long time, so we are going to wrap it up now, and if you have any final messages or statements you would like to make, please do so.


Ziria: I think humanity must now learn to live with radiation, in harmony. [Before] it is too late. Otherwise, people are doomed to extinction. I see the future, but events can always be changed. Everything can be changed.


Kerry: Okay. Ziria thank you so much for doing this interview with us. We would like to do another interview sometime soon if you have time, and you are able to. I hope that people will donate to make it possible for you to leave Russia; I hope that your situation will improve, and that your husband can join you in another country — if another country could give you both asylum. I think that you would probably work with that country and help that country. Isn’t that right?


Ziria: Yes, yes, yes. Thank you very much. I hope for your help. Forgive me [for] my lame English.


Kerry: No, you have done a wonderful job, and I know everyone has many questions. So perhaps we also have them. . . .


Ziria: I can answer [via] the internet, as far as correspondence with people.


Kerry: Yes. And your e-mail — her e-mail address is on the website, on the front page as well. She has a Facebook page. So anyone who has questions who did not get an answer, if you could put your questions into an e-mail I’m sure she will try to answer as much as she can. And we will try to do this again sometime very soon.


So thank you everyone for listening.


Ziria: Thank you — thank you very much.


Kerry: Thank you. Okay, take care. Bye-bye.


Ziria: Thank you very much, Kerry. Goodbye.





PROJECT CAMELOT: Interview with Ziria from Irradia Couple of Russia




Conducted by Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot


on Monday, January 7, 2013




English answers written by Zira (prior to the live interview) with assisted English translation improvement done by Luba Yesipovich and Victoriya Nemzer


Note: this is not a transcript of the audio interview and may contain some differences.




Kerry Cassidy’s questions to Ziria:




1.  Please talk about your birth as you remember it and whether you recall any childhood dealings with other beings, discarnate entities or hidden presences.  Include how old you are and date of birth.


Regarding my husband’s childhood, I only know that he was born in Moscow on September 26, 1984. His mother, by all accounts, was not able to have children. Therefore, there is some uncertainty as to whether he is her true biological son or not … I do not know these details. Let me tell you more about myself …


My childhood is full of secrets and mysteries.


I have two birthdays. One date (the first one) is real, the other date is the one written in my passport. The first date of birth is April 26, 1986 (Wikipedia: The Chernobyl disaster began during a systems test on April 26, 1986 at reactor number four of the Chernobyl plant). The second date of birth (official, but not biological) is June 9, 1989.


I remember being born in Chernobyl, Ukraine. I am somehow connected to the reactor number four of the Chernobyl nuclear plant via reincarnation. I had an experience of moving back in time (a few big jumps in time). But then, one day, some very bad people did something to me, they stole me … and they moved me to a strange city in Ukraine, far from Chernobyl. They gave me to a so-called “foster care” family for adoption, where the bastards abused me for twenty one years! I went through hell, suffering constant physical injuries, beatings, torture and mental violence and abuse. Everybody around me, at the time, treated me in a very hostile way. My life was constantly under the threat of death. I was very different from all people from birth.




I never knew my real biological parents … to this day, the question of my origin is a mystery to me. I would love to know more …


These so-called foster parents told me that when I was little, my skin was blue, and I had big blue eyes without pupils. They always called me a freak (mental and physical) due to the fact that I was so different from all people physically, psychologically and spiritually. As a result, they were constantly beating me up. Besides, my so-called foster father was a complete drug addict and alcoholic. For any manifestation of my personality and my will, I was beaten. If I did not carry out their orders, I was beaten again. I’ve always resisted their intentions, so I had to suffer … Out of necessity, I had to learn tricks and deception. I’ve always lived in a fraud, I had to constantly lie to survive.


How do I know that the first date of birth is my real birth date? Because I remember very well my entire past from the beginning of birth in the body… my body was undergoing major physical changes after the birth on Earth … This memory came back to me after my contact with alien beings on November 13, 2000 (they were my very close friends from my past life on the planet Erios, which is located in another dimension and in another universe.) These beings have saved my life twice. The first time was when they restored my memory and pure consciousness. The second time was when, as a result of another trauma to me by these so-called foster parents, I was delivered to the intensive care with severe bleeding and 80% loss of blood! The doctors said that with such loss of blood no one survives, but I survived. I had a blood transfusion, after which great changes began to occur in me … I know that these beings saved me, otherwise I would have died … During our first contact, I asked them to take me with them, because I felt very bad… But they said that it was not the time for me to leave this planet. I have a great future and I have to do something very important … They told me to wait, be patient and be tricky. To be able to pretend and lie in order to survive, until I can make an escape. From that moment on, I began to plan an escape. In 2008 I met my husband on the Internet on one esoteric forum. We found each other and we immediately made a decision for me to move in with him. I was planning to escape in advance. I managed to escape from the Ukraine on May 9, 2009 and to move to live with my husband in Moscow.


There is still a lot of information I would like to tell, but it’s too much data. Therefore, this is so far all I wanted to say about this subject.




2.  Please talk about your early upbringing and when you first realized you couldn’t digest food and when you first started encountering radiant materials that would “feed” you.

As I said earlier, I had a very difficult childhood with the so-called foster parents who are not my biological family. They always tried to do everything to make me be like all other people. They tried to “break” me on the psychological level, the physical level and the physiological level. Of course, they made me eat the food that all people eat. From an early age, they began to notice that I refused the food, but they did not pay attention to it and continued to make me eat it and beat me up. As a result, when I was eating this food, my body would get sick. I was sick very often. Doctors were explaining this like it was a common cold and I had a poor immune system. In reality, this was my reaction to the food which was given to me …




Since childhood, I had an instinctive attraction to any source of radiation. I remember when I was 3 years old, I loved to come to the old tube TV (CRT) and to cuddle with it with my naked body … These bastards have noticed my passion and they forbade me to do so; they beat me up for the fact that I ran to radiant energy … Besides, I remember my experience with a quartz lamp in my childhood … I instinctively felt the high content of radioactive isotopes everywhere – in the soil, in food. I unknowingly ate soil as a child, the soil which had a high content of radioisotopes. I also ate berries, mushrooms with a high content of radioisotopes. My body does not get energy from organic food, but it is able to completely absorb all the radioactive isotopes from food!


I also remember how I got acquainted with the power lines when I was 8 y.o. I realized that I was instinctively drawn to stand under power lines and get exposed to electromagnetic waves from them. It is a great feeling. With that, the most interesting thing I noticed is that the power lines with a pyramidal structure have the most powerful effects on the body. Within such structures, electromagnetic energy is concentrated in a special way. I go inside these structures, get to the very center and begin to get irradiated. It’s a very strong interaction! I was always looking for an opportunity to stand under such power lines again and again and get energized. This energy charges me very much! This is unbelievably powerful!




