TESTIMONY FROM MICHAEL HERRERA about a very large (300 foot wide) craft seen on the ground in INDONESIA WHILE ON A MISSION FOR THE U.S. MILITARY

Human Anti-Gravity Craft U.S. Special BLACK Operations EyeWitness

Subject: THIS HAS TO BE FACED: HUMAN USMIL Anti-Gravity Craft EyeWitness
300-Foot Long, Human Anti-Gravity Craft U.S. Special BLACK Operations EyeWitness

EXCLUSIVE: marine Vet Breaks 14-Year Silence to Make Astonishing Claim That His 6-Man Unit Saw a Hovering [Human] Octagonal UFO Being Loaded With WEAPONS by UNmarked U.S. Forces Who Threatened Them at Gunpoint While Serving in Indonesia in 2009!

Former marine Michael Herrera tells that he saw a UFO being loaded with weapons while serving in Indonesia in 2009.

Herrera claims an Air Force lieutenant colonel told him, “You’re NOT allowed to talk about what happened. You will go to prison, or you will DIE!”

He says he was emboldened to break his 14-year silence by new UFO whistleblower protections and in April testified under oath about his wild story

STORY By Josh Boswell For, Published: | Updated: 14:40 EDT, Sunday 11 June 2023

A former marine claims he and five comrades saw a flying saucer being loaded with weapons while serving in Indonesia in 2009 – and was threatened at gunpoint by unmarked U.S. forces at the scene.

The wild story comes after an Air Force whistleblower from the government’s UFO office joined growing numbers of intelligence officials claiming the U.S. has recovered and is even reverse-engineering crashed or landed “non-human” [Satanic demonic] spacecraft.

Michael Herrera was a 20-year-old rifleman sent on a Navy humanitarian mission during the 2009 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami that devastated the region. In an exclusive interview with, he claims that while guarding an airdrop of aid supplies outside the city of Padang in October that year, his 6-man [WHITE USMIL] unit stumbled across a hovering octagonal craft in apparent use by clandestine U.S. forces.

The craft was rotating in a clockwise motion while changing colors. It had an audible hum to it, like the sound of a transformer or a guitar amp. It was an octagonal shape with a pyramid at the top of it that was black,’ Herrera said “The craft was rotating in a clockwise motion while changing colors. It had an audible hum to it, like the sound of a transformer or a guitar amp. It was an octagonal shape with a pyramid at the top of it that was black,” Herrera said

After 14 years of silence, Herrera was emboldened by new UFO whistleblower protections and in April testified under oath to the government’s UFO investigation team, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), as well as a Senate committee. He provided his unblemished 4-year service record, and texts about the incident with an alleged fellow witness – who refused to talk, saying it was “not worth my life or jeopardizing my family.”

Peripheral aspects of his account were verified by using military sources. But Herrera, 33, does not have documentation or photos of the incident itself.

Herrera says he was emboldened to break his 14-year silence by new UFO whistleblower protections and in April testified under oath about his wild story

Herrera says he was emboldened to break his 14-year silence by new UFO whistleblower protections and in April testified under oath about his wild story. The Denver native joined the marines fresh out of high school. He had been serving for less than 2x years when he was deployed to the Philippines as a member of the 31st marine Expeditionary Unit to help distribute aid in the wake of a typhoon.

When a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck Sumatra on September 30, 2009, his 2nd Battalion, 5th marines, Echo Co. 2nd Platoon was rerouted to help guard helicopter aid drops around Padang City, beset by violence from local insurgents.

Around October 8, he and 5x marines were dropped off at a clearing in the north eastern part of the city by a CH-53[E] chopper, and hiked 900 ft up a ridge to take their positions for the incoming supply drop, Herrera said.

It was then he spotted a strange object in the jungle on the other side of the hill.

“I could see something moving and rotating. It was changing colors between a very light matte gray to a very dark matte black,” he said. “It stuck out like a sore thumb.”

Oddly, he said, they had not been given radios, so instead of calling it in they edged down the hill in formation to investigate, while Herrera snapped photos and video on his Panasonic camera.

“The thing was massive, the size of a football field,” Herrera told “The craft was rotating in a clockwise motion while changing colors. It had an audible hum to it, like the sound of a transformer or a guitar amp. It was an octagonal shape with a pyramid at the top of it that was} lack. It had ‘scales’ that were on the outside of the craft that covered the whole craft. It had seams and sharp edges which I suspect to be man-made. Nothing on it was smooth. It had some panels on the vertical edges that were like Vantablack.”

Herrera claims an Air Force lieutenant colonel told him, ‘You’re not allowed to talk about what happened. You will go to prison, or you will die’

PIC: An aerial view of the damage from a 7.6 magnitude earthquake that  struck Sumatra, Indonesia, on September 30, 2009,. Herrera’s unit was rerouted to help guard helicopter aid drops around Padang City, beset by violence from local insurgents

According to AARO’s statistics of UFO reports between 1996 and 2023, only 1% are polygons (like an octagon), 2% disk-shaped, while 52% are orbs or spherical. However, an object shot down in February over Lake Huron, Michigan by F-16 fighter jets – after their first missile missed – was described as “octagonal” by congress members briefed on the incident.

