George Soros and the NWO ploy at Breton-Woods


April 14, 2011

George Soros and the NWO ploy at Breton-Woods

So to address the little get-together at Bretton Woods last weeklend.. Coming on the heels of the strident rumors of government shut-down and the escalating debacle of nuclear power plants melitng down in Japan… shades of the original WWII meeting at Bretton Woods. The comparisons had to be made and yes this was intentional no doubt. The word was that 3 Rothschilds were in attendance… but many of the financial heads were missing… in theory not invited. What I was told is that the guest list centered on academicians primarily. Now why? And a representative of a think tank or two such as Tavistock (Gordon Brown) and others.

For more about the intentions behind the Bretton Woods event go here to the White Hats Report #18.

However, the Soros move is in some ways a kind of a precursor for the switch of currency into some sort of one world currency. click here for the Associated Press story; Quote from the article, “Soros is proposing the end of sovereignty as we know it.”

“The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat.”

George Soros
February 1997

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”

George Soros
June 2006

Based on my dream/visions of the future it would seem some sort of civil war or split within the United States is in motion.

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Kerry Cassidy
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