I first got access to the man-made sources of radiation in Ukraine, when I was studying at the Institute of the Department of Environmental Engineering. I admit that my behavior was not nice, but I had no choice because my body needed radiation.




There were dosimeters and radiation sources at that Department. There was one source based on Strontium 90 and two sources of Cobalt 60. The control source of Strontium 90 was in a separate container, but the sources of Cobalt 60 were incorporated into the dosimeters. I acted in a very clever way. I was able to steal these sources of radiation and I used them for food. I’ve done everything so that no one thought that it was me who stole them. No one knew what happened to these radiation sources. But, please understand me, too – I had no choice! My body was very much in need of radioisotopes, I had to steal them!




During the period between 2004 and 2007, I had the opportunity to visit Chernobyl and Slavutych. While being there, I was able to restore my biological resources of the body, I ate radioactive soil and I obtained Radioisotopes in different ways. When I first came to Chernobyl, I finally was able to remember all my past … I got there and realized that I was born there. All my memories, which my friends from another planet helped me to restore, were fully recovered after I was able to come to Chernobyl for the first time after such a long break …




Then in 2009, I went to live with my husband in Moscow. We began to think about how we can find food for ourselves and we started to learn about everything that may contain radioactive isotopes. We have taken a great interest in mineralogy and learned all about radioactive minerals. We began to attend mineral exhibitions in Moscow and started to find radioactive minerals through our senses (without dosimeters). We just felt the sensations, which minerals have radioactive substances and in what quantity.




We encountered the first man-made sources of radiation in June 2009, when we took secret trips to the territory of a military unit in Moscow. We have always been attracted to the theme of “stalking” and to the opportunity to visit secret facilities, to explore and learn. (Wikipedia: Stalker (man) – a person engaged in the study of dangerous objects and areas of risk to health or life. Stalker (film) – feature film based on the novel by the Strugatsky brothers «Roadside Picnic», Russia. Director – Andrei Tarkovsky). This is our secret passion! My husband had a passion for it since childhood. Me too. From an early age, I loved to penetrate the protected areas, I was always attracted to it for some reason. It’s like a drug … The constant desire to explore what is hidden from the rest of people …




Then, in June of 2009, my husband and I came to one such military unit, which our girlfriend told us about (she said that there may be radioactive substances there). We came there and began to look for food. This military unit has been partially abandoned, but it was still operating. Therefore, there was a high risk of “getting caught” when we were there … We did not have dosimeters, we had nothing. Only our own feelings. We found a man-made source of radiation, which was a smoke detector with two sources of Plutonium 239 inside! Since there were only two radiation sources, we decided to keep one source for external exposure of the body (to wear it as a pendant) and we broke the other source of radiation in half and we ate it. That gave us a huge boost of energy, and we felt that our body needed that very much.




In the future, we continued to visit mineral exhibitions and to look for radioactive mineral stones, some of which we ate at home, and some we kept for the external exposure of the body, to wear as a pendant or just to communicate with them. We hear the will of Radiation from every source and we are able to communicate with the stones, man-made sources of radiation and the like.




Once, at the mineral exhibition, we met one person who sells radioactive minerals. Later, he was able to supply us with uranium ore and with a large quantity of man-made sources of radiation. Thus, our food supply has become replenished and we were able to recover physically during these three years, we were able to fully restore all the damage that had been done to our bodies as a result of our unfortunate past.




Then, we were able to take trips within Moscow and the Moscow region to strategic objects and places with high levels of radiation. We looked for the sources of radiation and confiscated them (you can say, we cleaned Moscow from radioactive sources). The most common site of our visits, was the territory behind the park Kolomenskoye (so called Kolomna radiation anomaly). There are so many sources of radiation there, as a result of an accident at the metal plant there. The most interesting thing is that my husband, even before we met, was strongly attracted to this place, but he was afraid to get into the territory of the plant and to explore what was there that attracted him so much. Only when we moved in together, I made him go there, because I felt that we needed to get there! I’m not afraid of difficulties, so I initiated that we get into that territory for exploration. It turned out that I insisted on it not in vain. It turned out that this place had food for us! Radioactive soil and clay, and many radioactive isotopes! We were able to eat enough.




But, you know … it turned out that Kolomenskoye had an unusual aura and unusual history. This place has always been an anomaly, even before the accident at the metal plant. I became very interested in it. What was the cause of the anomaly in Kolomna? You’ll laugh, but it turned out that the cause of the anomaly has found us in Kolomna!




At the time when we took trips to this area for excavation of new food, the radiation monitoring service MOS NPO Radon worked in this area. They were engaged in transporting radioactive materials out of this area. They have found something … It was meteoric matter. A large mineral of blue color. These idiots did not understand what it was, and they put it into a general pile for all the radioactive materials, which they piled up to take out later. I saw this mineral and I knew immediately that it had an extraterrestrial origin. I knew immediately that it had been sitting in this land for a long time .. This mineral was the main reason for the anomalies in Kolomenskoye. We took this mineral home. It was very heavy, it weighed 26 kilograms! I think we could talk about this mineral some other time, because it is a separate topic. I do not want to get away from the main topic now.




There were so many funny moments when we took trips to the area of radioactivity in Kolomenskoye, because we frankly robbed MOS NPO Radon of their radioactive isotopes! They left the bags with radioactive rocks, we came at night and opened them and took away the most radioactive rocks. Once, it was in winter 2011, we were very enthusiastic on the so-called “piles”, where the workers temporarily stored everything radioactive for further exports out of there. That day, they were working there. We came to this place, while they were leaving. We started digging up radioactive materials, but suddenly there was a car. They noticed us. We had to quickly get away from that place. These people rushed to pursue us, but they could not catch up with us! You can imagine the street was cold and icy, and there was a steep slope. It was the only way by which we could get away from these people. We rushed towards this slope with a big spade and four sacks of radioactive substances in our hands! We were running up a steep hill which was very slippery! These people were in shock, we playfully ran from them, they were just not physically able to catch up. It was very funny to watch from the sidelines as they swore at us as we ran away! LOL Again, our experience in “stalking” helped us)))))




In general, all of this is a long and fascinating story, which we can talk about for hours. Our time is limited, so let’s get to the next question.




3.  Please talk about your relationship with animals and plants… including wild animals, if you have any experiences as a child or adult with them.


