I will be appearing on June 16 & 17th at Anthony Sanchez’s Sacramento UFO Conference. http://sacufocon.com/
Anthony has contacted me and said that he would very much like to invite Michael Schratt to be a speaker at his event however, due to fnances cannot afford to lay out more money for speaker airfare at this time. Anyone who would also love to see Michael Schratt is encouraged to send donations toward funding a flight or perhaps donating miles to fly Michael from the East Coast. The dates of June 16 & 17th. Please contact Anthony Sanchez at Sacramento UFO-PARANORMAL sacufocon@gmail.com
PROJECT CAMELOT needs assistance to finance Tommy Hansen’s flight back to the U.S. Tommy is our webmaster as most of you reading will know. He is working with Camelot in various other ways including assisting with filming and streaming of speaking events. Any donations toward this would be greatly appreciated. Please donate to: kerry@projectcamelot.org
DONATIONS NEEDED: Project Camelot needs your donations to fund this work. We are planning speaking events in Europe in the next few months as well as funding to cover basics, web admin, hosting and paying the rent. We are building an online store for companies and individuals with like-minded products and services as well as offering advertising. If you are a company or individual with a like-minded company and product please consider supporting Camelot by becoming an affiliate and/or advertising on Camelot pages.
Regarding the Online Store
Contact: jerry@projectcamelotportal.com
Regarding Advertising:
Contact: Shelia at : Sheila Kelly advertisement@projectcamelotportal.com