Herrera claimed that when he and his 5x comrades got within 150 feet of the craft, they were ambushed by 8x men wearing all-black camouflage, bullet-proof vests, wielding M4 [5.56mm] rifles with high-end night vision attachments given to elite U.S. troops.

“They had their weapons drawn on us,” he said. “We could audibly hear their weapon safety levers flipping off safe.”

“Who the fuck are you guys? What are you doing here?” two of them yelled with American accents, he said.

“They said we weren’t supposed to be there, and that they could kill us.”

As the men continued to threaten them, took the marines’ weapons, dumped their ammunition and scanned their military IDs, Herrera said he saw others loading “large weapon cases” and other containers from modified Ford F350 trucks onto a platform beneath the craft. [Space Motorized Strike?]

“When the last 2 trucks finished unloading and drove off, the lower part of the platform rose off the ground to about 10 feet and the craft lowered to meet it and it came together into one piece,” he said.

“On the corners of the craft, it had lights that were changing between blue, red, yellow and green. It rose off the ground and a little past the trees, then shot off to our left towards the ocean at around 4,000 mph. We can’t believe this is fucking happening. From a dead stop, it didn’t make any sound like a sonic boom, it didn’t disturb the trees like rotor wash would. We could see coconuts on the trees and none of them were disturbed.”

Herrera said the 8x unmarked Soldiers gave them back their unloaded guns and marched them back over the hill, “still telling us how they could kill us.”

“Once we got over the hill they told us to get the fuck away from here and don’t look back!”

Herrera left the Navy in October 2011, his certificate of release showing four years of active  duty and medals for ‘national defense service’, ‘global war on terrorism service’, ‘humanitarian service’, ‘sea service deployment’ and a ‘sharpshooter rifle badge’

The 6x marines ran back to the aid drop site and were scolded by their gunnery sergeant for returning early, Herrera said, adding that they all kept quiet about the disturbing encounter.

“I was fucking scared,” the veteran said. “I was thinking: I could have been killed, how the hell am I going to explain this?!”

Back on the USS Denver, Herrera’s unit were debriefed by a rear Admiral he didn’t recognize. He said it was odd to have such a high-ranking officer there, and again none of them mentioned the saucer and unmarked troops.

A few days later they were docked in Subic Bay in the Philippines, the marine said. After an evening of drinking with his colleagues, he returned to find his camera’s card and battery removed from his locked locker, along with his 5 comrades’ phones missing.

In early December 2009 he was back at Camp Hansen in Okinawa, Japan. He was told to report to the office, where he found an Air Force lieutenant colonel in full uniform–but no name tag.

“He starts telling me, ‘You’re not allowed to talk about what happened, not to your chain-of-command, not even a general,’ Herrera said. “You will go to prison, or you will DIE!”

“He told me to keep my mouth shut and slid a paper to me which was an NDA. The only thing I can recall is that it said “TS/SCI’, Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information. And it had Indonesia on it.”

The rifleman said he signed and was told to “get-the-fuck” out of there. I ran back to the barracks and haven’t talked about it ever since. It’s something I’ve kept secret for almost 14 years. But I’ve thought about it every single day.”

He left the Navy in October 2011, his certificate of release showing 4x years of active duty and medals for “national defense service,” “global war on terrorism service,” “humanitarian service,” “sea service deployment” and a “sharpshooter rifle badge.”

Herrera made several million dollars as an entrepreneur and now runs a private security company called Valkyrie Eye

New UFO whistleblower protections enacted in December prompted the ex-marine to finally tell his story.

Marine vet breaks 14-year silence to make astonishing claim that his six-man unit saw a UFO _ Daily Mail Online


Michael Herrera Testimony  FULL VIDEO (UFO/UAP)


COSMIC Intelligence Bits ‘N Pieces – Advanced Cargo SpaceCraft – U.S. Mission – 08OCT09 – Indonesia – Padang, West Sumatra – Michael D. Herrera ( former U.S. Navy / USMC – 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, Echo Co. 2nd Platoon – U.S.S. Denver – Camp Hansen ( Okinawa, Japan ) – Herrera debriefed by U.S. Air Force. Herrera used a small ( Panasonic ) digital camera to record UFO / UAP loading cargo supplied by a small contingent of armed U.S. federal military contractors using late model FORD 350 heavy duty pickup trucks amidst encounter. Herrera now runs private security firm Valkyrie Eye Inc ( Denver, CO ). REFERENCE (

VIDEO – 13JUN23 – Michael D. Herrera testimony begins, at: 1 hour and 5 minutes in-to the following video ): and RESEARCH ( 11JUN23 ): and

Herrera became a Master Mason, in 2008, the year before he went to that UFO site. Hmmm?

Next articleYOU COULD BE HEROES….UPDATED 08.31.23
Kerry Cassidy
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