With animals, my husband and I have always had very positive relationships and harmony. My husband had an experience of living in the forest in his childhood and at one time he lived with the wild wolves. He talked to them and they used to come near him, when he was 8 years old. I have an experience with birds, I can speak bird’s language and they understand me. Besides, all reptiles understand me very well. I feel the greatest connection with birds and reptiles. With mammals, I never had a connection for some reason, I do not know why…




My husband and I have different energies of an aura. This is very well illustrated by the reaction of dogs. Many dogs react to me with hostility, since my childhood. I want to point out that dogs were artificially bred by man. Wild beasts and wolves react positively to me.


Regarding dogs … Almost all dogs have damages in their DNA structure. These damages make them extremely susceptible to electromagnetic fields. The more damages a dog has, the more it is susceptible to electromagnetic fields. Dogs start to go crazy because of that. This causes unconscious aggression in them. Due to that, many dogs react negatively to me, they throw themselves at me all of a sudden, for no reason.


My husband has the opposite energy. He is able to calm a dog, if the dog shows aggression. His energy is sobering and the dog loses the desire to attack.




There is also a difference between my energy field and the energy field of my husband in terms of how we affect equipment. My energy is capable of disabling any equipment, computers, radio. I can unknowingly carry out cyber attacks without even understanding it myself…


My husband is the opposite. He can unconsciously repair/adjust any equipment, computers, by using contact or non-contact methods.


Simply put, I find it easier to make a mess in the operation of technical devices, and for my husband it’s easier to adjust it.




4.  How much exposure to radiant materials do you need and how does ionizing radiant material differ from non-ionizing material?  How does it “feel” to you and how do you tell the difference?

I do not need much for the proper functioning of my body. I need just one important chemical reagent – uranium oxide 235. This is the nuclear fuel on which my body works perfectly, without a hitch. I need a pound of uranium oxide per month for an ideal body condition. And ordinary water. And, basically, I don’t need anything else! I can have nothing more than uranium oxide and ordinary water!


We also have a vital need for chemical reagents of rare earth and alkali metals. Our genetics works on other chemical elements. Let me draw an analogy:


Instead of calcium – we need Strontium.


Instead of potassium – we need Cesium.


Instead of iron – we need uranium and plutonium.


Instead of oxygen – we need Radon and all other noble gases (especially, krypton and xenon).


For normal operation of the central nervous system, we need Europium and Lu.


I could give you much more examples. But this are the basics for you to understand the essence.


As for oxygen, we have a problem with oxygen from birth. It is very hard for us to breathe oxygen. Our lungs are receptive to all inert gases. I can easily breathe 100% concentration of radon, krypton and xenon, as well as other inert gases, if necessary. The greatest physiological need is, of course, radon.


When I first breathed in radon in high concentration, I felt that my lungs straightened! I can say for sure that, in the ordinary air, my lungs are spread only 10%. I almost do not feel that I breathe. And only when there is an elevated concentration of radon in the air, I feel that my lungs start to come alive and I really begin to breathe!




As for feelings of ionizing radiation, it is all easy. I can feel radiation with all the known senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste. I see flashes in my eyes. At the hearing level, I can hear high frequencies. The sensation I feel is the momentum of each particle which hits my palm. By taste, I can determine the exact composition of the material radioisotope with the percentage ratio of its specific types of radioisotopes. All these feelings I have are directly proportional to the radiation power from the source of radiation, as well as the type of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma radiation).


I spoke in more detail about this in my blog.




5.  After consuming Radiant Material or IR, how long does it last before you need more?  Has it changed over time?  Is it the same for Radium and for you or different?  Please explain.


Kerry, it all depends on what kind of stuff we eat: the concentration of a radioisotope in the substance and the type of a radioisotope. The lower the concentration of radioisotopes, the more of this substance we need to absorb to satisfy our hunger. More important, it depends on the energy output of this radioisotope. For example, I can eat five tablespoons of powdered uranium 235 per day and not feel hungry for 24 hours.


At the same time, I could drink twenty milliliters of polonium chloride 210 with 99% concentration and not feel hungry for a day or even two days. Because the radiant energy of polonium 210 is very powerful, its alpha radiation gives energy very fast if swallowed and it interacts instantaneously.




As for the external exposure … There are no limits on the radiation dose. I can constantly wear a radiation source of 150 roentgen/per hour, or 1000 roentgens/per hour, but it will not be safe for people around me, you should understand this. Therefore, I can contact with such sources of radiation only when I do not have contact with other people. I have a constant need in external radiation. I need to wear on my body at least a weak radiation source which has a gamma-radiation. Gamma radiation is very important for my body as an external radiator.




6.  Do you have any friends or people who have contacted you with similar abilities to digest radiant materials?  




You mean people who eat radioactive isotopes the same way and who are irradiated from external radiation sources and who are able to get life energy out of this? No, I have never met such people in my entire life … But all is possible in this world …




7.  Do you know who BORISKA is?  Have you met him?  Have you seen my interview with him?  If not, please watch:






Yes, we know about this Indigo child, but we’ve never met him in person and we never corresponded via the Internet. Personally, I would love to get to know him, because I feel that he is used for communication with people. I know the Martians very well. Their intention is to collect information about further actions of people. The Martians are most concerned about the people’s desire to live on Mars. People will have to explore this topic more. This is still ahead.




8.  Are you familiar with the movie THE MATRIX?  Have you seen it?


Of course, we have seen this movie (more than once). Hahaha! This is one of my favorite movies! My inner world and my vision of the world is very similar to this movie. I always see with the eyes of Radiation, I see “through”. I see not what is outside but what is hidden inside.




I know that our world is multidimensional. We came from the dimension of Radiation, and I understand this point as no one else could. People are constantly staying in several dimensions, but they are not able to perceive it, if their thinking is less than three-dimensional.


You can never trust everything that surrounds you. As they say in my favorite expression «NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS».


This is what my world view is based since my birth on this planet.




9.  Have you watched any of my video interviews on Project Camelot http://projectcamelot.org  ?


Thank you. I’m just starting to get acquainted with your site, since I just recently met you. I did not know anything about you until now, alas! You have a lot of interesting information. I need some time to analyze it. But it is very nice to see that projects such as yours, are taking place now. This is a very hot topic. I wish you to continue to develop this project!




10.  Do you know who the Illuminati are?  Do you understand anything about the various ET races and the alliances they have made with humans?




Ohhh … the Illuminati – the most sore subject for all people now.


People on Facebook keep asking me the same questions: Why do I say in my profile that my political views are the Illuminati? Besides, all are wondering why in our video with Stewart Sverdlov, both of us are wearing pendants on the neck with Illuminati symbols (all-seeing eye)?




My attitude to the Illuminati is very non-standard. Excuse me, but I can not say that I treat them negatively. By no means. They have not done anything bad or evil to me personally. I have no right to judge them negatively, if they have not done anything bad to me personally.




That is my position. This is the consciousness of Radiation, consciousness of the elements of nature. How you relate to the elements, the same way the elements will relate to you.


If nothing wrong has been done to me, then my attitude can not be bad towards someone else. And it does not matter to what extent other people express their dislike and disgust for them.




It’s amazing how much Illuminati are hated and name-called around the world. For Radiation this is not a fact. For Radiation the fact is only what she sees herself, personally.




My opinion is unshakable, it is based on the consciousness of Radiation. I only see the facts. For me, it is a fact that they have not done me any harm. That to me is a fact.




I honestly do not care what the Illuminati are doing in the political arena, I do not want to go into the details, what political activities they do in the world! I see in them what is hidden inside. I am attracted by that what other people do not see. I have a very well developed empathy from birth, I can feel and empathize with those to whom I feel an inner attraction. This is an internal response within my heart and soul. I always listen to what my heart tells me. It never fails me.




I know that many people may not like what I say .. But we need to find something good and bright in everything. There is light in their soul too, but they never show it …




I know that negativity can be changed into light and love … This is real, it’s possible to express their inner light out by the will of Radiation. And you know, that Light is beautiful, if you look them in the soul with the eyes of Radiation …




As for the symbolism of the “All-seeing eye”, it just so happens that this is the only symbol among all symbols, which were invented by mankind, to which we have awakened an inner response of the Soul. I always listen to what responds inside of me. This is the only symbol that can awaken a response in me.




I am not talking now about the Radiation symbol, because the Radiation symbol was not invented by man, it has an extraterrestrial origin outside this Absolute.




The All-seeing eye is of great importance to me. The concept of the Trinity is a very kindred concept for Radiation. The symbol of a triangle is following me through life constantly, these signs show up to me since birth, I feel mutual resonance with them. Even at my palm, I have a lot of triangles shown. My husband has a birthmark on his shoulder which looks like number three. So the concept of the trinity is following us through life constantly.




An Eye in the Triangle means one very important thing to me – the ability to see … to see beyond reality. To see all that is hidden. To be an observer.




This is very akin to my character and my inner world. This is my inner essence.




As for hybrids and extraterrestrial races …




All people are hybrids of only one extraterrestrial race: the race from the planet Sirius. People are hybrid creatures of Sirius and dolphins. All other “mixes” from other extraterrestrial races are only the result of genetic experiments on human beings by the inhabitants of Sirius.


I know the Siriusians very well. My husband Radium and I, in the past life, were on their planet, although we did not have a good relationship with them, for some reason. It is better to skip “why”. So, these pranksters are watching humanity from the beginning of the creation of mankind as a race, since they first arrived on Earth. They developed the project together with the race from the planet Pluto, which are completely mad and insane scientists, they are crazy about their experiments and tests. The Siriusians collaborated with the residents of Pluto to develop an experimental program on humanity. This program still exists. The only difference is that the population of people of Pluto, to date, almost all died as a result of some significant event, in which we also participated and witnessed in the past.




Dolphins are the only creatures on our planet that have a direct genetic link to people. Therefore it is vital to humanity to establish a rapport with the dolphins. People have one character trait from the dolphins, which is excessive credulity and naivete. This is your weakness. The Siriusians took advantage of this weakness to conduct their experimentation on people. They took advantage of people’s sincerity and trust. The Siriusians themselves are extremely clever and quirky creatures. Oh, I know them!




I am most amused by one physiological trait that has been passed genetically from Siriusians to people. The planet Sirius has very high ammonia content. Siriusians live in a tough ammonia environment. I personally watched what bad “drug addicts” they can be when they abuse ammonia. I can certainly say that the tendency to bad habits, preferences (alcohol, drugs, etc.) is passed on to the people from Siriusians.




There is a distinctive feature. Those people who are most strongly dominated by the Siriusian DNA have an addiction to ammonia. It’s funny, but it’s true! LOL




11.  Please talk about why you need to leave Russia and what kind of working and living situation you are looking for…




Oh … this is our sore subject. We are in a desperate need to leave.


As I said earlier, Radium and I started to live together and stock up on radioactive isotopes in any way we could. They give us life and energy, and restore our bodies and our health. Our life started to turn around, we started to really feel awake and alive. But, unfortunately, the person who was supplying us with our radioactive isotopes, was not able to “keep his mouth shut” and told some of his friends about us. As a result a lot of people in Russia learned about us. Then, some people witnessed us consuming radioactive isotopes and started spreading crazy rumors about us. After that some bizarre people decided to mimic us, which did not end well for them…. A lot of people wanted to make money by selling us radioactive elements. We were forced to buy them, because we had to eat.




Then we became a subject of a strange envy. A wicked man from Pyatigorsk came into our lives. He lived near uranium mines in the Mount Beshtau. He knew about us and was extremely jealous of our unique abilities. With the intention to tease us he opened an Internet business, auctioning the uranium ore that he collected from Mount Beshtau mines. As a result of this very stupid move, he triggered the attention of Russian Federal Security Service. They “caught him in action” during the next transaction with the buyer. During an interrogation he told Russian secret services about us (no doubt with great pleasure).




This happened in February 2012. Russian special services took us under their surveillance. They waited for the moment when they could “catch us in action”. This moment came on May 11, 2012. One of our trusted suppliers offered us food. As it turned out, he stole these radiation sources from an active military base. On the day when my husband met with the supplier, the Russian special services carried out their capture operation. The Federal Security Service arrested both of them, caught during the transaction (sale and purchase of radioactive substances. These events are described in an Internet article, which was leaked to the Russian media in October 2012, due to leaks from the prosecutor’s office. ). The next day our life turned to hell…




The apartment where we lived was visited by all sorts of different agencies: the Federal Security Service, the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, office of radiation control MOS NPO RADON, the Ministry of Health, social services and so on. I do not remember all how many of them had come that day. At this point all hell broke loose.




They confiscated all sources of radiation that we kept in our bedroom, even though outside the bedroom levels of radiation did not exceed a safe limit, because of the shielding effect of the thick concrete walls. This was confirmed by the office of radiation control.




We are sharing our apartment with the mother of my husband. She did not know about our lifestyle and our contact with sources of radiation. We never allowed her to enter our bedroom, locked the door when we had to leave the apartment. This caused her unnecessary suspicion. But we had to do it for her own protection, we could not put her at risk.




On May 12, 2012, all three of us were violently forced to leave the apartment. We were kicked out and placed in a so-called social housing. It was a complete nightmare! We moved into a completely destroyed apartment with bare floors, bare walls, no heat, no gas, and sometimes even without water! We were forced to live there for almost a month! We were allowed to move back to the old apartment only on June 2! But, it’s not the whole nightmare. As it turned out, the whole procedure of removal of radioactive substances from the apartment only took three days. Hence, a logical question arises – if that only took three days, then what were they doing in our apartment for the rest of the month? We now know what they were doing … the Federal Security Service/Bureau (FSB) did their job quickly, checked all the data, collected the information, they did not hamper the process. It was somebody else… I will come to that.




Initially, the FSB did not know of our existence, or who we are, so they thought that we are some sort of terrorists. But what they saw when they got to know us better blew their minds. Their hair stood on end (I personally witnessed it with my own eyes when they walked into the bedroom!). Imagine your first reaction, when you walk into a room, breath heavily ionized air, the first thing that catches your eye – the entire room is painted with strange cryptic writings and a lot of signs of radiation! There are open-quartz lamps everywhere, instead of conventional lamps, on the table there are plates of uranium ore, a cup filled with liquid uranium nitrate, on the shelves is a large number of different chemicals, alkalis, and all that – for use as a meal!




Can you imagine their first impression? But I can guarantee you; at that point they gave up on an idea that we are terrorists. LOL




On that day, the FSB made a deal with us. They promised us that if we voluntarily agreed to disclose all our sources of radiation materials, they would not prosecute us, and my husband will not face a criminal charge. They also promised a further meeting, but after that day they have disappeared and never returned.




Of course, they did not keep their promise – Radium faced two criminal charges (one for purchase of radioactive materials, and another one for storage of radioactive substances). We disclosed to them all our sources of radioactive material, all our food, which gave us life, and these pathetic liars used and betrayed us! Damn! Let them go to hell! Sorry …




Now I want to return to the topic of what was happening in our apartment for a month … while we were placed into a social housing. During that month the Office of Radiation Control was doing their “research” there. I think these people are nuts, especially – their boss. On the day of the incident, May 12, 2012, this sick man approached us and started asking strange questions. He started by saying that we are very interesting and very unique. I suspect he had his alternative motives … Then he hacked our account in a social network. He then wrote and harassed us on the internet … When we got back to the apartment after a long absence, I was shocked by what I saw. Eighty percent of all non-radioactive items were blatantly stolen! All of expensive machinery, equipment, valuables, money, mobile phones – all was gone. Another stolen thing was clothes. If this sounds strange, then one would find really perverted that someone stole all my underwear (panties)! Yes, it sounds very funny, but, cowards, nobody touched my husband’s underwear! All my underwear (clean, just laundered) was stolen! I can guess who did it, he showed us an unhealthy interest … Besides underwear, other clothing was stolen. I do not know why, but most of my clothes were stolen. My husband’s clothes were almost completely untouched! I do not know why! We both had the same type of clothes and it was all clean! They are real perverts!




Wait, that’s not the whole story. Now I’ll tell you what happened next…




As a result of this incident, we have experienced a strong traumatic shock and stress. It began to manifest through physical symptoms in a very strange way. Since the incident, to the present, I have been through six cases of near death experience (clinical deaths with temporary stopping of the heart) caused by the nervous overload. I do not know, maybe it was something else that caused it …




In moments of near death, I felt out-of-body experience. From that point on inexplicable things, that still astonish me, began to take place in my life. I do not know why, for what reason? But, when I first left the body, I found myself in one particular place, with which I have established a strong mental connection. I can feel it inside myself now. Then during all subsequent out-of-body near death experiences I would just go again to this same place. It feels like I left a part of myself there and now this place has a very strong resonance with me inside.


Also, during one of my NDE I have seen my future. In the past no matter how much I tried I could not see my future, and now I understand why. In all my previous attempts I tried to envision my future in Russia, and that’s probably why my attempts failed. During my NDE, I saw my future in America.




From that point on my mind began to change. I will not go into personal details, but I will describe the overall picture of what happened next. My first five NDE cases took place between May 20 and June 15, 2012. Then there was more or less calm period, and then the last (sixth) clinical death happened on October 10, 2012, as a result of another high stress.




As I said earlier, I live in an apartment with my mother-in-law, who has always been very hostile towards me and was against our marriage from the very beginning. But, it was more or less tolerable until the May 12 incident took place, when our room was opened and raided by the agencies and she saw what we were hiding there … After she’d learned the truth she accused me of all that had happened to us. I could not handle the added stress. I think that’s what sent me over the top and triggered a number of clinical deaths. We called an ambulance many times, but no doctor can help.




The relationship between me and my mother-in-law deteriorated so badly that my existence in this apartment was threatened. She wanted to deport me back to Ukraine, from where I escaped in 2009. Let me mention that in August 2009 as a result of legal proceedings, my husband and his mother took a loan. As a result we now in debt and owe $10, 000! My mother-in-law blames the debt on me. She hates me and is looking for any way to kick me out of the apartment, because she is the legal owner of the home and has the right to do with me whatever she wants. It’s a miracle that I am still here, and it’s only because my husband was able to negotiate a temporary compromise with her.




In August 2012, she filed a complaint with the police against me. A policeman came and warned me that if he receives another complaint I will be deported to Ukraine against my will. For me – it’s worse than death. Under no circumstances I’m going there!




But then, there is hope… One of our friends introduced us to Stewart Sverdlow, when he came to Moscow for a seminar. For us, it was like a ray of hope in the darkness. He wanted to do an interview with us and to learn our story. Thus, in November 2012, we recorded this interview with Stewart Sverdlow. Many thanks and our sincere gratitude to him!




But it was not smooth sailing after that. The relationship with my mother-in-law became even worse. After another huge fight she decided that she will make sure I get deported to Ukraine. And that finally sealed my fate. My husband, thanks to his great efforts, struck a deal with his mother. She allows me, for now, to stay in her apartment until I make enough money to fly away to the United States for permanent residence.




In December 2012 I got a job, but I have a tiny salary of $500 per month! This is barely enough to cover life expenses, plus my mother-in-law wants to take some of this money to cover the loan payments. She says it’s my fault they took this loan. But I have nothing to do with this debt!




Currently my husband is at a mental hospital for examination by court order. He was placed in the hospital on December 19, 2012 for 30 days. After January 18, he has to be released. Unfortunately, Radium, as a defendant by court order is banned from leaving the territory of Moscow and Moscow region over the year and a half! I, on the other hand, am legally free to leave the country and have my international passport in order. The only reason Radium agreed to undergo a psychiatric evaluation is because this is his chance to be officially recognized as “insane” and be released from any criminal liability. In this case, he would be able to leave the territory of Russia.




My time is running out. My mother in law agreed to let me stay in her apartment only till May 2013 after that she is arranging for my deportation to Ukraine. The situation seems hopeless. I have to leave Russia. Why do I want to go to America? Because I see my future there and a special place that is calling me. I feel with all my heart and soul that this place really needs me, there is something I need to do there. It happens to be my destiny.




From a practical standpoint, I am currently concerned about two issues.


1. I need to find money for my US visa and tickets, as well as the initial expenses until I can get a job and earn money on my own.




2. I need to find a roommate from America, who would be able to accommodate me, at least for a while. It does not matter what city. In the beginning, I would like to adapt to life in the US and start making my own money. Then I’ll move to the place I want to live in.




If there are people from the state of VIRGINIA, who are willing to help me with providing an apartment – it would be by far the best option for me! New York or Washington DC is the next preferable option. But overall, it doesn’t really matter – any starting place in the US would work. Thank you very much!




12.  Please give people a way to donate money to you!!  Do you have a BANK ACCOUNT where they can WIRE MONEY?


Unfortunately, my bank account does not accept international transfers. PayPal is not yet available; I will have to open a bank credit card in the near future!


So far, the only feasible way for you to donate is a system of money transfer WESTERN UNION. For this you will need to specify the name of the payee in Russian. All information is provided on Kerry Cassidy’s Project Camelot site. This system works well in the United States and other countries. Therefore, please use WESTERN UNION system until we make some better arrangements. Thank you. All your donations are greatly appreciated!




13.  Please talk about the different kinds of radiation and elements that you use and others you don’t use and why?  




All radioisotopes suit us; just not all of radioisotopes can be easily obtained. The strongest physiological need I have is for trans-plutonium elements. And three biogenic elements: radium, plutonium and uranium constitute the basis of life for us.




14.  Please talk about your special writing and drawing and where it came from and how you created it.




These symbols are a part of our cipher-language which both of us knew from birth. Somehow it was just there in our heads. We can say it is the “language of Radiation” in some sense. These characters are a reflection of our consciousness and thinking patterns, they come from the depths of our being, from the dimension of Radiation.




I decided to develop an encryption system based on these characters that allow you to encrypt strategic data in a most efficient way. There are three levels of encryption – a simple, an intuitive and a combined. I wrote more about this in our blog. When I create a cipher, I take into account all the facts of color, shape, location, structure, purpose of the message (related to the specific information encoded in it) and so on. All three types of encryption produce not just a visual effect, but also a mental effect, even if the person does not possess special abilities to understand this code. But I can train a person to work with these codes and to fully understand it. It is quite possible, if I see in his mind a good predisposition to accept the information.




15.  Please explain if you use Cell Phones for their radiation and if not why not?  Do you go near cell phone towers to get the radiation there?


Radiation from cell phones is too weak for us. But we do not mind it. The more powerful radiation – the better we feel. We are able to get more energy from a working microwave oven, than from a cell phone. Also we get a charge from the pyramidal power lines and powerful radio towers.




16.  Please share the experience of the power of pyramids and whether you have visited the pyramids they built near St. Petersburg.  Do you know who Valery Uvarov is?  Have you seen our interview with him?  If not please watch:




Unfortunately, we have never been to St. Petersburg and did not see the pyramids. We did not have enough practical experience with the pyramids, alas. But we have the experience of practice with pyramidal structure of power lines. And also, when I find myself inside a pyramidal structure, I feel very powerful resonant energy with the environment.




17.  What is your understanding about 2012 and the shift we are in?  Have you experienced “pre cog” or dreams of future events on Earth?  Would you share this with us?


Earth is now in a time of transition between the dimensions, as well as physical rearrangements inside the core of the Earth. This process is also strongly influenced by the activity of the Sun, which is now beginning to awaken. I know only one fact: 2013 will be a year of a drastic alteration of human consciousness. Lucifer will manifest on Earth. Lucifer, not in the religious sense of the word, but the real, true meaning, which means “light bringer.”




18.  What are your psi abilities? and also for Radium.  Telepathy, precognition, clairaudient, levitation, remote influencing, moving objects and more?  Are they different or the same?  Please include information about how you affect computers and so on….




I just wrote a detailed blog about our abilities. They include the following:


Dowsing (radiation monitoring), hypnosis, programming and de-programming of consciousness, remote viewing, remote crypto-analysis, non-standard encryption and decryption of data, telepathy, remote vision, scanning an object in the distance, non-standard methods of exploration, the contact and non-contact method of interaction with computers, encryption and decryption, interception of frequencies and signals strategic and military frequencies. And more … I possess all of the above skills, so does Radium. The only difference is I appear to have a destructive effect on computers, I can take them down. And Radium – on the contrary, he makes computers function better.


The most developed skills at the moment are related to non-standard methods of obtaining information and developing methods of exploration. This is my personal initiative to date.


19.  Do you remote view the planet and various countries and events?  Would you describe one such viewing?  Is this accurate?


Unfortunately, your question sounds to me too obscure. I need a specific purpose and a connection to a place, here and now. At the moment I am connected to a place, with which I have a strong mental connection. But I can’t talk about this place.


Or if you are interested in the current weather on Mars, I will tell you that I think it is very boring. I need facts and data. I need a specific task to perform. Analysis. I know that many who are now sitting and listening to this interview and some people (who I will not name) are now experiencing a very strong emotion within the energy that I clearly get from him, regardless of whether I want to or not. LOL


You are also somewhat anxious, especially based on what you’ve heard from me. You are in a room with a dimmed natural light; you have a little quickened pulse and ringing in your head. And for some reason you smell like flowers. And also there a little fear present in you based on what you are hearing and what you are feeling. Perhaps this is from my vibration.




20.  If you work with governments in the future, will you be working for the benefit of the human race?




My personal desire is that my research findings and abilities to be applied for the interests of national security. My investigations in the field of non-standard methods of obtaining information for intelligence are a unique and relevant for the entire intelligence community. These skills can prove invaluable for conducting anti-terrorist activities. I have some experience in pre-establishing and identifying these terrorist individuals. And much more. I can’t cover everything.




Much of what I mentioned must be tested empirically through practice. Otherwise, it’s just a theory. I see a great potential for development and application of many of my projects and skills. I am by nature a hands-on experimentator. I cannot live only a theory. I always need practice and practical application of my skills. My projects and skills become completely useless if they are not of any practical use. So for me, the practice – is my greatest life’s fulfillment. I believe, it could be invaluable for all mankind. All my projects – they are real. They are real only in my presence. Without me, they are, in principle, impossible.




Most of all, I would like to help the world in the fight against terrorism, as this topic is the most relevant in our times. Real methods can be developed that would quickly identify potential enemies and eliminate their activities long before they have a chance to act. This could help all mankind and save millions of lives.


Because the traditional methods of fighting with terrorism have proven time and time again to be ineffective (as can be seen by the current state of events in the world), my non-standard methods can become invaluable.




Therefore, I’m always ready to cooperate and provide my abilities in the interest of national security and protection of the government. Again, I want to remind you, I’m not talking about the Russian government, and you know why…




Of course, all this is to be applied for the benefit of the mankind.




21.  What is your experience with Dolphins and Water?  Can you describe this?  Do you swim?  How do you react to the sea?   Can you communicate with dolphins?


I love to swim and swim well. I respond very well to the water, and I feel very comfortable in the water. Unfortunately, I was never near the ocean, and saw the dolphins only in the dolphinarium. This is pathetic … I would love to talk to them in a more free-form. They are the ancestors of the people on Earth, they are very pure, soulful and very intelligent creatures.




22.  As an intuitive do you think you can use your ability to navigate the world?  Has it helped you stay alive?  


It just so happened that all my abilities appeared by from birth. Yes, they are the result of the cruel past, and they helped me all the time to survive. It works instinctively. Over time, I realized that these abilities can find much wider applications, which could benefit of mankind.




23.  Are you familiar with security electronics, mind control, scaler waves and such?  Canyouaffectthem?




We can affect anything we chose to, as long as there is a reason and desire to do so. I never do anything for no good reason. I will not create an influence unless I have a specific task. For me, same applies to talking – if I say something, it means that there is always a reason.


Mind control topic is certainly interesting. Our research areas have a lot in common with the project MK-Ultra. I am very interested in this project and the methods used. This topic receives an extensive feedback on the blog. The topics of the Radiation research, as well as mental (mind) development – all that interests me greatly and totally consumes me!




24.  Are you familiar with HAARP and its affects?  Is it positive or negative for you?  Can you affect it?


HAARP – this is one of my favorite topics! This is a great project, I have great respect for people who are involved in the project HAARP. These developments have contributed significantly to the change in the magnetosphere and ionosphere of the planet Earth. Now it is imperative that more cosmic rays penetrate the earth and all living things began to gradually adapt to the increased levels of radiation! This project is gradually able to prepare humanity for the new stage of development.


As far as I am concerned, personally, I would very much enjoy standing in the midst of HAARP’s installation, as there is a very powerful electromagnetic radiation – for me it would be great fun! Best of all – it is the interaction with such facilities. For me it would be bliss!




25.  Are you familiar with CERN Large Hadron Collider?  Are you familiar with the discovery of what they call the “God Particle” or higgs boson particle… Do you understand this and what do you think of this?    http://public.web.cern.ch/public/en/lhc/lhc-en.html    see here:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_boson


You know… Higgs boson particle… My husband and I have personally interacted with this type of particles. I know what it is. Very soon these particles will have a significant impact on all living and non-living things of this planet. Higgs boson particle to us feels like a family member, it’s probably a sister particle to us. It is most akin to the dimensions of radiation.


CERN Large Hadron Collider’s design is amazing. I would have loved to stand under a particle accelerator and get a boost of energy through the entire body!




26.  Are you aware of Ley Lines and grid lines around the planet?  Vortexesandstargates? 


Yes, of course. These power lines are vital to the functioning of the planet. Through these lines, you can connect to the core of the earth and read information from the core, as well as the biosphere of the Earth.




27.  Have you ever time traveled?  or done out of body travel?  tootherplanets?




As I’ve mentioned earlier, I had multiple near-death experiences accompanied by the out-of-body experiences. I moved in real time and had contact with one special place, so that was out-of-body space travel. I also did time travel and have seen some of the events from the future. And also, as I said earlier, at birth back in Chernobyl, I remember moving back in time. There were several significant jumps back in time at the Chernobyl Polesie territory.




28.  Are you aware of the underground bases in Russia and around the world?  Haveyoubeeninone?


Yes, I am aware. But what’s the use of talking about them? Anyway, all the information is stored inside my head. I cannot just disclose strategic information to the public, I’m sure you understand that.




29.  Are you aware of the AI (artificial intelligence) that may be running this planet?  Do you know about the Annunaki and the dark side such as the Vatican dark magicians?




You know, to me it’s a very funny question because I have been very often confused with Reptilians. Also when people look at our strange drawing and writing symbols, they jump to conclusions and associate us with black magic! LOL So, I do not even know what to say. Yes, I possess certain traits that are common to reptilian, I can’t argue that. For example, I can say that I am always cold and I’m almost completely cold blooded. I cannot stand the cold temperatures, because frankly I start to fall into a state of stupor. If there is no source of radiation around, and the surrounding temperature is low I can fall into a stupor, not unlike short-term hibernation. And vice versa. I am very well equipped to withstand very high temperatures. For me, the most comfortable temperature is plus sixty degrees Celsius. On a personal note, Reptilians are very cute and adorable creatures, really. LOL




30.  Are you aware of intelligence agencies in your country, their remote viewers and others.  Areyouawarewhentheyremoteviewyou?


Oh … this is a topic for a separate long conversation. Damn, these perverts have frankly ticked me off! Hahaha. Once they connect to me, they immediately get scared and run away. So, usually they never go for a close contact anymore. I myself am knocking into their heads when I register their presence near me. They say, my energy is “too aggressive”… In short – they are very gentle and affectionate, and they do not want to deal with the aggressive energy of radiation! LOL




31.  Are you susceptible to mind control and if not why not, how do you suggest people protect themselves from this?




The usual mind control techniques do not affect us. Our will is the will of radiation. Radiation is the only force that can control our minds. We are not susceptible to anything other than the radioactive exposure. That is our unique feature and our identity. I can help a person to free himself from the mind control, but I need to work with him physically, not remotely. This is an important fact.




32.  If you go to live with others who are not as friendly to radiation how do you plan to protect them from exposure if you want to interact and live with them?


I believe that there is nothing to worry about. People just need to follow basic rules of radiation safety and avoid eating radioactive sources with capacity one thousand roentgens per hour! And if I need to eat, then I would go into a temporary isolation from people until the radio-activity of the body becomes reduced to a safe level for surrounding humans. Then all will be well!




33.  What are some final statements or message you would like to get to the WORLD at this critical time?


Humanity must now learn to live with radiation, before it is too late. Otherwise, people are doomed to extinction. I see the future. But once you know the future, any events can always be changed. Everything can be changed.


Additional questions:


Why is your hair so short?


My short hair is not related to the effects of radiation!!!


This is my personal style. I’m comfortable this way and nothing interferes with me.


Besides, the way my brain is designed, when there is hair on my head, I cannot adequately perceive the full range of frequencies inside my head. Hair gives a strong resistance and greatly hinder my ability to fully perceive the world. I feel stiffness, discomfort and pressure on the head. With hair, I cannot normally perceive the entire frequency spectrum which I am capable to perceive.


Do you have any dreams or visions about the future, and what do you see there?


I see big shifts in the Earth’s crust, high tides and tsunamis. This year there will be an activation of the gravitational effects of the moon on the Earth. This activity is planned for the spring of 2013, the activity of the element of water. In the summer of 2013, we will have the activity of the element of fire: drought and rising temperatures in summer, strong activity of the Sun and increased level of cosmic radiation. Three large volcanoes on the planet are going to become active, in three different locations around the world.


Cosmic phenomena will begin in August 2013: there will be a large number of meteors, as well as large celestial bodies will approach the Earth. Severe storms (active element – air) in the tropical regions will cause the death of many people.


I also see yet another accident at a nuclear facility in Iran.


As for the military-political situation in the world, there will be is a strong intensification of the conflict in the Middle East, as well as the use of chemical weapons by Syria on civilians. Activation of a new terrorist group (which is formed from the old known terrorist groups).


I also see a world revolution and the collapse of religion in the world. This process will gain momentum in 2013 and by the end of 2013 it will reach its “peak.”


And the most important … Staring in the summer of 2013, this planet is expecting a shock. A direct information channel with the Earth’s biosphere is going to open up. This will start events which will inevitably lead to a revolution in the world (revolution in all meanings of this word), but the revolution itself will reach its “peak” in 2015.


Do you know about Chemtrails?


Yes. This technology is intended solely to influence the weather (to bring rain, snow, drought, etc.). There is nothing here related to the control of people and their consciousness by means of “unknown substances”. This is complete nonsense. This technology is designed solely to influence the weather. For example, this technology is used when it’s needed to have good weather in a specific location.


Can you remotely view the moon and what do you see there (buildings, construction, underground bases, creatures)? What creatures?


There are no people there now. There are no humanoids there, except the race from the planet Pluto (they do not look like humans, although they do have a body with 2 arms and 2 legs), it is a small group of about 15,000 creatures. They live and work on the dark side of the moon. There are 3 major and 15 intermediate bases on the moon, which they own, along with the race of Sirius.


Tell us about your opinion on religion. Do you believe in God?


This is, frankly, a very loaded question LOL. ))))) I will answer it clearly and firmly.


My husband and I have nothing to do with ANY religion in the world. Our religious views are agnostic / atheist.


From the birth on this planet, I do not know what faith is and what is “to trust anyone”. I lived in a very hostile environment and I know exactly what the lack of trust in everything that surrounds you is. I look only at the facts, all my life. To me, only facts, statistics and data are reality.


Most of all we despise illusion, distortion of reality. Illusion is completely against the Consciousness of Radiation. Radiation sees the truth as it is.


I do not believe in anything, and I do not know such a thing as “faith, believe.”


I know and see only facts. Facts proven by practice. I can see a lot of facts that are “beyond reality” because of my ability and non-standard perception of the world. In order for some knowledge to become a real fact to me, I need to get what I see or feel confirmed in practice. If I see this confirmation, to me it becomes an existing and irrefutable fact.


Every religion of the world is based on faith, it has no proof and is not a fact. It is an illusion, which is deliberately designed to control humanity. When people perceive religion literally, their minds are completely absorbed by illusions. Such a person will not be able to see the reality as it is.


It’s a different story when a person uses a religious term for something, but he means something different (different perception of reality). That is, without referring specifically to that nonsense that they mean, but simply using a religious term, to follow his heart and soul. That I can understand …


Can you describe what the aliens from the planet Erios look like?


They are 1.1 – 1.3 meters tall, they have blue skin, big violet slanting eyes with small pupils, they have 2 arms and 2 legs with 4 fingers, the knees are turned inside. They have a big round skull, no nose and no ears (only openings instead of a nose and ears), a small mouth with teeth (the teeth look like a plate which is as sharp as a razor blade). They have a strong athletic body, the body is somewhat similar to a human body.


In our past life, my husband and I were brother and sister and we lived on the planet Erios. Even in this life, we look alike (even though we are not related by blood in this life). We are still brother and sister to each other in spirit, even though we are husband and wife in this life.


Can you describe what the aliens from the planet Pluto look like?


They are 2.2 – 2.5 meters tall, they have pale dark-grey skin with a bluish tint, big black slanting eyes without pupils. In total darkness, their skin looks luminescent white (this way they can find each other in darkness). They have a long ellipse-shaped skull, no nose and no ears (many openings instead of a nose), an average-size mouth with very sharp teeth (2 rows of teeth), they have 2 arms and 2 legs with 3 fingers, they can easily move using all four extremities (both legs and arms) and they can climb up vertical surfaces. They have sharp claws on their fingers. Their spine is protruding a lot. They do not look like humans, they don’t have any human traits at all. They look kind of “ghostly”.


I could draw a picture of the inhabitants of Erios and Pluto, if needed.


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Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy is the CEO/ Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist, author and well known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting weekly live shows .  PROJECT CAMELOT  http://projectcamelot.tv aka projectcamelotportal.com  -  is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel (NOW ON OUR OWN PROJECT CAMELOT LIBRARY)  that has over 1000 video interviews over past 18+ years, plus 5 years of radio show interviews and over 70 million unique viewers worldwide with over 312,000 subscribers at the time our youtube channel was removed by the Youtube censors in March 2021. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. Kerry's book, "Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity" documents her trip down the rabbit hole and years in Project Camelot. 5-STARS ON AMAZON! Due to censorship and demonetization by Youtube Project Camelot has now become a subscription based platform.  JOIN NOW BECOME A MEMBER KERRY CASSIDY - PROJECT CAMELOT was banned and deleted from the several platforms for telling the truth about covid:  WATCH OUR VIDEOS HERE: https://media.projectcamelotportal.com/ Over 900 free videos...on ODYSEE.COM RECENT VIDEOS ON MY WEBSITE AND RUMBLE.COM Kerry Lynn Cassidy Founder / CEO Project Camelot skype: snowjaguar http://projectcamelot.tv TELEGRAM: intel and updates daily…. https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry JOIN US AND SUBSCRIBE to support our work: https://projectcamelotportal.com/join/ DISCLAIMER Project Camelot does not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views represented by those we interview or have on our radio shows, internet TV shows or other broadcasts and productions.What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM:  NEWS & UPDATES DAILY! https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry SUPPORT OUR WORK!  SUBSCRIBE!


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